  • Hemorrhoids in the initial stage: photo, treatment, symptoms

    Chronic diseases do not appear suddenly, they develop for a long time.

    As for hemorrhoids, this ailment is directly related to lifestyle and diet. Dry, low-fat food, devoid of fiber often leads to the appearance of constipation, which in turn provokes the development of hemorrhoids.

    Sometimes the cause of the disease is a hereditary factor, and with such a degree of risk patients should be more attentive to their health.

    Hemorrhoids appear with mechanical damages of tissues with a solid calves, a violation of blood circulation in the rectum of the anal passage due to violation of defecations( frequent or rare).

    The main sign of hemorrhoids in men and women is pain during defecation, itching and irritation of the mucous membrane, the appearance of a small amount of blood in the stool.

    The patient does not always consult a proctologist for psychological reasons, which aggravates the disease. The tissues lose protective functions, the blood flow to the anus is reduced, and over time the mild stage of the disease turns into a more complex form.
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    Forms and stages of hemorrhoids with photos

    There are four stages of the disease depending on the condition of the patient and the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

    The initial stage of hemorrhoids is characterized by a simple course without special pain. The appearance of nodes is invisible to the patient, since they are deeply hidden inside the rectum, they are small in size. Symptoms include itching, discomfort, humidity in the area of ​​the anus opening, since inflammation produces a liquid that causes itching and irritation. In rare cases, blood appears in feces, so the patient often does not suspect the disease.

    How the initial stage of hemorrhoids looks( photo):

    The second stage of hemorrhoids includes periodic exacerbations, a long period of remission. Symptoms worsen, there is pain during stool. The nodes increase in size, and the patient has a sensation of a foreign body inside the rectum. More often when defecations appear discharge of mucus and blood. The patient is troubled by itching and burning, because a lot of fluid is inherent in the inflammatory process. Occasionally, the nodes fall out when straining, and after defecation they automatically fall into place. The second stage requires thorough treatment, a review of lifestyle and nutrition.

    The third stage is characterized by the same features as for the second stage, i.e.pain during defecation, itching, burning and discomfort, only aggravates the disease and is more difficult to treat. The nodes fall out not only during defecations, but also with heavy physical exertion and lifting of heavy objects. Bloody discharge appears more often, pain at defecation increases. The peculiarity of the third stage is that the hemorrhoidal nodes are not capable of self-correcting, they already have to be inserted manually into the rectum. If there is no adequate treatment, then the third degree goes into a more severe form.

    The fourth degree of hemorrhoids causes a lot of troubles, pain and inability to live and work normally. Nodes do not fit inside neither spontaneously nor manually. Outside there are cones, which are constantly hurting and annoying. It is possible to increase the size of the knots and to solidify them. The fourth degree is treated with folk remedies, suppositories and ointments, but most often resort to surgical intervention.

    Symptoms of the initial stage of hemorrhoids

    As a rule, the first stage is not taken seriously, the patients do not go to the doctor and try to be treated independently at home. The main signs of the initial stage include:

    • itching;
    • discomfort;
    • burning and irritation;
    • small discharge of bloody origin during defecation;
    • fluid secretion, which characterizes the inflammatory process;
    • small hemorrhoidal nodes not felt by the patient.
    There are many traditional medicine and medicines that accelerate the healing and repair of tissues, so timely treatment at the initial stage of the disease gives good results.

    The prognosis is positive if the patient normalizes the diet and regimen, includes vegetable food in the diet, excludes alcohol, sharp, salty and smoked foods. Otherwise, the disease of the first degree turns into more severe forms, which are treated by non-surgical methods or by surgical intervention.

    See also, symptoms of external hemorrhoids and internal hemorrhoids.

    Options for the treatment of hemorrhoids in the first stage of

    Successful treatment of the initial stage of hemorrhoids at home depends on the organization of the patient, his desire to defeat the ailment. Used for the treatment of ointments from hemorrhoids and rectal suppositories. And their use requires a certain regime and order. Candles are usually used three times a day. In the morning, in the evening before going to bed, and after defecation.

    Before applying candles, hygienic treatment of the affected area is required. For adequate therapy, it is sufficient to use candles for 10-14 days, and in case of relapses, the course of treatment should be repeated.

    What candles are used to treat hemorrhoids?

    The most effective candles are "Relief", "Relief Advance" or "Relief Ultra".Each drug has a certain spectrum of action, affects the tissues, enhancing regeneration and blood supply.

    The drug "Advance" anesthetizes due to anesthetic composition and well heals cracks and wounds."Ultra" drains tissues, reduces swelling and itching. Shark liver oil and auxiliary components that make up Relief narrow the blood vessels and improve the nutrition of tissues, reduce the inflammatory process and increase the protective functions of the whole organism. Also used candles are "Gepatrombin", "Proctosedil", "Anestezol", "Proctoglivenol", "Anuzol".

    Widely used traditional medicine( see how to treat hemorrhoids at home).These include candles made from lard, honey, sea buckthorn oil, microclysters from broths of herbs: chamomile, string, St. John's wort. Recommend daily warm baths from broth of a sage, camomiles, turns. It is important to normalize the food, so that the food contains a maximum of vitamins and minerals.

    This is possible due to the correct cooking technology. Products can not be digested, kept in the light for long or frozen, as vitamins are lost during heat treatment and prolonged, improper storage. It is obligatory to include in the diet vegetative food, enriched with fiber.

    Methods of treating hemorrhoids in the initial stages of

    Today, there are many progressive methods for the successful treatment of hemorrhoids of the initial stages. These include:

    • endoscopic ligation with a rubber band;
    • excision;
    • electrocoagulation;
    • sclerotherapy;
    • cryotherapy;
    • laser therapy;
    • radio wave therapy
    Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Only the proctologist decides on the choice of the method of treatment. Everything depends on the condition of the patient, his age, the stage of the disease. It is considered the safest and most acceptable procedure for the treatment of hemorrhoids of the first degree is bipolar electrocoagulation.

    Electrotherapy is a reliable and effective way to fight the disease. Non-surgical methods give good results, are easily tolerated by patients. Sometimes it is recommended that surgical operations are performed when the forms are started. Removing the nodes brings significant relief and improvement in the general condition of the body.

    Read also how to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth.

    Complications of

    In case of inadequate treatment, the patient's condition worsens, nervous disorders, insomnia appear.

    Soreness in defecation and fear of the patient provoke constipation, they negatively affect the body and lead to intoxication.

    Prevention of hemorrhoids at an early stage

    The main cause of hemorrhoids is malnutrition, as well as non-compliance with hygiene rules. To exclude constipation or diarrhea, it is necessary to consume useful food of vegetable origin, saturated with vitamins and minerals.

    The balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats must be observed. A variety of products will provide the body with the necessary ingredients and vitamins for the normal functioning of the alimentary canal and intestines.

    Do not recommend eating too overcooked foods, fried, smoked, sharp and salty foods. Only fresh, properly cooked food normalizes the work of the stomach, liver, pancreas and intestines.

    Include in the diet fresh vegetables and fruits, they improve peristalsis and improve immunity. Refusal of smoking, alcohol, drinking carbonated drinks will help prevent proctologic diseases.

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