
Bleeding in hemorrhoids - why they arise and how to deal with them?

  • Bleeding in hemorrhoids - why they arise and how to deal with them?

    Hemorrhoids is now a fairly common disease, it is due to a decrease in motor activity of modern inhabitants of the planet. Sedentary work, the presence of a car, malnutrition - all this contributes to the development of the disease. More often, hemorrhoids are asymptomatic, but its complications such as bleeding and thrombosis are not uncommon.

    Sometimes bleeding is the only complaint made by patients. The appearance of blood on toilet paper or in stool causes the patient to see a doctor. Bleeding from the rectum is always an indication for oncopying.

    Why does hemorrhoids bleed?

    Crost hemorrhoids are usually caused by trauma to the mucous membrane of the haemorrhoids, when the patient is sitting in the toilet for a long time, and emptying the rectum occurs with difficulty due to constipation, and stale stools often damage the anus mucosa. Stagnation of blood and worsening of blood circulation in the veins of the small pelvis cause thinning of the vascular wall, against this background there may be microerosions and cracks, which also lead to bleeding. Diarrhea can also provoke hemorrhoidal bleeding.

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    Symptoms of hemorrhoids with blood

    Patients may be troubled by the sensation of a foreign body in the anal canal, if there are a lot of hemorrhoids and they are inflamed, itching often appears in the anus and drops of blood on toilet paper or underwear after the act of defecation, sometimes, usually with bleeding frominternal hemorrhoids, blood is found on feces. These episodes are repeated every time you visit the toilet. In severe cases, posthemorrhagic anemia develops. It is almost always compensated, because the patient does not feel much change in his condition, goes to work, leads a habitual way of life, and the only complaint, except for blood in the feces, can be called only fatigue. But in typical cases, there is the appearance of weakness, dizziness, pale skin.

    Bleeding is abundant and unaffected

    Abundant bleeding, as a rule, develops sharply, occurs with thrombosis of the hemorrhoidal node with necrotic complications. Such profuse bleeding in case of untimely seeking medical help can lead to death.

    In addition, against the background of hemorrhoids can develop such diseases as anal fissure, acute paraproctitis and rectal fistula. Bleeding from the rectum may be a consequence of other bowel diseases, for example, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, polyps and tumors. Therefore, you should carefully examine the patient. It is desirable to perform total colonoscopy to exclude other diseases and adequate treatment of the patient's existing pathology.

    Treatment and therapy

    Many people are interested in the question of what to do if bleeding hemorrhoids? The first thing that should be done - in the near future to see a doctor proctologist. Then pass the prescribed examination and begin to be treated.

    In unimpaired haemorrhoidal bleeding, conservative treatment is performed. How to treat bleeding hemorrhoids, the patient is told in detail by the doctor. Typically, a set of therapeutic measures includes a diet, directed to normalize the work of the intestine and prevent the development of constipation, and drugs to relieve the exacerbation of hemorrhoids. A good therapeutic effect in this case is given by baths and microclysters with solutions of medicines or infusions of medicinal herbs, for example, a solution of tannin or infusion of root of wheat grass. Tannin has an astringent and hemostatic effect, forms a film of thrombotic masses on the surface of the nodes, which prevents further bleeding.

    Candles with bleeding hemorrhoids do not always help, although proctologists like to assign candles with tannin and adrenaline. They are usually injected into the rectum once or twice a day, after which it takes about thirty minutes to lie down.

    A good therapeutic effect is ointment from hemorrhoids with bleeding "Gaparin": its active substance - heparin quickly stops bleeding and relieves local inflammatory reaction. Also with hemorrhoid bleeding, ointments such as Proctosan, Relief, Troxevasin and Gepatrombin G.

    are used. After each act of defecation, it is advised to wash with cool water or solutions of antiseptics and tanning agents( decoction of oak bark).

    Severe hemorrhage with hemorrhoids is an indication for hospitalization. First of all, a number of activities are carried out:

    • hemorrhage stop for hemorrhoids,
    • assessment of blood loss,
    • replenishment of circulating blood volume.

    Haemostatic drugs are prescribed to stop bleeding, for example, Vikasol. Locally apply collagen sponges and suppositories with adrenaline. Simultaneously, correction of anemia with iron preparations is carried out, if blood loss was significant, then full-time infusion therapy is appointed, sometimes single-group plasma is transfused, both with a haemostatic purpose, and for the restoration of bcc.

    For frequently recurring hemorrhoidal bleedings, surgical treatment is recommended. To date, with great success, sclerotherapy is used. The essence of the method is the use of special drugs - sclerosants. They enter into the dilated vessel and its walls stick together, after which the varicose node disappears.

    With the impossibility of sclerotherapy( allergy to sclerosants), hemorrhoidectomy is performed - removal of hemorrhoids( ligation by latex rings, laser coagulation).

    After that, the treatment of the main disease - varicose veins is carried out.

    How to treat bleeding hemorrhoids in pregnant women?

    Unfortunately, pregnant women suffering from hemorrhoids, too, are not immune from hemorrhoidal bleeding, especially as a set of provoking factors, such as chronic constipation, and they are.

    To treatment in this case, very carefully, choosing those drugs that do not harm the development of the baby. In general, prescribe anesthetic candles, for example, Procto-Glivenol, and ointments: Fleming ointment, Vishnevsky ointment, Posterizan. In addition, the use of traditional medicine methods is recommended: Tampons with potato juice, sessile trays with infusion of herb blood grouses, lotions with tannin.

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