  • Proper nutrition for losing weight

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    Being healthy is not easy. Too many temptations on our way. And above all - food, fatty, sweet, in excess. And eat, eat up to the limit, forgetting that the incorrect, excess food from the many risk factors( hypodynamia, hypertension, internal and external intoxication, stresses, smoking, alcohol, etc.) is most damaging to health simply because of its regular, daily use.
    Today, the nutrition problem for the majority of the population is very painful. Therefore it is especially important to know what kind of food, drink, in what connection are useful and can maintain health, and in what can lead to diseases.
    The organism of each of us represents a unique individuality, and it must be studied and studied without fail, relying on one's own intuition and accumulating knowledge and information.
    If your body is healthy and feels great - eat everything you like, that brings a feeling of cheerfulness, raises the mood, regardless of the recommendations of authorities and experts. There are two aspects to this postulate. Firstly, in order to eat everything you want, you have to be healthy, i.e.at least not have chronic diseases. Secondly, you need to learn how to select food at any given moment, so that after it there is no feeling of discomfort, let alone eructations or heartburn. If you recall the pyramidal structure of a person, then, apparently, it will be a person with the harmonious development of all structures, which has a clearly expressed connection between desires( "I want to eat this") and their consequence for the organism( "and I will feel great").

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    If a person is sick, then how to help yourself? From 60 to 80% of all ailments, painful manifestations, injuries do not require medical intervention. They either pass by themselves, or are cured by home remedies and a way of natural exposure. This is normal for civilized people who consciously approach the problem of their health. Therefore, almost healthy people, i.e.those who have a number of chronic diseases that do not limit their performance, suggest first to self-diagnose their health status, and then begin to correct nutrition.
    Overeating is bad for health - this belief exists from the time of Hippocrates to this day. But, what is "a lot" and what is "little"?Specialists in the theory of balanced nutrition recommend determining the right amount of food in calories( kilojoules), depending on the energy costs of the body. For example, 1 kcal / hour per 1 kg of body weight, i.е.a person weighing 70 kg needs 1700 calories per day. And the body weight should be taken as ideal, not actual.
    Specialists in the theory of adequate nutrition recommend not to count calories, but to introduce in the diet 60 - 70% of plant foods, which can be consumed without restriction, 40% of it consumed in boiled form, the rest - in the raw.
    To date, science has made a number of discoveries about the correct nutrition when losing weight .
    1. The satiety of the product and its calorie content, this is far from the same thing. It often happens that a high-calorie product turns out to be very, very unsatisfying. And, on the contrary - from not very high-calorie foods you can build a very satisfying food. The simplest example, a decent loaf of bread and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Caloric content is the same, and the bread satiety is much higher.
    And if so, then it means that we can build nutrition programs that not only help to reduce weight, but also do it as carefully and physiologically as possible, have a lot of other advantages - they heal, rejuvenate, increase efficiency, quality and life expectancy.
    2. There was a notion of nutritional nutrition. A range of non-ihrogenic products has been identified that a person can consume in any quantity without risking to recover. These include lean meat, fish, low-fat dairy and sour-milk products, cottage cheese, bread, pasta, cereals, potatoes, vegetables, almost all fruits and berries. And if certain conditions are met, they also contain sugar-containing products. That is, all those products that many of us are afraid of, like fire. And nevertheless, it is so. Complex carbohydrates are essentially non-fat.
    3. The place of a diet in a number of other weight loss efforts is defined. In no case should you reduce all activities only to diet compliance. Often, for half-starved food, the body responds not by the expense of stocks, but by the reduction of energy consumption. It is much preferable to somehow stimulate the breakdown of fat. Then we will eat up small and lose weight at the same time. In terms of such stimulants, a full-fledged sleep, a positive attitude, a good muscle tone and confidence in success are very effective.
    4. The opinion was formed that too rigid diets and tiring physical loads not only do not contribute to weight loss, but, on the contrary, lead directly to the opposite, that is, to weight gain. And therefore they should be abandoned.
    5. Humanistic concepts of weight loss have emerged - programs that fully take into account human nature. After spending a certain amount of time on their development, in the future you can lose weight without suffering and support the result for as long as you want.
    In fact, all the traditional weight-loss tactic is throwing from one extreme to the other. Then we are the last forces to observe a half-starved diet, then we break, eat a lot, greedily and get fat. This tradition can be successfully countered with the tactics of the golden mean. In its simplest form, this alternation of two modes - one routine, not involving any effort, but preventing weight gain, the other providing a smooth weight loss, but quite tolerable. This regime we observe from time to time, when we have a spirit and desire to lose another 5-6 kilograms.
    Traditional tactics reduced all weight-lifting efforts to one thing: either to sit on a half-starved diet, or to grueling training, or installation psychotherapy. Recently, the so-called integrated approach has received increasing attention - a reasonably built food, motor activity, stimulating fat splitting, a positive psycho-emotional mood and a state of involvement. Three whales, three components of influence - nutrition, movement, psychology. If everything is selected correctly( optimally), these components begin to strengthen each other, and weight loss turns into a pleasant and fascinating occupation.

    It is necessary to observe the correct diet, that is, the frequency and time of food intake during the day.
    Power mode - this is something that is usually dismissed, as from something insignificant. And in vain. Because this is where one of the main ways to lose weight is hidden.
    Traditionally, and scientifically, 3 to 4 meals a day is considered expedient. If you perform more or less intensive intellectual work, you should know that after a hearty breakfast the brain tissue is not sufficiently supplied with blood, which leads to general inhibition, drowsiness, and decreased productivity of mental work. Therefore, breakfast and lunch is advisable to make 5 - 20% of the total amount of food, and lunch and dinner 30 - 35%.At three meals a day for dinner there are all 60%.It is necessary to remember only that dinner should be done no later than seven in the evening.
    If the intervals between meals are more than 7 hours, then the appetite reaches a maximum, which then affects the volume of absorbed food. By the way, not at all the same concepts: appetite and hunger. Hunger is when the digestive organs are ready to take food. Appetite is an artificial famine that arises regardless of the amount of food in the digestive system, as a reaction to various stimuli: appearance, smell, taste, memories of food, etc. There is a good rule of oriental medicine: there is only when there is a famine. If it is not available in the morning, then breakfast is not needed.
    If you want to eat some specific food, even though there is no hunger, try to take a deep breath and hold your breath for a few seconds( up to 60 seconds).Repeat several times and your desire will disappear. The reason is very simple: holding the breath leads to the accumulation of energy in the body, and hence the need to enter it with food disappears.
    The human body is not just an oven, in which how much fuel is thrown, so many calories and burn. With insufficient or too rare intake of calories, the body adjusts to the external conditions, and what happens is what is called the slowing of metabolism. With slow metabolism, the body can receive more energy from the same amount of food that has arrived.
    How this happens, you can see one example.
    A group of students from a medical institute decided to conduct an experiment. Volunteer students armed with weighing scales for weighing products and tables to calculate calorie content in various products. Some volunteers began to eat twice a day, and the other - ate exactly the same food, but in four stages. The experiment lasted four months.
    By the end of this period, the first group of students markedly increased in weight( on average their weight increased by 5 kg).While the weight of students from the group, who ate four times a day, remained unchanged.
    Both groups of students ate 2,500 calories per day, but those who ate less often absorbed 333 kcal more. Metabolism slowed by 13%.These students needed 13% less food to get the necessary amount of nutrients. But they continued to consume a normal amount of calories, so 13% of the incoming food was stored in fat.
    Unstable nutrition leads to obesity! It's tested on a lot of people;this was confirmed by experiments on dogs gaining weight with a rare diet, doctors say about it.
    To get rid of excess weight, you need to accelerate the metabolism and switch to fractional nutrition.
    Fractional meals are low-dose meals, but many times a day - usually 4 to 6.
    Fractional meals are the most physiological type of food. It is peculiar to a person from time immemorial, when food was taken at a time. Feasts, if arranged, were very rarely and necessarily accompanied by ritual dances, duels, games, other active activities. And today we turn every meal into a real feast. Feast three times a day! That is why the digestive system is the first to fail.
    For thousands of years of evolution, the human body has adapted to fractional nutrition. This is the kind of nutrition that doctors recommend practically in all diseases of the stomach, intestines and other internal organs.
    If you eat three times a day, as is now the case, you are already putting yourself at risk of obesity. If you eat one or two times a day and think that this is good for your body( because you do not eat much), you are very seriously mistaken. This provokes overeating.
    Fractional nutrition accelerates the metabolism and eliminates the shock in the blood glucose, and therefore - saves from obesity. The question arises: how to break the food ration during the day?
    The most physiological will be approximately equal meals. If we are talking about losing weight( and losing weight is inevitably associated with a decrease in the calorie intake of the diet to 1000 kcal per day), the normal diet can consist of five meals of 200 kcal each.
    Any statement that it is necessary to "eat breakfast itself, share dinner with a friend, give dinner to the enemy", "in a hot climate, a plentiful meal before bedtime is the most rational", "one should eat half the daily ration for lunch" should be considered erroneous. They contradict human physiology simply because the liver works always the same and the excessive intake of glucose( more than 90 grams per meal) will inevitably lead to its deposition in the form of fats.
    The scientific approach to losing weight is to reduce the daily caloric intake of food up to 1 kcal per day, provided five or six meals a day, in limiting the intake of animal fats and reducing the intake of glucose to 90 grams per meal.
    It is better to transfer the power modes with an allowed dinner than the modes at which the notorious rule "Do not eat after 6 pm" is realized.

