  • Stomatitis: photo, treatment in adults, symptoms

    Stomatitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth. It manifests itself in different ways, and there are many reasons for this disease.

    Stomatitis can be either a separate disease or a symptom that appears after other diseases, such as measles, rubella, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, influenza, scarlet fever.

    Children are most affected by stomatitis, however, due to the deterioration of the environment, the increase in infectious diseases and the decrease in immunity, both local and general, quite often mucosal diseases also occur in adults.

    There are stomatitis today more and more often, however it is not so easy to diagnose a disease. And the reason for this is a huge number of different diseases of the mouth, as well as the body as a whole, which can manifest themselves with similar symptoms. Diseases of the oral mucosa are united under the common name - stomatitis. When not all the mucous membrane is affected, but only the tongue, the sky or the lips, then it is a question of glossitis, palatinitis, cheilitis.
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    With stomatitis( see photo), treatment in adults is performed at home, using pharmacy products, as well as traditional medicine.

    Causes of stomatitis

    Stomatitis occurs due to a number of reasons. The first reason is a viral or bacterial infection, a fungal lesion. The photo on the right shows stomatitis in the mouth.

    With a constant foci of infection, for example, tonsillitis or pharyngitis, the microorganisms weaken the mucosa, thereby facilitating even greater reproduction and further spread.

    That is why it is extremely important to cure diseases of this kind. In addition, the causes of stomatitis include the following:

    • heredity.
    • herpetic infection.
    • diseases of the cardiovascular system.
    • nerve strain and constant stress.
    • weakening of the immune system, resulting from various factors.
    • metabolic disorders.
    • effect of drugs.
    • is an allergy.
    In addition, stomatitis can provoke:

    1. 1) Unbalanced nutrition. With constant diets and limited nutrition, when an inadequate amount of B vitamins, as well as C and A, zinc, folic acid and iron gets to the body, not only the whole organism is weakened, but it also contributes to the development of mucosal problems.
    2. 2) Impairment of personal hygiene. This factor includes the use of stale, poorly washed food, eating food with unwashed hands. Also to stomatitis conducts excessive hygiene. The fact is that in the mouth area is a huge number of microorganisms. With the constant use of rinsers and sprays, normal microflora is disrupted.
    3. 3) Cleaning the teeth with a paste containing sodium lauryl sulfate. This component of toothpaste reduces the secretion of saliva, so that the oral cavity becomes dehydrated and vulnerable to external stimuli.
    4. 4) Poorly installed dentures.
    5. 5) Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking.
    6. 6) Chemical and mechanical injuries of the oral cavity. Stomatitis often appears after a bite of the cheek, scratches cracker or other solid food.
    How to treat stomatitis in adults will depend on the source of inflammation, as well as the type of disease. With a single effect, the cause of stomatitis quickly passes and does not repeat. If he constantly recurs, then, in the body, not everything is in order. So stomatitis often is an indicator:

    • of diseases of the digestive tract: helminthic invasions, gastritis and colitis.
    • anemia.
    • hormonal diseases. Often, stomatitis occurs during pregnancy, with menopause.
    • of oncological diseases.
    • HIV.
    • of neuropsychic disorders.
    As you can see, there are a lot of causes of the disease. In order to identify the main of them, you should turn to the dentist and the therapist in the first place - this will help cure stomatitis faster.

    Symptoms of stomatitis: photo

    Common symptoms of the disease are as follows. With stomatitis on the inner part of the lips, cheeks and under the tongue appear ulcers and redness( see photo).

    The earliest symptom of stomatitis in adults is redness, burning in the area of ​​the affected mucosa. Further, the area of ​​appearance of stomatitis becomes swollen and painful.

    With a standard catarrhal stomatitis provoked by a bacterial infection, a circular or oval ulcer with a red halo around it subsequently appears.

    The patient is also concerned about the smell from the mouth, excessive salivation, bleeding gums. In many patients, especially in children, the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees, cervical lymph nodes increase. Basically, the sores are on the inside of the lips, on the soft palate and on the tonsils, and also under the tongue. During illness, eating food brings pain and discomfort.

    Stomatitis photo

    To understand how the stomatitis looks in the mouth and in the tongue, we suggest you read the detailed photos. They clearly show the location of sores in the mouth, which is a characteristic feature of this ailment.

    Treatment of stomatitis in adults

    In catarrhal, that is, the most simple stomatitis, treatment in adults can be carried out at home. It is necessary to exclude spicy, spicy, too cold and hot food, salty and solid foods. Also, rinse your mouth with antiseptic.

