  • Proper nutrition

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    Proper nutrition is a whole science that has been developing for millennia. In the deaf 50 - 70-ies of our century were domestic scientists who, contrary to the prescriptions of official medicine, "dared" to make important discoveries in the field of nutrition. This, above all, the work of the school of Academician A.M.Ugolovoy. Widely known are the works of American, Canadian, English, German and Australian dietary naturalists - H. Shelton, P. Bregp, N. Walker, K. Jeffrey, A. Chase, X. Benjamin, O. Hoine, R. Jackson and many others, which filled a gap in the domestic dietology.
    Two nutritional theories have been known so far.
    The first was formed in the era of Aristotle( 384 - 322 BC) and lasted until the time of Galen( about 150 - about 200 BC).The second, classical - covers the period from the birth of modern natural science to the present time. Now it is replaced by a third, emerging theory of adequate nutrition, which has a powerful influence on the development of science.
    According to the first theory, it was believed that the nutrition of all body structures is due to blood, which is continuously formed in the digestive tract from nutritional substances and is the result of a complex process of unknown nature.

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    Classical theory is a theory of balanced nutrition. The basis of a healthy lifestyle is and now a balanced diet, developed by nutritionists on the basis of the classical paradigm of the physiology of nutrition. The main principle of balanced nutrition is the use of optimal, that is, corresponding to the physiological needs of the organism, quantities of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals.
    It is especially important to observe the balance of the amino acid composition of proteins and the optimality of the composition of fats, which is achieved through the use of more than 50% of proteins and fats of animal origin in the diet. According to the existing norms, the average daily need of an adult person in proteins is 50-100 g, in fats 80-100 g, in carbohydrates 300-400 g. This amounts to 2500-29900 kcal and should be divided into 3 to 4 doses.
    According to the formula of balanced nutrition according to A. Pokrovsky, the total amount of nutrients should be at least 60, including 18 amino acids, 12 vitamins, 16 minerals, various fats, carbohydrates, proteins, etc. The ratio between proteins, fats and carbohydrates should correspond1: 1, 3: 4, 6. And the ratio of the most deficient essential amino acids - tryptophan, methionine, lysine - should be 1: 2: 4.According to this theory, eight essential amino acids( there are only 20), 3 - 5 polyunsaturated fatty acids, all vitamins, most of the mineral elements and microelements belong to the basic irreplaceable components in human nutrition.
    Almost the required balance can not be achieved even with a variety of products. In addition, the desire for such an artificial balance leads to a biochemically unjustified combination of foods, for example, starch( cereals and potatoes) with proteins( meat, milk, eggs) and starch with products containing sugar.
    Such combinations of products, according to G. Shelton, lead to poor digestion of food and the formation of substances that pollute and poison the body. Moreover, the proposed protein rate is 1.5 - 2 times higher than that required by a person according to WHO.
    With such artificially balanced and excessive nutrition, the body can not cope with the removal of degradation products. This leads to various complications or to excessive nutrition, which is the cause of an increase in body weight, which, in turn, leads to a restriction of motor activity( hypokinesia).To avoid the dysfunctional consequences of excessive nutrition, intensive physical exercises are necessary. With excess nutrition physiological systems of the body are overloaded, which is fraught with the danger of the emergence of infectious diseases.
    It should be noted that the theory of balanced nutrition and especially the use of refined products have caused considerable harm. Thus, a decrease in the share of vegetables and fruits in the ration, the use of refined cereals, refining of products were factors contributing to the development of a number of diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive systems, various metabolic disorders, including obesity, etc. This led to the fact that only those food substances that are easily assimilated by the body were recognized as valuable and useful, the rest were considered to be a ballast, unnecessary in nutrition.
    The myth of "scientifically justified" and "physiological" dietary norms is no more than a widespread misconception supported by the supporters of the theory of balanced nutrition. In fact, in nature, such does not exist. And what is accepted for such norms is only average statistical data on the habitual diet of German burghers in the middle of the last century, then accepted, at the suggestion of German scientists, for the norm. There have not been any serious scientific studies on this issue, becausethe science of nutrition at that time did not exist. Even today, it is still far from being created, despite the calculations of outstanding, world-famous scientists.

    10 years ago in the literature there was information about the allocation of a balanced diet of the so-called theory of corrective nutrition. For example, some people can not digest wheat bread, tomatoes or milk. So, it is known that 15% of all people are unable to digest milk because of lack of enzyme alpha-lipagalgose. Therefore, they need sour-milk products, where lactose is partially hydrolyzed.
    During pregnancy, especially if there are allergic reactions, you do not need to use chocolate, cocoa, citrus, honey, nuts, strawberries, tomatoes, since they can cause an allergic reaction in the child.
    In the nutrition of infants, it is also necessary to correct their metabolism, since they still have few active enzymes. With the mother's milk, the child receives immunoglobulin and other necessary components of immunological protection. If the mother does not have milk, then special compounds are used that contain lactose to restore lactic fermentation and prevent the development of putrefactive processes in the intestine.
    Almost every one of us needs correction of this or that metabolic deficit, congenital or acquired in the process of individual development. Deficiency of these or other regulators of metabolism is felt by adults, children, and old people.
    The most rich in bioregulators are plant products, sea products and beekeeping. To ensure the safety of the maximum bioregulators in these products, they should be consumed as much as possible in raw form or after a gentle, gentle heat treatment( at a temperature of no higher than 70 ° C, using a thermosecurity dish, etc.).
    Here are some examples of corrective nutrition.
    Swedish oncologists testify that if in 50 years ago in Sweden stomach cancer ranked first in the structure of mortality, today this index has sharply decreased( from 60% to 17% in men and 8% in women).This decrease is due to the fact that 50 years ago, the food of the Swedes was predominantly meat, now in their diet are dominated by greens, vegetables and fruits. Similar changes occurred in the US and many other industrialized countries.
    Australian scientist R. May proves that varicose veins can be treated with a special diet containing a large amount of fiber, in conjunction with fast walking 4 times a day for 15 minutes. When walking, the calf muscles, like a pump, chase the blood that has accumulated in the veins. The absence of coarse fibers in food affects the intestines so much that the pressure on the venous network of the pelvic region increases, and then the legs. To reduce this phenomenon, the scientist recommends daily eating raw vegetables, fruit, lettuce, potatoes baked in the peel and 2 to 3 tablespoons of wheat germs.
    Ophthalmologist B. Lane( Sweden) considers the excess in the diet of calcium, protein, sugar and chromium deficiency to be the cause of the deterioration of vision. The data are obtained on the basis of an analysis of the patient's nutrition.
    A number of children's clinics in the US and Germany, based on experiments conducted, concluded that nutrition rich in phosphorus increases the aggressiveness of children. For example, eating eggs causes an overexcitement of the child.
    The data of sociological researches testify that up to 47% of the population of industrially developed countries suffer from constipation. Many underestimate this disease, and it is found to lead to the development of hemorrhoids, varicose veins of the pelvis and lower limbs, polyposis and intestinal cancer. So-called hidden constipation is dangerous. After all, the stool should normally be 1 to 2 hours after each meal. And if it happens only once a day or one and a half - this is the latent constipation, which is fraught with various complications. Therefore, it is necessary to know that 100 g of bran is bound,( ie, the chair is made porridge), 450 g of water, 100 g of apples( cabbage, carrots or oranges) - 300 g of water, and 100 g of cauliflower( potatoes or bananas)only 70 g of water. Therefore, to strengthen motor-secretory and evacuation functions of the intestine, cereal bran, carrots, beets, apples, cabbage, and oranges are most suitable.
    Of all the organs of our body, the brain is the most defenseless. In the brain, almost 25% of all metabolic processes occur. Nervous tissue is not able to store energy, and therefore its functioning directly depends on the level of glucose in the blood. With a significant decrease in its level in the blood immediately there are changes in the nervous activity. Obviously, there is a relationship between the consumption of carbohydrates( and hence the content of glucose in the blood) and the ability to withstand stressful situations.
    Some scientists believe that the state of moderate depression is associated with a deficit of a special substance - serotonin in the blood, which regulates food intake. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is formed from the amino acid tryptophan and depends on the level of carbohydrates in the diet.
    When you consume carbohydrates, the level of tryptophan in the blood increases dramatically. Under the influence of insulin, it enters the brain, where it turns into serotonin. Serotonin by the type of feedback regulates in turn the consumption of carbohydrates. If the mechanism of this feedback is violated, the brain does not react to the intake of carbohydrates and, consequently, the craving for them persists for a long time, causing obesity.
    Statistics show that in the conditions of the city at present, every two out of five people suffer from stress and depression. Chronic stress manifests itself in the form of insomnia, headaches, loss of appetite, mood deterioration, causeless lump in the throat, irritability. Under the eyes - bags, dark circles, cold fingers and toes.
    Food containing chemical concentrates can cause severe headaches associated with the concentration of sodium glutamate in the concentrates. Switching to an anti-lipoglycemic diet with a high protein content and a reduced amount of simple carbohydrates with frequent meals reduces the frequency and strength of the headache.
    Corrective nutrition in this situation is to increase the consumption of vegetables as a source of vitamins and carbohydrates. Consumption of coffee, alcohol, tranquilizers is excluded.

