
Products that raise the mood( antidepressants), which are in our menu

  • Products that raise the mood( antidepressants), which are in our menu

    Stressful situations, failures, problems and just bad weather can cause useless mood. How to deal with such a problem? Some offer sports, others go to the spa, others - relaxation to music and stuff.

    And we want to offer a list of products that help to improve the mood. Immediately make a reservation, do not "lean" on everything and in large quantities, otherwise a bad mood will be the result of a spoiled figure.

    Anti-depressant products

    Anti-depressant products( antidepressants) , is headed by bitter chocolate. It contains many seeds of cocoa, that is, theobromine, which provides a tonic effect. It contains phenylethylamine, which promotes the production of the hormone of happiness and other microelements, vitamins, which make the body resistant to stress.

    Dairy products and hard cheese have an overwhelming effect on the production of the stress hormone. These are excellent antidepressant products. Vitamins of group B allow to struggle successfully with stresses. And cheeses affect the production of the hormone of happiness.

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    Antidepressant products include oatmeal in their list. It saturates the body with thiamine, which is popularly called a vitamin of optimism. Oatmeal belongs to the class of complex carbohydrates, which help to produce hormone serotonin. And it provides protection from stress.

    You can not leave meat without attention. Low-fat beef is useful, and turkey is a source of pantothenic acid. This acid is involved in the synthesis of antistress hormones. The nervous system is favorably affected by lamb, which is saturated with vitamins and trace elements.

    Products that improve mood, are included in our diet regularly, so the body, by and large, is protected.

    Important antidepressant products are seafood. A lot of magnesium, which strengthens the nervous system in almonds. It also contains vitamin B2, which activates the production of serotonin.

    Do not forget about the effectiveness of broccoli, bananas, blueberries and strawberries in the fight against stress.

    Seeds with nuts excellently lift the mood due to the content of omega-3 acids, like fatty fish. These products are suitable for those who do not like fish. In addition to these acids, in nuts and seeds there is also a mass of useful substances, such as L-tryptophan and selenium.

    Dates are an excellent alternative to sweets, only more useful. In addition, having eaten the date, a person begins to feel the mood lift. This is due to the content in the dates of vitamin B6.It promotes the development of serotonin, responsible for joy.

    In addition to products that raise the mood, there are products that contribute to its deterioration, as well as irritability and nervousness. These are products that contain a large amount of sugar, as well as semi-finished products. The use of such products should be avoided.

    The most useful is plant food. Meat is also useful, but in small quantities. It can be replaced by other products containing protein, for example, cheese or soy.

    If you eat right, using only those foods that benefit the body, you do not have to raise your mood, it will be on top.

    Calmness and balance to you.

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