    Healers of antiquity well understood that "illnesses come to man through the mouth" and, in order to get rid of them, food should be used "as a medicine".Physician-reformer of medicine P. Bregg notes that 99% of diseases arise from malnutrition. Instead of getting rid of the disease, removing harmful food from the diet, a person swallows a handful of medicines, poisoning himself. "
    Still Hippocrates believed that the diseases are caused by the wrong mixture of "juices", one of the reasons for which is malnutrition. He argued that malnutrition, causing physical ailments, also leads to the following neuropsychiatric disorders:
    a) a decrease in the productivity of mental work;B) increased irritability and fatigue;
    c) insomnia or, conversely, pathological drowsiness.
    Thus, nervous disorders are often one of the first signs of malnutrition.
    Hippocrates usually began treatment as follows: first, he subjected the patient to starvation, then cleared the intestines with herbs and enemas. After that, the patient had to eat only whole-grain corn, raw vegetables and fruits. Food products of animal origin either were banned completely, or they were consumed in very small quantities.
    Along with the therapeutic diet, great importance was attached to motor activity. Those patients who were recommended to move a lot, received a large amount of food. Those who were restricted in food, respectively, moved less and rested more. The treatment system used by Hippocrates has not lost its importance in our time.
    Not only Hippocrates, who expressed these thoughts, but Avicenna and his follower and yoga therapist A. Amasiatsi prescribed certain types of products for various diseases, precisely indicating the food regime individually in each individual case.

    Recommendations for Nutrition of Patients with Disability:
    - Do not experiment with food alone.
    - Go on a vegetarian diet.
    - Observe the power scheme.
    - Drink water and juices.
    - Perform systematic body cleansing.
    1. Consult a specialist to get an individual nutrition system that takes into account the condition, diagnosis, functional reserves of the body, as well as the age, habits, tastes and duration of the digestive process. Diagnosis can be carried out by various methods.
    2. It is useful to switch to a vegetarian diet for the entire period of the illness, which will help save energy to fight the disease. Especially with gout, diabetes, obesity. In diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidney damage, chronic constipation shows a diet that includes a large amount of raw plant foods - salads from raw vegetables, various fruits, melons( watermelons, melons), etc. This ensures maximum intake of vitamins into the body, enzymes, phytoncides, pectins, microelements, organic acids, the most useful sugars( fructose), which do not cause an increase in blood glucose. The consumption of a large number of raw vegetables and fruits has a stunning effect and prevents the development of acidotic( acidic) shifts in the body that promote the development of atherosclerosis. Broths( meat, fish), fried dishes( cutlets, steaks, fried potatoes), breaded dishes( cutlets, rumsticks, pork chops, etc.), concentrated fatty gravies and sauces( in particular, tomato) are not recommended. Exclude spices( mustard, pepper, etc.), pickled cucumbers, fresh soft bread, pancakes.
    3. Approximate diet for a week and a day.

    Weekly power plan
    Wednesday, Friday. Water post - 24 hours. It is necessary to drink structured water( melted, source) in the volume of 2 - 3 liters per day. For 1 glass of water, add 0.5 teaspoon of honey, a few drops of lemon juice and adaptogens( golden root tincture, eleutherococcus, ginseng).Drink sips every 10 to 15 minutes. If there is a headache - do a cleansing enema.
    Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Vegetarian food, with 60% of the total volume of food - raw vegetables and fruits, 40% - cooked.
    Sunday, Monday. Usual food( according to diagnosis).Scheme for a day of
    Breakfast. I variant - 1 cup of structured water.
    II option: after 20 - 30 minutes after drinking water, have breakfast. For example: 2 - 3 raw or baked apples or 1 glass of a mixture of dried fruits( dried apricots, raisins, prunes, etc.), soaked with boiling water the evening before, or vegetable salad. You can eat all at once.
    Dinner. I option( if there was no breakfast) - the food that was for breakfast in the second option.
    II option - 1 raw fruit( apple, pear, banana, citrus, etc.), after 20 minutes - porridge( buckwheat, millet, rice, oatmeal) with seasoning from onion, garlic.
    Snack. Herbal tea with breadcrumbs, nuts, seeds, fruits.
    Uzhin. I option - the food that was for lunch in the II version.
    II variant - protein food of animal or vegetable origin( butter, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, cheese, beans, peas).At night - yogurt, yogurt or apple.
    4. It is necessary to drink structured( thawed) water or juices freshly prepared. Water in a living organism is the main condition for its functioning. A person needs about 2.5 liters of water per day for his life, which is about 50 cubic meters.liters of water over 60 years of life, those.this is one railway tank. At the age of 18 years, the water content in the human body is 65-70% of the body weight. And blood - 90%, saliva - 99%, muscles and internal organs - 70 - 80%, bones, fat tissue - 20 - 25%.With age, cells lose the ability to retain the required amount of water, so that a person grows old.
    You need to drink structured, melted or filtered water or juices.
    Water flushes out of the cells waste products of metabolism, carries them through the kidneys or through the skin. In past times, with a clean environment, there were many sources of drinking water. At present, this is another, and important, problem. Tap water, unfortunately, does not always meet drinking water standards.
    Today, almost all over the world, natural water in its natural form is unsuitable for drinking. Moreover, it is dangerous. According to WHO, more than 80 percent of all diseases are associated with drinking contaminated water.
    As a result of unreasonable scientific and technical, industrial and agricultural activities of a person, the number of harmful and poisonous substances in drinking water has grown in tens, hundreds, and in some regions of the planet and in thousands of times, which has adversely and sometimes adversely affected the health of all age groupspopulation, but especially on the health of children and the elderly.
    In all civilized countries, water for drinking and cooking is sold. It is more expensive than the drinking water that pours from the tap in each apartment, as it is additionally cleaned. To this end, thousands of different installations and devices were built using the achievements of colloid chemistry, ion exchange filters, reverse osmosis filters and other devices and technologies.
    As established by scientific research, water in a living body is significantly different in structure, physico-chemical and biological properties. Our task is to make water optimal for the perception and development of a living organism. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to erase the negative information contained in the water memory, for even after the most thorough purification the water remembers the presence of already gone harmful impurities in it, remaining essentially the biological properties of the "sick", which is explained by the so-called homeopathic memory effect.
    The methods of purifying tap water, developed today, unfortunately do not make it possible to consider that water is clean and without "memory".
    One of the simplest and most reliable methods of destroying the "memory" of water can be a change in its phase structure, i.e.preparation of melt water. It is such meltwater that is the basis of a healthy human body. This is due to the fact that water with an ice-like structure, so-called structured or quasicrystalline, penetrates deep enough into the cavities of the crystalline system of living molecules of the body, water them well, firmly retains them inside the cells, ensures the optimal flow of oxidation-reduction and exchange processes.
    Numerous studies have confirmed the identity of thawed water to the water of tissues of a living organism. This, in turn, means that melt water is biologically active, heals the human body, increases its resistance.
    Freshly prepared melt water should not be heated or diluted. Do not freeze water in a metal container that is not covered with a lid. Meltwater retains its medicinal properties for not more than 8 hours. For medical purposes, thawed water should be taken 30 minutes before meals for 30 to 40 days in the amount of one percent of body weight. If the weight is 50 kg, then this dose is 500 g of water. In the next 30 to 40 days, the dose is halved, and then the break for the same 30 to 40 days.
    For prevention, you should consume half the water.
    It is useful for a sick person to drink vegetable freshly prepared juices.
    Beetroot juice is necessary for lowering blood pressure, generating red blood cells and improving blood in general. It is useful for women during menstruation and in menopause. Composition: 50% sodium, 5% calcium, 20% potassium and 8% chlorine, which cleanses the kidneys, liver and gallbladder well.
    Carrot juice is a source of vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, R. It improves the structure of the teeth and digestive system, has anti-cancer and antiulcer actions, increases resistance to infections of the eyes, throat, tonsils, respiratory system, strengthens the nervous system.
    Cucumber juice - a powerful diuretic, improves hair growth. Composition: 40% potassium, 10% sodium, 6% calcium, 20% phosphorus, 24% chlorine. Teeth, gums, hair and nails improve with the intake of juice.
    Tomato juice - contains a lot of lemon and oxalic acid, is rich in sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium. Do not heat the tomatoes. Inorganic acids pass into organic acids and lead to the formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder.
    Potato juice - has easily digestible sugars, which when cooked turn into starch. It is very useful for removing stains on the skin, which is explained by the high content of sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine and potassium. But when cooking all these substances are transformed into an organic state. Potato juice with carrot helps with nervous diseases, lung diseases.
    Green pepper juice - contains in abundance silicon, improves the work of the sebaceous glands and lacrimal ducts, very useful for hair and nail growth. And in a mixture with carrot juice provides a good result for cleansing the skin of stains, as well as gassing in the intestines, with spasms and colic.
    Parsley juice - drink in mixture with carrot or other juices. Strengthens blood pressure, vessels, capillaries, adrenals and thyroid gland for diseases of the kidneys, genitourinary tract, eye disease, cataracts, conjunctivitis, etc.
    Cabbage juice - with duodenal ulcer, reduces weight, is effective for constipation and tumors, causes gas formation, and therefore it is necessary to do enemas.

