
Useful and medicinal properties of Ammiyevich more

  • Useful and medicinal properties of Ammiyevich more

    Ammi ma jus L.

    Description. Biennial( in culture - an annual) herbaceous plant of the family of celery( Apia-ceae), about 1 m high. The stem is rounded, hollow( without pubescence), branchy, furrowed. Root rod. Leaves - two- or tri-deystorassechennye inflorescences - large complex umbels over 10 cm in diameter. The rays of the umbrella are bare, 2-7 cm in length, the number of them can reach 60 pieces, the mating - 2, the stamens - 5, and the edge flowers - less. Ovary bicornular, inferior. The fetus is a two-seeded, broadly ovate, smooth, flattened, laterally oblate, 2-3 mm long, ribbed. Weight 1000 acanthus - 0,5 g.

    Medicinal raw materials: seeds.

    Biological features. In the field culture, ammonia shows great resistance and productivity.

    During sprouting requires a sufficient amount of moisture, but rooted shoots and adult plants are very resistant to soil drought. Excess moisture during flowering and ripening of fruits reduces yield, and also leads to mass death of plants from fungal diseases. Ammi is a large light-loving crop. Winter-resistant, in mild winter conditions it hibernates in the phase of the rosette. Sprouts can withstand frosts to -6 ° C.Under the conditions of the culture, ammonia multiplies only by seeds. The plant is very badly damaged by a dodder, therefore the Sections clean from this parasitizing weed are allocated for it. Germination of seeds is observed at a temperature of 6-8 ° C.Stratification accelerates emergence of sprouts for 2-3 days. Mass shoots appear on the 12-15 day, budding is marked

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    Ammi ma jus L.

    on the 56-60 day, flowering - 78-80 day, ripening of fruits for 110-115 days. The vegetation period lasts 110-130 days.

    Distribution. In the wild, it is mostly distributed in the Mediterranean. In culture - in the south of Ukraine, on the southern coast of the Crimea. It occurs in the wild.

    Chemical composition. Fruits contain furokumari-ni, derivatives of psoralen and angelicin. In the grass there are the same compounds as in fruits, but in smaller quantities.

    Application. The therapeutic properties of ammonia are known for a long time. Already in the XIII century. Extracts from this plant were used to treat leukoderma. But the side effects that occurred while doing this, such as inflammation of the kidneys, liver, etc., limited the use of the plant. In the USSR, ammonia from the seeds produced ammifurin with a relatively low acute toxicity, the absence of a local irritant effect and a significant effect on blood pressure, cardiac activity, the frequency and rhythm of breathing. The composition of ammifurin includes furokumariny bergapten, xanthotoxin and isopimpinellin. The drug has a photosensitizing effect and low spasmolytic activity and in conjunction with dosed ultraviolet radiation is used to treat vitiligo, psoriasis, nesting and total alopecia. High therapeutic efficacy is observed in the treatment of baldness by combining ammifurin with propolis.

    Agrotechnics of cultivation. Site selection. The unpretentious nature of the ammonia makes it possible to grow it in culture on various soils. However, it is best developed on chernozem soil with moderate humidity during vegetation. The best precursors for ammonia are the early liberating fields of culture: winter, spring, early vegetable and fodder, and from medicinal plants - poppy oil and chamomile Dalmatian after the first year of use.

    Soil treatment. After harvesting the predecessor, the field is pebbled to a depth of 8-10 cm. The main plowing to a depth of 25-30 cm is carried out after germination of the weeds. Before the

    , the field is harrowed, and if the soil is heavily compacted, cultivate to a depth of 8-10 cm. When there is a lack of moisture in the soil,

    is made by rolling.

    Application of fertilizers. Under the deep autumn plowing, mineral fertilizers( in the absence of organic fertilizers) are added in the following doses: ammonium sulphate - 2.5 c / ha( or 1.5 c / ha of ammonium nitrate), superphosphate 3.5 c / ha and potassium chloride - about 0, 8 q / ha. The introduction of superphosphate in rows( a dose of 25-50 kg / ha) promotes an increase in the yield of seeds by 30-37%, respectively.

    Reproduction. Ammi large seeds are planted directly in the soil in early spring with vegetable seeders in a rowwise way with a row spacing of 45 cm at a seeding rate of 4-5 kg ​​/ ha to a depth of 2-3 cm. Ammi can also be sown late in autumn so that the seeds for winterthey did not ascend. In this case, the seeding rate is increased to 5-6 kg / ha, and the depth of seeded seeds is reduced to 1-1.5 cm in the soil.

    Simultaneously with the main seeds, the beacon culture is sown.

    In areas that can be submerged or prone to water and air erosion, sub-winter crops are not recommended.

    Care of plantations. The initial care of the crops consists in the early felling of the rows, the destruction of weeds, as well as the breaking of the crust by light harrows or rotary hoes.

    After the emergence of large-scale ammonium shoots for the destruction of weeds in the aisles, the crops are treated with trailed or mounted cultivators equipped with appropriate paws.

    Harvesting. The medicinal raw materials of ammonia are large, the fruits ripen very unevenly. First ripen the central umbrellas. They develop the largest seeds with high seeding qualities. When the seeds ripen, they crumble, so they start cleaning when 50-60% of the central and lateral umbrellas ripen. Ripening is accompanied by a gradual yellowing and drying of leaves, stems and browned umbrellas. Collect ammonia by a large direct combining of a converted grain harvester, in which the

    closes all the cracks, from the bottom they suspend the liner to catch the grain, reduce the flow of air from the fan. The hopper mass is dried and further cleaned on grain cleaning machines. Repeated threshing of straw gives an additional about a centner of product per hectare. In defective fruits there is a certain amount of furocoumarins, so, if necessary, they can be used as raw materials. It is also possible to separate this culture separately. At a normal density of grass stand( 100-200 plants per one running meter), for harvests of weeds in the protective zone and in the row in the phase of 5-6 leaves, harrowing by medium harrows across rows is repeated. After vegetation, 1-2 hand weeding and 3-4 interrow cultivation are carried out.

    Drying. Raw materials are dried and stored in a dry ventilated room.

    Seed growing. Seed plots are located after the best predecessors, on fertile and minimally overgrown with weeds. All work on the preparation of soil, sowing, and care is carried out at the optimum time. An obligatory requirement is careful selection of impurities of other species, quarantine weeds, damaged, immature and atypical plants. Harvesting is carried out by harvesters in a short time in the phase of full maturity of the seeds of central umbrellas. Seeds of Class 1 must have a germination capacity of at least 75%, 2 classes - not less than 65%.The average yield of seeds at a humidity of 13% is 6-10 q / ha.