
Vitamins for the nervous system: strengthening complexes, restoring and soothing

  • Vitamins for the nervous system: strengthening complexes, restoring and soothing

    Vitamins for the nervous system will help restore calm, sleep and good mood.

    If a person is overcome by apathy, depression, bad mood, then it speaks of a malfunction in the nervous system. When it comes to even changing the moral state, it is always connected with the brain.

    Nerve cells have a myelin layer( outer shell), which consists of vitamin B, phosphorus-containing fatty acids and cholesterol. When a person is in a nervous strain, the active shell is attacked by active radicals, and immunity is also weakened.

    In the shortage of vitamin E, A, C, radicals destroy cholesterol cells, and receptors are killed by a large number of dead cells. This process just leads to apathy and bad mood of

    . Necessary vitamins for strengthening the nervous system are called group B. These substances are responsible for the stress-resistance of the organism to external stimuli, help to withstand the strongest loads, nourish the brain cells and actively influence the production of the hormone of joy.

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    To restore HC, products containing vitamins E, A, B, C and minerals: copper, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium will be useful. This set of useful elements will purify the body of carcinogens, toxins that accumulated under stress, relieve tension and restore the hormonal balance.

    Vitamin A - normalizes sleep, slows down the aging of nerve cells. The lack of an element causes inattention and slowness. It is found in apricots, carrots, sea buckthorn, butter, fish.

    According to researches of scientists, at the use of a daily norm of a carotene the life expectancy increases by 20%.But you can not be too zealous in eating foods that contain this vitamin, as this will lead to increased excitability, headache.

    Group B - vitamins from nerves, it is they that strengthen the NS and participate in energy metabolism. The effectiveness of their work will be visible if you take not one vitamin from the group, but combine them. The most necessary elements from this class:

    • B1 - affects the development of mental abilities, has a calming effect;is found in rice, dairy products, oatmeal, legumes;
    • B2 - plays an important role in the synthesis of cells;the lack of an element can cause weakness, fatigue, uncontrolled mood changes;find this vitamin can be in nuts, milk, meat, liver;
    • В3 - improves the blood supply to the brain, takes part in the biosynthesis of proteins, fats, hormones, stops the development of schizophrenia;contains vitamin in mushrooms, nuts, liver, chicken;
    • B6 - promotes the production of the hormone of happiness, removes nervous overexcitation;you can get the element from sea fish, pomegranate, sea buckthorn, garlic;
    • B9 - lack of vitamin can cause mental disorders, decreased attention and memory, a sense of fear;it is contained in carrots, mushrooms, cabbage, liver;
    • B11 - restores the nervous system, strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the body's systems;you can get it from meat products, fish and dairy products;
    • В12 - protects nerve fibers from destruction;shortage can cause depression and sclerosis;Vitamin is in meat and vegetables.
    • Vitamin C - "anti-stress", which protects from emotional overload and protects with nervous excitement, affects mood;is found in parsley, sea-buckthorn, currant, citrus;doctors argue that this vitamin will help quickly recover after an emotional shock.
    • Vitamin E + D - will eliminate post-stress loads, protect brain cells from the negative effects of free radicals;E is contained in cabbage, vegetable oil, onion, and D - in sea fish, cheese, cottage cheese.

    Those who do not have enough nutrients from natural products, on the recommendation of a doctor can buy a complex of vitamins for the nervous system. The most effective and known are called: "Alphabet", "Norma", "Vita-Mineral", "Pentavit", "Neuromultivite", "B-Complex", "Nutrilight".Do not self-medicate.

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    If a person is overcome with apathy, depression, a bad mood, then this indicates a malfunction in the nervous system. When it comes to even changing the moral state, it is always connected with the brain.

    Nerve cells have a myelin layer( outer shell), which consists of vitamin B, phosphorus-containing fatty acids and cholesterol. When a person is in a nervous strain, the active shell is attacked by active radicals, and immunity is also weakened.

    In the absence of vitamin E, A, C radicals destroy cholesterol cells, and receptors are killed by a large number of dead cells. This process just leads to apathy and bad mood of

    . Necessary vitamins for strengthening the nervous system are called group B. These substances are responsible for stress resistance of the organism to external stimuli, help to withstand the strongest loads, nourish the brain cells and actively influence the production of the hormone of joy.

    To restore HC, products containing vitamins E, A, B, C and minerals: copper, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium will be useful. This set of useful elements will purify the body of carcinogens, toxins that accumulated under stress, relieve tension and restore the hormonal balance.

    Vitamin A - normalizes sleep, slows down the aging of nerve cells. The lack of an element causes inattention and slowness. It is found in apricots, carrots, sea buckthorn, butter, fish.

    According to researches of scientists, at the use of a daily norm of a carotene the life expectancy increases by 20%.But you can not be too zealous in eating foods that contain this vitamin, as this will lead to increased excitability, headache.

    Group B - vitamins from nerves, they strengthen the NA and participate in energy metabolism. The effectiveness of their work will be visible if you take not one vitamin from the group, but combine them. The most necessary elements from this class:

    • B1 - affects the development of mental abilities, has a calming effect;is found in rice, dairy products, oatmeal, legumes;
    • B2 - plays an important role in the synthesis of cells;the lack of an element can cause weakness, fatigue, uncontrolled mood changes;find this vitamin can be in nuts, milk, meat, liver;
    • В3 - improves the blood supply to the brain, takes part in the biosynthesis of proteins, fats, hormones, stops the development of schizophrenia;contains vitamin in mushrooms, nuts, liver, chicken;
    • B6 - promotes the production of the hormone of happiness, removes nervous overexcitation;you can get the element from sea fish, pomegranate, sea buckthorn, garlic;
    • B9 - lack of vitamin can cause mental disorders, decreased attention and memory, a sense of fear;it is contained in carrots, mushrooms, cabbage, liver;
    • B11 - restores the nervous system, strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the body's systems;you can get it from meat products, fish and dairy products;
    • B12 - protects nerve fibers from destruction;shortage can cause depression and sclerosis;Vitamin is in meat and vegetables.
    • Vitamin C - "anti-stress", which protects from emotional overload and protects against nervous excitement, affects mood;is found in parsley, sea-buckthorn, currant, citrus;doctors argue that this vitamin will help quickly recover after an emotional shock.
    • Vitamin E + D - will eliminate post-stress loads, protect brain cells from the negative effects of free radicals;E is contained in cabbage, vegetable oil, onion, and D - in sea fish, cheese, cottage cheese.

    Those who do not have enough nutrients from natural products, on the recommendation of a doctor can buy a complex of vitamins for the nervous system. The most effective and known are called: "Alphabet", "Norma", "Vita-Mineral", "Pentavit", "Neuromultivite", "B-Complex", "Nutrilight".Do not self-medicate.

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