  • Hairstyles for thin, medium-length hair that delight men

    Finding a hairstyle for fine hair is not as easy as for thick hair. But thick hair in our time of bad ecology and stresses are not so common. Hairstyles for thin hair of medium length to pick up very easily, if you study the detailed instructions, know the advantages and disadvantages of this type of hair, be able to look after them.

    Nevertheless, there are several unbeatable options for fine hair - these are haircuts with smooth edges or cuts that visually add to the rare hair density and volume, the second option - a cut of a bean-bob. This haircut is done when the hair is removed through the ear line. There is also a short Bob. He also looks good on fine hair. Photos with possible options can be seen below.

    Thin hair is much more amenable to "experiments" than thick or too curly. All the rules and conditions suitable for long and straight hair are also ideal for medium lengths.

    Visually increase the volume will help such tricks as melirovanie. Only for melirovaniya should take at least 2 colors. It is impossible to achieve a visible effect with one shade.

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    You can make your hair with your own hands, using simple simple tools available to every woman - a hair brush and a varnish. It is enough just to lift individual strands and use the hairbrush to fluff them. Well, you can fix using a varnish. The gel in such cases will not work, because it will remove airiness, weight the hair and the proper volume will not work.

    What should be the hairstyles for every day?

    Profitable and very light hairstyle for every day will be "ladder" - strands of different lengths - in front near the face are long, and on the nape - shorter. Such an uneven length will also increase the volume and give density.

    The "Cascade" hairstyle is also very popular among women wearing medium-length hair. The cascading hairstyle is universal and very beautifully reveals the beauty of women with thick and dense hair. But for thin hair this haircut will be a godsend. In 2015-2016, the most fashionable hairdressers and stylists offer just a sea of ​​options for this hairstyle for almost any length of hair.

    One of the most popular options for this haircut is a cascade with a disheveled effect. Such examples can be seen in the photo below.

    Very unusual and stylish looks cascade on thin medium hair with a bang. The bang can successfully hide a high forehead or too pronounced eyebrows. Also, the bangs visually make the face smaller, so a haircut cascade is suitable for women with a round face.

    Medium, thin hair is suitable for simple, everyday hairstyles and haircuts. Such women's hairstyles can be worn for work in the office, as they are reserved and careful. Also for young women of fashion, such hairstyles can be done in school - especially a variety of braids and their elements in more complex hairstyles. Variants can be seen in the photos below:

    Exclusive options for festive hairstyles

    For medium-length hair with a fine structure, you can pick up original evening hairstyles. See the photo below. Such hairstyles with simple, and sometimes convoluted structures, are easy to make on the prom night. With such a neat hairdo, you can poison yourself both into the theater and into the restaurant for dinner, if you decorate it with modern decorations, ribbons or floral rims. Get a very tempting playful image. Men will appreciate it, and you will not be left without attention. Examples of evening hairstyles can be seen in the photo below:

    For such an important celebration as a wedding, there should be a chic hairstyle, and the whole image should be unique and incomparable, because memories of this day will forever remain in your memory. About how you will look on your happiest day, you need to take care in advance. Thin hair of medium length, there are many interesting options. Here are just some wedding hairstyles:

    How to make different hairstyles and hair cuts for medium straight hair, watch video tutorials and presentations: