  • Fitness for weight loss

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    Fitness will help not only to get rid of extra pounds and get a beautiful tightened body, but also raise self-esteem and regain self-confidence.
    There are a lot of its varieties: running, running, cycling, swimming, gymnastic exercises, strength exercises. Fitness can be done both independently and with a coach, either individually or in a group. To determine and understand what kind of type you need, you can use the interesting advice of fitness instructors. They advise you to undress in front of the mirror and imagine how you would like your hands, legs, chest, waist, stomach, try to cover the body parts you liked with your hands. This will help determine what you need. Also this advice will give a great incentive and motivation in achieving the desired results.
    In aerobic exercise, a large amount of calories is consumed during exercise, but this kind does not affect muscles properly as it does under power loads. It is best for weight loss to combine these kinds of loads, then you will get a slim and fit body. The most optimal form for weight loss is the so-called circular training - alternating in one training cardio( aerobic) and power loads at a moving pace with almost no stops. This method is suitable only for trained, physically hardy people. It is better for beginners to train at a slow pace, to make stops for a small rest, if necessary. It is also necessary to monitor the correctness of the performed exercise, monitor the state of health, do not overwork. As the body becomes accustomed to the load, the pace of training should be gradually increased, reducing the rest time between exercises. During training, it is necessary to drink mineral not aerated or filtered water, since it is with water that salts and toxins are released from the body, which are formed as a result of active combustion of subcutaneous fat. One active training should not exceed two hours. Daily intense power loads are not desirable, since you need to let the muscles recover and rest. It is best to practice every other day for an hour or 2-3 times a week for 2 hours.

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    During the period of fitness, special attention should be paid to food. In no case can you reduce the caloric content of your daily diet. Otherwise, metabolism may slow down and then even a small amount of food will be deposited in the form of extra pounds. Also, when choosing a diet, you should consider what your metabolic rate is: slow, normal and accelerated. Try to balance proteins, fats and carbohydrates for your type of metabolism. For a slowed-down diet, 60% carbohydrates predominate, but this must be complex, long-digested carbohydrates. The source of such carbohydrates can be vegetables with a small or medium content of starch, a variety of low-calorie fruits, whole-grain cereals. Proteins occupy 25% of the diet, proteins are best suited, with an average or low purine content. It can be lean meat, low-fat dairy products, fish, egg white.
    Fats are only 15% of the daily diet. Try to cut or refuse altogether from animal fat, replacing it with vegetable. The diet with normal metabolism includes 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 30% fat.
    Regardless of the level of metabolism, foods with a high glycemic index should be avoided, as these products, getting into the body, sharply raise sugar in the blood, thereby stimulating the production of insulin, which in turn prevents the splitting of the already existing fat and promotes the accumulation of a new one. You should also reduce the consumption of foods high in starch, baked goods, sweets that contain a lot of fat and sugar, high-calorie fruit and berries.
    The most important thing in losing weight is to make the process fun.