
The second pregnancy immediately after the first: how dangerous it is

  • The second pregnancy immediately after the first: how dangerous it is

    Female body after the first birth is restored about two years. The main reason for this prolonged recovery period is that the female body undergoes tremendous changes during pregnancy.

    Many women are very often interested in issues such as lactation, the onset of a second pregnancy, its possible complications and changes. In this article, the conversation will be about this.

    When can the next pregnancy occur?

    In most cases, pregnancy in a short space after delivery is unplanned. Many women do not pay enough attention to postpartum contraception - especially against the background of breastfeeding.

    The method of so-called "lactational amenorrhea"( absence of menstruation on the background of breastfeeding) is effective only in the absence of complementary feeding and replacement of part of the feedings. If you are feeding a child, but applying it to your chest, not every feeding, the method loses its effectiveness.

    In the absence of breastfeeding, fertility can be restored within 6-8 weeks after birth.

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    The resumption of menstruation indicates the need for contraception. Sometimes pregnancy occurs even in the absence of menstruation( the first ovulation, or the release of a mature egg from the ovary, leads to pregnancy, and menstruation "does not come").

    Against this background, a woman may not know for a long time about her pregnancy, especially if there are no signs of an early toxicosis or a mild manifestation of his symptoms( nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure, incomprehensible malaise, exacerbation of smell).

    If the second pregnancy immediately after the first, after all, the woman is faced with the question of its preservation. We take into account not only the social conditions and the woman's desire, but also medical recommendations( the presence of contraindications to the further continuation of this pregnancy).

    During the second pregnancy, which occurred immediately after the first, the reproductive and endocrine system suffers most of all. From the fifth month of pregnancy, the uterus increases, which leads to a change in the activity of the adrenal and thyroid glands. As the fetus grows, changes occur in the cardiovascular system.

    Irritability, increased fatigue indicate a change in the nervous system.

    What changes occur in the female body during the second pregnancy during lactation?

    Everyone understands that pregnancy places a huge burden on the body, and if a woman continues to breastfeed, the load increases several times. If a woman notices that the amount of breast milk decreases, and the baby himself refuses the breast, then it should be checked for pregnancy, because during it the composition of the milk can vary greatly.

    Doctors advise that when the second pregnancy should be abandoned breastfeeding. Another reason is that stimulation of the nipples leads to a reduction in the uterus, which may in turn lead to premature birth or miscarriage.

    During the second pregnancy , a woman is recommended, first of all, to eat, walk and rest.

    The second birth immediately after the first have their advantages. First of all, the second birth is much faster and easier than the first. In addition, the parents did not have time to recover after the first birth and lose their skills in caring for and caring for a small child.

    Children who have a small age difference get along better with each other, since they share common interests, toys, games and entertainment. It will be easier financially, because parents will not have to spend again on clothes, toys and such accessories for the child as a cot, stroller and other things.

    Possible complications of the second pregnancy

    1. Progression or onset of varicose leg disease. Even if you did not use compression knitwear at the first pregnancy, you did not have complaints, there were no "vascular asterisks" on your legs, it can happen now.

    2. Tears and deformations of the cervix after delivery could lead to a decrease in the "blocking" function of the cervix and its canal, which can cause a threat of termination of pregnancy due to the penetration of the bladder into the dilated canal of the cervix.

    3. The presence of a scar on the uterus after a caesarean section requires increased attention to this problem. If the tissues have not sufficiently recovered in the zone where the incision was made, the rumen may split on the uterus at the end of pregnancy. Especially in this respect, the inappropriately preceding corporal caesarean section( the incision in this case is performed longitudinally along the median line on the uterus).

    These women often have low attachment of the placenta, the threat of abortion, fetoplacental insufficiency( insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus as a result of decreased uteroplacental and placental blood flow), which develops against other complications - anemia, threatened termination of pregnancyetc.

    If caesarean section is performed less than one year before the second pregnancy, pregnancy is problematic. The interval recommended by most specialists is at least 2 years in this case.

    3. Available somatic diseases( heart diseases, blood diseases, serious lung diseases) against the backdrop of a quickly coming second pregnancy can enter the stage of decompensation( worsening of the course of the disease).In this case, consultation is not only an obstetrician-gynecologist, but also a specialist in the underlying disease.

    4. Severe anemia - a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin( below 70 g / liter), as well as states after massive bleeding in previous births require a longer recovery of the body as a whole. A new pregnancy on such "unprepared" soil can have a severe course, possibly progression of anemia, the occurrence of other complications of pregnancy.

    5. Inflammatory diseases( endometritis and further spread of inflammation to surrounding tissues - metroendometritis, parametritis) in the postpartum period are also risk factors. Endometritis( inflammation of the uterus) in the postpartum period, especially after a caesarean section, can lead to a threat of interruption of the present pregnancy, and also to form an incomplete scar on the uterus in the case of the previous caesarean section.

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