    The internal environment of the body depends on the state of acid-base balance. Food changes this balance depending on the composition. For example, vegetables and fruits( with a few exceptions) give an alkaline reaction. Meat, cottage cheese, eggs increase the acidity of the body. More useful for him is the alkaline reaction. That is why starchy foods( cereals, potatoes, bread, etc.), which require alkaline medium to be processed, must be chewed for a long time to be processed already in the mouth under the influence of saliva enzymes, which has an alkaline reaction. Protein food for its processing requires an acidic medium, which is formed with the help of gastric juice. Therefore, it should not be held in your mouth for so long. But still, it should be sufficiently grinded by teeth so that there is no excessive formation of gases, nausea, eructations, heartburn.

    It turns out that we eat completely wrong, we do a lot of harm to the work of the gastrointestinal tract and contribute to its disease.
    First. Do not eat, if you do not want to. The body must "earn" food. In the old days, not one people had a tradition to eat in the morning. The point is not in the installations "there is - not is", but in the needs of the organism. I want to eat - the feeling of hunger dictates the need for food. There is no such sensation - breakfast is not needed, especially if there is intellectual work that awaits you.
    The second. Food should not be taken in a bad mood, after cooling or overheating, and even more so during acute illnesses. First you need to calm down, rest, and then sit down at the table. It is not necessary to talk while talking, solve problems, read, watch TV.In the old days there was a good custom: before a meal people read a prayer with thanks to God, thus tuning in the importance of making food.
    Bulgarian healer and philosopher A. Aivankhanov draws attention to one more aspect of eating. If the food is done in silence, the etheric body "feeds".The only way to "feed" the astral body is to cook and eat in an atmosphere of joy and love, and then these feelings remain with people for a long time. If the table was dominated by feelings of another - irritation, anger, displeasure, etc.- After dinner they will not leave you soon.
    A huge shortcoming of our life is haste. It is impossible to rush and swallow food without chewing, in this case the first stage of digestion is eliminated - the processing of food by enzymes of saliva. There are known recommendations of yogis - to chew food up to 30 - 60 times or more, and then you can eat 8 spoons of rice. Swallowing food, a person is forced to eat a much larger amount of food until a feeling of saturation.
    Another important argument in favor of long chewing: many acupuncture canals pass through the teeth, including the gallbladder canal, and with prolonged chewing, intensification of the gall bladder occurs, for the processing of heavy, fatty foods.
    Do not spare time to lay the table, do not forget about the musical accompaniment - and let your meal become a ritual - a source of positive emotions, and not a place to find out the relationship.

    1. Do not despair!
    Even if before you tried to lose weight many times and you did not succeed! The most frequent cause of failure is errors that are caused by inaccurate ideas about the nature of man and the device of metabolism.
    2. Find and understand these mistakes.
    3. Arrange points above the "and".
    This boring fat is just a supply of food. It must be used quietly for energy needs. But it's not enough just to want to lose weight. For the success of the enterprise, it is simply necessary to want to do everything that leads to losing weight.
    4. Want to lose weight - love the lifestyle that leads to weight loss.
    Find one that you will gladly accept and love. Before you change something in the order of your nutrition, mobility and so on, ask yourself: "Would I do it, even if I was not going to lose weight?".If so, then you have found what you need!
    5. Everything that you plan for weight loss, should like you in itself or carry some direct benefit.
    6. Do not try to lose weight all the time.
    It still does not work out. Due to the laws of the device, the human body can not always spend fat ahead of time, that is, lose weight. We can lose weight, we can not. Hence, from the very beginning, we need to keep in mind not one food regime, but at least two. The first unloading, which really leads to losing weight, and the second soft non-fatty, not particularly allowing to lose weight, but also to grow fat while not permitting. This mode is required for rest periods.
    7. Be careful, do not overdo it.
    Avoid painful diets and excessive physical exertion. It's dangerous, it's painful, there's no quality of life, plus a great desire to quit all this, that is, to break. Moreover, all these "weight loss excesses" actually lead to weight gain.
    8. From excess weight, very little is helped by drugs and even more so by supplements.
    The maximum that these funds can, is a little speed up the rate of weight loss, or improve the quality of life. And no more. So, if you hope that one day you will gain some medicine that will cause you to lose weight without any effort, do not expect. This does not happen.

    As shown by numerous studies, the vast majority of people can not tolerate prohibitions and restrictions for a long time. The consumption of food is a process largely intuitive, subconscious. Satisfaction with nutrition is an obligatory component of quality of life. Attempts to follow any prescribed diet often lead to an unbearable loss of quality of life, frustrations, overeating and a new round of weight gain. And the probability that the breakdown will come much earlier than the person will reach the desired weight, not less than 95%.Now more and more scientists believe that the weight of full people is growing not so much because they are not doing anything to keep this weight, but because they are too tough for themselves.
    Prohibitions on certain products very often impoverish our food with vital substances. There is a growing risk of various diseases. For example, a very frequent consequence of diets with a lack of protein or vitamins is the development of immunodeficiency.
    Unfortunately, the consumption of fat in response to energy deficiency is not the only reaction of the body to a diet. First, in addition to fat, muscle tissue is lost, and this is highly undesirable. After all, excess fat is consumed in the muscles. Secondly, adherence to diet leads to a slower metabolism and lower fat consumption. It turns out that further "sitting" on a diet, though causing normal pain, but does not lead to weight loss. Moreover, the slowing of metabolism and the reduction of muscle mass creates the prerequisites that after a breakdown, the weight of our patient will grow at a faster rate.
    So, traditional diets carry a number of properties that not only do not contribute to weight loss, but often lead to a faster increase in weight. But no one can abolish the main task. Indeed, weight loss happens only in the event that a negative energy balance is maintained day by day - the predominance of energy consumption over energy consumption with food.
    Therefore, you need a combined principle of nutrition and a comprehensive approach to weight loss.

    Losing weight can be comfortable and violent. And it is very important for us to learn to distinguish one from another. Comfortable weight loss can lead to success( weight loss and long-term maintenance of the achieved result).While the violent is able to give only a temporary effect, and always less than expected, which is furthermore necessarily replaced by a breakdown and repeated weight gain. We undertake to assert that through violent weight loss, through the constant struggle of man with himself, his weight grows much faster than if he did not lose weight at all.
    Comfortable weight loss is due to the property of our body to spend fat for the realization of the goals for which this fat was accumulated - movement, active life, creative process, etc.
    And there are a number of situations when weight decreases, it would seem, without anysome effort on the part of man, or with small, even in some kind of pleasant effort.
    The simplest example, known to most women. Extra pounds start to "shower" one after another, it is only to fall in love. In this state, a woman experiences a strange sensation of independence from eating. It is saturated with literally small portions and can run without food for many hours. But at the same time she eats what she wants and as much as she wants. And she is quite satisfied with her diet.
    The state of independence from food and weight loss can be found without effort in situations that require a person to fully mobilize, for example, when you need to solve a complex multi-day production task. Many people remember that during such periods of life, food literally "did not climb."I had to make an effort to eat.
    Sometimes a person loses weight well, changing the usual situation. For example, after leaving for several weeks in a sanatorium or on a business trip to another city. A state of mental recovery, a sense of self-employment, a desire for change. It loses weight in this state easily and comfortably. And there are no prohibitions and burdens from dieting. Therefore, we must learn to create a situation of comfortable weight loss, support it.
    And then solid bonuses - a successful weight loss, good health, increased efficiency, improved sleep, increased self-esteem, creating an image of a successful successful person.
    Weight loss is very likely to happen if you are in a good clear( a psychologist would say, in a positive) mood, eat reasonably and in a certain way accurate and mobile.
    The mood is good, the loads are invigorating, but the food satisfies. This state is like a person in itself. He feels well, he manages a lot, his work capacity rises. And if so, he has every reason to stay in this state for as long as possible. And the only way to achieve this is to learn to fix this state and return to this state.
    Ask yourself this question: would you apply this or that norm of nutrition or this or that training regime, if you did not set yourself the task of losing weight? If so, then you have found what you need. If it is unlikely, then for weight loss, this should not be used.
    Nutrition, motor activity and mood are closely related to each other. A man is sitting at home, doing nothing, he is bored. And in this situation he again and again wants to eat. It would seem, why? He does not do anything. He and the energy should be less. But in this state, his body takes energy to accumulate, to make reserves. He, like the organism of any animal, understands the situation in such a way that food is finally found, it's no longer necessary to run anywhere. Otherwise, why did he stop and do nothing? And if there is food, then we must absorb it and accumulate energy. It is so arranged.
    And the opposite situation. A man has been busy for several hours, he is very good at it, he is extremely interested and he literally forgot about food. What energy does his body eat at this time? The energy extracted from the fat. In those situations, when it is necessary, our body can excellently extract energy from the reserves.
    Therefore, nutrition, motor activity, mood - three scales, which could be changed.
    Hence the rule:
    Lose weight, it is to change your lifestyle, gradually feeling for one that, on the one hand, we will like, and on the other hand, staying in which, our body will consume fat.