    At present, the third paradigm of nutrition has been formed. It is based on achievements in the field of biology and medicine, which give grounds to believe that a new science is born - trophology, the main provisions of which lay in the foundation of the theory of adequate nutrition. The founder of the third theory of nutrition was Academician AM Ugolev, head of the Laboratory of Food Physiology, IP Pavlova in St. Petersburg.
    We will outline some provisions of the new direction. There are three types of digestion.
    Extracellular digestion occurs in the cavities of the stomach and intestines. Splitting of food products is carried out outside the cells, in special cavities.
    The intracellular digestion has also been known for a long time. Its discovery is associated with the name II.Mechnikov. The very name itself very accurately reflects the place of action of the process - inside the cell. It is curious that in this case digestive enzymes are in special intracellular formations, called lysosomes. Lysosomes have a large assortment of enzymes and can effectively break down the incoming food substances into the cells.
    Membrane digestion occurs on the cell membrane and combines two processes - digestion and absorption.
    According to the theory of adequate nutrition, the three types of digestion mentioned are interrelated and interdependent, and do not exist independently of each other. The process of digesting food is carried out with the help of bacteria, which are in complex relationships with the host organism. The inflow of basic nutrients( nutrients) is formed not only by extracting them from the absorbed food, but also through the metabolic activity of the "host," especially its symbionts, synthesizing additional nutrients, including irreplaceable ones. Thus, the human body and the symbiotic bacteria that inhabit it must be considered as a single system - a super-organism.
    Bacteria-symbionts can be beneficial to the body in many ways, helping them to break down food and compensate for the deficiency of its individual components, i.e.optimize food;that a violation of the composition of the microflora leads to diseases and that such violations can be observed when the ballast substances are excluded from the diet.
    The theory of adequate nutrition recognizes the existence of several streams of nutrients and regulatory substances.
    These streams of nutrients are formed due to the vital activity of bacteria in the digestive tract, which are capable of modifying the ballast substances coming from outside. Particularly unexpected was the fact that the bacteria were able to release biologically active substances and hormonal compounds.
    It should also be said about the endogenous flow of physiologically active substances. Its source is the endocrine cells of the gastrointestinal tract, which release about 30 such substances. New in understanding the mechanism of their action is that these substances spread their influence not only in the digestive tract, as they thought before, but also, according to Ugolev, provide control of the endocrine and metabolic functions of the organism as a whole.
    Thus, according to this theory, nutrition is caused not only by the main components of food - nutrients, but also by various vital regulatory compounds that come from the intestine into the internal environment of the body. These are substances such as hormones that are produced by the cells of the digestive system( by the way, in a larger number than the entire endocrine system as a whole);hormone-like substances and bacterial flora of the intestines, which are absolutely necessary for assimilation of food. Under the influence of microflora, secondary nutrients are formed, which are also very necessary for the body. The source of these nutrients are ballast nutrients, dietary fiber. With their help, various vitamins, volatile fatty acids, essential amino acids are formed. All of them affect the electrolyte, water metabolism, stimulate the protective functions of the body.
    Dietary fiber plant food is needed not only for normal activity of the digestive system, but for the entire body. Thus, the relationship between the violation of cholesterol metabolism, the formation of gallstones and the excessive amount of refined products in the human diet has been experimentally proved. Then a whole chain of disorders in the activities of many organs and systems - atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes - are directly or indirectly associated with inadequate intake of plant-derived ballast substances. Deficiency of plant fibers in the diet is one of the causes of cancer of the large intestine.
    A sufficient amount of plant fiber in the diet, as studies have shown, is the prevention and treatment of hyperglycemia, obesity, hemorrhoids, Crohn's disease, helps reduce cholesterol in the blood. In addition, there is an improvement in the work of the entire digestive system, the normalization of the stool, the prevention of recurrences of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer and exacerbations of chronic pancreatitis.
    This is how science has confirmed the long-standing thought of naturopaths about the necessity and sequence of introducing human "live" products - raw vegetables and fruits.
    One of the significant achievements of the theory of adequate nutrition is the discovery of the process of autolysis( self-digestion) of food. Its essence lies in the fact that digestion of food by 50% is determined by enzymes that are not contained in the gastric juice of the "consumer", but in the tissues of the "supplier" itself, be it a plant or animal. Gastric juice only includes the mechanism of self-digestion by stimulating a number of cleavage centers in each cell of the food being delivered. As a result, there is as if an explosion of tissues from within all their thickness, and the process of digestion is therefore much accelerated, the assimilation of nutrients is optimized.
    In the experiments of AM Ugoleva, the digestion of tissues, which retained their natural properties, and tissues subjected to heat treatment, was also compared. It was found out that in the first case the tissues were completely cleaved, in the second case their structures were partially preserved, which, of course, complicated the digestibility of food and polluted the body.
    The wisdom of nature lies in the fact that it has built in the mechanism of autolysis in every living plant. If, say, a potato tuber contains almost pure starch, then a thin upper layer of the peel of the tuber contains starch-transforming substances. The same applies to other plants, cereals.
    Food and nutrition are of great importance for both healthy and sick people. This is one of the main factors supporting the life of the body. Not only the physical, but also the mental development of man largely depends on the quantity and quality of food and drink. Defective, poor-quality food adversely affects the health of a person and leads to numerous diseases and, above all, changes the composition of the blood. Therefore, one should not be indifferent to what we drink and eat.
    Food, as I.P.Pavlov, represents that ancient connection that connects all living beings, including man, with the surrounding nature. Continuous processes in the body of assimilation and dissimilation are inconceivable without the introduction of nutrients from the outside. At the same time, the assortment of products containing a sufficient number of nutrients necessary for the body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins, enzymes, etc., is of great importance.- to ensure the normal flow of physiological functions, plastic targets, energy costs of the body, as well as health and work capacity of a person.
    Most of us have lost so much ground in the world of food and nutrition that we began to rely on certain specialists who dictate to us what and how they are - they are doctors, books about diets, and media reports about sensational discoveries of dietetics, andrecommendations of health authorities, and all sorts of dietary pyramids, and lengthy reasoning about health on food packages. Let us not always listen to these authorities, but their voices sound in our minds every time we read a restaurant menu or roll a cart on the supermarket aisle. In addition, an incredible amount of all information on biochemistry has settled in our minds. Is it not surprising that almost everyone today, at least by hearsay, is familiar with words like "antioxidant", "saturated fat", "omega-3 fatty acids", "carbohydrates", "polyphenol", "folic acid"Gluten, probiotics? It has come to the point that we no longer see food as such - we look immediately at the table of the content of nutrients( harmful and useful) and, of course, calories, that is, all those invisible and intangible qualities of our food, which, if properly understood,seem to contain a clue about the mystery of proper nutrition.
    However, despite all this scientific and pseudo-scientific baggage of dietary knowledge, which we acquired in recent years, we still do not know what we have. What's worse - fat or carbohydrates? And what about "useful" fats then? And "harmful" carbohydrates, for example, glucose-fructose corn syrup? Should Gluten be afraid and how much? What is this strange story with artificial sweeteners? Is it really true that one brand of cornflakes for breakfast will help my son concentrate on the control, and another will save me from a heart attack? And since when has a bowl of cereal for breakfast turned into a medical procedure? !
    There are only two important observations about the relationship between nutrition and health - there are only two facts that are beyond doubt and which one should be aware of. All warring parties in the dietary wars agree with them. Moreover - these facts are so indisputable, that on their basis it is quite possible to make a reasonable diet.
    FACT 1. People who adhere to the so-called Western diet - which is generally defined as a diet rich in processed foods and meat, rich in fat and sugar, rich in fine flour, in short, rich in anything other than vegetables, fruits and whole grains,- always and much more often there are so-called Western diseases: obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer. Almost all cases of obesity and type 2 diabetes, 80% of cardiovascular diseases, and more than a third of all oncological diseases are associated with this diet. According to statistics, four of the first ten causes of death in America are chronic diseases associated with this diet.
    Controversy in dietetics is not about whether there is this connection or not - its presence is obvious to everyone;The question is which component of the Western diet is responsible for all these diseases. What is it - saturated fats, digestible carbohydrates, lack of fiber, trans fats, omega-6 fatty acids - what exactly?
    FACT 2. Peoples who adhere to an extremely wide range of traditional diets generally do not suffer from these chronic diseases. These diets cover the whole gamut - from the abundant fats( the Greenland Eskimos feed mainly on sealed fat) to those that are full of carbohydrates( the Indians of Central America exist on maize and beans) or proteins( the African Maasai tribe consumes almost exclusively meat, milk and beef blood)here are just three vivid examples. However, the same is true for most mixed traditional diets. All this shows only that there is no ideal diet for the species homo sapiens, but man as an omnivore is amazingly adapted to a variety of foods and a variety of diets.
    In addition, of course, one - the same Western diet, which is now adhered to by most of us. What an amazing achievement of our civilization - to develop a single diet, from which people are guaranteed to get sick! Although, according to statistics, we live longer than people lived before and now they live in some traditional cultures, for the most part, additional years have appeared because of the success of pediatrics and the reduction of infant mortality, and not because of diet.

