  • Features of care for oily skin

    Read in the article:
    • Daily care for oily skin of the face
    • Home masks for oily skin of the face

    Home masks for oily skin helps preserve its freshness and youth

    The main cause of oily skin is the increased activity of the sebaceous glands, which occurs due to increased productionin the body of the hormone protesterone.

    Most often, very fatty problem skin occurs in young girls during an intensive hormonal adjustment. Particularly distressing oily skin on the forehead and nose.

    But, fortunately, after the end of active hormonal processes, the skin begins to produce much less excess fat, which significantly improves its appearance and reduces the occurrence of rashes, acne and acne.

    In addition, the undoubted advantage of oily skin is that thanks to natural lubrication it is aging more slowly than other types of skin and wrinkles appear on it much later.

    Daily care for oily skin ^

    Only a small percentage of adult women have such problems after 30 years. In such cases, you should consult an endocrinologist for hormonal disorders and treat excessive fatness under the supervision of a specialist.

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    In all other cases, special treatment is not required, only a competent and proper daily care for oily skin is needed, as well as protection against frost, ultraviolet radiation and other unfavorable external factors.

    The biggest problem with this type is enlarged pores, which cause a lot of problems and sorrows for women:

    • The fact is that the enlarged pores are very quickly clogged due to the fact that they get dirt, excess fat and keratinized cells.
    • Bacteria begin to actively multiply in skin fat, making the face look ugly gray and pimples appear.
    • In addition, chronic acne further stretches and dilates the pores.

    To avoid such problems, the most important is getting proper washing, and, this does not mean that you need to wash many times a day.

    • It is enough to wash twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, but to apply special means - a gel for oily skin and a brush.
    • It is very important to start washing with warm, almost hot water: this is done so that the sealed pores are opened, which will not happen when washing with cold water.
    • Then foil the gel, apply it to his face and massage with a brush.
    • After this simple procedure, when the expanded pores are perfectly cleaned, you need to wash with cool water, which will narrow them and make them less noticeable.

    If inflammation occurs, which is common in oily problem skin, disinfection should be carried out regularly with home remedies such as cologne or toilet water, but best with special lotions.

    When buying lotion, pay attention to the content of its composition of salicylic acid and zinc. Such lotions not only perfectly disinfect, but also tighten the pores well, helping to reduce the greasiness of the skin.

    A lot of troubles for women are added by the fact that often oily skin flakes:

    • To eliminate peeling periodically, 2 to 3 times a week, use exfoliating agents that remove dead keratinized cells from the surface.
    • Often cosmetologists advise using peeling gels with nettle, which not only relieve inflammation, but also actively fight acne.

    Cosmetics for oily skin should be selected very carefully and correctly used, so that it had the maximum effect. In order for the makeup not to swim during the day and look neat and fresh, it must be applied according to all the rules.

    Often women, trying to get rid of greasy shine, just put on face powder, which is fundamentally wrong. This should not be done, because the skin oil will still very soon appear through the powder and create the effect of dirty skin. In addition, the powder can tightly clog the pores and lead to the appearance of acne and inflammation.

    Makeup rules for oily skin:

    • Before applying makeup, wash with cool water using a gel or foam.
    • Then treat the face with a special tonic, which will restore the acid-base balance of the skin and close the enlarged pores.
    • After this, you can apply the day cream, easily rubbing it along the massage lines. When choosing a day cream it is important that it is not greasy, absorbed well and moisturized.
    • Do not immediately apply foundation and cosmetics to an untrained face, first apply a special tonal foundation that will hide pores, wrinkles and various defects. In addition, the foundation will help makeup look perfect all day long.
    • After the foundation, you can start applying a foundation and makeup. The chosen foundation should not contain oils, but elements that absorb excess fat throughout the day. Apply it in a thin layer and distribute it evenly so that the face does not look like an artificial mask.
    • Try to choose a shade of foundation that is as close as possible to your complexion, so that the make-up looks beautiful and as natural as possible.
    • Be sure to thoroughly rinse your makeup before going to bed so that the pores do not become clogged and can rest during the night.

    Home masks for oily face skin ^

    Home masks for oily skin have a wonderful effect, with their help you can significantly narrow the expanded pores, reduce the likelihood of acne and acne, and get rid of fatty shine.

    Just do not forget to use the new mask to conduct an allergic test, applying a small amount of it by the ear.

    Yeast Mask

    • For its preparation, take 10 g of yeast and 1 teaspoon of any fresh berry juice.
    • Then add curdled milk to make a slurry of sour cream consistency.
    • Apply to cleansed face, hold for 15 minutes.
    • Do not forget that any home masks for oily skin should be washed off with warm water, and at the end rinse your face with cool water to narrow the pores.

    Fruit and vegetable mask

    • You can create many fruit and vegetable masks from various vegetables and fruits at home.
    • To do this, beat egg yolk to a foam and gradually add a teaspoon of any juice.
    • Hold for 15 to 20 minutes.

    Honey - oil mask

    • Well narrows the pores if there is no allergy to honey.
    • 1/2 tsp.olive oil and 1 tsp.honey mix with egg white and add the ground oat flakes to make a homogeneous mush.
    • Wash off with warm water after 20 minutes.

    Milk Cucumber Mask

    • A mask for oily skin that whitens and nourishes well.
    • Mix?a glass of milk and?a glass of juice from a fresh cucumber.
    • It is good to moisten a gauze napkin, put on a face and on top a wet towel.
    • Hold for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water and apply moisturizer.

    Mask with chamomile

    • With frequent inflammations, the anti-inflammatory home mask made of chamomile gives a good effect.
    • 2 tbsp. Drugstore chamomile fill with a glass of boiling water and pour for 20 minutes.
    • Then whisk the egg white to the foam, pour in there?a glass of chamomile and 1 tsp.lemon juice.
    • Hold on the face mask for 20 minutes, do it every 7 to 10 days.
    We also recommend that you read the article How to take care of dry skin.

    Do not forget that in addition to proper daily care for oily skin, you need to revise your diet, which greatly affects its condition. If you aspire to have a beautiful healthy skin, then you need to eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, greens and cereals. And from fatty, fried, spicy dishes, fast food and smoked products, the fat content is even greater, so it is better to limit them.

    Also do not forget to drink plenty of water, exclude coffee, alcohol and taking antibiotics without extreme necessity. If you follow all of the above recommendations, oily skin will not be a problem for you and will always look fresh and young.