    It is also necessary to avoid extremes in nutrition, motor activity and in the mood.
    Usually people "from the last strength" observe an unbearable diet, full of prohibitions, then break, overeat and gain weight. Or they are in a state of hypodynamia and boredom, or "take on themselves", intensively train, experience everything that is supposed to happen - fatigue, weakness, muscle pains, increased appetite up to the brutal. Then, without suffering torment, stop training, everyone throws, they again fall into a lack of mobility and get fat.
    Forced weight loss has two characteristics. First, to observe all these prohibitions do not usually like. Secondly, a person is always disappointed with the result."I wasted" kilograms by five, I lost only two. And further. Since this regimen is dosed according to subjective sensations - the feeling of hunger, which must be a feeling of satiety, which should be avoided( they say, from fatness I get fat, I lose weight from hunger), people always "tighten their nuts" all the time. If yesterday he ate so much food and managed to sustain it, then the next day he will try to eat even less. And so on, until it comes close to the amount of food that already can not satisfy it. Then breakdown.

    Supports non-iodine comfort food. Weight does not decrease or increase. This is a useful condition, as in most cases it is necessary to strive precisely to maintain weight. Periodically, when there is strength and desire, we introduce small reasonable restrictions, which we can easily follow and that lead to weight loss.
    The general characteristics of such modes are no prohibitions, relatively easy( acceptable) portability and weight of bonuses - weight loss, good health, good sleep and increased efficiency.
    It should be said that sometimes such a food gives simply brilliant results. Especially when too fatty food was the leading cause of excess weight.
    Note that these two modes are completely interoperable. We feel the desire to lose weight a little - we leave for the area of ​​unloading food, but thoughtful, not containing bans and deprivations, built more according to the principles of rational nutrition. If we are not up to weight loss - some urgent business at work and so on, - we make the diet more mild( non-fatty) and go to the phase of weight stabilization.

    Motor activity
    There are also two modes. One helps maintain weight at a constant level. The second, more active and toning, contributes to weight loss.
    At least 80% of fat burns in the muscles. The better the muscles are oriented to the splitting of fat, the easier it gets to lose weight. Fat in muscles is consumed not only with physical activity, but also at rest. The level of this expenditure depends on the tone, the so-called muscle reduction in readiness.
    Energy consumption increases, and food intake decreases because the body switches to fat consumption and feeds on stored energy.
    There is a certain mode of motor activity( each person has his own), in which the splitting of adipose tissue is activated, the appetite decreases and the mood improves. This mode with a relatively low-fat diet provides a fat consumption that exceeds its consumption, and already due to this leads to weight loss. And most importantly, this image of mobility is pleasing to man in itself. Breathe easily, the tone is good, the mood is elevated, working capacity and sexuality are increased.
    Motor activity is a factor that harmonizes mental processes. If it is chosen optimally, then the anxiety and depressive mood decrease. So, the need for food decreases as a sedative. We no longer need to eat too much to raise our spirits. It can be said with certainty that optimally chosen movements are just as necessary for our body as food, water or air.
    Toning exercises have an antidepressant effect. The more irritants enter our brain, the greater the activity of the so-called reticular formation. This structure is located in the middle parts of the brain and serves as a kind of battery that feeds the cortex and creates a positive emotional background, or, in simple terms, a good mood. Accordingly, than these impulses less, so our mood is worse.
    Every muscle in our body, with each contraction, signals to the brain, reporting its state and position in space. The flow of impulses rushes to the cerebral cortex, toning the reticular formation along the way. Hence the tonic and harmonizing effect of physical exertion. Conversely, lack of mobility, low muscle tone often accompanied by a decrease in mood, depression, and increased appetite. Impulses from the oral cavity from the taste buds also go through the reticular formation, and also, while nourishing it, increase the mood. There is not enough pleasure from movements, we will replace it with pleasure from eating. Normal switching, I either move or eat.
    Such tonic and harmonizing action will be accompanied only by pleasant loads. If the loads are uncomfortable, over-intensive, the flow of impulses from the muscles will be evaluated as emergency and stressful. The natural reaction of the brain is to stop this load as soon as possible and forget about it. And to forget more, the most to eat.
    With properly selected and sufficient physical exertion, appetite is very likely to decrease. Conversely, with low mobility or with over-intensive loads, an increase in appetite can be observed.
    Previously, when man was part of the wildlife and not much different from other animals, he had a very clear link between motor activity and food. The life of man, like other animals, circled in a circle. First physical work, increased muscle tone, aimed at obtaining food. And further, when food is found - the relative muscular rest and switching the body to its absorption and digestion.
    In modern humans, in contrast to most animals, motor activity is often not related to obtaining food. But, reducing the muscle tone, a person, like any other animal, switches to the accumulation of fat. His appetite rises. And when he tries less or less often to somehow resist the process of increasing weight, he has the most real suffering from "violent", "uncontrollable" appetite, from a feeling of hunger. Suffering, by the way, is completely natural in this situation.
    Do not fight hunger, staying in a situation in which an increase in appetite is natural. It is better to change the situation.

    Psycho-emotional mood
    There is also a way of thinking that helps maintain body weight. For example, such."Food is undoubtedly a pleasure, and it would be foolish to deny yourself this pleasure. But if I'm fat, a number of things I can not afford. For example, it will be hard for me to travel, it will be difficult to attract me, to make a love story. "
    The pleasure of eating has a very weighty alternative - the pleasure of feeling your own youth, lightness, strength and health.
    And, of course, there is a way of thinking, in which the weight is comfortably reduced. This way of thinking necessarily assumes that the state of health, a good quality of life - almost the main life value. Indeed, if a person is positive, if he likes to live, if he wants to be happy in this life, if he wants to live a full life and roughly knows how to do it, then what can stop him from bringing his weight into order?
    Why does a good mood help to lose weight?
    First, a person in a good mood is much easier to overcome difficulties and inconveniences. Secondly, against a background of good mood, muscle tone is always higher, which means higher energy consumption, which is largely provided by fissile fat. Thirdly, if our mood is good, we need less food as a sedative. In this state, a person becomes more legible in food, and, accordingly, it is easier for him to organize his diet so that the weight begins to decrease.
    There is a very important relationship between the image of mobility, mood and appetite. A good mood supports increased muscle tone and moderate appetite. Motor activity, on the one hand, reduces appetite, on the other, it increases mood. And if we take this into account, we will easily create a regime where the body mass will be stable or will be comfortably reduced.
    Through small changes in the image of nutrition, the image of mobility and the way of thinking to find a new way of life( each of us has his own), which in itself is pleasant and acceptable, which, unlike the existing one, will be accompanied not by the accumulation of fat mass, but by its reduction and further maintenanceweight at a normal level.
    This kind of change is not an emergency. We need to find out what we are doing now that is not what we need to change and to what extent, and with which we should begin.

    The content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the food intake should be physiological. Recommended composition of daily intake:
    • 100 g of proteins( x 4.1 kcal = 410 kcal per day);
    • 60 g of animal fat,( x 9.3 kcal = 560 kcal per day);
    • 27 g of vegetable oils( if taken strictly separate from animal fats, it is not digested and its calorific value is 0);
    • 370 g of carbohydrates( x 4.1 kcal = 1530 kcal).
    Total for the day 2500 kcal.
    There are certain rules:
    1. The human body generally does not have a supply of proteins( muscle protein, lymphocytes and other protein-containing elements of the body - it's not protein stores);
    2. Stocks of carbohydrates in the body can be called as very small and operational - from one meal to another;
    3. Long-term reserves in the body are only fat stores.
    From this follows:
    a) each meal should contain some protein;B) every meal must contain carbohydrates;
    c) first of all, it is necessary to limit animal fats and not to allow mixing of animal and vegetable fats.

    Harm from mixing fat
    When it is claimed that the main danger to our health lies in animal fats and that it is from them that all the vascular diseases occur, this is somewhat incorrect. The fact is that in the human body there are neither vegetable, nor animal fats. Fats that enter the gastrointestinal tract are decomposed into glycerol and fatty acids, from which a slightly different - human - fat is synthesized.
    It should be noted that vegetable fats are very poorly digested. As a result, most of them do not even enter the body, but simply pass through the intestines and go along with the feces.
    Vegetable fats are not involved in lipid metabolism, nor in the formation of biological membrane structures. In this only human fat takes part in its lipid and phospholipid modifications.
    Vegetable fats are for the most part energetically useless, if they are used separately from animal fats. Caloric content of vegetable oil, eaten separately from animal fats, is zero.
    Why does this happen? Each molecule of fat enters into one molecule of glycerin and three molecules of fatty acids. And if every molecule of glycerin is suitable for the synthesis of human fat, then the situation with the molecules of fatty acids is completely opposite. As molecules of fatty acids, only molecules suitable for this purpose can be attached. And not all of them are suitable for this. Molecules of animal fats are more suitable, but still some of them do not participate in the formation of human fat. As for the vegetable fat molecule, according to studies( MV Ermolaeva, LP Il'icheva, 1989), unsaturated linoleic and linolenic acids in vegetable oils are 95%.But to complete the human fat, molecules of saturated fats are needed, therefore, with the intake of vegetable oil, 95% of it will go into the toilet.
    The situation changes dramatically if the animals and vegetable fats are consumed together( margarine, frying meat in vegetable oil, etc.).In this case, part of the vegetable fats are involved in the formation of human fat. The remaining unused saturated fatty acids of animal fats will begin to complete the molecules of vegetable fats to human fat molecules. That is, the uptake of both vegetable and animal fats is enhanced.
    With the simultaneous intake of animal and vegetable fats, the formation of human fat increases approximately twice. Fat in the blood comes in twice as much. Double the risk of atherosclerosis with the same caloric intake.
    From this we can draw the following conclusions:
    1) never mix vegetable and animal fats;give up margarine, try to fry the meat on the water, and not on vegetable oil;
    2) vegetable fats without animal admixture of fats can not cause atherosclerosis, and they can be consumed without fear.

