
What is dangerous visceral fat: how to clean, the norm in the body

  • What is dangerous visceral fat: how to clean, the norm in the body

    Obesity is a problem that has arisen as a result of the development of civilization. A less mobile way of life, food saturated with fast carbohydrates and hydronegized fats - all this contributes to the accumulation of excess fat in the body. Today you will find out how visceral fat is dangerous and what methods of combating it exist.

    Types of visceral fat

    There are three main types of fat distribution on the human body:

    1. When fat is evenly distributed throughout the body;
    2. When the main body fat is concentrated on the buttocks and thighs;
    3. Fat is deposited on the abdomen and upper body.

    The last so-called ad-abnormal type of obesity is the most dangerous for human health. With this type of fat deposits, the human body resembles a ball with relatively thin arms and legs.

    Fat deposits with this type of obesity are accumulated by increasing the amount of visceral fat. Many people do not understand what visceral fat is dangerous.

    Irreversible harm to the body

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    Visceral fat is localized inside the abdominal and thoracic cavities. If the amount of this fat is normal, then it benefits. Visceral fat is a kind of protection and depreciation for internal organs. If its number begins to exceed the norm, it begins to squeeze the internal organs, squeeze the blood vessels that supply them with blood, resulting in a disruption of the work of all vital organs. Fatting, the heart weakens its work, and the infiltration of fat cells into the vessels of the heart can lead to a heart attack. Visceral and abdominal fat is unstable, constantly injected into the liver, converted to cholesterol, which contributes to the formation of thrombi in the blood vessels.

    Excessive accumulation of visceral fat contributes to diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis, heart attack, stroke, fatty degeneration of the liver, varicose veins, infertility, cancer, hormonal disorders.

    Permissible norm

    Normally the percentage of visceral fat in a healthy person should be 10% of the total body fat.

    The total percentage of fat in women is higher than in men, but the woman has less visceral fat in the body. That is, men are more likely to accumulate visceral fat.

    In order to know the amount of visceral fat in the body, you need to undergo an MRI examination. But there is a very simple method that without complex research will help to determine whether you have a problem or not. This method will not show you the percentage of fat in the body, but you will be able to determine if there is an excess of the norm.

    Measure the volume of your waist with a centimeter tape( do not pull in the belly).

    In women, the waist should not exceed 84 cm, for men - 94 cm.

    If the size of your waist exceeds these figures, you have accumulated excess fat and are at risk of acquiring very dangerous diseases.

    How to get rid of

    Now the main thing: how to remove visceral fat from the stomach?

    In order to normalize the amount of visceral fat in the body, you need to fulfill only two conditions: proper nutrition and physical activity.

    We focus on the fact that it is proper nutrition, not severe diets or fasting. Because fasting or too strict diets are a strong stress factor for the body. And the body, instead of spending fat, begins to save them. In addition, stress is a fertile soil for the further development of obesity.

    Proper nutrition on the contrary normalizes metabolic processes in the body, which contributes to the rapid burning of fats.

    In your diet must be present protein in the form of low-fat meat, fish, low-fat cottage cheese. Necessarily vegetables raw, boiled or steamed. Vegetables are a source not only of vitamins, but also of fiber, which contributes to satiety and is necessary for normal digestion. Fruits and berries are also necessary, but with them you need to be careful, because some fruits are quite caloric( for example, bananas, grapes).

    Eliminate completely from your diet fast food, fried and smoked products, confectionery.

    In addition to nutrition, it is necessary to adjust the motor activity. For burning visceral fat are most effective: running, dancing, swimming, cycling. If you can not afford to allocate for this time, then at least go more. For example, get on foot to work, if it's not too far, give up the elevator, make walks on foot. But still for your health is to find time for sports.

    In women, excess visceral fat goes faster than men.


    The problem of visceral fat, as more dangerous to health, worries a huge number of people around the world. But if you find yourself in this problem, do not despair. Performing simple recommendations, you will gradually get rid of this problem.


    "I know firsthand about visceral fat. For a very long time I got rid of him, there is nothing more effective than exercise and there is no diet. "


    "I have such a figure. All fat in the upper part of the trunk. I hate my figure! ".


    «Interesting article. About fasting agrees. After the diet, you gain even more weight. "


    "Thank you, I learned a lot of interesting information. I did not even think that this fat is so dangerous! ".A selection of videos on the topic of the article