    Proteins are vital substances. They are the main building material for the body and make up 15 - 20% of the body weight. In nature, there is a huge number of different proteins. In the human body there are about five million.
    Protein molecules, having a different structure, perform numerous and diverse functions in the body. It is from proteins that the cell parts - protoplasm, organoids, membranes are mostly built, are filled with them and intercellular substance. Proteins are necessary for the formation of enzymes, hemoglobin( red blood cell protein) and most hormones. Proteins form compounds that provide immunity to infections, participate in the process of assimilation of fats, carbohydrates and a number of minerals. Special contractile protein( myosin), which is a muscle tissue, provides movement of the body, cardiac activity, movement of blood through the vessels, intestinal motility. The protein of cartilage and bones( collagen) gives flexibility and strength to the skeleton. Skin protein( keratin) protects the body surface from mechanical, temperature, radiation and other effects, prevents the penetration of microbes into the body.
    The protein consists of a small number of elements - carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen. Some proteins also contain sulfur and phosphorus.
    The energy value of 1 g of protein is approximately 4.1 kcal.
    Amino acids
    When evaluating products and the entire diet, not only the amount of protein is taken into account, but also its quality-biological value, which directly depends on the amino acid composition of the protein. Proteins of food products under the action of enzymes of the stomach, pancreas and intestines are split into their constituent parts - amino acids, which then enter the bloodstream and are used by the body to build their own proteins.
    The first amino acid was discovered in 1820, but the complete amino acid composition of proteins was deciphered only by the 30th years of the 20th century. Only twenty of the known two hundred amino acids in various combinations form millions of proteins.
    All amino acids have some common properties. They are perfectly soluble in water, can enter into a chemical bond with acids and alkalis. These and a number of other features of amino acids are of no small importance for the metabolism.
    Amino acids that are synthesized in our body are called interchangeable. Other amino acids( there are only eight of them), of which the proteins of our body are built, are not synthesized in it and must enter the body with food, are essential amino acids. The disadvantage of at least one of them in food for a more or less long time leads to serious diseases of the body.
    Proteins containing a complete set of amino acids, including irreplaceable ones, are biologically complete. They are contained in animal food and only in certain plants( soy, peas, beans).If you take the biological value of milk proteins for 100, then the biological value of meat and fish is expressed by the number 95, rye bread - 75, rice - 58, wheat bread - 50. To increase the biological value of bread, an essential amino acid lysine is added to it.
    Essential amino acids of food proteins are used in the body as a building material for the synthesis of tissue proteins, enzyme synthesis, and also as energy sources.
    Ideal both in composition and in the balance of amino acids, is considered a whole egg hen's egg, so the percentage in percentage of each amino acid of the protein is compared with the corresponding value of the chicken egg. The one of the amino acids, which in relation to its content in the egg protein is represented in a smaller amount, needs replenishment in the first place.
    The essential amino acids are lysine, methionine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine and valine. For children's organism, an indispensable amino acid is also histidine, since it is not synthesized in a child's body. In recent years, the amino acids tyrosine and cystine have become irreplaceable, although this is a controversial issue, since there is evidence of the possibility of their synthesis in the human body.
    Some properties of essential amino acids
    Histidine was discovered in 1896, synthesized in 1911.With histidine deficiency, the formation of hemoglobin in the bone marrow decreases. Histidine also participates in the conditioned reflex activity of the body. From histidine, the body forms histamine - one of the mediators of the nervous system that transmits a nerve impulse.
    Tyrosine was first obtained in 1846, serving as a precursor of the thyroid hormone, tyramine, phenol and other compounds.
    Cystine was first isolated in 1810, the structure was established in 1903, involved in the exchange of methionine, interacts in chemical reactions with enzymes containing sulfur.
    Valine was discovered in 1879, the chemical formula of the amino acid was deciphered in 1906.With a lack of valine, as experiments have shown, the coordination of body movements is disturbed and the sensitivity of the skin to numerous stimuli increases.
    Isoleucine was discovered in 1890.Deficiency of amino acid leads to the appearance of a negative nitrogen balance in the body.
    Leucine is known since 1819, provides( along with other factors) body height, with an amino acid deficiency, there are abnormalities in the activity of the thyroid gland and kidneys.
    Lizin was opened in 1889, it was synthesized in 1902.Deficiency of lysine creates conditions for the development of anemia, reduction in muscle mass and calcium deposition in the bones. Lysine is found in peas and beans( 1600 mg), low-fat cottage cheese( 1,450 mg), beef of the 1st category( 1,590 mg), rabbit meat( 2,200 mg), horse meat( 2,100 mg), herring( 1800 mg), codmg).
    Methionine was discovered in 1922, it was synthesized in 1928.The amino acid not only has a lipotropic effect, but also participates in the synthesis of choline, a lipotropic substance that protects the liver from obesity. Lipotropic substances play an extremely important role in regulating cholesterol metabolism and preventing atherosclerosis. Methionine participates in adrenaline secretion by the adrenal glands. The connection of methionine with the metabolism of vitamin B1 has been revealed. Methionine is contained in horse mackerel( 700 mg), in Dutch cheese( 870 mg), in rabbit meat( 500 mg).
    Threonine was discovered in 1935, it is necessary for the physical development of the body.
    Tryptophan was synthesized in 1907.Participates in protein metabolism, provides, in particular, nitrogen balance in the body, is necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin and serum proteins of blood.
    Phenylalanine was isolated in 1879, synthesized in 1882.The amino acid forms the "skeleton" of thyroxin, the hormone of the thyroid gland and the adrenal hormones. Lack of phenylalanine leads to disruption of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, leading to serious hormonal disorders in the body.
    Protein deficiency in food affects the vital activity of the body. First of all, nitrogen balance is disturbed, when protein breakdown prevails over its synthesis. The organism, lacking protein, begins to "eat" its own tissues. To prevent this, it is necessary to constantly enter the necessary amount of protein into the body with food.
    The excess protein in the diet is also harmful - it leads to overloading of the liver and kidneys by the products of its disintegration, overstrain of the secretory function of the digestive apparatus.
    According to J. Wainers, the daily requirement for proteins is 30 to 50 g for a child of 4 years, 50 to 80 g at the age of 12 years, 50 to 90 g for an adult woman. The main source of biologically valuable protein is animal food.
    Pregnant women( during the period from the 5th to the 9th month) need an average of 100 grams of protein per day, of which 60 g of protein of animal origin. Nursing mothers require an average of 112 grams of protein, including 67 grams of animal protein.
    If the protein lacks protein either in absolute amounts, or because the body needs protein( for example, in heavy physical work or as a result of illness), then protein deficiency occurs. The far-reaching stage of protein deficiency is called "kwashiorkor", this disease is more common in children. In our country, kwashiorkor is not observed, but it can still be found in the developing countries of Asia, Africa, Central and South America.
    Deficiency of protein in nutrition reduces the resistance of the body to infections, as the level of antibody formation that provides immunity decreases, the synthesis of other protective antimicrobial factors of a person - lysozyme and interferon, is aggravated, the inflammatory process becomes aggravated, because the pathogens in these conditions begin to behave more aggressively. The lack of protein in the body adversely affects the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems. Deficiency of protein leads to a worsening of appetite, which, in turn, reduces the intake of protein from food - a vicious circle appears.
    Protein content in 100 g of product
    Very large( more than 15 mg): Dutch cheese and fused, low-fat cottage cheese, meat of animals and chickens of the 1st and 2nd categories, most fish, soy, peas, beans, hazelnuts and walnuts.
    Large( 10 - 15 mg): fat cottage cheese, meat and fat pork, cooked sausages and sausages, eggs, semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, wheat flour, pasta.
    Moderate( 5 - 9.9 mg): rye and wheat bread, pearl barley, rice, green peas.
    Small( 2 - 4.9 mg): milk, kefir, cream, sour cream, ice cream, spinach, potatoes.

    Fats, or lipids, have high energy value, - 1 g of fat gives 9 kcal. Fats provide an average of 33% of the daily energy value of rations, are part of the cells and cellular structures( have a plastic meaning), participate in metabolic processes. Some vitamins( for example, A, D, E) can be absorbed by the body only in the presence of fats. Fats improve the taste of food and cause a feeling of satiety. They can be formed in the human body from proteins and carbohydrates, but they are not completely replaced by them.
    In the diet, fats are "visible"( butter and vegetable oils, margarines) and "hidden" - in the composition of various products. Fatty acids - components of fats - are saturated and unsaturated. Fats are liquid at room temperature( for example, vegetable oil), contain unsaturated fatty acids, and solid fats( fats of animals and birds) are saturated.
    In dietetics it is customary to consider the ratio of saturated and unsaturated acids in various products. The more this ratio, the more useful this organism is to the body.
    The most difficult for digestion are refractory lamb and beef fats. Milk fat is a source of vitamins A, D, vegetable oils - vitamin E. You can not use stale and superheated fats because they contribute to irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, increase the burden on the kidneys and disrupt the metabolism.
    Excess fat in food worsens the absorption of proteins, calcium, magnesium, increases the need for vitamins. Abundant consumption of fats can cause exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, enterocolitis, liver diseases and bile ducts. Elevated cholesterol in the food adversely affects the blood vessels of the heart and brain, causing atherosclerosis.
    Polyunsaturated fatty acids
    In fats are essential and very important for the human body food substances - polyunsaturated fatty acids( arachidonic, linoleic and linolenic) and lecithin. Polyunsaturated fatty acids favorably affect the condition of the skin and blood vessels, and fat metabolism in the liver. The daily requirement for lecithin is about 5 g per day. So, in 100 g of pork, beef, peas there are about 0.8 g of lecithin;in the majority of fish, cheese, oatmeal 0.4-0.5 g;in curd and sour cream - 0,2 g.
    The need for fats averages 80 - 100 g per day, but 30% of this amount should be provided with vegetable fats. Restriction of the consumption of fats( especially refractory, rich in saturated fatty acids) is recommended to varying degrees in acute and chronic diseases of the liver and bile ducts, chronic pancreatitis, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, obesity, diabetes, gout, anemia.
    And, conversely, with pulmonary tuberculosis, hyperthyroidism, when exhausted after severe illnesses, the amount of fat in the diet increases.
    Fat content in 100 g of products:
    Very large( more than 40 mg): vegetable oil and melted, margarines, culinary fats, pork fat, walnuts, smoked sausage.
    Large( 20 - 40 mg): cream and sour cream from 20%, Dutch cheese, meat pork, duck, goose, smoked and boiled sausages, sprats, chocolate, cakes, halva.
    Moderate( 10 - 19 mg): fat cottage cheese, cream ice cream, salmon, sturgeon, saury, fatty herring, caviar.
    Small( 3 - 9 mg): milk, kefir, horse mackerel, pink salmon, sprat, mackerel.

    Simple and complex, digestible and non-digestible carbohydrates enter the human body with food. Simple carbohydrates - glucose, sucrose, lactose, maltose. Complex carbohydrates are starch, glycogen, fiber, pectin. Carbohydrates make up the bulk of the diet and provide 50 - 60% of its energy value. One gram of carbohydrates during oxidation in the body gives 4 kcal. In combination with proteins, they form some hormones and enzymes, the secrets of certain glands and other biologically important compounds. Of particular importance are cellulose and pectins, which are practically not digested, but stimulate intestinal peristalsis.
    Carbohydrates are mainly found in plant foods. Simple carbohydrates, as well as starch and glycogen, are digested well, but at different rates. Glucose is the main energy supplier for the brain. Fructose does not require insulin for its assimilation, so it can be recommended for diabetes mellitus.
    Starch is up to 80% of all carbohydrates in human nutrition. Starch is digested slowly, splitting up to glucose. Carbohydrates can be formed in the human body from proteins and fats.
    To not digestible carbohydrates include fiber and pectins. Fiber, it's cellulose, forms the shells of plant cells, and pectins bind these cells together. These "ballast" substances stimulate the motor function of the intestine, bile secretion, form fecal masses, create a sense of satiety, promote the excretion of cholesterol from the body. Pectins absorb harmful substances, suppress putrefactive processes in the intestine.
    The need for carbohydrates in healthy people in the daily diet is 350 - 400 grams per day, of which 20% must account for digestible carbohydrates.
    Carbohydrate content in 100 g of products:
    Very large( 65 mg or more): sugar, candy caramel, fondant sweets, honey, marshmallows, biscuits, raisins, millet, buckwheat.
    Large( 40 - 69 mg): rye and wheat bread, kidney beans, peas, chocolate, halva, cakes.
    Moderate( 11 - 39 mg): cheese curd, potatoes, green peas, bread with bran, beets, grapes, cherries, fruit juices.
    Small( 5 - 10 mg): zucchini, cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, watermelon, melon, pears, peaches.