    Restriction of carbohydrates
    All carbohydrates that a person consumes( potatoes, pasta, sugar, etc.) in the digestive tract are split to glucose, and only glucose, the main source of energy for the human body, enters the bloodstream.
    Glucose is also the main source of nutrition for the brain. People who adhere to low-carbohydrate diets are disturbed by thought processes. Fashion diets that completely exclude carbohydrates or are based on one kind of food, for example, grapefruit or watermelon, on the third day can cause a violation of concentration and ability to think clearly.
    The brain, deprived of recharge in the form of glucose, can strike, a person may develop neuropsychic disorders. English psychologists tested sixty absolutely healthy women for attention, memorization and reaction speed. Two tests were conducted: the first test of a woman was after a strict diet, the second - after a plentiful feast. The results of testing after the diet were 20-30% worse. This made it possible to draw an important conclusion: the body perceives the absence of glucose as stress.
    But the body can adapt to stresses and with each time resists them more and more. That's why people who have repeatedly practiced low carbohydrate diets, in time, notice that with the help of the same diet, it becomes increasingly difficult to lose weight every time.
    But, nevertheless, we overeat carbohydrates too often.
    As a rule, everything begins in childhood - with sweet soda, cookies, sweets and candies. Sweet porridge, pasta and white rice is easier to feed a child than with vegetables and fruits. Traditionally, lunch ends with tea with sugar and a slice of white bread, on which oil is smeared. However, sometimes bread with butter is replaced with rolls, cake, jam or pies with jam. Baby habits persist. It is also more convenient for an adult to intercept a sandwich or sausage in a test while running and to drink it all with strong coffee and sugar.
    Excessive consumption of carbohydrates is a serious source of increased caloric intake. They are easily digested, and they can be eaten a lot. In addition, many products today contain an increased amount of carbohydrates( these are the so-called refined products).And the more carbohydrates they contain, the more they are caloric. Therefore, it is necessary to limit 2-3 times the consumption of sugar and sweets, products from premium flour, potatoes, alcoholic beverages.

    Generally, it's a big mistake to think that the more satisfying the product, the more it is more caloric. And even more so the mistake of counting insatiable food is low-calorie, and, therefore, helping to lose weight. As it turned out, the caloric content of the product and its satiety are not always the same concepts.
    For example, are there many satiety in one tablespoon of vegetable oil? But this is as much as 150 - 180 kcal. Approximately the same amount is contained in 250 grams of cooked rice or buckwheat, 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, 120 grams of cooked veal. Naturally, the richness of meat or rice is much more pronounced and prolonged. Why is that? But because different nutrients have different destinies in the body and, accordingly, cause a person different feelings of satiety. For example, carbohydrates - substances with very accessible, easily extracted energy - the body prefers to spend mainly on current energy needs. Possibilities for their accumulation or their transition to fat are very, very limited. Accordingly, carbohydrates, even with a relatively small amount in food, make us feel full, which makes us stop eating.
    Similarly behave and proteins. The organism does not create their stocks. All eaten proteins are sent either to replace protein molecules in cells and tissues( plastic function), or less for energy needs. We can not eat much protein - there is nowhere to put up. Hence the protein food is also quite hearty.
    And quite another thing fat. The possibilities for their accumulation are very large. The human body can accumulate them and 15, and 20 and 50 kilograms. There are ways to add them. And therefore the body prefers to store fats, directing most of them to the reserve. So, when eating fatty foods, the feeling of satiety comes much later than when using carbohydrate or protein.
    What happens if people eat mostly fatty foods? He is likely to gain weight. After all, the feeling of fullness from fat comes later, and we will have to eat considerably more food before we feel full. And what will happen to a person who eats less fatty foods? It will eat up significantly less food, and its weight will likely remain stable or even slightly decrease. After all, the processes of fat splitting go on in the body all the time.
    New research has allowed a fundamentally new look at the diet of excess weight. It turned out that all the main food products can be divided into three large groups - fatty, non-fatty and intermediate.
    The fatty foods are those that, with the usual portions of consumption, contribute to weight gain. This group includes products with a high content of fat - oils, both animal and vegetable, margarines, fat, fatty meat, sausages, sausages and sausages with the addition of pork mince, pelmeni, fatty dairy products, products from short dough. From sweets it's chocolate, ice cream, fat confectionery.
    Non-iodine products are those that do not go into fat and cause quite a considerable satiety. We simply can not physically consume them in quantities sufficient to go to fat. This group includes:
    • protein products - lean meat, fish, low-fat cottage cheese, dairy and sour-milk products, egg whites;
    • complex carbohydrate products - cereals, pasta, bread, potatoes, low-fat pastries;
    • vegetables, not very sweet fruit, greens.
    Many researchers attribute low-fat sweets - sugar, honey, marshmallows, pastilles, marmalade, jam, etc. - to this group. There are studies showing that with a significant restriction of fats in food, the weight of the subjects does not increase with virtually any consumption of sweets. Nevertheless, it is necessary to treat these products with restraint. They should in no case prevail over complex carbohydrates. The fact is that sweets stimulate an inadequately large release of insulin. And this hormone, among other effects, contributes to an increase in appetite and the accumulation of fat by fat tissue. In fact, sugar, especially with their high content in food, can be attributed to a group of intermediate products, that is, those that do not contain fat themselves, but increase the likelihood of fat formation and accumulation. Still to this group are sweet fruits and alcohol. These are poorly satiating, but rather high-calorie foods. Since they do not reduce the appetite( and sometimes even increase), consumption of other foods, including fatty ones, increases. This contributes to the increase in weight. If the low-fat( non-fatty) diet is observed consistently, then neither fruit nor alcohol, especially with moderate consumption, will not lead to an increase in weight.
    The content of fatty foods in our diet should be moderate. At present, for a middle-aged person who is not engaged in heavy physical labor and who is overweight, doctors recommend limiting the presence of fat in food to 40 - 45 grams per day. This will effectively support weight, consuming virtually unlimited quantities of other products.

    Most books about losing weight immediately begin with a detailed description of some kind of unloading diet. Diet is not important! The main thing is a good mood, a good muscle tone, a state of "involvement"!In this condition, the body begins to outstrip the
    fat. We are full of energy, and we no longer need an abundant fatty meal. And the task of diet is solely to ensure that this burning of your own fat is maintained and that it is not reckless to slap it.
    And from here a number of fundamentally new wishes that we will present to our diet:
    1. From food should be enjoyed. It should remain tasty, diverse, new and interesting. It is necessary to grow thin, remaining a gourmet.
    2. In no event can you forbid anything. Any product, even the most fats, has a certain amount that does not hurt to lose weight.
    3. Most importantly, we can eat whenever we want, what we want and how much we want! Any deviation from this rule leads us to prohibitions, and the prohibitions lead to a breakdown and an operational increase in weight.
    The essence of the program
    This nutrition program consistently embodies the rule of the golden mean. It is built on a reasonable alternation of two power regimes.
    The first mode is a normal low-fat diet, with a slight restriction of sugars, but containing absolutely no inhibitions. Its goal is to maintain the weight at the achieved level. You can not lose weight all the time. From time to time you will have to pause. In these periods, we will need nutrition, which will protect us from gaining weight. And for this it will be quite enough to reduce the consumption of fats to 40 - 45 grams per day and, maybe, 20-30 percent of the consumption of sugars.
    The main strategic task is to learn how to saturate with non-fatty foods, and use fat and intermediate products as needed, as delicacies, in order to get the maximum pleasure from food.
    Unloading mode - you have to reduce the calorie intake to induce our body to consume fat stores. But you must do it in such a way as to lessen suffering, discomfort and discomfort as little as possible. That's how it can be done.
    One meal is left to the most ordinary, consisting of the most common foods and dishes. This is the meal from which we are most difficult to refuse. Usually it's lunch or dinner.
    The refusal of dinner pretty well reduces the quality of life, is hard to tolerate and often leads to breakdowns. In this regard, it is recommended to leave in the diet is dinner. But if you are more expensive lunch, leave dinner. Finally, you can alternate - in one day, leave lunch, at another dinner. This "abandoned" food intake is built on the principles of non-iodine nutrition. Less fat and a little less sugar. If the products are not fatty, they can not be limited.
    We provide the rest of the food with a certain set of products and dishes. And here there are three options:
    1. We use nutrient mixtures or so-called dietary modifiers.
    2. We use some self-cooking dishes, which in composition( fat, protein, carbohydrates and calories) are very similar to slimming mixtures.
    3. We somehow combine the first two options or alternate them. Day so, day so.

