  • Wedding hairstyles for medium hair with a veil - 80 photos of 2016

    Every girl and woman, on the solemn day of her own wedding, strives to look not only flawless, but also brilliant, to be, by right, the real queen of the holiday. And not the last role in this case is played by the bride's hair. Pay attention to the wedding hairstyles for medium hair with a veil: photos of 2016 are laid out below. In this collection, there are various options for wedding hairstyles, the main decoration of which is the veil.

    Every year dictates its own fashion rules. And wedding hairstyles are also no exception. If the length of your hair is medium, and you decorate it with a veil, then this article is for you. So, all types of laying experts are divided into several types: high hairstyles, hairstyles with curls, as well as hairstyles created on the basis of various weaves and braid.

    To decorate the bride's hair, you can use a multi-layered and magnificent veil, which is fastened to the crown. In this case, we suggest you consider a hair style in the style of "bun".Usually, to achieve the effect of the greatest volume of this hairstyle, the master will use special rollers or linings. In addition, not all hair is collected in the bundle, some strands remain "at large", and then curl the master into playful and romantic locks, the main task of which is to give your image a certain charm. A lush veil of medium length will serve as a worthy decoration for both the hairstyle and the "shell" style.

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    Wedding hairstyles with bangs

    Brunette variants are also worthy of attention. Such hairstyles give the image originality. The difficulty in creating them is that the master needs to lay the bangs so that by the end of the celebration she is not disheveled and lost her beauty. If your choice is a smooth and straight bang, then it will be perfectly combined with her smooth hairdo or a variety of weaving. And here from magnificent curls stylists advise to refrain. If you want the master to create a magnificent hairdo, then in this case it is best to choose the bangs on the side. Interesting and such options, photos of which are shown below.

    Wedding hairstyles with flowing hair

    The current trend of wedding fashion this year is the loose hair. To the bride's hair in this case, the only requirement is that the hair should be healthy, and, of course, well-groomed. What will be the hairstyle on her hair, choose only you: with braids, curls or laid with a curling iron. In this case, to decorate the hairstyle, the veil - Spaniard, which completely covers the entire head of the bride - fits perfectly.

    In case you want to add to your image of tenderness, it is best to choose a light, flowing veil that is attached to the back of the head. In this case, you can choose as a magnificent hairdo, and a hairdress with curls, various kinds of weaving or a hairdo in retro style.

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