    For normal growth and development of the body, in addition to proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins are needed. Vitamins, in contrast to other nutritional factors, do not serve as a source of energy or material for plastic processes, but primarily serve as a regulator of numerous biochemical reactions, which together constitute metabolism and energy.
    Doctors, as we know from the history of travel and navigation, already in the XVII century pointed to the existence of special diseases directly associated with malnutrition. Some of them were even epidemic in nature. So, scurvy( scurvy), mortality from which reached 50-60%, and beriberi, were widely distributed, especially in the countries of Southeast Asia and Japan.
    In 1753, British Fleet physician James Lind discovered that greens, lemons and some other vegetables can prevent the development of scurvy during long sea voyages.
    Russian doctor N. Lunin in 1880 conducted an experiment with mice, dividing them into two groups. One group he fed with natural whole milk, and another kept on an artificial diet consisting of protein( casein), sugar, fat, mineral salts and water. Three months later the mice of the second group died, and in the first remained healthy. In his work "On the Importance of Mineral Salts for Animal Nutrition," the founder of the theory of vitamins N. Lunin wrote: "It is of great interest to investigate these substances and study their significance for nutrition."
    In 1882, Japanese ship physician Kanehiro Takaki during a nine-month voyage made an interesting observation of the crews of the two ships. One of the crews was fed with the usual ship products, the other was added fresh vegetables to the diet. After a while almost half of the first crew fell ill beri-beri and some people died of beriberi, and on another ship only a few people suffered an easy form of this disease.
    In 1896, the Dutch Christian Eikman, who worked as a prison doctor on the island of Java, noted that when chickens are fed with purified rice, a disease very similar to the beriberi disease occurs. However, when the doctor switched chickens to feeding with unpeeled rice, the symptoms of avitaminosis disappeared.
    As a result, in a number of observations, it was concluded that in some foods there are some unknown substances until then, necessary for the development and normal functioning of the body.
    And already in 1912 Funk extracted a crystalline substance from the extract of shells of rice, containing in its structure an amino group, which he decided to call vitamins, that is - amines of life.
    Vitamins are a group of chemically different substances that have a number of common properties:
    1. Some vitamins do not form in the human body at all, or are formed in minimal amounts, and therefore belong to irreplaceable nutrients.
    2. These are biologically active substances that affect various functions in the body.
    3. Vitamins are active in small amounts, so the daily dose of vitamins is expressed in milligrams or even micrograms.
    4. When there is a lack of vitamins in the human body, painful conditions arise, called avitaminosis( complete depletion of vitamin stores) and hypovitaminosis( a decrease in vitamin stores, which causes a painful condition).
    5. Vitamins are not included in the body in the tissue structure and are not used by the body as an energy source.
    Currently, more than 20 vitamins are known, which are divided into water-soluble and fat-soluble.
    - water soluble:
    - vitamin B,( thiamin),
    - vitamin B2( riboflavin, antiseborrhoeal vitamin),
    - vitamin PP( niacin, nicotinic acid, vitamin B3),
    - vitamin B5( pantothenic acid),
    - vitamin B6(pyridoxine),
    - vitamin B9( folacin, vitamin B),
    - vitamin B, 2( cyanocobalamin),
    - biotin( vitamin H),
    - vitamin C( ascorbic acid).
    - Fat-soluble:
    - vitamin A( retinol, antioxo-ophthalmic vitamin, vitamin of growth),
    - vitamin D( calcipherols, anti-rheumatic vitamin),
    - vitamin E( tocopherols, antioxidant, vitamin of reproduction),
    - vitamin K( phyllochenons, antihemorrhagic vitamin).
    There are also groups of so-called vitamin-like compounds, which are considered bioflavonoids( vitamin P), methylmethionine sulfonium( vitamin U), pangamic acid( vitamin B15) and others. They do not have all the properties of vitamins, but their presence in the body is necessary.

    Why are mineral waters so useful? First, mineral waters are extracted from a great depth and therefore they are very clean, secondly, they have a good balance of mineral substances; third, a number of mineral waters contribute to the cure of many diseases of the digestive system.
    Mineral water is used both externally( in the form of baths or irrigation), and for drinking. Mineral water - underground( sometimes surface) water, characterized by an increased content of biologically active mineral( less often organic) components and / or possessing specific physicochemical properties( radioactivity, acidity or alkalinity, etc.), on which their therapeutic and prophylactic use is based.
    Mineral water includes water with a total mineralization of at least 2 g / l. Depending on the general mineralization, they are divided into medicinal( 8-12 g / l), medicinal-table( from 2 to 8 g / l) and table( up to 1 g / l).Mineral drinking water is taken either directly from sources at resorts( they are called pump rooms), or use bottled water. For longer storage in bottles, this water is carbonated with carbon dioxide. Sometimes mineral drinking water, bottled, can give a natural mineral deposit.
    The action of mineral water on the functions of various organs begins already from the moment it enters the oral cavity, therefore, during the treatment it is necessary to consider how to drink water, as well as its quantity, temperature, chemical composition and time of administration. For example, rapid drinking with large sips is indicated for hypersecretion. Slow drinking with small sips has a more irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach, so it is therefore advisable to consume mineral water with reduced secretory and motor function of the stomach. With the temperature is directly related to the rate of mineral water from the stomach into the duodenum: hot water inhibits secretion and reduces the tone of smooth muscles, and cold - strengthens the motor function. Mineral water is also drunk from special dishes - pialas, flattened from the sides of a cup with a narrow neck and a long nose. Such dishes can drink water long and slowly.
    On average, the amount of mineral drinking water should be about 3 to 5 ml per 1 kg of body weight per day, so the daily dose for 3 to 4 times a day will be 500-1000 ml( for urinary tract infections water is taken more often, 6- 8 times).It is usually accepted to start with 75 - 100 ml at a time, then increase the dose to 250 ml. Mineral water is taken for 20 - 90 minutes before meals, and for chronic kidney diseases also after meals. The course of treatment with mineral drinking water is 21-25 days, it is advisable to repeat the course in 3 to 4 months. According to the temperature, mineral waters are very cold( below 4 ° С), cold( up to 20 ° С), cool( up to 34 ° С), indifferent( up to 37 ° С), warm( up to 39 ° С), hot, or thermal(up to 42 ° C) and superheated, or high-thermal( over 42 ° C).
    Methods for the reception of mineral drinking water in diseases of various organs and systems are very diverse.
    So, with diseases of the stomach with increased secretion, the recommended mineral waters - Borjomi, Darasun, Slavyanskaya, Smirnovskaya, should be drunk quickly, in large sips, 1 to 1.5 hours before a meal at a water temperature of 38- 45 ° С.
    For diseases of the stomach with reduced secretion, mineral waters - Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17, Narzan, Silver Spring, Ekateringofskaya, are recommended to drink slowly in small sips 20 minutes before meals. The water temperature should not be higher than 18 - 25 ° C.
    For chronic kidney diseases, the recommended mineral water - Naftusya, Smirnovskaya, Borzhomi, Narzan, Berezovskaya, water is consumed at 35 to 45 ° C 20 minutes before and after meals( ie 6- 8 times a day).
    For chronic diseases of the liver and pancreas( recommended water - Borskaya, Moskovskaya, Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17, Borjomi), mineral water is consumed at a temperature of 35 to 45 ° C 3 to 4 times a day for200 - 250 ml at one time.
    Several main subclasses are distinguished among mineral drinking waters:
    1. Hydrocarbonate waters.
    2. Hydrocarbonate-sulphate waters.
    3. Hydrocarbonate-chloride water.
    4. Hydrocarbonate-sulphate-chloride waters.
    5. Glandular water.
    6. Sulfated water.
    7. Sulfate-chloride water.
    8. Chloride waters.
    9. Water containing organic substances.
    The composition of mineral drinking water is of great importance, since it is the main component of the therapeutic effect.
    Thus, hydrocarbonate waters( Borzhomi, Luzhanskaya No. 1 and No. 2, Polyana-Kvasova) are distinguished by the universality of action: they normalize the motor and secretory functions of the stomach, reduce dyspeptic phenomena, reduce the viscosity of phlegm, dilute it and promote separation fromrespiratory and urinary tract. In addition, hydrocarbonate ions inhibit the formation of uric acid salts.
    Salts - magnesium sulfate and sodium sulfate - act mainly on the motor function of the intestinal tract and give a slight laxative effect( "Jerluk", "Smirnovskaya", "Slavic").Magnesium ions actively influence the bile excretory function, improve the physicochemical properties of bile.
    Chloride waters stimulate the formation of gastric juice, choleretic function of the liver, diuretic function of the kidneys, improve the function of the pancreas.
    The glandular waters( "Swallow", "Darasun") stimulate the formation of red blood cells - red blood cells. Iodine and bromine ions, often present in chloride mineral waters( "Azov", "Semigorskaya", "Galitskaya"), normalize the state of the nervous system and thyroid gland. Water containing silicon( "Sairme"), characterized by anti-inflammatory soothing effect, reducing aging of body cells. Organic substances - naphthenes, humins, phenols( "Naftusya") - stimulate urination, activate the intestinal microflora.
    Thus, with the use of mineral drinking water, it is necessary to take into account not only the rules and conditions of use, but also the physicochemical composition of water.
    Very harmful carbonated drinks containing dyes, flavors, preservatives - do not poison your children and yourself, too.

