  • Toning of hair after melirovaniya: before and after pictures and video

    Hair toning is a procedure by which ringlets can be given additional brightness, freshness, sometimes it even affects the volume.

    Toning has recently become fashionable, it was only heard of before, but now very many women are trying to find the right color for toning, considering it the safest and even sometimes useful procedure.

    Tone really does with wonders real miracles. However, in our time there are so many ways to transform your hair: coloring, blonding, staining, balage, ombre - just do not list.

    But the question - whether or not to do the hair toning after melirovaniya - cares women most of all, since melioration( as well as its branches) are the most common procedure for dyeing hair in beauty salons.

    The answer to this question is, of course, yes! If you really want to make toning, then after melirovaniya it can be done, and harm to the hair it will not bring, unless you abuse these procedures. In this article you will be told how and what is the best way to carry out this procedure, as well as how to tint the hair yourself - this will teach you master classes from home stylists. But, for starters, it would be nice to consider some photo tinting after melting the hair.

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    As you can see, the tone of hair is rather advantageous to do after melirovaniya, it turns out a wonderful and slightly strange, but attractive effect. Why do many women purposefully do both these procedures? First, melirovanie - a partial coloring of hair( individual strands) in a lighter shade, combined with the original color of the hair. The peculiarity of the standard melioration is a clear line between painted strands and untouched ones.

    And here toning is a superficial improvement in the condition of the hair, because this procedure is not curative."Working" together, these techniques are able to create a completely new image for a woman or to significantly upgrade the old one for the better.

    To see the difference, you are invited to review the photo before and after the toning with the highlighting of the hair.

    At home

    But in this part of the article you are asked to consider in detail how to do in the home hair toning + highlighting. In fact, if you already have some experience in conducting such procedures at home, then you have nothing to fear. First of all, of course, you need to purchase the necessary drugs, the list of which is given below.

    1. First, you will need a paint for highlighting, choose the color you want to melt your hair, the most preferred paints are Estelle, Matrix and Loreal. But there are also paints for one-time melioration, as an alternative. You have a great choice. For highlighting on dark hair, use lighter colors for 2-3 tones, but more light, you can take blond colors;
    2. Foil or thermal paper;
    3. Brush for dyeing strands and comb;
    4. A tonal tool( this is already for toning hair), you can buy it in the same store as the paint for highlighting;
    5. Apron and rubber gloves. What for? Not so persistent paint for toning hair is very hard to wash and rub off clothes, nails, hands, etc. It is better to be safe;
    6. Balm rinse aid.

    Excellent, when all the necessary tools are collected, you can start working. First, the first is melirovanie, so wash the head in advance and wait until the hair dry. After that, the hair is slightly moistened with water, and you take a small string from the top of the head, carefully comb it, leading to a perfectly even condition, then put a foil( you can use hairpins for fastening).

    Only after you have put the strand on the foil, you can take the finished paint and apply it to the hair with a brush. As soon as this stage is completed, the string is carefully wrapped in foil and fixed upward with a hair clip.

    In this way, treat some strands by passing the same width as those that have been painted. So, as soon as you have covered all the necessary strands, wait about half an hour, after which you can remove the foil and wash the hair with usual warm water. A more detailed study of this procedure will help you with video lessons.

    Now it's time to move on to toning. Before him, of course, it is better to leave the hair alone for a few days, immediately both procedures are not done!

    In fact, to tone the hair is very simple, just have a tonal remedy and lightly wet your hair. So, on dry or slightly damp hair, you apply a tonal remedy bought in advance, using hands and combs to divide the mixture along the entire length of the hair( remember that your hands should be wearing gloves).

    Then leave your hair alone for about half an hour and rinse the tonal with ordinary warm water( without shampoo).After you can wash the hair with a balm rinse to strengthen the effect.

    Still, if you find it hard to understand the whole point of the procedure, then consider the video lessons below.