
We make locks on short hair in many ways: the best options from stylists

  • We make locks on short hair in many ways: the best options from stylists

    Funny curls on short hair with step by step instruction and video lessons from professionals

    Wavy chic headdress is undoubtedly the limit of the dreams of many women. Every day, the fair sex spend a lot of time laying, curling locks in any manner. And what about the owners of short hair? The answer is simple! Curl locks on short hair, which looks very sexy. Moreover, in our time there are plenty of styling aids, which greatly facilitate the process of laying. The main thing is to properly arrange your hair, so that it does not look like a lamb's wool. Many, probably, in perplexity. How to make curls at home on short hair? Below are listed the most popular ways of stacking! Look at the photo, and you definitely want to surprise the environment with such an elegant feminine hairdo. Even Hollywood fashionable women could not resist!

    We lay curls in a curtain

    First of all, pay attention to the diameter of the forceps. Depending on the diameter, you can choose a curling iron for creating small curls or curling larger curls.

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    Treat the hair with a thermal protective agent and apply the fixative. Strands just wrapped around the forceps and, waiting for the right time, are released. Thus we wind all the hair. According to the conceived image, you can wind the strands in different directions, or clockwise, creating either light negligence or even falling curls. After waving the hair, you do not need to comb it, just divide the curls with your fingers, greased with gel.

    Styler - an indispensable assistant

    Beautiful waves for a short length can also be laid with ironing. Additional skills are not required, just strictly follow the instructions.

    Of course, small cheerful curls utyuzhkom not do, but pleasantly pleasing eye curls - easily. At the same time, you can buy a styler with a lot of baits, which allow you to create an unbelievably stylish image every day.

    Hair dryer + round brush = elegant curly strands

    This method is very popular with stylists. To independently master the technique of this style, you will need to practice a couple of times.

    Wash hair before styling. Dry our hair with a hair dryer, pre-treating them with fixing means. The hair is raised at the roots, wound on the brush and untwisted when dry. The result is a volumetric styling with a wavy effect. Fixation with varnish is not necessary, but it is desirable for prolonging the life of the hair.

    Girls with a bang perfectly fit this style of styling. With a round brush, the ends of the bangs should be screwed inwards. It will acquire a light volume and will perfectly harmonize with the hair.

    Hair curlers

    Curling on curlers is one of the convenient ways to create ringlets on short hair. Massively curled hairpins are popular - voluminous curls and light curl are their merit. Also widely used curler hair curlers. The principle of winding, like that of simple curlers, is nothing complicated. But what an effect!

    In case of a catastrophic lack of time, the thermalbogy comes to the rescue. Such a rapid way of laying used our predecessors.

    Procedures offered by beauty salons

    Biochemical and chemistry is a very popular method of creating curls. Still would! After all, thanks to such procedures, you can forget about the daily curling and styling for a long time. The main thing - hair care after the procedure.

    Waves and short hair.

    Video for creating a soft curls for a short haircut.

    Wavy chic headdress is undoubtedly the ultimate dream of many women. Every day, the fair sex spend a lot of time laying, curling locks in any manner. And what about the owners of short hair? The answer is simple! Curl locks on short hair, which looks very sexy. Moreover, in our time there are plenty of styling aids, which greatly facilitate the process of laying. The main thing is to properly arrange your hair, so that it does not look like a lamb's wool. Many, probably, in perplexity. How to make curls at home on short hair? Below are listed the most popular ways of stacking! Look at the photo, and you definitely want to surprise the environment with such an elegant feminine hairdo. Even Hollywood fashionable women could not resist!

    We lay curls in a curtain

    First of all, pay attention to the diameter of the forceps. Depending on the diameter, you can choose a curling iron for creating small curls or curling larger curls.

    Treat the hair with a thermal protection agent and apply the fixative. Strands just wrapped around the forceps and, waiting for the right time, are released. Thus we wind all the hair. According to the conceived image, you can wind the strands in different directions, or clockwise, creating either light negligence, or even falling curls. After waving the hair, you do not need to comb it, just divide the curls with your fingers, greased with gel.

    Styler - an indispensable assistant

    Beautiful waves for a short length can also be laid with ironing. Additional skills are not required, just strictly follow the instructions.

    Of course, small cheerful curls utyuzhkom not do, but pleasantly pleasing eye curls - easily. At the same time, you can buy a styler with a lot of baits, which allow you to create an unbelievably stylish image every day.

    Fen + round brush = elegant curly strands

    Among stylists this method is very popular. To independently master the technique of this style, you will need to practice a couple of times.

    Wash hair before styling. Dry our hair with a hair dryer, pre-treating them with fixing means. The hair is raised at the roots, wound on the brush and untwisted when dry. The result is a volumetric styling with a wavy effect. Fixation with varnish is not necessary, but it is desirable for prolonging the life of the hair.

    Girls with a bang perfectly fit this style of styling. With a round brush, the ends of the bangs should be screwed inwards. It will acquire a light volume and will perfectly harmonize with the hair.


    Curling on curlers is one of the convenient ways to create ringlets on short hair. Massively curled hairpins are popular - voluminous curls and light curl are their merit. Also widely used curler hair curlers. The principle of winding, like that of simple curlers, is nothing complicated. But what an effect!

    In the case of a catastrophic lack of time, thermalbogudi come to the rescue. Such a rapid way of laying used our predecessors.

    Procedures offered by beauty salons

    Biochemical chemistry is a very popular method of creating curls. Still would! After all, thanks to such procedures, you can forget about the daily curling and styling for a long time. The main thing - hair care after the procedure.

    Waves and short hair.

    Video for creating a soft curls for a short haircut.