    Mineral substances are an essential part of food. Insufficiency of their nutrition can cause various diseases. If the animals are artificially deprived of mineral salts, they soon die.
    Of the ninety-two chemical elements occurring in nature, eighty-one elements have been found in the human body. All mineral substances, depending on their content in the body and food products are divided into macro- and microelements.
    The macronutrients include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, chlorine and sodium. Macro-elements are contained in products in large quantities( tens and hundreds of milligrams per 100 g of product).Microelements are contained in products in very small quantities( in hundredths and thousandths of milligrams).
    Currently, 15 microelements are recognized as essential for the normal functioning of the human body: iron, selenium, silicon, copper, zinc, manganese, iodine, cobalt, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, vanadium, nickel, strontium, lithium. A number of elements are considered conditionally necessary, namely boron, bromine, cadmium, lead, tin and rubidium.
    For millions of years, evolution has given inorganic elements the most important in human life, "assigning" microelements as activators of protein synthesis, enzymes, constituents of vitamins and hormones. For example, calcium is needed to build bones, iron for hemoglobin synthesis, iodine is involved in the formation of thyroid hormones.
    Mineral substances render either alkaline( calcium, magnesium, sodium), or acid( phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine) effect on the body. They are an indispensable part of food, and their long-term deficiency or excess in the body leads to metabolic disorders and even diseases.
    The main reasons for these violations are:
    1. Monotonous nutrition, inclusion in the diet of "habitual" products to the detriment of others. Individual foods are rich in some mineral substances, but are poor in others.
    2. Features of the mineral composition of soil or water in certain areas. As a result, endemic( inherent to a certain locality) disease, for example, endemic goiter due to iodine deficiency, occurs.
    3. Unbalanced power supply. Excess or deficiency in the diet of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins disrupts the absorption of minerals. For example, the absorption of calcium deteriorates with too much food in the diet of fats, phosphorus, magnesium.
    4. Improper culinary processing of products. So, for example, with prolonged digestion of refined vegetables up to 30% of mineral substances passes into a decoction.
    A huge role in nutrition is played by the so-called bioavailability of food components. The digestibility of a food substance is the proportion of the incoming nutrient that has been fully utilized by the body. It depends on the digestibility of food and on the completeness of absorption.

    Water is a necessary component of our body. If a person can eat without food for 30 days or more, then without water a person is unlikely to live more than 5 days. All the basic chemical reactions take place in the body in a dissolved form, the water is discharged from the body, water is regulated by heat exchange. The human body consists of almost 80% of water. Therefore, it is not necessary to speak about the need for water for a person, it is clear and so. There remains the question of the quantity and quality of water used.
    A large amount of water is not harmful to a healthy heart. Care must be taken with a sick heart. For healthy kidneys, water is also not harmful: it only trains their excretory function. However, you also need to train and ability to concentrate urine, to allocate nitrogenous products with a minimum of water, if a person for some reason will have to drink a little. On the other hand, the benefits of large amounts of water seem obvious. First, it is much easier to extract excess salt, which we do not cease to use, because the food with salt is more delicious. Secondly, when we drink a lot, then we select urine with a low concentration of all substances that are supposed to be isolated. This reduces the risk of stones in the renal pelvis. Finally, with the urine all kinds of toxic products are released, either introduced from the outside with food or air, and formed inside the body.
    You need to drink more: 2 and even 3 liters of any liquid( taking into account the volume of fruits and vegetables).Yogis, although they are not absolute authority, also say: drink more water.
    The most useful of drinks are mineral pure water, juice, tea. Some researchers believe that coffee also does not do much harm.

    Many people ask themselves: Is salt useful or harmful? Since ancient times it was believed that salt gives food a taste and brings health to the body. History knows even salt money. It is worth remembering well-known "salt riots".
    But recently the attitude towards salt began to change dramatically. Here, for example, the opinion of Paul Bragg.
    1. Salt is not food. Justifications for its use are no more than for potassium, calcium, etc. chlorides.
    2. Salt can not be digested, absorbed and used by the body. It has no nutritional value. On the contrary, it is harmful and can cause disease of the kidneys, bladder, heart, vessels. Salt can cause water retention in the tissues.
    3. Salt can act as a heart poison, enhancing the painful sensitivity of the nervous system.
    4. Salt promotes the removal of calcium from the body and affects the mucosa of the entire gastrointestinal tract.
    Paul Bragg believes that the body needs natural organic sodium, which can be obtained from beets, carrots and other plant foods, but not table salt, which is an inorganic substance. Harmfulness of salt is proven. True, they say only about the harm of its excess. Salt contributes to the development of hypertension, which is one of the main risk factors for the development of sclerosis. Always lead to the example of the Japanese: they eat a lot of salt, they have hypertension and frequent hemorrhages in the brain.
    Over the past 45 years, salt consumption has increased to 4 times. What are the results? Worldwide spread of hypertension and atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke, kidney disease and osteochondrosis.
    Salt and water exchange are inseparable. A 1 g of salt is able to bind up to 1.5 liters of water in the body, and therefore there are swelling of the legs and excessive fullness, swollen from the excess water cells of the whole body. The heart has to work with an overload to pump blood that is under such constant pressure. The kidneys are forced to purify the body of excess sodium ions. Capillaries - their walls contain an immoderate large amount of sodium, an unhappy nervous system - its sensitivity increases to painful limits.
    So, turning to the luminaries of a healthy lifestyle, you can draw the following conclusion: salt in large quantities is harmful to the body, so you need to minimize the supply of salt in the human body. Moreover, the daily norm of salt - 12-15 g - enters the human body with food( bread, sausages, pasta).Many peoples, for example the Eskimos, do not consume salt and never feel its absence. Try to get used to a low-fat diet( up to 3 - 5 grams of salt per day) and then you yourself will feel that pressure attacks have decreased, the swelling on your legs has disappeared, your heart has ceased to hurt.
    A substance without which many people do not represent life is sugar( glucose, sucrose).Is sugar harmful? The controversy that goes on in dietetics has not stopped. Over the past 80 years, sugar consumption in the world has increased almost 40 times. Doctors are very concerned about this factor, and so began to appear such books as the work of John Yudkin "Pure, white and deadly."
    The word sugar comes from the Sanskrit word sarkara, which in translation means sand, and later this word was also used to refer to sugar. Centuries later, it was borrowed in Arabic as sakkar, and then got into Latin as a saccarum.
    Earlier, sugar was obtained with the help of sugar beet and bone meal, which was made from bones of cattle and dogs and was used as a filter material for sugar purification. In Russia, the first sugar factory was built in 1908 in the village of Alyabyev in the Tula Province. Currently, other technologies are being used, and about 300 kg of sugar beet, 30 kg of coal, 17 kg of lime and coke are needed to produce about 50 kg of sugar.
    A person eats an average of 55 to 65 grams of sugar a day, although some nutritionists consider even 100 grams of sugar a day( including the so-called "hidden sugar" in consumed food) as the norm of consumption. On average, in Russia for a year a person consumes up to 30 kg of sugar. In nutrition, a person is able to track no more than 30 to 40% of the sugar consumed, the rest is covered by hidden sugar. So, according to the UK Food Standards Agency, hidden sugar contains:
    - orange juice - up to 3 teaspoons per cup;
    - ketchup - up to 25% of sugar;
    - muesli - up to 4 hours spoons for a standard serving;
    - ice cream - up to 5 teaspoons per 100 g;
    - sausage - up to 4 hours spoons for 200 g.
    Sugar differs in size of the crystals - granules: from 0.5 to 2.5 mm - it is granulated sugar, not more than 0.5 mm - sugar powder, not more than 0.1 mm - sugar powder.
    You can get sugar from cane, sugar beet, maple juice, pomegranate, corn, rice, etc.
    Sugar can be of different colors. So, cane sugar has a brownish color due to its high content of molasses and various minerals. Sugar, obtained from beets, is cleaned very carefully, since otherwise it has an unpleasant aftertaste. Sometimes extracts of different medicinal plants - eleutherococcus, magnolia vine, Kalin, are added to sugar, so the color of such sugar can be pink or yellow. Sugars include glucose( grape sugar), fructose( fruit sugar), lactose( milk sugar), maltose( malt sugar) and sucrose( glucose and fructose).
    Excess sugar in the diet has a bad effect on the transport of cholesterol, a number of fatty acids, helps to increase the level of uric acid in the blood, promotes obesity, the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension, gout, coronary heart disease, diabetes. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, sugar can cause mutations in the body.
    In addition, sugar is "empty", sometimes uncontrolled, extra calories that lead to obesity. After all, 100 g of sugar is 99.9 carbohydrates and almost 400 kcal. Some diets are based almost on the complete exclusion of carbohydrates from the diet.
    But it should be remembered that the work of our nervous system is almost completely dependent on sugar, since the brain as a nutrient substrate consumes up to 25 g of glucose per day. Sugar also prevents thromboses, activates lymphatic circulation, normalizes the liver and spleen, promotes bone coalescence in fractures.
    Very popular in many countries are the so-called sugar substitutes or, as they are also called, sweeteners. They are many times sweeter than sugar and most importantly - do not contain calories. The main sugar substitutes are sodium cyclamate( 30 times sweeter than sugar, a safe daily dose of 10 mg per kilogram), saccharin( 300-500 times sweeter than sugar, a daily dose of up to 2.5 mg per kilogram of body weight), acesulfame( 200 times sweeter than sugar, a daily dose of 8 mg per 1 kg of body weight), aspartame( sweeter than sugar 200 times, safe daily dose - 40 mg per kilogram of weight, quite often used in various drinks), sucralose( 600 times sweetersugar, a daily dose of 15 mg per kilogram of weight, is often used in the baking industry,tovlenii chewing gum).

