  • Three weight loss mechanisms

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    7-day program radically changes the processes in the body of a person suffering from overweight. First of all, it starts lipolysis, the release of fat molecules from adipose tissue on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks.


    The body will do everything itself - you only need to run lipolysis once. The body will remember this and will begin to burn fat. The only condition: to ensure the flow of water to the cells.

    The most important role is played by the three mechanisms ensuring harmony:

    Fat should go beyond fat cells. Fat molecules that are now circulating in the body along with blood, should get into the mitochondria( miniature furnaces in cages) that burn raw materials and process itinto energy. Here, excess fat molecules are burned and converted into energy. In all three stages of fat burning, water plays a decisive role: 70 billion cells of the body must receive a sufficient amount of this fluid-activating fluid.

    If the cells are drained, they have little moisture, then a person will not be able to get rid of excess weight for a long time. He will not be able to lose weight for a short time, or for a long period.

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    Morning, start by weighing. Record your weight.

    Then 5 minutes of morning gymnastics. You can choose any exercise from the list. For five sports morning minutes it is useful to combine different types of physical activity:

    For the first breakfast, prepare a salad bowl with a variety of fruits. Fill it with finely chopped fruits for the season: apples, pears, peaches, apricots, grapes, etc.

    advice The start of the day is especially important: put off your worries, questions and fears for a while. Everyday life will not go away, they will start anyway, and now give yourself another quarter of an hour of rest - with lots of fresh fruits and with a morning TV program or your favorite music CD.

    Follow a free flight of fantasy, vary a set of fruits and change the composition of breakfast depending on your mood. Perhaps, right now it's time to get acquainted with exotic fruits and love them - avocado, dates, figs, mangoes, papayas.

    With a fruit breakfast many people, perhaps for the first time, learn a great variety of natural flavor nuances that nature gives in the form of fruits and vegetables.

    Breakfast can be varied with one or two tablespoons of any nuts, seeds, grains or sprouts. Thoroughly mix the contents of the salad bowl. You can add a little fruit juice, bio-yogurt or sour cream. So, the first dish is ready, which will quench the thirst of the cells of the body, which they experience after a long night.