Pea Diet
Pea diet: reviews and results of losing weightwith the help of peas
A pea diet is a very satisfying and effective method of losing weight, due to which it enjoys great success among slimming people who want to lose extra pounds without feeling hungry.
Diet on peas for weight loss: essence, benefits and features ^
The main feature of the pea diet for weight loss is the presence of a large amount of protein in this product, so athletes can use the low-calorie regimen.
Also in peas contain vitamins, calcium, potassium and phosphorus, amino acids, zinc, magnesium and manganese, and together all substances affect the body in the following positive way:
- Improve metabolism and metabolic processes;
- Normalizes digestion;
- Remove toxins and toxins, cleanse the intestines.
Due to this action, fat cells are burned very quickly, and during a week of diet you can lose 3-5 kilograms.
The diet on peas is forbidden only to those who have a metabolic disorder, there are frequent attacks of diarrhea, tk.this product can cause them to become more frequent.
The advantages of pea diets are beyond doubt:
- The absence of a constant feeling of hunger;
- Effective body cleansing;
- Cost-effective: all products in the store are inexpensive.
Of the minuses can only be distinguished that prolonged use of dishes with peas can cause the formation of gases in the intestine.
What is allowed for a pea diet:
- Cereals from cereals;
- Fruits;
- Vegetables and vegetable soups;
- Sour-milk drinks.
It is forbidden to eat only flour, sweet, fried and smoked food, and also to drink alcohol.
How many kilograms goes on a pea diet
The calorie content of a daily diet here does not exceed 1300-15500 Kcal, so one week you can lose 3 to 10 kilograms - it all depends on the specific menu and individual characteristics of the body losing weight.
Pea Diet: eating rules, menus, popular recipes ^
Pea Diet: an approximate menu, the best recipes for losing weight with peas
The rules of pea diets are simple and understandable:
- Every day it is recommended to drink from 1.5 to 2 liters of pure non-carbonated water;
- You should also pay attention to sports or at least minimal physical exercises;
- Do not consume any prohibited foods.
Pea Diet: minus 10 kg per week
This variant of a diet on peas is recommended for those who are accustomed to three meals a day, however here portions should be small. All week it is necessary to adhere to the same type of food, but the weight is reduced by 7-10 kg.
Daily menu for the whole week:
- We have breakfast with oatmeal cooked on water and mixed with grated apple;
- We dine with pea porridge, soup or ragout from vegetables;
- We have dinner with canned peas( 200 g), we also eat a boiled chicken breast or a piece of fish.
Diet on pea porridge
This diet lasts no more than a week - during this time you can lose 3-5 kg weight. All vegetables and fruits, soups, juices, etc. are allowed to be consumed, but for lunch it is necessary to eat 200 g of pea porridge.
Sample menu:
- For breakfast we eat cottage cheese with fruit, drink tea or coffee;
- Snack with apple, pear or orange;
- For lunch we eat porridge from peas and boiled vegetables;
- We snack fruit juice;
- We cook ragout of vegetables for dinner, eat with fish.
Diet on pea soup puree
This mode is analogous to the previous one, but instead of the porridge you need to eat soup. It lasts no more than a week, weight loss indicators remain the same - 3-5 kilograms.
Approximate menu for every day:
- In the morning we drink tea, eat fruit;
- Have a snack with any vegetables;
- We have lunch with soup and vegetable salad;We have supper with a piece of boiled chicken breast.
Recipe for pea soup:
- Put in a saucepan 400 g of frozen peas, 1 tsp.sugar and chopped parsley;
- Solim and pour 400 ml of water;
- Bring to a boil, then cook for another 15 minutes;
- Whisk everything with a blender, add 100 ml of low-fat cream;
- Waiting for the mixture to boil;
- Turn off the cooker.
Diet on green peas
You can not eat for such a system for more than a week - for this period of time the weight is reduced by 3-4 kilograms.
Same menu for all days:
- We have breakfast muesli( 30 g), we eat an apple, we drink a glass of milk with a bran bun;
- We dine with pea soup, omelette from two eggs and fresh peas, mashed potatoes or a salad of corn and the main product - one dish to choose from;
- We snack grapes( 100 g), pear, plums or a glass of kefir;
- We dine with any portion from dinner, or we eat 50 g of cheese with a slice of bread.
Diet on cooked peas
On boiled peas one can arrange a once a month unloading day, during which the weight decreases by 1-1.5 kg. The bottom line is the use of the main dish - boiled peas, as well as vegetables.
Full day menu:
- In the morning we eat light vegetable salad, drink tea;
- Snacking after 2 hours with boiled peas;
- Lunch a salad with boiled peas;
- We drink kefir for a mid-morning snack;
- We have dinner with boiled peas.
Diet on peas and maize
It is possible to adhere to this mode for no more than three days. He suffers heavily, but reduces weight by 3-5 kilograms. All that can be eaten is cooked or canned corn, peas and rice porridge with them, and when there is a feeling of hunger - to have a snack with vegetables.
Menu for 3 days:
- In the morning we eat 2 cobs of boiled corn, we drink tea;
- After 2 hours we eat cucumber and tomato;
- We dine rice porridge with peas and corn;
- For dinner - 100 g of boiled peas.
Diet on peas and beans
The diet with beans( beans and lentils) is designed for 14 days, during which you can eat vegetables, fruits, cereals, cheese and sour-milk products. Weight is reduced by 5-7 kg.
Sample menu:
- Lunch with toast, cheese( 50 g) and a cup of coffee;
- At lunch we eat an orange, an apple or any other fruit;
- Lunch a portion of boiled fish, 100 g boiled beans and the same amount of vegetable salad;
- For dinner we eat boiled veal( 100 g) and pea porridge, we drink green tea.
Diet on peas and buckwheat
On such products it is recommended to spend unloading days 2-3 times a month in order to cleanse your body and lose weight by 1.5-2 kg.
Menu of a fasting day on peas:
- We have a breakfast of 100 g of buckwheat porridge on the water;
- We have a snack with a handful of boiled peas;
- For lunch we eat buckwheat with peas( 200 g serving);
- We snack any vegetable( 1 piece);
- In the evening we repeat the ration of breakfast, we drink a glass of kefir.
Peas diet for weight loss: reviews, results, real stories of losing weight ^
Nutritionists do not advise to often diet on peas, tk.this can cause frequent attacks of flatulence and deterioration of well-being. If you use one of the rations no more than once a year( except for fasting days), you will achieve the following remarkable results of a diet for weight loss on pea porridge:
- Improves digestion;
- Reduces the likelihood of gastrointestinal tract diseases;
- The excess weight is relieved;
- Immunity is strengthened;
- The entire body is cleaned.
The exit from the pea diet is not too complicated, so after the last day of limited nutrition, you need to gradually introduce more meat and vegetables into the menu, while the daily increase in calories should not exceed 200 kcal.
Reviews about the pea diet for losing weight of our regular readers are also very positive:
Natalia, 28 years old:
"I decided to make unloading on cooked peas - I really love it. All day long I wanted to eat a normal hearty meal, but I suffered, and now I weigh 1.5 kilograms less. Of course, this is not an indicator, but after a diet, I think I will lose more. "
Irina, 38 years old:
" I liked the ration on pea soup-puree: and the dish is delicious, and I did not have to starve myself, while I lost weight on it4 kilograms is very easy! "
Galina, 53:
" I was always worried about the problem of excess weight, and so I decided on a diet with peas and beans stayed there for 2 weeks without any problems, I did not want to eat too much, but I lost 5, 5 kg »