
How to begin the first birth - the beginning of the first birth

  • How to begin the first birth - the beginning of the first birth

    To all the worries associated with the novelty of the sensations of the first pregnancy, feelings are added as to how not to miss the onset of labor. After all, everything happens for the first time! How it will happen, when, how the first birth begins, and how they should proceed - all this does not give rest to the primiparous mothers.

    It's unlikely that such fears are justified - births almost never start suddenly. The first hints at the approach of the long-awaited moment of birth of a beloved are beginning to be recognized in 2-4 weeks.

    During this period, the hormonal background of the female body changes. If the entire 9-month period of the body of a pregnant woman lived under the influence of the female hormone of progesterone, then at the end of pregnancy it gives way to estrogen.

    The role of progesterone in the period of fruit ripening was that it provided fetal growth and its successful development. Progesterone provided the uterus with the proper tone, the necessary concentration of oxygen and nutrients in the blood, was responsible for their timely delivery to the baby.

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    At some point, the fetus in the womb has matured in order to begin preparations for the release of "to the light."To help him comes another female hormone - estrogen, replacing progesterone, the concentration of which begins to decline. The role of estrogen is important in both the first and second stages of labor. It depends on it how quickly the cervix will open in the first period of labor, and how much the walls of the vagina will be elastic and capable of stretching. And this, in turn, determines the duration of the period of attempts. The beginning of childbirth is usually decided on two main grounds: on fights, on the passage of amniotic fluid.


    Contractions before delivery

    The concentration of estrogen is important at the very beginning of labor, that is, during labor. The fact that the fight occurs in connection with the emergence of a nerve impulse, which appears after reaching the required level of hormone concentration. In fact, the complex process of birth occurs reflexively and is further regulated by the nervous and hormonal systems of the female body. The contraction, which is the contraction of the walls of the uterus, is a reaction to the irritation of its nerve cells, which at this time release active substances, which, in turn, are used to prepare the next contraction. The process of contractions acquires a cyclic character and continues until the fetus is finally released outside. Contractions occur at certain intervals between which there comes a calm, at such times the uterus relaxes, and the woman does not experience any sensations.

    Please note! The most important sign of active labor is the dynamics of development and the regularity of contractions.

    Under the influence of contractions occurs:

    • in the 1st stage of labor: opening of the uterine neck;the duration of the bout is 10-15 seconds, the intervals between contractions are 15 or more minutes;
    • in the 2nd stage of labor: movement of the baby through the birth canal and its birth;fights intensify and lengthen, the intervals between them contract;
    • in the 3rd stage of labor: rejection of the placenta from the walls of the uterus;the exit of the placenta with parts of the fetal bladder and umbilical cord, that is, the birth of the afterbirth;the duration of the bout is up to 2-3 minutes.

    Departure of amniotic fluid

    And here's the birth!

    In a pregnant bladder, a pregnant woman usually contains about 800 ml of amniotic fluid, although this figure can reach 1,5-3 ml. The waters are clear and odorless, but if they have a greenish tinge, this indicates a poor state of the baby( hypoxia of the fetus).Even before the onset of contractions, a fetal bladder can get a rupture. With a small rupture of water will leak. She does not experience any pains. Before the onset of active labor in the stock, the woman in labor has a few more hours.

    Please note! The result of a suddenly ruptured bladder is a strong flow of amniotic fluid. If this happened before the onset of labor, you should immediately go to the maternity hospital. Note that for primiparous women this is not always the case.

    In case of occurrence of even some of the above mentioned signs, immediate measures should be taken to ensure that further passage of labor is under the supervision of doctors.

    Primitive mothers are more likely than others to "miss" the onset of labor, not to have time to reach the maternity hospital. It is unlikely that this happens in practice. It should be noted that most often the first-born woman takes for his birth not his signs, but his harbingers. Although increased vigilance during the first birth is never superfluous.

    Harbinger of genera

    About the approach of delivery can indicate certain signals, which are commonly called precursors. About them, pregnant women will learn closer to week 36.Harbinger at the beginning of the 36th week suggests that the female body is preparing directly for childbirth. They also continue to manifest themselves before the very birth. Consider them.

    • Abdominal abscess .This occurs as a result of the displacement of the baby in the lower part of the abdomen, as the abdominal stress is reduced. In this case, a woman experiences some discomfort due to pressure on the bladder and intestines. But breathing with such a fetal shift is easier due to a decrease in pressure on the diaphragm, less worried about heartburn in the stomach. Primiparas observe the abdomen dropping 2-4 weeks before the onset of labor, in all other parturient women - just before the birth.
    Extension of pelvic bones
    • Extension of pelvic bones .The sacroiliac joint is stretched under the pressure of a weighted baby, which is accompanied by painful pain in the lower back. Swimming and special exercises for the hip joints make the situation easier.
    • Changing child activity .The kid most often becomes inactive - it is cramped in the uterine cavity, especially when weighing more than 3 kg. But there may be an alternation of his activity: then more, then less.
    • Irregular contractions of the .Starting from the 30th week, painless and irregular contractions can be observed, which can easily be taken as a sign of the onset of labor. These are the so-called false bouts or the battles of Brexton-Higgs. Especially clearly they manifest themselves at 37-39 week. They are characterized by an uneven interval( 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 20 minutes, 10 minutes, etc.), they do not increase. And, as we already know, the sign of the beginning of true births is the regularity and dynamic development of fights. False bouts are given no more than 2-3 hours, especially the last week before childbirth, which resembles a kind of training of the uterus before the crucial period of true delivery. It happens that false fights smoothly pass into regular generic activity.

    Puffiness during pregnancy

    • Puffiness and cramps .They arise as a result of fetal pressure on the blood vessels of the pelvis.
    • Vaginal discharge ( mucous plug) .Before birth, vaginal discharge can become more abundant. In order not to confuse them with leakage of amniotic fluid, you should use a cotton pad that will absorb water, and the discharge will remain on the tissue. If you suspect any leakage of amniotic fluid, you should immediately call a doctor for a test, the answer to which will be ready after 15-20 minutes. During pregnancy, the so-called mucous plug closes the fetal outlet. Cork can go away as much as 2 weeks before delivery, and 3-4 days before the onset of labor. Therefore, her departure is not yet an occasion to aspire to the hospital.
    Changing appetite of a pregnant
    • Emotional instability, a change in appetite and weight loss of the body ( up to 2 kg), protrusion of the navel are also harbingers of labor.

    Before giving birth, a woman does not necessarily have to observe all harbingers at the same time. For example, 2-3 signs are a common occurrence in the period of approaching labor. But it also happens that a pregnant woman becomes a mother and does not experience the typical signs of the first birth.