    For more serious mucosal lesions, with herpetic, aphthous, ulcerative stomatitis, consult a doctor. He will advise how to treat stomatitis at home. To avoid unpleasant symptoms of stomatitis and the transformation of the disease into a chronic form, the following medicines should be used:

    1. 1) Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic drugs. They can be in the form of a spray, ointment, lozenges, gel or tablets. The basic medicines are gel Holysal, Eucalyptus tablets for resorption, Kamphomene or Kameton spray, Phytodent - rinse liquid, Actovegin-gel, Kamistad-gel, Rotokan and other preparations.
    2. 2) Painkillers. If stomatitis interferes with a normal lifestyle due to the painfulness that it brings, they use pain medications. These include: Geksoral tabs, Anestezin, Lidocaine asept. Well-established natural broth of chamomile, calendula, and also Kalanchoe juice.
    3. 3) Antifungal and antiviral, preparations for allergies. Applied as necessary when finding a cause-effect relationship.
    4. 4) Preparations for accelerating the healing of the epithelium. These include: liquid vitamin A, Vinilin, Solcoseryl, sea buckthorn oil.
    It is important to bring the treatment to an end so that the infection completely passes.

    Herpetic stomatitis

    The herpetic form of the disease is one of the most common. Symptoms are caused by the herpes simplex virus. Herpes virus is present in the body of more than 80-90% of people. With weakening of immunity, aggravation of any disease, deterioration of oral hygiene, stressful situation, hypothermia, the virus becomes active and manifests itself in the form of stomatitis.

    Often, sores appear in the sky, cheeks and the inside of the lips. With this form of the disease, bubbles form, which burst, creating one common ulcer. In children, the disease occurs with the temperature and increase in lymph nodes, in adulthood such a reaction usually does not appear. All patients have a problem eating food because of discomfort, increased salivation.

    Treatment of herpetic stomatitis begins with anesthesia - lidocaine, Lidochlor. Also used antiviral drugs - Oxolin, Zovirax( with the appointment of a doctor).You can not do without anti-inflammatory drugs: Metrogil gel, Холисал.Anti-histamines and immunomodulating drugs will help to speed up the healing of the wound.

    Candidiasis stomatitis

    This kind of stomatitis is called fungal, as it usually appears due to the rapid multiplication of yeast-like Candida microorganisms.

    Candidiasis usually affects the baby's body, since the saliva of children does not yet have the necessary amount of acid components in its composition. Usually, candidal stomatitis appears in very weak patients, who suffer from immunodeficiency, diabetes, tuberculosis. It also occurs with the use of certain drugs - steroid hormones in particular.

    In the oral area, Candida fungus is always in a normal ratio. However, with provoking factors, it is strongly activated. This stomatitis looks like a cheesy plaque. When removing white spots, erosions are visible, as well as redness. In addition, there are seizures, dry mouth, characteristic burning.

    Treatment of candidal stomatitis is as follows: antifungal medicines, both local and general effects. Assign antifungal ointments, for example, Nystatin. Also, the mouth area is rinsed with a soda solution. A diet that excludes sweet foods and any fast carbohydrates is used.

    Aphthous stomatitis

    Aortic stomatitis is characterized by the appearance of aphthous ulcers, they can be either single or multiple. Also, the ulcers can be large and small, have a round, oval shape with a red border and a white coating in the middle.

    In children, the disease begins with malaise, weakness, increased temperature, the appearance of discomfort on the mucous membrane( see aphthous stomatitis in children).Usually, the disease is associated with a decrease in immunity, both general and mucous.

    Microorganisms that are usually in an inactive state, with provoking factors are activated. If the immunity decreases, the probability of occurrence of aphthous stomatitis becomes larger. Recurrence of aphthous stomatitis is a common occurrence. Usually the disease is repeated 3-4 times per year. The disease first appears in 10-20 years, after which it recurs with less pain.

    Treatment of aphthous stomatitis includes anti-inflammatory ointments, sprays, furacillin solutions, 5% borax solution, soda, sage and chamomile. Rinse the mouth as often as possible, especially after eating. Since aphthae disappear under the influence of high temperature, it is better to use fairly hot rinses. Also prescribed diet, painkillers.

    Prevention of stomatitis

    In order not to complicate your life in search of an answer, than to treat stomatitis, you should follow preventive measures.

    1. 1) Beware of trauma to the oral cavity. Broken seals, mucus bites, bad dentures - all this must be excluded. Teeth should be cleaned carefully, but carefully. It is important to choose a soft or medium hardness brush.
    2. 2) Since stomatitis can be caused by food or drugs, you can have a special diary. Once you identify suspicious foods or allergens, you can exclude them and minimize the risk of a relapse.
    3. 3) Take vitamins, watch for proper nutrition.
    4. 4) Carefully follow the oral cavity. Hygiene includes the exclusion of irritating toothpastes.
    5. 5) Avoid irritating drinks and food: chips, rusks, spicy foods, orange juice, as well as smoking and alcohol abuse.
    6. 6) Try to be less nervous. Of course, getting rid of stress is difficult, but you can use light sedatives.
    7. 7) Make sure that there is no hypothermia. Then your immunity will not let you down, and you will be healthy!
    If stomatitis has appeared for the first time, there is nothing to worry about. If he worries you is not the first time, you need to go through the examination and consult with a doctor. Then the exact cause of the disease will be clarified, which will help cure stomatitis faster.

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