  • How to prevent the development of caries in children?

    Caries in children is an infectious disease in which a gradual destruction of the tooth tissue occurs. In order to prevent this process it is necessary to follow simple recommendations regarding the prevention of the disease and to contact dentists in a timely manner.

    Dental caries in children can develop as a result of several main factors:

    • Anatomical and physiological characteristics of the child's body.
    • General immune status.

    The course of the disease depends on the age of the small patient.

    With the defeat of at least one temporary tooth, we can talk about the development of children's caries.

    Children's caries goes through several stages of development: from the initial and superficial to the middle and deep. The main manifestations of caries are small specks on the surface of the teeth, the presence of bad breath, sensitivity to hot or cold. The development of the carious process occurs very quickly and at the first manifestations of the disease one should seek help.

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    Caries of infant teeth

    The main reasons for the development of early tooth decay are:

    • Non-compliance with the rules of oral hygiene and the abuse of sweet. More than 70% of children are susceptible to developing an unpleasant disease. Under the influence of sucrose, glucose and fructose, the acidity of saliva changes and bacteria appear on the surface of the teeth.
    • In a number of cases, caries develops as a result of hereditary predisposition. Teeth begin to form during the gestation period of the child. If at this time the future mother smoked, took inadmissible groups of medications or suffered certain diseases, then in the future it can affect the condition of the child's teeth.
    • Teeth are most vulnerable in children under the age of two. During this period, the incised tooth is not yet sufficiently mineralized. This process can last up to 2 years in infant teeth and up to 3 years in permanent teeth.

    When developing caries, do not wait until the milk tooth itself falls out. This can lead to the development of complications: exacerbation of chronic diseases, infection of the oral cavity. In some cases, the affected milk tooth must be removed immediately.

    If a small child is used to fall asleep with a bottle in his mouth, then there is a risk of developing a bottle caries. With prolonged contact with the liquid, caries can affect all the front teeth.

    Development of bottle caries

    Bottle caries is a group carious lesion of infant teeth and develops in children of younger age groups( from 1 year to 3 years).The cause of the formation of this type of caries is malnutrition and non-compliance with the basic principles of oral hygiene. The disease proceeds in several stages:

    • For the first stage, the gradual destruction of enamel in the region of the cervical areas of the canines and incisors is characteristic.
    • The process of destruction extends to the enamel-dentinal joints and over time a deep damage to the hard tooth tissue is observed.

    The main manifestation of the disease - the presence of light spots on the front teeth of the child. Later, the stain can be transformed into a dark plaque and destroy the tooth.

    Elimination of bottle caries

    Therapy of bottle caries at an early stage involves the application of the silvering method. During the procedure, the dentist applies a special solution based on silver ions to the affected tooth. This contributes to the temporary prevention of the development of the disease.

    This method has a significant drawback: after the procedure the child's teeth will be painted black.

    In addition to a non-aesthetic appearance, if the risk of infection of neighboring teeth and the development of multiple caries. In the event that the infection penetrates deep into the tissue, then pulpitis will develop. In the absence of adequate, timely treatment, a child may lose a tooth.

    Caries therapy

    Treatment of caries in a child is carried out taking into account the degree of development of the disease. At an early stage, it will be sufficient to perform the procedure for remineralization of the affected tooth. In advanced cases, it may be necessary to seal the affected tooth.

    This implies the following manipulations:

    • The process should be performed under anesthesia. Before you do anesthetic injection, you may need to use a local anesthetic in the form of a gel or spray. The need for anesthesia may arise if removal of the pulp is required.
    • Removal of affected tissue is carried out with the help of special tools. If a boron machine is required, the removal procedure must be carried out with frequent interruptions.
    • When rooting, it is necessary to disinfect the channels( mechanical treatment is not required in this case).Filling is carried out with the use of a special paste.

    The duration of the filling procedure should not exceed 20-30 minutes. Otherwise, the child becomes tired and begins to be capricious.

    Prevention of the disease

    Prevention of caries in children can begin while the child is pregnant. During pregnancy, the expectant mother can take vitamin-mineral complexes according to the prescription of a gynecologist. The composition of such drugs includes fluoride and calcium, which favorably affect the structure of bones and teeth.

    A pregnant woman needs to enter into the diet a sufficient amount of fermented milk products, which contain calcium( milk, cottage cheese).

    In addition, for the early prevention of the disease must comply with the following recommendations:

    • Observe the simple rules of oral hygiene. As soon as the baby has cut the first tooth, he must have a special baby toothbrush and toothpaste. First, parents can apply the paste with a sterile bandage or even a finger. This will not hurt the tender gums of the child.
    • Diet: breastfeeding, the gradual introduction of fermented milk products, kefir. Up to 3 years, the child must receive a sufficient amount of calcium. In the future this will help prevent the development of caries of permanent teeth.
    • Systematic visit to the dentist. The doctor will always be able to give professional advice on oral care and will determine the development of caries at an early stage.

    It is recommended that healthy children be shown to a children's dentist at least 2 times a year. If the problem with the teeth is already there, then at least once every 2-3 months.

    Parents should be serious about adherence to the rules of hygiene and proper nutrition of the child. Despite the fact that the milk teeth are unstable and fall out, the infection can persist until the appearance of permanent teeth and have their destructive effect on them. The child must regularly visit a dentist in order to identify the problem in a timely manner.

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