  • Physical education for harmony

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    What most often encourages a person to do health-improving physical training?

    Several reasons can be distinguished: health promotion and disease prevention;increase of working capacity;pleasure from the process of training;the desire to improve their results( sports motivation);the desire for communication;the desire to know your body, your abilities;motivation of creativity, motivation of upbringing and strengthening of the family;"Family" activities;random motivation. However, according to many observations, the most powerful stimulus for classes is pleasure, a great sense of joy that they bring. In most cases, those who stop training because of improper training could not experience these feelings.

    By the degree of influence on the body, all types of physical fitness( depending on the structure of movements) can be divided into two large groups: exercises of a cyclic and acyclic nature. Cyclic exercises are such motor acts in which the same complete motor cycle is constantly repeated for a long time. These include walking, running, skiing, cycling, swimming, rowing.

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    In acyclic exercises, the structure of movements does not have a stereotyped cycle and changes and the course of their implementation. These include gymnastic and strength exercises, jumping, throwing, sports games, martial arts. Acyclic exercises exert a predominant influence on the functions of the musculoskeletal system, as a result of which muscle strength, reaction speed, flexibility and mobility in the joints, lability( mobility) of the neuromuscular apparatus increase. To the types with the predominant use of acyclic exercises include hygienic and industrial gymnastics, classes in groups of health and general physical training( PHE), rhythmic and athletic gymnastics, hatha yoga.

    Let us first consider the general that is inherent in all types of health-improving physical education.

    Wellness training is an indispensable tool for discharging and neutralizing negative emotions that cause chronic nervous overexertion. These same factors significantly increase the risk of myocardial infarction as a result of excessive adrenal hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine entering the bloodstream.

    Healthy physical education, especially aerobic exercises and athletic gymnastics, combined with water procedures are the best way to combat neurasthenia and insomnia - diseases of the XX century caused by nervous overstrain and an abundance of incoming information. As a result, nervous tension is removed, sleep and well-being improves, work capacity improves. Particularly useful in this regard are evening workouts that take away the negative emotions accumulated during the day, and "burn" the excess of adrenaline released as a result of stress. Thus, physical education is the best natural tranquilizer - more effective than medicines. There is also an inadequate need for food as a "soothing agent".

    The calming effect of prolonged physical exertion of moderate intensity is enhanced by the action of pituitary hormones( endorphins), which are released into the blood when working for endurance. With intensive training, their content in the blood increases 5 times as compared to the resting level and is kept in increased concentration for several hours. Endorphins cause a state of peculiar euphoria, a sense of causeless joy, physical and mental well-being, suppress the feeling of hunger and pain, as a result of which the mood improves dramatically.

    Psychiatrists make extensive use of cyclic exercises in the treatment of depressive conditions - regardless of their cause.

    As a result of such a diverse influence of physical education on the central nervous system with regular long-term occupations, the type of personality of the athlete, his mental status, also changes. Psychologists believe that lovers of recreational running, rhythmic and athletic gymnastics become more sociable, contact, benevolent, have a higher self-esteem and confidence in their abilities and capabilities. In Hatha Yoga, conflict situations occur much less frequently and are perceived much more calmly;psychological stress in a sportsman, or does not develop at all, or is neutralized on time, which is the best way to prevent myocardial infarction.

    As a result of a more complete rest of the central nervous system, not only physical but also mental capacity for work and creative abilities of a person increase. Many scientists note an increase in the creative activity and fruitfulness of scientific research after the beginning of physical education( even in old age).

    Swimming, rowing, barking, running, biking have a significant positive effect on the circulatory system and immunity, including on the body's susceptibility to cancer.

    Thus, positive changes in the result of physical fitness classes contribute to strengthening health and increasing the body's resistance to unfavorable environmental factors.

    Thanks to the activation of fat metabolism, exercise is an effective means of normalizing body weight.

    In people regularly engaged in recreational running or athletic gymnastics, body weight is close to ideal, and the fat content is 1.5 times less than that of non-runners. It is important that runners and bodybuilders achieve this without even limiting their diet and not adhering to special diets.

    Very fast walking( 1 hour per day) can be very effective in this regard, which corresponds to an energy expenditure of 300-400 kcal depending on the body weight. The additional energy consumption for 2 weeks will in this case be at least 3500 kcal, which will result in the loss of 500 g of adipose tissue. As a result, for 1 month of training in health walking( without changing the diet), the body weight will decrease by 1 kg.

    The dosed physical load allows us to normalize body weight not only by increasing energy costs, but also as a result of suppression of hunger( when endorphins are secreted into the blood).At the same time, weight loss by increasing energy expenditure( with the help of physical exercises) is more physiological.

    After the termination of training the working muscles "by inertia" continue to consume more oxygen for several hours, which leads to an additional expenditure of energy. In the case of pronounced obesity, the combination of both endurance training and dietary restriction( due to fats and carbohydrates) is most effective.

    So, physical exercises along with diet are the main means of fighting obesity. If special food regulates the intake of energy into the body, then physical training not only increases energy costs, but also strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, normalizes the activity of the intestine, develops muscles and ligaments. Already after 2-3 months of regular exercise, the body weight is reduced by several kilograms, the well-being improves and the working capacity rises. Even posture and gait improve.

    For this, of course, will have to show perseverance and patience, because to engage in physical education should be regular, gradually increasing physical activity, not just a set of gymnastic exercises, but use walking tours, skiing, swimming, rowing, games, bicycles, skates.

    Do not abandon the available physical labor. However, you need to start with gymnastic exercises( preferably before breakfast) and walking tours. Other types of exercise are prescribed only by a doctor and after a certain time. To sports lessons should be started no earlier than 1,5-2 hours after eating.

    Initially, perform a set of physical exercises better in the supine position on the back. Under the head and shoulders should put a pillow in order to create more favorable conditions for the work of the heart and respiratory organs. It is necessary to be engaged in clothes, not constraining movements, but warm enough, promoting thereby more plentiful diaphoresis. Classes lasting from 20 to 60 minutes, but the pace of the exercises slow and medium, the amplitude is large. Each movement is repeated 5 to 30 times. Most exercises are used for large muscle groups, special attention is paid to the abdominal press.

    Breathing during training is often arbitrary, but it can not be delayed. After difficult exercises, pauses for rest or breathing exercises are introduced.

    In the first days of classes, only exercises with 1-7, 14-17 and 25-30 with the minimum number of repetitions of each of them are performed. As the condition and fitness improve, after 1-3 weeks of regular training, gradually, for several months, all the exercises of the complex below are introduced, and the number of repetitions of each of them is brought to the maximum.

    It should be remembered that the increase in heart rate during exercise is allowed up to 130-150 beats / min, and after exercise, the pulse may exceed the initial pulse by no more than 10/15 beats / minute. And, of course, physical activity should not cause pain in the region of the heart, dizziness, headache, significant fatigue and other adverse effects. With obesity, pronounced changes in the cardiovascular system and other pathologies, it is recommended to practice the technique used in these diseases.

    After gymnastics it is very good for cheerfulness to take a cool shower, of course, if you are not afraid of a cold.