
Bob-kara with lengthening: who will approach this hairstyle and how to make it at home

  • Bob-kara with lengthening: who will approach this hairstyle and how to make it at home

    Such a haircut, as a lobster with lengthening is very widespread these days. This is not surprising, because many popular movie and pop divas wear this hairstyle. Moreover, it is universal, it will fit any face oval and type of hair, except for wavy ones. This classic hairstyle with long strands will decorate you on weekdays, and at any celebration. It is recommended to use it for girls who dream of hiding their cheekbones or puffy cheeks. It elegantly emphasizes the bend of the neck and will successfully allocate your profile with almost any outfit.

    Varieties of this laying

    This elegant and feminine hairstyle is performed in various variations. The transition from long strands to short can be smooth, and it is possible to highlight the originality of the hairstyle even more sharply. And the front long strands can be of considerable length - below the shoulders.

    The most optimal option for cutting this plan is the angle that repeats perfectly the line of cheekbones. There is an optional transition that strictly follows the line of the cheekbone, it is important that it repeats their outlines, and the length is absolutely not important.

    instagram viewer

    The length of the head of hear on the nape of the neck is selected by each beauty for herself individually. It can reach the shoulders, and can be maximally inflated - completely opens the neck. Hairstyle with elongated strands is very interesting looks, if done on long hair.

    And what about the bangs?

    This hairstyle is performed with or without bangs. Classics of the genre - the presence of bangs, oblique or even. Smoothly shifting into the front strand bangs - a very spectacular option. Cute and elegantly looks like quads and without bangs, photo variations of the hairstyle you'll find just below. As for the selection - a matter of choice. Ideally, the parting is oblique to create a slight asymmetry.

    To whom is this hair style suitable?

    Usually, such a haircut is chosen by girls with wide cheekbones. The hair-do is favorably hidden by the shortcomings of a square and triangular face, emphasizing virtues. To narrow-faced individuals such a hairstyle does not quite fit, unless they have a thick lush head of hair. To curly hair is also not recommended to do Bob-kar. Hair should be fairly straightforward and obedient. And even better - adapted to frequent styling.

    One of the most enviable hairstyles of such a plan is Rihanna. Her cropped hair causes white envy, and creative styling attracts the eye.

    Casual everyday laying

    You will need a round brush, hair dryer and five minutes of free time. For the washed dry shampoo of hair, we apply a fixative. With a round brush with the help of a hair dryer, we twist the strands downward, as if stretching out the long, long locks. If you protect your hair from frequent exposure to a hot air jet, large hair curlers will help you.

    Stylish negligence

    We create such a styling with our own hands using fixing tools. Apply mousse to the hair and stretch the strands in a chaotic manner. A very successful option will give your image of maiden frivolity. The front strands must necessarily be falling on the face.

    I'm a rebel!

    This laying will take minimum time and effort. Especially it is good for hairstyles with asymmetrical front locks. We put mousse for packing, we do small nachy. With a small comb, we divide the hair into parting so that the elongated strands are on one side. We fix our hair with invisibility and varnish. The image of the princess is informal. Add a stylish accessory and into battle.

    At the gala evening

    Evening hairstyle in this style also does not take you much time. To create it, simply straighten all the strands with iron. Glamorous image of a secular lioness is ready.

    Styling for the wedding

    Wedding styling is done not only for long hair. There are enough options for a medium hairstyle for a choice.

    We offer for viewing a few videos about our favorite hair.