  • Simple hairstyles for each day with their own hands: photo-instructions

    Many ladies prefer a long time to soak in bed in the morning. Instead of wasting your time, there is a good opportunity to put yourself in order: make up, pick up clothes on the way out and most importantly - make a haircut with your own hands. It is not necessary to try to make a unique, luxurious hair styling every day. You can do fairly simple options. About how to make simple haircuts for every day without the help of stylists, you will learn in this article.

    Beautiful and simple "Malvina"

    This hairstyle looks stylish and very beautiful. For many ladies, this option seems quite convenient and simple, as it looks great even if you did not have time to wash your hair in the morning."Malvina" is suitable for absolutely all girls. Usually it is made for long hair. It is also suitable for medium length hair.

    Step-by-step MK on creating such an image

    To create a laying you will need curling irons or ordinary hair curlers, as well as hair foam. The result depends only on what effect you want to get. So, for this you need:

    instagram viewer

    1) Create beautiful curls or curly hair curls. To do this, you need to gently curl the hair on the curlers and leave them for the night. If there is no time in the evening, you can do it in the morning with curling irons. And also you can simply braid wet hair before going to bed. To create a good volume, it is recommended to use a dry shampoo, which should be applied to the roots of the hair.

    2) Grab a lock at the back of the head, twist it and secure it with invisibility.

    3) Connect the section located on the right side of the face with the middle section. But first you need to twist the first on the back side. Next, fix the lock invisible.

    4) Do the same on the left side.

    5) Continue to twist the strands, directing them to the top of the head. As a result, you should get more than five flagella.

    6) The hair is ready, you only need to apply special oil for the hair to create their radiance.

    Next, you will see a photo-instruction with a description of the above actions.

    Simple version - unusual tail

    This hair is usually made on medium hair. You can create an unusual tail in 5 minutes, when you have very little time.

    Hairstyle can be done for work, in college and in school. It perfectly matches with the classic and office style of clothes.

    At first glance, this kind of hair styling seems complicated. But do not be scared, because it's quite easy to make it.

    There are many options for how to make an unusual tail. It can be done both with braids, and without them.

    MK on the unusual tail of the

    First you need to make a hair styling. You will need tongs or curlers. Enough only after waving to create waves of hands, after which it is good to comb your hair. Then you must:

    1) Weave the French pigtail, highlighting the middle section on the hair. The braid should end on the back of the head.

    2) Secure the pigtail with a hair straightener.

    3) At the front of the head, loosen the braid links.

    4) Towards the back of the head to twist strands of hair from the left and right sections of the hair. Lock the locks with invisible ones.

    5) Around the pigtail tie a bow of hair, wrapping the right and left sections. Lock them with invisible ones.

    6) Smooth disobedient strands and fix them with invisible objects.

    Your hair is ready! Now you can safely surprise the people around you!

    2 in 1: curls without volume at the roots of

    Such a hairdress does not suit all owners of the weaker sex. It looks great in case the hair is not washed. Usually curls without volume at the roots make for short hair or hair just below the shoulders.

    This hairstyle is created more for girls and young girls, rather than for adult ladies.

    How to do it?

    To begin with, make a smooth parting on the head and lubricate with special oil( if desired).Then create a hair styling with a small diameter forceps. Twist the strands, placing the ploy upright. Try to apply a curl to the eyebrow line. Next, you need to fix the hair, located at the temples, with the help of invisible. To give volume and texture, comb the hair using a comb.

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