  • How to identify the symptoms of hemorrhoids in the initial stage?

    To date, perhaps, hemorrhoids is one of the most common diseases. Such unfavorable factors as a sedentary, predominantly sedentary lifestyle and constant stresses contribute to its wide spreading. Unfortunately, this disease can seriously worsen the quality of human life, so it is very important, as soon as the first symptoms of hemorrhoids appear, immediately go to a qualified doctor.

    Signs of hemorrhoids in men

    Statistically, it is men who are more than 40 years old who suffer from hemorrhoids. Unfortunately, men often ignore the first signs of hemorrhoids, referring to a specialist only when the disease is greatly neglected. The first signs of the appearance of hemorrhoids can not be expressed very much, but already they can cause a lot of anxiety and inconvenience. So, men because of itching, irritation of mucous and skin in the anus and pain area can become very irritable and withdrawn.

    In general, the symptoms of hemorrhoids in men may be different, depending on whether the disease is chronic or acute. If the hemorrhoids are in an acute stage, the pain can be quite strong, and the hemorrhoids will cause considerable discomfort. It will be difficult for the patient not only to sit, but also to walk, and the act of defecation will be difficult.

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    Signs of hemorrhoids in women

    Not only men suffer from such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids. Often, and women discover a number of symptoms that suggest that you need to turn to a qualified proctologist. Alas, many representatives of the fair sex are ashamed of such a disease, and therefore are dragged to visit the doctor, which leads to the transition of this disease to a chronic stage.

    The first alarm signals for women should be itching, discomfort and burning sensation in the anus. With the development of this disease, other symptoms can be added, such as acute pain, severe swelling, fever, difficulty in defecating and hyperemia in the anus. Not all women know what symptoms with hemorrhoids can talk about the development of dangerous complications, and therefore do not turn in time to doctors.

    Menstruation and hemorrhoids

    Often in women, the signs of hemorrhoids begin to appear precisely during menstruation. Typically, the fairer sex complains of pain in the rectum, discomfort, bleeding during the act of defecation, as well as a sense of the presence of a foreign body in the anus. These unpleasant symptoms are explained by the fact that during the menstrual flow of blood to all organs of the small pelvis increases somewhat, so that the hemorrhoidal nodes present in the anus are full of blood, therefore the expressed symptoms of hemorrhoids appear.

    Symptoms of the disease in pregnancy

    Not all women are aware of how hemorrhoids manifest during pregnancy. Although approximately 30% of pregnant women have this disease. The development of this disease is associated with the fact that with the end of the second trimester the uterus becomes quite large, and by the time of the onset of labor it generally occupies a large area of ​​the abdominal cavity. Therefore, the stomach, the loops of the thick and small intestine, and the liver are shifted slightly upward. The rectum can not move, and therefore it is simply squashed by the uterus. Because of this, normal evacuation of the intestines is quite difficult, long-term constipation is observed. Due to constant compression of the uterus, stagnation of blood begins in the venous vessels and an increase in the number of cavernous bodies is observed, which eventually leads to the onset of the development of this disease.

    All symptoms are usually more pronounced when walking, after defecation, and also under physical exertion. But if the pregnant woman is at rest, complaints can completely disappear. Sometimes in pregnant women, there may be a drop in the nodes during the emptying of the intestine. Nodes can have different sizes, but they are always painful when walking, sitting and touching. Small bleedings may occur during the act of defecation. All these signs indicate that a pregnant woman needs to turn to an experienced proctologist. After all, if you do not, the signs of hemorrhoids will continue after delivery, and in the future, complications may develop.

    Signs and symptoms of children's hemorrhoids

    Even children, unfortunately, are not immune from this disease. But kids, and teenagers, are not always able to tell about unpleasant symptoms to their parents, so caring mothers and dads should know about what signs of hemorrhoids are characteristic of children.

    For a child in infancy or preschool age, the asymptomatic course of hemorrhoids is characteristic. This disease, as a rule, is detected quite accidentally in the form of a small protrusion in the region of the anus, which appeared with prolonged crying or straining during the act of defecation. It is worth noting that in a state of rest these nodules disappear on their own.

    Symptoms of hemorrhoids in children who have reached the school age are usually similar to the symptoms of this disease in adults. There is itching, pain in the rectum, the discharge of blood in the act of defecation. Of course, all these signs indicate that it is not worthwhile to delay the visit to an experienced pediatric proctologist.

    Internal and external form of the disease

    As a rule, the signs of internal hemorrhoids cause the patient nevertheless to turn to the proctologist, after all they bring considerable discomfort. In the anus, the patient can feel the presence of a foreign body. In the early stages, there may be scanty discharge of blood, which, as a rule, does not cause much anxiety. In advanced cases, there may be quite abundant bleeding and prolapse of nodes.

    External hemorrhoids are less pronounced. First of all, pain and itching are observed in the anus area, and irritation is added with combs. If there is bleeding, then, most likely, it indicates the presence of anal fissures. During exacerbations, there may be a noticeable pain during defecation. When viewed, around the anus, you can find cones that have different sizes. In general, with external hemorrhoids, severe symptoms can be observed only during a period of exacerbation.

    Symptoms of exacerbation of hemorrhoids

    The most common complications of hemorrhoids are thrombosis of external hemorrhoids and prolapse of internal nodes. The thrombosis is accompanied by very strong pains in an anus, and at times and bleedings. Loss of nodes is accompanied by swelling and inflammation. With all these symptoms, you should immediately go to the doctors to start treatment on time.

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