
Useful and healing properties of mulberry tree( mulberry)

  • Useful and healing properties of mulberry tree( mulberry)

    Well-known tall bushy, with a thick spherical crown, a long tree with white or black fruit-berries. It grows in forest belts, near railways, on the streets of settlements and cities of Ukraine, Central Asia, Transcaucasia and other places.

    Medicinal raw materials are berries, leaves, bark of branches and roots.

    The white berry contains up to 11%, and the black berry contains 9% of sugar, in addition, the raw material contains sucrose and fructose, malic, citric, etc. acids, proteins, fats, vitamins, phosphoric acid, iron.

    In scientific medicine, mulberry is not used.

    In folk medicine, it is considered to possess blood and hemopoietic properties, normalizing the disturbed metabolism of the body, and therefore useful for sick and debilitated people.

    Mulberry berries are recommended for various diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system, diabetes, against obesity.

    Some doctors, using people's experience, treated patients with valvular heart disease, as well as those suffering from myocardial dystrophy. Patients took 4-5 times a day after eating 200-350 g of ripe mulberries - received an excellent therapeutic effect: pain in the heart decreased, its tones improved, and dyspnea decreased. It was recommended that patients with diabetes mellifuge sprinkle the food, for example cottage cheese, with powder from the dried leaves of mulberry. The resulting therapeutic effect may be due to the presence in the organs of mulberry vitamin B2( riboflavin), which facilitates the fixation of glucose in the tissues of the body.

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    Or another example. After the Great Patriotic War, the man returned home with heavy wounds, shell-shocked, with a sick heart, with an almost complete atrophy of vision. At first, it was difficult even to approach his long-suffering body. Accidentally learning about the beneficial properties of the mulberry tree, the patient began to eat strongly his berries. In the summer they ate them fresh, and the rest of the year they drank a syrup made on sugar. The result was amazing. The person became stronger, he recovered, the diseases disappeared.

    In folk medicine of Georgia, infusion of mature berries is used as a diaphoretic for catarrhal diseases. Juice of berries is considered a remedy for coughing. He also drinks with chronic constipation, and with diluted water - rinse his mouth and throat during inflammatory processes. Powder from the bark of branches, mixed with any vegetable oil, is used as an ointment for the treatment of chronic wounds and bruises.

    In folk medicine of Ukraine white and black mulberry successfully treat cardiovascular diseases.

    In China, decoctions of leaves, bark of the trunk and root are used for many diseases. The leaves go as an antipyretic agent for colds, the root cortex is recommended for hypertension, and in combination with other medicinal plants - for coughing, bronchial asthma and bronchitis. According to other sources, the bark of mulberry roots in China has been successfully used to treat diabetes mellitus, dropsy, kidney hypofunction.