  • How to remove bags under the eyes, dark circles and bruises

    Read in the article:
    • Dark circles, bruises and bags under the eyes: the causes of the appearance of
    • How to clean bags under the eyes: folk recipes
    • How to get rid of dark circles and bruises under the eyes

    How to clean bags under the eyes: home recipes

    Bags under the eyes -a delicate problem that almost every woman encounters.

    Some of them go through some time after awakening, while others take a whole day to get rid of this "decoration" somehow.

    Dark circles, bruises and bags under the eyes: the causes of the appearance ^

    To date, there are many solutions for getting rid of bags, dark circles and bruises under the eyes that are offered by the cosmetic industry, folk, aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery. However, in order to eliminate the problem, it is necessary to understand and understand, as a result of which it appeared.

    Dark circles under the eyes: causes

    • Lack of sleep is the main reason for the appearance of dark circles. As a rule, they complain about women who sleep an average of 4-5 hours a day. Lack of sleep leads to a halt in the process of skin regeneration, loss of its elasticity. In addition, the vessels under the skin of people who sleep little, become visible and, therefore, the skin darkens.
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    • Iron deficiency or anemia can also cause darkening of the eye area. However, if the body does not get any other substance, dark circles can not be avoided either.
    • In Chinese medicine, the appearance of dark circles specialists explain the problems with the functioning of the kidneys. Adrenal insufficiency is a disease whose symptom is the darkening of the skin.
    • Allergies to certain products cause a runny nose, which appears as a result of a surge of blood to the nose. The increase in blood flow also affects the color of the skin under the eyes because of its fineness.
    • Genetic predisposition and age-related changes also affect the presence of dark circles. From dark circles it will be difficult to get rid of, if a thin skin a man inherited from his parents. And the aging of the skin causes the loss of collagen, which provokes its darkening.

    Bags under the eyes: causes

    • Accumulation under the skin of the fluid causes the appearance of bags under the eyes. This can be caused by the use of alcoholic beverages on the eve, salty foods or simply by consuming large amounts of liquid at night. The liquid can also accumulate due to the presence of kidney problems.
    • The hereditary cause of the appearance of bags under the eyes is the proliferation of adipose tissue.
    • Loss of skin elasticity as a result of aging.
    • Continuous vision voltage while working at the computer or reading books.
    • After a visit to the solarium or a long stay in the sun, a protective reaction is triggered, and the skin accumulates additional liquid.
    • Bags appear as a result of the following diseases: sinusitis, conjunctivitis, hypothyroidism, heart diseases.
    • Women during pregnancy also complain about the appearance of bags under the eyes. This is caused by accumulation of salt and water retention by fatty tissues in pregnant women.

    Bruises under the eyes: causes of

    The causes of bruising under the eyes are similar to the reasons for the appearance of dark circles. Most often, this is the conduct of an incorrect lifestyle, kidney and cardiovascular disease, age and genetic predisposition, the impact of certain medications.

    There are a lot of folk ways that will help get rid of this trouble.

    How to remove bags under the eyes: folk recipes ^

    The question of how to quickly remove bags under the eyes at home, worries many women. Here, effective home recipes come to the rescue:

    Bags under the eyes: treatment

    • It is recommended to moisten wadded disks in milk and put them on the skin under the eyes. As a result of exposure to lactic acid, the swelling will go away a little.
    • You can put two slices of lemon on swollen eyelids. Keep lemons for about 20 minutes, then wash your skin with plain water.
    • Mask of proteins. The protein must be separated from the yolk and beat until a strong foam. The mask is ready for application. After 15 minutes after application, the mask should be washed off with warm water. The protein narrows the pores and helps to reduce puffiness. In addition, the mask removes irritations on the skin.
    • The tomato mask is prepared as follows: a spoonful of tomato juice is mixed, half a spoonful of lemon and a pinch of flour. The resulting mixture should be applied to the skin under the eyes and hold for 20 minutes, then rinse.
    • Cottage cheese mask is the simplest and most popular way to get rid of bags under the eyes. In addition, making it very simple at home. A small amount of cottage cheese should be wrapped in gauze and put to the problem place for 15 minutes.

    How to get rid of dark circles and bruises under the eyes ^

    Dark circles and bruises under the eyes: home masks

    Bruises under the eyes: treatment

    Almost all home recipes that help to eliminate bruises under the eyes have a similar principle of action. They relieve swelling and reduce the load on the capillaries in the ocelli, eliminating the blue.

    • The potato mask is the cheapest and very effective remedy for bruises. For this purpose, you can use both raw and boiled potatoes. You can cut 2 circles of raw potatoes and apply them for 20 minutes. In order to prepare a mask from boiled potatoes, it must be crushed, add a little milk and olive oil, put on bruises. After 10-15 minutes, rinse well.
    • Parsley and cucumber - products that help get rid of bruises and give the skin a fresh look. It is necessary to grate the flesh of the cucumber on a grater, add chopped parsley and a spoonful of sour cream. The prepared mixture should be applied for 15 minutes, then washed off.
    • Cryomassage, that is, holding a massage using ice cubes, helps to make the skin around the eyes bright and radiant. You can prepare ice cubes from decoctions of various herbs, for example, sage, cornflower, tea. Wipe your skin every morning.
    We also recommend that you read the article Teeth whitening at home.

    How to remove circles under the eyes?

    Dark circles under the eyes can easily be eliminated using proven and safe home recipes.

    • Regular cucumber circles attached to the eyes for half an hour, will remove swelling and relieve dark circles.
    • A very simple way, which is suitable for everyone, is to moisten wadded discs with cucumber juice. This excellent relaxing remedy will quickly remove the remnants of fatigue.
    • A very popular method is applying tea bags to swollen eyelids.
    • Relieves dark spots and honey if mixed with almond oil and applied to the area under the eyes. It is advisable to make such a mask every day.
    • Rose water, in which you need to pre-wet cotton wool discs will also prove to be an effective tool for eliminating darkening under the eyes.
    • If you apply mashed leaves of mint to your eyes, you can also eliminate dark circles.

    In addition to folk recipes, you must adhere to simple rules for preventing the appearance of puffiness and darkening of the skin under the eyes:

    • needs to eat right, eat more fruits and vegetables;
    • drink plenty of water to get rid of toxins and prevent fluid retention in the body;
    • not abuse salt products;
    • to go in for sports;
    • whenever possible to regularly do home massage from wrinkles and bags under the eyes;
    • as a diuretic to use cabbage and cranberry juice.