    Dietary modifiers( slimming cocktails)
    The use of cocktails for weight loss has been thoroughly investigated by medicine. And it was proved that they significantly increase the effect and, more importantly, improve the tolerability of nutrition. Secondly, their use allows you to dose-reduced caloric content and at the same time provide a sufficient amount of protein, vitamins and minerals. Plus a lot of additional benefits - easy to prepare, you can take with you to work or on a trip, and thanks to a wide palate, you can always choose a cocktail to your liking or alternate them at will.
    The use of nutritional mixtures for weight loss has more than twenty years of history. It all began in the eighties of the last century, when doctors tried to build diets that consisted exclusively of such mixtures( the so-called pronounced low-calorie diets).At the same time, their high efficiency was proved. Patients lost up to two kilograms a week, and even more. But portability left much to be desired. Only a few managed to complete the 8-week course of therapy. Most were not enough for 4 weeks. Then there were ideas to combine the use of cocktails with regular meals. And here there was a breakthrough. It turned out that with this combination it is possible to significantly improve the tolerance of the diet and at the same time get a decent result.
    Nutritional formula Dr. Slim consists of dairy and soy proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.
    Content of nutrients per 100 g of dry product:

    The combined principle recommends the use of two power modes at once - unloading and supporting, and alternating them from time to time. The task of a supportive regime is simply to prevent weight gain. Enter here any prohibitions are not required. It is quite enough to reduce the content of fats and, to a lesser extent, sugars. Observe this regime should be when compliance with unloading for some reason is difficult. As for the unloading regime, it is recommended to build it as follows. In the evening, introduce small restrictions, which again relate mainly to fatty and sweet foods. Whereas in the morning and in the afternoon, restrictions may be more significant.
    Such a rhythm of nutrition corresponds to the daily fluctuations in the processes of splitting and fat accumulation. In the first half of the day, splitting processes predominate in humans. The body is filled with energy, and it is easier for us to observe even strict restrictions. In the evening, the processes of fat splitting are slowing down. Observe here the unloading regime is problematic. But this is not required. Quite enough of the non-fatty food.
    With a complex approach, the diet regime is not the only and far from the most successful factor that drives fat to expenditure. There are two more - an active motor mode and the so-called positive psycho-emotional mood. These two factors increase our tone, activate systems that break down fat. The blood level increases the level of nutrients, and compliance with the unloading regime is greatly facilitated.
    If the toning regimen is chosen correctly, very often we can observe that the person has a significant change in eating behavior - he now needs a little food, the need for goodies decreases significantly, the intervals between meals increase. There is an interesting situation - a person can maintain a very high quality of nutrition: is, when he wants what he wants, and, in general, how much he wants, while losing weight. To maintain this state, it sometimes becomes sufficient to observe several simple rules - here they are:
    1. Avoid prohibitions.
    2. Try to eat more often.
    3. The food rate should be as slow as possible. The easiest way to slow down the pace of eating is to eat a variety of foods.
    4. The structure of nutrition should be changed in favor of low-fat protein and complex carbohydrate products. The basis of nutrition should serve low-fat milk and sour-milk products, cottage cheese, low-fat meat and fish, bread, pasta and cereals, as well as vegetables and greens. Fatty and sugary foods should be eaten in small amounts, mainly for delicacies, when you are already full of non-fatty foods.

    Ingredients: from the evening of 4 tbsp.spoon oat flakes pour 6 tbsp.spoons of boiling water. In the morning, add 6 tbsp.spoons of cold water( you can milk), add a fruit dressing.
    Fruit dressing. Lemon medium size, peel and peel on a grater, then rub one apple( better Semyrenkov or antonovka) without skin, add 1 tbsp.a spoonful of honey and 4 peeled walnuts, finely chopped. Mix the porridge with dressing, eat compote of dried fruits( dried fruits are not), 3 - 4 hours nothing else is.
    Eat a salad for 21 days. At this time, there may be exacerbations of chronic sluggish diseases, lymph nodes, tonsils may increase, joint swelling may occur, unpleasant sensations in the stomach are the purification of the body, and all these phenomena pass without treatment.
    Then the condition improves considerably, especially the facial skin is rejuvenated, weight is lost( if not overeat).

    Ingredients: 150 g pumpkin and 100 g apples finely chopped. Salad of pumpkin with apples filled with beet juice, lemon juice, vegetable oil( sour cream).The raw pumpkin very much wins in a combination with fruit additives( raisins, dried apricots) and nuts.

    Ingredients: 100 g of pumpkin and 50 g of beets grate, add prunes without pits and a little cinnamon. All mixed and seasoned with vegetable oil. You can add carrots.

    APPLE AND NUT DISH Ingredients: 2 tbsp.tablespoons grated apples, 2 tbsp.spoon of soaked( 2 hours) oat, two tablespoons of crushed nuts, as much condensed milk and 1/2 lemon juice. Mix all. Tasty and useful, especially for children.

    OVEN FLAKES DISPOSITION Ingredients: 40 g of pre-soaked macaque, pour a thick honey solution, add 1/3 cup of grated nuts and 1/2 lemon juice or puree from 150 g of raspberry.

    Ingredients: fresh cabbage( 0.5 kg) finely chop, carrots and apples( 300 grams) grate on a large grater, cut tomatoes into slices, add 200 g finely chopped onion. Mix, add 1/2 lemon juice and vegetable oil.

    SALAD Cranberry
    Ingredients: 150 g cabbage finely chopped, mixed with cranberry juice, add 20 g of raw beetroot, apple, lemon juice and vegetable oil.

    Two medium trousers and two carrots, grated, add a small beetroot. Finely chop the celery and apple. Mix everything, lightly salt, season with lemon juice and vegetable oil.
    This is a salad of Alice Chase - an American, a naturalist, a subtle connoisseur of culinary arts.

    Ingredients: 500 g of beets grate, add three cloves of garlic, 1/2 cup of walnuts, season with vegetable oil( sour cream).This combination of non-starchy vegetables is useful and tasty.

    Take a leaf salad, tomato, cucumber, radish, all cut, add finely chopped green onions and dill. To fill with vegetable oil.

    Ingredients: 1/2 cabbage cabbage, 2 tbsp.tablespoons oil, 2 apples, 1/2 tbsp.prunes, 1 onion, salt, pepper, greens.
    Clear cabbage cleaned, lowered for 10 minutes in hot salted water, rinsed in cold water and chopped into thin noodles. Cabbage sprinkle with salt, let stand for 15 minutes, squeeze, season with vegetable oil, mix with finely chopped onions. Pre-soaked prunes( or plums) cut into cubes and mixed with cabbage. Ready cabbage to put a slide on a dish, to put finely chopped apples on top, decorate with parsley and dill. This salad is prepared in Hungary. It is good for those who are afraid to eat raw cabbage, but no longer wants to cook it.

    SALAD OF WHITE Cabbage
    Ingredients: 200 g cabbage, 2 carrots, 1 slice.pepper, 1 egg, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, lemon juice.
    From egg, seasonings, vegetable oil, lemon juice prepare mayonnaise( whisk).Cut cabbage, pepper, rub the carrots. Salad is well mixed with mayonnaise.
    Rinse the cabbage on the board, salt should not be added, tk.lost 35% of vitamin C, mineral salts and sugar. Salad with onions and apples
    Ingredients: 250 g of onions, sour apples - 150 g, soybean oil - 2 tbsp.spoons, juice of one lemon, salt to taste, you can add a boiled egg. Peel the washed onions very thinly. Wash the sour apples on a large grater, mix with soy( or other vegetable) oil and lemon juice and season with salt( or sour cream).
    The bite of onions disappears in combination with apples.

    Ingredients: beet - 300 g, onion - 100 g, horseradish( root) - 100 g, green peas - 50 g, mayonnaise - 100 g, ready mustard - 20 g, vegetable oil - 20 g, apple cider vinegar - 20 g, parsley, salt - to taste.
    Horseradish and raw beets grind on a fine grater, add horseradish, onion, salt( apple cider vinegar), mix, season with mayonnaise, mustard. When serving on the table, decorate with green peas, parsley greens.

    Ingredients: carrots - 350 g, garlic - 5 lobules, mayonnaise - 120 g, parsley greens.
    Grate the carrots on a fine grater. Garlic, grind and grind with salt. Mix everything, add mayonnaise to taste. Before serving, again, mix well with a spoon from top to bottom, becausemayonnaise does not rest on raw vegetables and easily settles on the bottom, sprinkle with herbs from above.

    Dandelion leaves stand in cold, salted water for 30 minutes, then grind. Add finely chopped cucumber( salted or fresh), chopped parsley, dill, season with oil, salt, pepper.

    Ingredients: 150 g of apples grate, grate 1 orange or 0.5 lemon, add 100 g of nuts and 50 g of raisins, mix well. Sprinkle with oatmeal, fried in oil until rouge. The dish is grand, beautiful.

