
Depersonalization in the case of neurosis: how to cope with the depressive depersonalization of the personality

  • Depersonalization in the case of neurosis: how to cope with the depressive depersonalization of the personality

    From the earliest age, a person's consciousness accustoms to orientate in the world around, clearly identifying themselves - the person or his Self and everything else - people, objects - not I. The time comes the formation of a sense of one's own uniqueness and a huge number of associative connections.

    With the help of sensations( tactile, auditory visual), a person creates a union of body and mind, as a single whole I( personalization).But there are situations when there is a certain failure and there is a person's depersonalization, often there is a depersonalization with a neurosis.

    What is the depersonalization of

    Depersonalization is a pathology in a person's mental state when he ceases to sense his Self in the real world, feeling that consciousness is separate from the body. In a healthy person, sometimes an unexpressed temporary depersonalization can occur under the influence of stress factors.

    The most vivid manifestation of depersonalization is observed in pathological conditions such as neurosis, depression, as well as with various mental illnesses, for example, epilepsy, schizophrenia.

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    Analyzing the etiology of the onset of this condition in patients, specialists came to the conclusion that depersonalization is a protective reaction of the organism in response to hyperexposure of stressful situations that exceed the threshold of a person's mental capabilities. Simply put, the nervous system turns off the brain to protect it from overload.

    Symptoms of depersonalization of a person with neuroses

    Depersonalization of a person with a neurotic condition is marked by pronounced symptoms that can not be noticed. And the patient simultaneously has a whole complex of symptoms:

    1. Gradually disappear personality traits.

    2. Gradually disappear subtle emotions, a person ceases to feel the boundary between the spiritual and physical world.

    3. A person becomes indifferent to family and friends.

    4. Does not feel any emotions about the events happening in the world around him, is, as it were, behind the glass.

    5. The world is perceived in gray or in black and white.

    6. A person ceases to perceive nature, sounds, smells, colors.

    7. Does not perceive music, painting and other works of art.

    8. There are no thoughts, the head seems to be empty.

    9. There are such sensations, that any parts of a body are separately.

    10. Normal emotions are blunted, there is no joy, no grief, no anger, no resentment, no compassion.

    11. A characteristic feature is a lack of mood.

    12. Man does everything as on autopilot, all events around occur at a slowed pace.

    13. Sensitivity is weakened - temperature, pain, taste and others.

    Outwardly the person looks hindered, thinks slowly, gives the impression that he has nowhere to hurry, he does not want to think about anything. He does not feel hunger, nor satiety, nor pain. In this state, the reactions of the whole organism are so inhibited that even medicinal substances in higher dosages act on it.

    Prolonged depressive depersonalization can cause significant harm to the human psyche.

    The diagnosis of neurotic depersonalization is based on the findings of the examination, the complaints of the patient and his family members. Since there are no organic changes in the human body with this disease, laboratory methods of research are useless, moreover, analyzes show that the patient is absolutely healthy. In this state, even chronic infections disappear, and immunity rises sharply.

    Treatment of depersonalization in neurosis

    Depersonalization requires daily monitoring of a psychoneurologist, therefore therapy is performed strictly in hospital settings. Depending on the course of the disease, various methods of treatment are used, since the duration of depersonalization can last several hours, and maybe several years.

    Depersonalization with a short period of flow is difficult to identify, but if detected, treatment can be limited to psychoanalysis. Prolonged processes require complex complex measures. But in any case, the treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes that caused fear or panic attacks, which resulted in the disconnection of the self.

    In no case can this disease be neglected, since the person can not cope with depersonalization himself, and only qualified specialists can remove it from this state.

    Also prescribed antidepressants, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, neuroleptics, soothing drugs in shock doses. Severe cases are treated with the appointment of neurotropic drugs.

    Various methods of alternative medicine, homeopathy, folk medicine, acupuncture, phytotherapy are shown for treatment.

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