    Tea is a very useful drink that quenches thirst. Tea contains 17 amino acids, a number of trace elements( iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, calcium, copper, iodine, fluorine, gold, etc.), alkaloids( caffeine, theophylline, etc.), citric, malic and fumaric organic acids, catechins,vitamins( A, Bp B2, P, PP, K, C).It is unfortunate that many people drink tea incorrectly. First, it is better to use pure water for tea( with a minimum content of mineral salts), you can not re-use boiled water. Secondly, you need to properly prepare the kettle( better clay or porcelain).To do this, it is rinsed with hot water and dried( warmed), this will enhance the extraction of nutrients from tea;then tea is poured into the kettle, it is poured with boiling water for 2/3 of the volume and covered with a linen napkin so that the aromatic substances do not evaporate from the tea. After 4 to 5 minutes, the kettle is topped up with boiling water, but not to the top, but leaving 0.5-1 cm to the lid.
    According to the international classification, teas are labeled:
    T( tip) - the highest quality tea obtained from unblown leaf buds;
    F( flowery) - flower tea, containing young shoots of tea;
    O( orange) - tea from the second leaves on a branch, connected with the Dutch royal family of Orange;
    In( broken) - the so-called tea from broken and cut leaves, gives a strong infusion;
    P( pekoe) - tea from shorter and coarse leaves, the cheapest of vintage teas;
    S( souchong) - tea containing the coarsest parts of leaves, not very well twisted, gives a weak infusion.
    When tea drinking is recommended:
    - do not drink tea on an empty stomach;
    - do not drink scalding tea( tea temperature should not exceed 56 ° C);
    - do not drink cold tea;
    - do not drink too strong tea( cause of increased pressure and headache);
    - do not drink tea before and after meals( preferably 20 to 30 minutes before meals);
    - do not take medicine with tea;
    - do not drink yesterday's tea.
    It is not necessary to take a great interest in tea during pregnancy, with peptic ulcer, atherosclerosis and severe form of hypertension, at high temperature.
    Tea is useful for many diseases, so Chen Tsang-chi - a doctor of the Tang Dynasty in China wrote: "Every medicine is from its disease, and tea is from the darkness of disease."We only note that it prevents and cures a number of heart diseases, cancer, infectious diseases, impotence, gives all youth and vivacity.

    Coffee contains fats, carbohydrates, tannins, esters of coffee and cinnamic acids, minerals, citric acid, caffeine.
    The Italian doctor Prosper Alstinus visited Egypt in 1543 and wrote about coffee in 1543: "They drink it instead of wine, they sell us wine, and they call it a cat. This infusion is used to strengthen the stomach, to stimulate digestion, from blockages and tumors of the liver and spleen. "After a century and a half, Carl Liney also pointed out the medicinal properties of coffee: "This drink strengthens the resistance of the intestines, promotes digestion and the timely release of the intestine."
    One story is interesting, the essence of it is that two criminals sentenced to death under a strict regime were given three cups a day, one coffee and the other tea to compare these drinks. After a rather long time it turned out that the first criminal who consumed coffee died at the age of 70, the second, who consumes tea, lived about 80 years. But the experimenter himself died at the age of 62. ..
    But the main task of coffee is to awaken the nervous system, to stimulate its efficiency. So decide for yourself - what to drink.

    Nutritional supplements are natural or artificial substances and their compounds that are specifically introduced into foods during their manufacture in order to give products certain properties and / or maintain their quality.
    Almost all branches of the food industry use dozens and hundreds of food additives. Moreover, when authorizing the use of each additive, it is primarily based on the principle of its necessity, that is, the impossibility of obtaining this product without such an additive. Indeed, many products without specific food additives would not exist at all. Such type of food additives provide safety, appetizing appearance, good taste qualities of the product.
    In the household, food additives are used quite widely, although many housewives do not realize this. Cooking salt and soda, acetic and other organic acids, gelatin, vanilla sugar, various spices and spices for centuries have been used and are still used in our kitchens for baking, cooking and preserving meat, fish, vegetables and other products.
    The direct consequence of the use of food additives is that now we are less and less ready to cook food from fresh products, and more and more often we put dishes on the table from the factory conveyor. And it is quite natural that food and food products prepared by the food industry should preserve their taste and other qualities much longer than the usual food that we cook at the hearth and eat it on the same day or, as a last resort, the next. Currently, nutritional supplements are found in many food products: in some there are more, in others - only one or two. But they are in sausage, and in yogurt, in tomato sauce from a can and vanilla pudding from a bag.
    All this makes us pay attention to the list of ingredients included in the product, which, even if written in Russian, are often unknown to us. And I would like to know, if only in order to choose the safest.
    The group of food additives includes many different substances of both natural( natural) origin and synthetic ones, and their assortment is constantly growing. Most of them have, as a rule, no nutritional value and are either inert to the body, or, being biologically active, can have both positive and negative effects on the body.
    The official food additive design system developed in Europe consists of the letter "E", meaning that the additive has undergone a comprehensive toxicological check-up and is registered by medical organizations of the European Union, and a three-digit number designating the serial number of this additive in the system.
    For example, E 100 - 199 means dyes, E 200 - 299 - preservatives, E 300 - 399 - antioxidants. For example, E 160 - carotene, E 260 - acetic acid, E 300 - vitamin C, E 330 - citric acid, E 621 - sodium glutamate.
    But this combination of food additives - E 260, E 334, E 620, E 160, E 375, E 163, E 330, E 363, E 920, E 300, E 101 - is an ordinary apple.
    In Russia, in comparison with some countries in Europe, more stringent restrictions have been imposed on various food additives. For example, on nitrites, which are added to sausage products to preserve the pink color. In Russia, 75 mg of nitrites per 1 kg of weight are added to sausage products, and in the west a dosage of 150 to 200 mg / kg is allowed.
    Completely abandon dietary supplements, is unlikely to succeed in our modern life. Having refused completely from sausage products, alcohol and soft drinks, yoghurts, marinades, sweets, etc., it will be necessary to eat only the products actually grown. But do not forget the main rule - everything should be in moderation. Especially, in small quantities food additives of notable harm to the body do not bring.
    In accordance with modern requirements, food packages should contain information on their composition: a list of ingredients and all used additives, usually in descending order of concentration. The list of additives also indicates their belonging to a particular functional class( preservative, emulsifier, synthetic dye, etc.), name( sodium nitrite, sorbic acid, lecithin, etc.) and( or) E-index.
    In some cases, after the name of the food supplement or the name of the index replacing it may be its concentration. For example, in our country, the concentration is expressed in mg per 1 kg or 1 liter of product, and abroad is abbreviated ppm( from the expression "parts per million" - parts per million), which means that 1 million weight or volume parts of the productthere is such a quantity of food additive. For example, a value of 50 ppm indicates that in a million parts of the product there are not more than 50 parts of such an additive, which corresponds to domestic 50 mg / kg or 50 mg / l of the product.

    Biologically active food additives( BAA) are components of natural( or identical to natural) biologically active substances. Are intended for direct reception or introduction in structure of foodstuff for the purpose of enrichment of a diet of the person with biologically active substances or their complexes.
    Biologically active food additives are obtained in the form of pharmaceutical form-powders, tablets, capsules, syrups, extracts, infusions, concentrates from vegetable, animal or mineral raw materials, using chemical and biotechnological methods. Supplements can not be identified with food additives, which are dyes, antioxidants, emulsifiers, flavoring agents that change the organoleptic properties of products, but do not have biological activity.
    Biologically active additives often contain such natural components as garlic, royal jelly bees, ginseng, etc.
    Biologically active food supplements contain substances necessary to maintain normal functioning and increase non-specific resistance of the body, as well as concomitant or auxiliary therapy forvarious diseases.
    BAA is divided into two groups:
    - nutraceuticals are essential biologically active substances that are necessary for the body: vitamins or their precursors, macro- and microelements( iron, calcium, selenium, zinc, fluoride, etc.)polyunsaturated fatty acids, essential amino acids, some mono- and disaccharides, dietary fibers used to correct the chemical composition of human food.
    - parapharmaceutical preparations - biologically active substances possessing certain pharmacological activity and used for prophylaxis, auxiliary therapy and support in the physiological boundaries of the functional activity of organs and systems. These include bioflavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides, saponins, organic acids, essential oils, polysaccharides, that is, they are preparations of plant and animal origin or their synthetic analogues-so-called natural products.
    Certain substances are required for substances used as supplements. Nutraceutical agents, which are sources of nutrients, are used in doses not exceeding six daily human needs. The content of vitamins A, D, B, B2, B6, B12, niacin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin should not exceed the daily requirement by more than three times, and vitamins C and E not more than 10 times. The daily dose of a parapharmaceutical should not exceed a single therapeutic dose, determined with the use of these substances as medicines if the dietary supplements are taken twice a day.
    Biologically active food additives are used for the following purposes:
    1. For the rationalization of nutrition, namely for the most rapid replacement of the deficit of dietary intake of biologically active substances, whose consumption is reduced( amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, macro- and microelements, foodfibers, extractives, etc.), as well as to select the most optimal ratio of nutrients and energy substances for each individual, taking into account gender, age, energy inputs, fiziological needs, which meets the basic principles of the modern concept of a balanced diet and is traditional for domestic dietology.
    2. To reduce the caloric content of the diet, regulate body weight. So, for example, on the one hand, the use of complex supplements containing vitamins and minerals can reduce the caloric content of the traditional diet, on the other hand, a number of dietary supplements prepared on the basis of medicinal plants such as fennel, juniper, rhubarb etc., has anorexigenicaction or soft lenient effect.
    3. To meet physiological needs in food substances of a sick person, reduce the load on the metabolic links affected by the pathological process. Thus, the inclusion in the diet of diabetes mellitus of Jerusalem artichoke - the main source of fructose - allows satisfying the body's needs in carbohydrates without the risk of developing hyperglycemia.
    4. For use in certain congenital diseases associated with the deficiency of enzyme systems, resulting in intolerance of a number of products. For example, in phenylketonuria, the body does not produce an enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase, which catalyzes the conversion of the amino acid phenylalanine to tyrosine, which leads to the accumulation of phenylalanine in tissues and the development of mental deficiency. To prevent this, it is necessary to exclude from the diet products containing phenylalanine, that is, to apply a dietary supplement to foods containing a complex of amino acids without phenylalanine. Another example is the recommendation of patients with gluten enteropathy to apply BAA, containing a complex of vitamins and mineral salts, the lack of which is associated with the exclusion from the diet of these patients the main sources of vitamins of group B - products from wheat, rye, oats.
    5. To increase the non-specific resistance of the body to the effects of adverse environmental factors. For these purposes, substances of vegetable origin, based on ginseng, eleutherococcus, rhodiola rosea, etc., are widely used.
    6. To prevent the disturbance of metabolic processes and the occurrence of chronic diseases in connection with this. BAA containing polyunsaturated fatty acids, dietary fibers, have a hypolipidemic effect and thus influence the central pathogenesis of widespread chronic diseases - atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.
    7. For the directed change in metabolism, binding and accelerated elimination from the body of toxic and foreign substances, which happens when using, for example, adsorbent - polyphepam, as well as components of medicinal plants that have a diuretic and laxative effect.
    8. To restore a reduced immune system of the body. Immunomodulating action has a number of supplements containing vitamins, minerals, extracts of biologically active substances from plants, adaptogens, thymus extracts, etc.
    9. To normalize the composition and functioning of the saprophyte intestinal microflora. For this purpose, dietary supplements created on the basis of natural microorganisms of the human intestine( bifidobacteria, lactobacterin, etc.) are used, which limit the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms, as well as fructo-oligosaccharides, which create conditions for reproduction and vital activity of saprophytic bacteria.
    10. For the realization in the physiological boundaries of the regulation of body functions. Foods and supplements containing caffeine, stabilize blood pressure in hypotension, have a psychostimulating effect and increase efficiency. Antioxidants, limiting lipid peroxidation in pathological processes, thereby ensure the normal functioning of various organs and systems, improve the quality of life of patients.
    The ultimate goal of using nutraceuticals is to improve the nutritional status of a person, promote health and prevent a number of diseases, and parapharmaceuticals - prevention and supportive therapy of various pathological conditions, regulation of the body's activity within the limits of functional activity.
    Thus, analyzing the indications for the use of dietary supplements and comparing them with medicines, we can note the following main direction of use of dietary supplements and medications. If a person's condition is characterized as health, pre-illness or disease, then drugs are used mainly for the treatment of various diseases, their prophylaxis in the state of pre-illness and very rarely in healthy people( eg, contraceptives, adaptogens).At the same time, some medicines used in healthy people can now be classified as a dietary supplement( for example, complex preparations containing vitamins, macro- and microelements, the dosages of which meet the criteria of dietary supplements).Unlike drugs, dietary supplements are mainly used in healthy people for the above indications, less often in a state of pre-illness, in a state of illness these substances can be used only as a supplement to basic therapy, but in no case as monotherapy.