    APPLE AND CARROTIC SALAD Ingredients: 300 g of apples, 300 g of carrots, 50 g of honey, lemon juice, 30 g of nuts, 50 g of raisins. Peeled carrots grate, add lemon juice, honey, nuts, mix well and leave for 15 minutes. Apples cut into strips, sprinkle with lemon juice, put raisins and mix with carrots.

    Chardonnay SALAD
    Ingredients: 250 g champignons, 3 tbsp.spoons of butter, juice of half a lemon, 2 fillet of anchovy( rinse), 1/2 a bunch of parsley, salt, pepper.
    Parsley cut, add to finely chopped hamsa. Drizzle with vegetable oil and lemon juice. Finely chop mushrooms;let the salad and sauce stir well. About an hour to stand. It has a piquant taste.

    Ingredients: beans 2 glasses, 12 - 15 walnuts, slice of bread, 3 cloves of garlic, 1/2 tbsp.l.vegetable oil, 1 tbsp.l.vinegar, greens.
    Beans to sort, rinse, pour for swelling for 5 - 7 hours, then drain the water, wash the beans, transfer to wet linen cloth, close it and put it for 24 hours in a dark place for germination. Sprouted beans should be rinsed until the water is heated to 70 ° C, set aside from the heat until cooling and again warmed to 70 ° C, let cool and cover with nut sauce. Peel walnuts, pass through a meat grinder or grind with a mortar pestle, add crumbs of white bread( or crushed breadcrumbs), soaked in milk, grated garlic and grind well;whip, and whisking, pour the vegetable oil in a thin trickle to the density of sour cream. Add apple cider vinegar( or lemon juice), salt. Very delicious is this dish and when using canned bean pods.

    Cabbage FILLED with apples
    Ingredients: cabbage - 200 g, apples - 100 g, sugar - 5 g, vegetable oil - 5 g, mayonnaise - 30 g, herbs - 30 g, salt - to taste.
    Head cabbage, peel, remove the cob, put in boiling salted water and cook until half ready, then recline and cool. Separate the leaves from the head, thicken the stems slightly. On cabbage leaves, put finely chopped apples, sprinkled with sugar, lay on linen cloth and give the products the shape of the ball, then put them in a saucepan, pour with vegetable oil, add a little broth or water and cook until ready. Cool, put in a salad bowl, pour mayonnaise and decorate with greens.

    Peel the cabbage, dip it into salted water for 10 minutes, disassemble into pieces, wash and boil at 70 ° C with the intermission method. Cool, lay on a dish and fill with nut sauce, sprinkle with breadcrumbs. In this recipe you can forget about everything, but not about breadcrumbs.

    Wash potatoes and boil at 70 ° C.Drain the water, peel the potatoes, cut and pour the nut sauce and greens.

    Rice, clean, pour for 8 hours, drain and pour in water 70 ° C for 5 - 10 minutes( for 1 tbsp rice 2 tbsp water), let stand under the closed lid. Remove white cabbage, put it into salted water for 10 minutes, rinse and chop fine noodles, pour in fine salt, allow to stand and mix with rice. Prunes( or plums) rinse well, scald with boiling water and put in rice. Stir, add finely chopped onion, bay leaf, pepper, mix everything and put in the oven for 5 minutes, remove and keep for another 30 minutes.

    Ingredients: 500 g of potatoes, 350 g of onions, 2 cloves of garlic, 3 small zucchini, 3 tomatoes, 3 sweet peppers, 6 tbsp.spoons of vegetable oil, salt, pepper.
    Potatoes, onions, zucchini, peppers cut into slices. In the Kazanka, heat up the vegetable oil, throw these vegetables into it. Garlic chop, cut the peeled tomatoes, fill them with vegetables. Cover and simmer with an intermission on a small fire( 70 ° C).

    Ingredients: carrots - 600 g, onion - 100 g, tomato - 30 g, parsley greens - 40 g.
    Peel the carrots. Onion cut and fry, add the tomato and stir. All this is to pass through a meat grinder, salt. When serving, sprinkle with parsley. Caviar from beet is the same.

    Ingredients: potatoes - 1 kg, cabbage - 1 head, oil - 50 g, onion turnip - 50 g.
    To disassemble cabbage for leaf, wash, boil. Potatoes boil, clean, hot pass through a meat grinder, add toasted onions, salt, pepper, mix, to forcemeat in cabbage leaves and put out in the oven.

    Ingredients: carrots - 700 g, oil - 100 g, herbs - 50 g, lemon juice, salt - to taste, bread - 300 g.
    Raw carrots cleaned, decorated like barrels,and greens, pour lemon juice. Put in a deep dish, overlay the croutons of white bread.

    Ingredients: 6 pcs.potatoes, 6 leaves of cabbage, 1 tbsp.a spoon of sunflower oil, 1 tbsp.water, salt.
    Peeled potatoes are cut into thin slices. Cabbage leaves are placed on the bottom of the pot, on the leaves are potatoes, on top are leaves again. Fill with salt water, bring to a boil, cook for 5 - 6 minutes and insist 10 - 15 minutes. On the dish lay the leaves with potatoes, add the butter and water in the broth.

    Ingredients: 200 g cabbage, 1 tbsp.water, 3 tbsp.spoons of vegetable oil, 100 g of stale wheat bread, salt.
    Head of cabbage is washed, cut into slices so that each lobule is with a stump. Salted boiling water is lowered cabbage, tightly closed and cook for 5 to 6 minutes. Take out, add butter to the broth, small cubes of stale bread, bring to a boil and pour cabbage.

    Ingredients: 10 pcs.carrots, 2 tbsp.spoons of raisins, 3 tbsp.tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 tbsp.water, salt.
    Carrots are rubbed on a large grater, raisins, hot salt water are added. Boil and insist 10 - 15 minutes. Add the vegetable oil.

    Ingredients: 2 pcs.carrots with leaves, 10 leaves and flowers of nasturtium, 1 tbsp.water, 3 tbsp.tablespoons vegetable oil.
    Carrots are cleaned, washed, rubbed on a large grater. Carrot and nasturtium leaves are washed and chopped. Carrots and leaves are mixed, poured with boiling salty water, brought to a boil and infused for 10 to 15 minutes. Refuel with butter.

    Ingredients: pepper - 1 kg, onion - 60 g, potatoes - 250 g, carrots - 60 g, tomatoes - 230 g, celery root - 40 g, garlic - 12 g, parsley - 20 g, oil - 75 grams.
    Onions, carrots, celery, finely chopped, seasoned and put out in water and butter until half cooked. Add boiled potatoes, chopped tomatoes, stir, bring to a boil. Add garlic, parsley, pepper fill with minced meat, lay on a baking tray, add a little water, chopped finely tomatoes, sprinkle with oil and bake. You can stuff and rice with vegetables.

    Ingredients: rhubarb - 400 g, rice - 100 g, sugar - 80 g, honey - 20 g, berries - 150 g.
    Rhubarb stems cleaned, finely chopped and boiled in soda with sugar and honey,to wipe. Rice to sort, soak in water for 1 hour. Decoction of rhubarb boil, put rice into it( without water, where it was soaked) and boil until cooked. Rice to cool, put on a dish, put mashed rhubarb puree on top and decorate with jam berries.

    Ingredients: 400 g carrots, 400 g apples, 80 g bread, 25 g oil, 120 g water, and 60 grams of water.
    Peeled carrots grate and simmer in water with sugar. Crumb white bread cut into pieces, pour with water for swelling, mash with a fork and combine with carrots, add grated apples, mix, put into a mold and bake in a water bath for 45 minutes.

    Ingredients: beets - 900 g, apples - 400 g, oil - 25 g, sugar - 25 g, bread - 300 g.
    Wash the beetroot or cook, clean, pass through a meat grinder, apples bake and rub, mix with beets, butter, sugar and simmer for 5 - 8 minutes. Ready mashed potatoes to put on a dish, you can pour sour cream, overlay the croutons with bread.

    Ingredients: beet - 800 g;for minced meat: carrots - 120 g, parsley - 64 g, turnip - 60 g, onions - 60 g, rice - 60 g, oil - 80 g, crackers - 40 g.
    Boil the beet, clean, remove the center and fill with minced meatrice boiled).Beetroot is placed on a pan( frying pan), sprinkled with breadcrumbs and add butter, bake, serve with sour cream.
    Turnip stuffed - the same.

    Ingredients: Turnip - 500 g, cereal - 250 g, butter - 80 g.
    Turnip boil, put in hot salted water and cook. Remove the middle, rub through a sieve and mix with any prepared porridge, add oil and salt, fill the turnip porridge and bake. Drizzle the sour cream before serving.

    Cabbage Cakes
    Ingredients: cabbage - 500 g, apples - 300 g, oil - 80 g, semolina - 40 g, biscuits - 80 g.
    Fresh cabbage cut, let it come with butter. Pour in mango, stir and boil. Add the boiled apples( previously peeled and cut into slices), mix, cut into patties;panirovat them and fry, you can pour oil or sour cream.

