  • Facial peeling at home

    Read the article:
    • Face skin peeling: the essence and description of the procedure
    • Types of home peeling: what kind to choose and how to properly make
    • Indications and contraindications for face peeling at home
    • Videos, results before and after procedure, reviews about home peeling forface

    Peeling cleaning at home will help to preserve the beauty and youthfulness of the skin for a long time.

    As it is known, exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis, or peeling helps to effectively transform and renew the skin of the face.

    Peeling procedures for facial rejuvenation can be carried out both in the beauty salon and at home with ready-made or prepared by your own means.

    Facial peeling: the essence and description of the procedure ^

    Over the years, the process of renewing cells is slowing down, resulting in the skin does not look fresh, loses its elasticity and beauty, many dead cells accumulate in its surface layer, which do not fully breathe and renew.

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    In order to remove the old and maximally stimulate the work of new cells, you need to clean the upper outer layer - the epidermis. It is this function and performs peeling facial cleansing.

    Peeling on the depth of impact on the skin is divided into:

    • surface;
    • middle;
    • deep.

    The easiest is a superficial peeling, its action does not go beyond the stratum corneum, but it is done with the use of various chemical ANA acids. It is indicated for acne, acne, post-acne, pigmentation, wrinkles.

    Median peeling captures the entire epidermis area, including the papillary initial level of the dermis. For such a cosmetic procedure, acids of more pronounced action and other dosage are used. This method increases the elasticity of the facial skin, reduces greasiness, eliminates pigmentation, stretch marks.

    Deep peeling is the most complex, as it damages the papillary dermis layer. Used with pronounced striae, deep wrinkles, scars or hyperkeratosis. The skin of the face after it passes a three-month recovery period.

    Types of home peeling: what kind to choose and how to do it correctly ^

    All home peeling procedures are divided into mechanical and chemical. Mechanical include: scrubs, mask-peeling and gommage.

    Chemical peeling at home is used with the use of various acids that help improve the skin condition of the face. Below consider the most popular of them:

    • Glycolic face peeling. For its carrying out it is necessary to get a mask or scrub based on glycolic acid in the pharmacy. The product is applied to the face, where it is kept for up to eight minutes.
    • Facial peeling with calcium chloride. For its application, a solution of calcium chloride and baby soap are purchased. The cleansed and dry skin is applied with a wool solution of calcium chloride, you should wait until it dries and repeat the procedure two more times. Then the soap is soaped on the pads of the fingers and the foam is applied over the layers. When deposited, dirty clots will appear.
    • Face peeling with fruit acids is carried out with any freshly squeezed citrus juice. As practice shows enough of a teaspoon. The product is applied in 2-3 layers and aged for about fifteen minutes.
    • Scrub your face with soda by adding a half teaspoon of baking soda to your regular gel for washing. The mixture should massage the face, paying attention to the places of congestion of comedones, acne. Small particles of soda will be well removed dead cells, and its alkaline environment will improve the work of the sebaceous glands.
    • Salt peeling is performed on the steamed skin of the face. For the cosmetic procedure, you need to take a fine grinding salt - a tablespoon and 20% sour cream - two tablespoons. The mixture should be gently massage the skin for five minutes.
    • Retinoic peeling for the face is possible and at home with cream "Differin".It should be used as recommended in the instructions. The only clarification - when carrying out a home peeling cream should be applied in 2-3 layers.
    Almond Face Peeling. For the procedure, take a tablespoon of almond oil and mix with finely chopped almonds, add a mixture of flour from oats and barley, water in the amount of two tablespoons, a spoonful of table kaolin, two tablespoons of juice from the leaves of aloe and eight drops of lavender oil. The time for such a mask is 10 minutes.
    • Coral peeling includes abrasives of finely ground corals, desirable sea salt, vitamins A and E, any essential oil. When surface treatment, the skin of the coral mass is rubbed for three minutes, for medium exposure, the gruel is left on the skin for about ten minutes.

    Indications and contraindications for facial peeling at home ^

    Peeling at home will not give a salon result, but it will successfully help get rid of the following cosmetic problems on the face:

    • will clean the skin and pores from contamination at a deep level;
    • will exfoliate the cornified layer of dead cells;
    • will undoubtedly contribute to the renewal of the skin;
    • will give the face freshness and radiance;
    • will eliminate all skin imperfections at the surface level;
    • will improve blood circulation and sebaceous gland function;
    • the effect of any creams after it will become more effective.

    Peeling, like any other cosmetic procedure, has its own indications and contraindications.

    So this procedure will give a positive result:

    • with a fatty type of facial skin with acne and eruptions;
    • will help flabby and lifeless skin;
    • will give elasticity and freshness to the aging face skin, will prevent the appearance of wrinkles and slow its wilting;
    • will reduce pigmentation on the skin.

    Contraindications to the facial peeling procedure for the face are as follows:

    • inflammatory red pimples, which peeling solid particles can damage;
    • skin diseases requiring specialist intervention;
    • presence of unhealed wounds on the face;
    • pregnancy and lactation.
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    Video, results before and after procedure, reviews about home face peeling ^

    The results after face peeling at home are delicious:

    • With regular home peeling procedures, the facial skin begins to shine, the color is leveled, the skin becomes velvety, smooth and dull.
    • Slows down the aging process, reduces the number of wrinkles.
    • The acne disappears, which nothing else could be eliminated, and the scars from it become almost invisible.

    Reviews of the home surface facial peeling indicate a good skin cleansing and the absence of a recovery period. Skin improves time after time. After a medial peeling there is a strong peeling, in some cases, swelling of the face, but after a week the skin is noticeably transformed.

    All home cleansing peelings for the face should be conducted systematically, in courses of 10-12 sessions - in this case one should expect positive changes. In case of oily, problem skin, 2-3 sessions should be performed in seven days, for dry and sensitive one every ten days. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to do another course with nutritious and caring masks to finally fix the result.

    In any case, homemade exfoliating preparations prepared with their own hands and used in accordance with the type of skin have the most positive effect on the appearance of the skin and transform the woman, helping her to preserve the youth and the natural beauty of the face.