    Separate role in nutrition is given to cellulose - as a component of many vegetables and fruits and plays a huge role in the human body. Although cellulose in the intestine is not digested, normal digestion without it is almost impossible. Fiber stimulates the motor function of the intestine, bile secretion, normalizes the activity of useful intestinal microflora, forms fecal masses, creates a sense of satiety, promotes the excretion of cholesterol from the body. Similar properties have pectins. It is the expressed deficiency of fiber in the diet, as the largest medical specialists consider, is one of the important causes of the development of the listed diseases, as well as cholelithiasis and nephrolithiasis, appendicitis, intestinal atony, hemorrhoids, varicose veins of the lower extremities and pelvic organs, other pathologies. Reducing the consumption of fiber is combined with increased consumption of carbohydrates, in particular, sugars. And the latter, as established, can adversely affect the cognitive function of the brain in young people and contribute to the formation of aggressive reactions in them.
    The important role of cellulose in human nutrition was indicated by the doctors of antiquity: Hippocrates, Avicenna, the Persian doctor of the IX century Hakim and other healers of the past. So, Hippocrates, for example, noted that for the human body is of great importance, "cooked bread from fine or coarse flour, contains wheat flour or bran".
    For hundreds of years, the function of plant fiber( fiber) was associated only with the ability to prevent constipation and was considered a physiologically neutral filler of diets with a reduced content of nutrients. Therefore, for healthy people, plant fibers without sufficient justification were considered superfluous and classified as unnecessary ballast. For the first time, data on the importance of fiber were obtained from the experience of feeding animals, when its complete absence led, for example, to inflammatory and stagnant processes in the intestines, often resulting in death. Further studies showed that when added to rations, even small amounts of fiber, these phenomena completely disappeared. Hence, a conclusion was made about the exceptional importance of vegetable fiber in animal feeding.
    In the diet of people, cellulose has not yet taken its due place. First of all, this is due to the fact that for a long time they did not attach importance to the study of the chemical structure, composition and structure of plant fibers. In the production of foodstuffs, they tried to completely free themselves of plant fibers. Modern technology continues to consider as its main task the maximum cleaning( refining) of food raw materials, for example, grain, using for this purpose various methods of peeling, polishing, grinding, grinding, sieving, cleaning. At the same time, not only food fibers are removed, but also a large number of other biologically active components useful to humans: proteins, vitamins, many mineral salts, polyunsaturated fatty acids, etc.
    What does modern science mean by the term "plant fibers"?This group of chemically heterogeneous substances of plant origin, which are metabolized mainly in the large intestine to form carbon dioxide, hydrogen, hydrogen sulphide, methane or monomers of carbohydrates, organic acids, which in small quantities can be used by the body.
    Vegetable fibers consist of four main components: cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin and lignin, each of which has its own specific properties.
    Cellulose is an insoluble polysaccharide in water. Virtually not digested in the human intestine. Its main function is fixation of water: 1 g of cellulose can bind up to 4.5 g of water. These properties are most pronounced in cellulose carrots, cucumbers, lettuce( the ability to bind 20-25 times the amount of water).However, with mixed nutrition, the digestibility of cellulose can reach 80%, especially in the elderly. Its main sources are aubergines, legumes, cabbage, rutabaga, turnip, radish, horseradish, dill, mushrooms( from 1.5 to 3.5%), many fruits( quince, oranges, pears, dried apricots, peaches, dates, prunes -about 1%), nuts, almost all berries( from 2 to 6%), from oatmeal( 2.8%).
    Hemicellulose is a large group of water insoluble compounds, including vegetable mucus and resins. Enzymes of the intestine do not hydrolyze, but almost completely( up to 99%) is destroyed by enzymes of bacteria that live in the large intestine, forming short-chain fatty acids. The latter, absorbed, are used by the body for energy needs. Hemicellulose is an indispensable food for saprophyte intestinal microflora. Its main functions also include the binding of water, cations, cholesterol, bile acids, toxic and medicinal substances.
    Pectins are water-soluble compounds that are digested in the intestine. They form gels and have a significant( almost 60-fold) water-retaining capacity. Their main function is to bind and remove from the body cations, cholesterol, bile acids, toxic and medicinal substances. Some authors consider pectins to hemicelluloses. Hemicellulose and pectins in large quantities( up to 7%) are found in such everyday food products as carrots, beets, cabbage, as well as in apples, apricots, gooseberries.
    Lignin is an insoluble in water compound, it is not digested in the intestine. Its main function, as well as in pectins, is the binding and removal of bile acids, cholesterol and other organic substances from the body. In addition, lignin delays and weakens the absorption of nutrients in the intestine. Its amount in the traditional diet is about 1 g per day. In the fiber of apples, potatoes, lignin is 1/3 part;high content of lignin in the products of wheat flour I - II grade( with the addition of bran).
    Wheat bran, raspberries, beans, nuts, dates, strawberries, apricots, chocolate, raisins, currants( white and red), gooseberries, cranberries, prunes, cereals( oats, buckwheat, barley and pearl barley), chopped peas, potatoes, carrots, white cabbage, green peas, eggplants, pumpkin, sweet pepper, sorrel, quince, oranges, lemons, cowberry.
    Fruits, berries and some vegetables( beets, apples, currants black, plums, apricots, peaches, strawberries, cranberries, gooseberries, carrots, white cabbage, pears, oranges, grapes, raspberries, potatoes, etc.) are rich in pectins. Wiping and cooking foods reduce the effect of fiber. Thermal treatment helps to increase its content in fruits. Fiber, therefore, plays a huge role in digestion processes. Thus, the long-term lack of fiber and pectins contributes to the development of intestinal dysbacteriosis, chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticula, polyps and colon cancer and is one of the risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis, diabetes, cholelithiasis. Excessive consumption of fiber leads to a decrease in the digestibility of almost all nutrients and the development of diarrhea.

    At present, many "traditional" ideas about healthy nutrition have changed:
    • carbohydrates rehabilitated, which were previously considered to be of primary importance in the emergence of obesity, a more weighty reason for overweight is excessive consumption of fatty foods;
    • Food cholesterol is not a major risk factor for atherosclerosis;
    • sugar is neither a risk factor nor a cause of diabetes;
    • moderate consumption of table salt does not lead to hypertension in healthy people, its restriction in the diet is necessary only for patients with hypertension;
    • large doses of vitamins C and A do not have anti-cancer effects, etc.
    However, in recent years a huge amount of evidence has emerged about the possibility of reducing the risk of cardiovascular and oncological diseases through nutrition by:
    • increases ina diet rich in flavonoids( tea, chocolate, fruits and berries, especially red and purple varieties, onions, citrus fruits) and folic acid( leafy vegetables, herbs), as well as low-fat dairy products;
    • increase in the structure of the diet of dietary fiber, but not at the expense of biologically active additives( BAA), but due to the rich whole-grain products, fruits and vegetables;
    • food and food restrictions affected by unfavorable processing methods - smoking, frying( especially on open fire - kebabs, barbecue, etc.);
    • restrictions in the diet of dairy and meat products with a high fat content, refined cereals, etc.