    What makes this mixture effective? High protein content and almost no fat! The natural reaction of the body to such food is the outstripping expenditure of its own fat deposits. A small amount of carbohydrates is also appropriate. This improves mental performance, reduces hunger and, therefore, increases the portability of the program. On the principle of Dr. Slim, other unloading mixtures have been constructed. The ratio of protein and carbohydrates, the amount of vitamins and minerals varies somewhat. Some of them have more fat. But these differences are not essential.
    The use of a portion of a cocktail for 13 to 15 minutes before meals can significantly reduce the appetite and caloric intake of subsequent meals. The mechanism of this phenomenon is as follows. Carbohydrates contained in the nutrient mixture are very rapidly absorbed into the blood and act on the satiety centers of the brain. Further, as the proteins are absorbed, the feeling of satiety increases. As a result, the person gorges on smaller amounts of food, it is easier to control food.
    A typical recipe for a day off with a cocktail Dr. Slim, or similar in composition:
    Breakfast - a portion of Dr. Slim with coffee and a light vegetable salad without dressing or seasoned with lemon juice or vinegar.
    The second breakfast( if required) a portion of Dr. Slim with a slice of a bran bun or a couple of cereal loaves.
    Lunch is a nutritious mixture with tea or coffee and vegetables( grated carrots, vegetable salad with lemon juice or vinegar, but without oils or sugars), a slice of bran bread, tea or coffee.
    Snack - a portion of a cocktail and a slice of a bran bun.
    To improve food control and reduce appetite before dinner for 10 to 15 minutes before meals, you can take another portion of Dr. Slim.
    Dinner - an arbitrary set of products, designed so that the total amount of fat does not exceed 10 - 15 grams. Do not limit yourself to supper in low-fat protein and carbohydrate foods. It is desirable that in your diet, there were bread, cereals, lean meat, or fish. Calories in these products are not many, but the feeling of satiety and food comfort is quite long. Try to eat slower.
    The second dinner( if required) - a portion of Dr. Slim with tea, vegetables with lean dressing, a slice of bran bread, perhaps a fruit or berry cocktail with Dr. Slim.
    This, in fact, is a fasting day. Please note, since no prohibitions on dinner are introduced, in fact, we received a unloading diet, in which none of the products are banned even for one day!
    You can take the nutritional formula, not in separate portions, but gradually, with gulps, as you increase your appetite, mixing Dr. Slim with tea or coffee, so that before the dinner as a whole the same 4 to 6 servings are obtained.
    Numerous studies have shown that if you eat slowly and basically low-fat food, then you will get a very high feeling of satiety, literally from 500 to 600 kilocalories. Plus 600 - 700 kcal more during the day. It turns out 1200 - 1300 kilocalories. This, of course, unloading mode.
    Adopt the following rules:
    1. Rule pre-meal. A small, low-fat snack before eating reduces appetite. And sometimes very significant. As such a light snack, a portion of Dr. Sliema or a similar cocktail can also perform.
    2. Rule of fractional food. If, at the first sensations of satiety, to postpone the remaining food for a later time, say, an hour or two, it is very likely that one small portion of the food that you used to eat in one sitting is now enough for the whole evening.
    Observe the unloading regime should be when there is strength, desire, and a favorable environment at work and at home. If something hinders, if you observe unloading mode uncomfortable, go to the unloader. After you decide your life situation, you will again have a spirit and desire to lose weight.
    Do not forbid yourself delicacies( list of delicacies, by the way, everyone has his own).

    Ingredients: 3 beets with leaves, 2 cups chopped nettle leaves, 1 onion, 4 tbsp.spoons of vegetable oil, 2 liters.water, salt, citric acid.
    Beet and nettle leaves are picked, washed and chopped. Beets are washed and rubbed on a large grater. In the boiling salted water put beet leaves, chopped onion, citric acid. Boil, add beets, vegetable oil, boil and insist under the lid 10 - 15 minutes. Leaves of nettle are put in a plate and poured over with hot borsch.

    BREAST Ingredients: 4 pcs.potatoes, 200 g of brynza, 2 onions, 1 carrot, 2 tbsp.spoons of finely chopped greens, dipped in boiling water and boiled for 8 - 10 minutes. Then add the finely chopped cheese, onions, carrots and, after boiling 2 - 3 minutes, insist 10 - 15 minutes, Serve with greens.

    Ingredients: 7 pcs.carrots, 3 leaves of cabbage, 1 liter of kefir, 1 liter of water.
    Cauliflower washed, poured hot salty water, add grated carrots, bring to a boil and cool. Add the yogurt.

    Ingredients: 200 g pumpkin, 1/2 tbsp.cereals, 1 carrot, 1 liter.water, salt.
    Pumpkin, carrots grate, pour hot water, boil and cool. Soaked the croup for 15 - 20 minutes and cool. To the vegetables add the porridge, pour boiled water and sprinkle with herbs.

    Ingredients: potatoes - 4 pcs, beans - 0.5 tbsp, carrots - 1 pc, greens - 0.5 tbsp, butter - 4 tbsp.spoons, water - 1.5 liters, salt, onions - 1 pc.
    Peel potatoes and cut them into slices, onion - straw, and grate the carrots on a large grater. Soaked beans pre-poured cold water, add onions, carrots, bring to a boil and another 5 - 6 minutes cook, add oil and greens, turn off the fire.

    Rice soup
    Ingredients: rice - 0,5 items, radish - 1 piece, carrots - 1 piece, tomato - 1 tbsp.spoon, water - 1.5 liters, salt.
    The rice is washed and soaked for 30 to 40 minutes and set to heat without draining the water. Radish peel and grate. Rice bring to a boil, add tomato, grated carrot, salt. Again bring to a boil and insist 20 minutes. Serve soup with sour cream and radish.

    Ingredients: pearl barley 0.5 tbsp, pumpkin 200 g, carrots 1 pc, dill 2 tbsp.spoons, water - 1.5 liters, salt.
    Pumpkin and carrots grate, pour hot water, bring to a boil and cool. Soaked croup is put in boiled water and boiled for 15 - 20 minutes. Add the vegetables, bring to a boil and leave for 15 minutes.

    Soup from
    DISHES Ingredients: zucchini - 200 g, cereals - 0.5 tbsp, raisins - 2 tbsp.spoons, water - 1.5 liters, salt.
    Squash and peel on the bottom of the pan, and on top - soaked croup, pour a little water and bring to a boil. When the water is absorbed, add hot water, bring to a boil, repeat this again, add the raisins and bring to a boil. Close the lid tightly and insist 10 - 15 minutes, then add 0.5 L of hot water and mix.

    Ingredients: carrots - 500 g, oil - 200 g, sugar - 0.5 tbsp, eggs - 2 pcs, sour cream - 1 tbsp.a spoon, flour - 2 items, crackers - 50 g;for a cream: sour cream - 0,5 items, sugar - 0,5 st.
    Wash carrots, peel, grate and place on a skillet, sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Rinse oil with sugar, add whipped eggs, sour cream, flour. Stir and pour carrots. Bake at 200 ° C.Finished cake cut and pour sour cream.
    This is exactly how you can make a beet cake.

    Ingredients: 8 large apples to peel, cut into 4 parts, remove the core, roll in flour and fry in vegetable oil. Put on a dish, sprinkle with sugar, sprinkle with juice of one lemon. Decorate with jam.

    TICKET Ingredients: 1 kg of apples, 250 g of flour, 150 g of margarine, 3 tbsp.spoons of sour cream, 50 g of sugar, jam.
    Margarine should be seasoned with flour, add sour cream, sugar, kneaded, put in the cold for 1 hour. Roll out, cut into squares. Cut the apples, cut in half, in the halves make grooves and put in them a thick sweet jam. Each half stuffed is covered with a square of dough and, turning over, hanging the ends over the apple. Bake in a hot oven for 25-30 minutes. Put on a dish and sprinkle with vanilla sugar.

    Ingredients: 80 g flour, egg, apples, raisins, cinnamon.
    From flour, eggs and warm water knead the dough, stand in a warm place. Roll out until the layer becomes very thin. Put on the dough a thin thin layer of peeled and finely chopped apples, raisins, sprinkle with oil, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Very carefully roll the dough into a roll, put on a greased baking sheet. Bake in the oven until cooked.

    Ingredients: 250 g of flour, 100 g of oil, 60 g of sugar, salt, vanillin, apples, nuts, almonds, raisins, wine.
    Prepare the short pastry: sift the flour on a board, chop with butter until smooth, knead the dough and put in the cold for 30 minutes. From the dough, roll out the sheet, cut out the same small circles, from the remaining test, twist the thin strings and lay them around the edges of the circles. Cut the dough with a fork and bake in the oven at a moderate temperature until it blushes.
    Peel the apples from the peel and the core, put crushed nuts, raisins, almonds into the cavity. Prepared apples slightly extinguished, fill the wine. Cool, put on baked circles, decorate with any berries, fresh or canned, drip sweet syrup.

    Ingredients: 1 kg of cottage cheese, 100 g of almonds, 500 g of candied cherries, 120 g of raisins, 50 g of candied fruits from lemon and orange, 150 g of oil, 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar, 2 eggs, 120g of sugar, 1/8 liter.sour cream.
    Cottage cheese squeeze. Almonds, candied fruits and candied cherries are ground. Cottage cheese, butter, vanillin, eggs, sugar, sour cream to mix until a homogeneous mass, then combine with almonds and candied fruits, mix, put on a dish.