  • Traditional methods of treatment of hemorrhoids and their effect

    Understanding the seriousness of the problem, but fearing to see a doctor for help, many people are looking for effective folk methods for treating hemorrhoids. They are actually many, and very different, but do they all benefit? Perhaps they only aggravate the course of the disease? Let's understand.

    Treatment of hemorrhoids with potatoes

    Crude potatoes are a very valuable product with a whole bunch of useful properties. In folk medicine it has been used for a very long time, and therefore it is not necessary to doubt its effectiveness.

    The very process of treating hemorrhoids with potatoes is as follows. Raw potatoes should be carefully cleaned, and then cut out a candle the size of a little finger( length - 3-5 cm), one end of which should be blunt. To enter such a candle is necessary in the anus for several hours, preferably at night.

    If you feel uncomfortable, it can be smeared with honey. You do not need to remove the candle yourself, it will come out on your own in the process of defecation.and therefore it perfectly copes with the pain, itching and irritation of the mucosa, and also promotes the healing of wounds and cracks. Vitamin C, which is also present in the composition of this product, due to its useful properties strengthens the walls of blood vessels, while reducing the hemorrhoidal hemorrhage. The potato also has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves swelling and tension in the nodes.

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    You can still rub the raw potatoes, put them in a rag and from time to time press them to the sore spots. You can also use potato juice. To do this, a tablespoon of this substance must be injected into the anus with a syringe for the night. The course of such treatment is 10 days.

    Treatment with birch tar

    To overestimate the usefulness of this product is very difficult. It perfectly eliminates the pain, both knobby and sharp, blunt and jerky, relieves swelling and relieves the stress of the nodes, and also promotes the rapid healing of cracks and wounds in the rectum. Birch tar is a barrier that prevents the penetration of various infections, as well as an excellent natural antiseptic. Use this product can be both in the first stages of the course of the disease, and on the latter.

    With internal hemorrhoids, you first need to take a sedentary bath of their solution of potassium permanganate, and then take a tampon smeared with birch tar and insert into the rectum.

    Perform such procedures before the disappearance of pain and other symptoms. Some people say that during this procedure I feel a burning sensation, but this reaction is quite natural and does not pose any danger. With external hemorrhoids, the fallen hemorrhoids should be lubricated with dilute tar. And more. Birch tar is a part of Vishnevsky's ointment, and therefore its use in hemorrhoids is fully justified.


    Another popular way to treat hemorrhoids is aloe. This plant is now present almost on every window sill, and therefore it is one of the most accessible "healers" at the present time. It is necessary to take a clean sheet of aloe, squeeze out the gel from it, and put this substance for 10 minutes in the refrigerator. Then apply it to the affected area 2-3 times a day

    With frequent constipation, this gel is recommended to take inside, previously diluting it with water. But it is important to know that treatment of aloe hemorrhoids will not suit everyone. Its use in pregnancy, kidney, liver, gallbladder, and uterine bleeding in women is strictly forbidden.

    Garlic Therapy

    Garlic is the product whose useful properties are known to everyone. It alleviates pain, relieves inflammation, destroys and prevents the onset of infection.

    Use garlic for the treatment of hemorrhoids in several ways:

    • Ointment from garlic.
    • Candles.
    • Garlic trays.

    For external hemorrhoids, ointment should be used. The process of its preparation is very simple: finely chopped 200 g of garlic and a teaspoon of honey is added to a quarter of a glass of milk and heated on low heat until thick. Then the entire mass is carefully ground and left for 2-3 hours. The ointment is ready! She needs to lubricate the hemorrhoids, as well as apply on a tampon and apply overnight to the affected areas.

    For internal hemorrhoids, candles are recommended. For their preparation, garlic is passed twice through a meat grinder and mixed with the same amount of oil that was previously soaked in a water bath. All this mixture is thoroughly mixed and filled with pre-prepared funnel shaped molds of thick paper, and then frozen in a refrigerator. Before use, this wrap is removed, and the candle itself is inserted into the rectum for the whole night.

    For a sedentary bath it is necessary to take a head of garlic, finely grind it, and then mix it with five liters of warm water and immerse in it for 15 minutes. You need to do every day. Instead of water, you can also use half a liter of fresh milk, but then the time of stay in it should be increased to 20 minutes and spend no more than 10 consecutive days.

    Bay leaf

    Another folk method for treating hemorrhoids is the bay leaf. For this use its broth, using both as a drink, and as a remedy for trays, enemas and compresses. It can be used both in the early and late stages of the disease.

    With out-of-out nodes, the treatment of hemorrhoids with laurel leaves is carried out in this way: 10 grams of leaves are crushed thoroughly, and then poured with boiling water and left for an hour. Such infusion is impregnated with a tampon, and from time to time applied to the hemorrhoids.

    Seated baths are useful in all types of hemorrhoids. They are prepared in the ratio as follows: 100 grams of bay leaf pour 5 liters of boiled water. Then cool to the desired temperature and take daily in the evening.


    It is very common to treat hemorrhoids with herbs. Many prepare broths with chamomile, nettle, yarrow, burdock, St. John's wort and many others. I would like to say a few words about wormwood.

    Treatment of hemorrhoids with dry wormwood is a very effective and effective method. From it prepare broths for baths, washing and enema, make lotions and compresses. In addition, very effective tincture, which is prepared as follows: a tablespoon of grass mixed with 100 ml.medical alcohol, put in a dark, opaque vessel for 10 days.

    Take 2 times a day during meals, previously diluted in water in a ratio of 1 : 3. In addition, dry wormwood is an excellent preventive agent, the use of which will permanently exclude the possibility of the appearance of hemorrhoids.


    The use of leeches also applies to folk recipes for treating hemorrhoids. Strangely enough, but this is already proven and approved by many method, which should be carried out by an experienced specialist. In addition, getting rid of this disease in this way, you can cure the organs of the small pelvis, liver and improve the whole organism. Treatment with leech hemorrhoids should be done once a week.

    Leeches( no more than 4 units) are placed on the hemorrhoids. During this procedure, there may be quite a long bleeding, but you do not need to worry, that's how this blood does not participate in the general circulation. The use of leeches can be saved from the need for an operation.

    Treatment of hemorrhoids with cold

    Cold baths, compresses, ice candles are an excellent help in this disease. This method of treating this kind of disease freezes the nerve endings of the anus, reducing pain, and also causes a spasm of the blood vessels, stopping bleeding.

    Important! The use of cold is completely contraindicated for those people who have inflammatory processes in the small pelvis( in men - prostatitis, in women - adnexitis, endometritis).

    Find out how to treat hemorrhoids folk remedies will not be difficult, but to determine which method is right for you is a rather difficult task. In addition, many of the above methods have contraindications.

    Therefore, before you start a popular treatment for hemorrhoids, it is best to consult with your doctor.

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