    In foods, in addition to the widely known proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, etc., there are many more "unfamiliar and invisible" nutrients that doctors and many nutritionists usually forget, but their role in nutrition is veryimportant.
    Acids of organic origin
    Mainly found in vegetables, fruits and berries, giving them a certain taste. Under the influence of organic acids( malic, citric, oxalic, benzoic, etc.), the secretion of digestive juices increases, and the motor function of the intestine increases. Inclusion in the diet of fruits rich in organic acids( lemons, cranberries, currants, plums, mountain ash), promotes normal digestion. However, when you abuse products rich in, for example, oxalic acid( spinach, sorrel, rhubarb, figs), the risk of developing urolithiasis increases.
    Other fruits and berries( apples, pears, quince, dogwood, black currant leaves, grape leaves in the form of infusion), on the contrary, promote the excretion of oxalic acid from the body. They should be used for urolithiasis, which occurs with oxalaturizing. Cranberries and cranberries contain benzoic acid, which has antiseptic properties. Oxalic acid, accumulating in some vegetables, binds calcium, and phytic acid, contained in cereals, is calcium and iron, as a result of which these minerals are poorly digested.
    Essential oils
    The essential oils contained in vegetables and fruits give them a peculiar taste and aroma. They are especially rich in citrus fruits. Essential oils have disinfectant and antiseptic properties. In small doses, they increase appetite, increase the secretion of digestive juices and urinate.
    These are original vegetable antibiotics, which have an antimicrobial effect. Phytoncides are found in many raw vegetables and fruits. They are especially rich in garlic, onions and horseradish. It is no accident that these vegetables are widely used in the treatment of influenza, angina, cold and other colds.
    The astringent, tart taste of certain fruits depends on the content of tannins in them, which have an astringent anti-inflammatory effect on the intestinal mucosa. This explains their therapeutic effect on diarrhea. Tannins are found in the cellulose juice of mountain ash, persimmon, dogwood, quince, pear, blueberry, black currant, tea and coffee. Of tannins, the most studied effect of tannin, which has a beneficial effect on the intestines with diarrhea and is an integral part of many medications. For this purpose, fruits rich in tannin( bilberries), it is better to eat on an empty stomach.
    Coumarins are found in leaves and fruits of cherries, roots and leaves of hawthorn, in leaves of strawberry and plum, berries of grapes and sea-buckthorn, leaves of blueberries, blueberries and cowberries, in the bark of the Kalinina. Discovered coumarins also in black currant, raspberries, gooseberries, pears, strawberries, figs, in the pulp of oranges, mandarins and grapefruits. Of practical interest are the properties of some coumarins to influence the processes of blood coagulation and thereby prevent the formation of thrombi in blood vessels.

    The most obvious rules of healthy eating can be in the so-called "food pyramids".
    A food pyramid, or food pyramid, is a schematic representation of the principles of healthy nutrition in the form of a pyramid, at the base of which are products intended for more frequent consumption in food, while the products on the top of the pyramid should be consumed in limited quantities, rarely or completelyavoid - as, for example, meat in a vegetarian pyramid.

    American food pyramid
    The first food pyramid was published by the US Department of Agriculture in 1992, and was later revised several times to reflect new knowledge of nutrition.
    At the base of the American pyramid, developed by Harvard School of Public Health under the guidance of the American dietician Walter Willett, physical activity and sufficient intake of liquids lie, preferably in the form of mineral water.
    The first stage of the food pyramid itself contains three groups of products: vegetables and fruits, whole grains( brown rice, wholemeal bread, wholemeal flour, cereals) and vegetable fats containing polyunsaturated fatty acids( olive oil, sunflower, rapeseed and others).If possible, foods from these groups should be consumed with each meal. The share of vegetables and fruits is distributed as follows: 2 portions of fruit( 250-300 g per day) and 3 servings of vegetables( 400-450 g).
    The second stage of the pyramid contains protein-containing products of plant origin - nuts, beans, seeds( sunflower seeds, pumpkin, etc.) and the animal - fish and seafood, poultry( chicken, turkey), eggs. These foods can be consumed up to two times a day.
    Slightly higher( the third stage) are milk and dairy products( yogurt, cheese, etc.), their use should be limited to one or two servings per day. People with lactose intolerance should replace dairy products with preparations containing calcium and vitamin D3.
    At the very top of the pyramid are products, the use of which should be reduced. These include animal fats found in red meats( pork, beef) and butter, as well as foods with a high content of refined carbohydrates: white flour( bread and bakery products, pasta), peeled rice, sodas and other sweets. Recently, the last group includes potatoes because of the large content of starch in it, in the original version of the pyramid the potatoes were at the lowest level together with whole grains.
    Alongside the pyramid, alcohol is depicted, which can be consumed in reasonable amounts up to several times a week, and vitamin-mineral complexes, since modern foods do not cover the needs of most people in vitamins and biologically significant elements.

    The Mediterranean Food Pyramid
    The Mediterranean food pyramid( diet) is the most popular at the moment. At the base lie cereal products, vegetables and fruits, as well as olive oil, followed by fish and seafood, and meat consumption is recommended to be reduced to several times a month. According to numerous scientific studies, it is this pyramid( diet) that is most effective.
    The Mediterranean diet is not a well-defined food system, but a number of food traditions, followed by the population of countries living around the Mediterranean, which is about 20 countries. And, despite the fact that food in these countries differs( sometimes significantly) in connection with different cultural, ethnic and religious traditions, there are many common, characteristic for them all the features of nutrition.
    For example, in the diet of the Mediterranean people, the share of fruits, vegetables, potatoes, legumes, nuts, seeds, bread and other cereals is extremely high, along with the constant use of olive oil for both frying and filling ready meals( in the latter caseoften used cold-pressed oil).This is characterized by the consumption of fresh local seasonal vegetables, fruits and herbs. Dairy products( yogurt from skimmed milk and cheeses with a low percentage of fat content such as mozzarella, feta, halumi, cefat cheese) are also widely and constantly used. For adults, a typical consumption of natural red wine with food is typical( except for Muslim countries).Bird( chicken, goose, ostrich) and eggs are used almost every day, sweets - less often. Somewhat less frequently, fish are used in moderation. Pork, beef or lamb are consumed no more than a few times a month.
    All of the above, along with an active lifestyle, characteristic of the Mediterranean, is precisely the basis for a lower incidence and longer life expectancy among them. At present, many large-scale studies with a large number of participants have been conducted, which have shown the advantages of the Mediterranean type of nutrition, in comparison with the traditional American or Northern European type of food. And scientists failed to isolate any individual components of the diet, which have such a pronounced preventive effect: the entire complex of eating habits of the Mediterranean has a protective effect.

    Japanese food pyramid
    Typically, Asian food pyramids are traditionally depicted in an inverted form - a kind of eastern wisdom.
    The upper base of the Japanese food pyramid depicts a running man emphasizing the need for daily exercise. The blue bowl is a symbol of water and tea.
    The yellow segment of the pyramid represents grain products - rice, bread, pasta. It is recommended to consume 5 to 7 servings of these products per day.
    Green segment - vegetables, mushrooms, seaweed( 5 - 6 servings per day).
    The next brown segment contains meat, fish, eggs, soy products( 3 to 5 servings per day).
    The lowest segment is divided into two sections: dairy products and fruits( 2 servings per day).
    Sweets, alcoholic drinks, coffee are separately and the consumption of which should be moderate.
    Some Asian countries are characterized by pyramids without dairy products due to the large proportion of people who are lactose intolerant.

    The diet depends on the nature and time of work, climate, sports and physical activity, individual characteristics of the person, etc.
    For example, during heavy physical work, breakfast and lunch should be fairly dense, rich in energy-intensive fat products.
    With mental work, you need to provide the body with light food, rich in vitamins and carbohydrates, necessary for brain function.
    In the hot summer, the main meal and energy value should be taken for evening hours, and at lunchtime should be limited to light food of small volume.
    On the feeding regime, individual characteristics of the rhythm of the organism's activity are affected. There are people with the morning type of activity, the so-called "larks".For them, a thick breakfast is normal, but they are having dinner quite early. For people whose activity rises in the afternoon or even in the evening( "owls"), an easy light brunch and a good late dinner are optimal.
    Until now, in everyday life, and in scientific and popular literature, the main meals are breakfasts and lunches in accordance with the proverb: "You eat breakfast yourself, lunch is stripped with a friend, and dinner is given to the enemy."This old adage corresponded to the hard work of a peasant who worked in the field from dawn to dusk, but not at all suited to the modern man of mental labor.
    The newest studies have shown that the maximum of the formation of gastric juice and the maximum activity of digestive enzymes in healthy people and in patients with peptic ulcer occur at 6-7 pm. Given these data, it can be assumed that the main meal in the evening hours( but not less than 2.5 - 3 hours before sleep) is permissible.
    Nutrition before bed
    There is no single point of view about nutrition before going to sleep, even among scientists. The widespread opinion that eaten at night automatically turns into fat, and what is eaten at breakfast, burns without a trace, is not true.
    The person gets fat from overeating, regardless of when he ate - in the evening or in the morning, as well as from lack of movement. However, at night, the entire body, and the gastrointestinal tract in particular, should rest. Therefore, if you are eating late, do not include meals that will be digested until the morning( fatty and roasted animal dishes, legumes and salt-rich foods).For those who have had dinner on time, it is possible to have a snack 1 to 2 hours before bedtime. This small meal can be 5-10% of the daily energy value of the diet and include products such as milk, sour milk drinks, fruit, juices, bakery products. And if all the same, abundant food before bedtime is not desirable, then eat a piece of bread with milk or yogurt, drink juice and a pie, especially if a person does not sleep well without eating, nobody is forbidden.
    Currently, for most residents of Western Europe and Russia, especially for urban residents, the following diet is quite appropriate:
    • morning "small breakfast" - no more than 10% of the daily energy value of the diet( for example, coffee, bagel, jam or butter,juice);
    • at 12-14 o'clock - "lunch" or "big breakfast"( like our lunch, but without soup);
    • in the evening - something in between lunch and dinner.

    Biorhythmology of nutrition
    People in ancient times noticed that all the physiological processes that occur in the body are subject to peculiar laws. These patterns consist in the fact that any organ that is in your body, lives its own little special life. They, just like people, rest and work, but strictly according to their schedule.
    People in accordance with the daily( it is also called circadian) rhythm divided into "larks", "owls" and "pigeons."People who are used to waking up early and going to bed early, whose peak of working hours are at 6.00 - 8.00, which were born between 4.00 and 11.00, are called larks. People - owls like to sleep for a long time and luxuriate in bed, till 1.00 - 2.00 watch TV, eat late at night, work at maximum strength from 11.00 - 12.00 and from 24.00 to 1.00.Owls come to light usually from 4 pm to 11 pm. And people-pigeons are an intermediate variant, they easily adapt to any mode of work and are equally active both in the morning and in the evening.
    Medical scientists believe that the daily biorhythms in the human body are "commanded" by the glands of internal secretion, which produce hormones. For example, a hormone like melatonin commands a person's sleep in the body. As soon as the epiphysis begins to develop it intensively, then.a feeling of drowsiness appears, and soon a dream comes. But since this hormone is strongly destroyed in the light, then in the morning, when it's light, the epiphysis stops the production of this hormone.
    Biorhythms are generally unified for all people. Daily, annual, periodic fluctuations are subject to blood pressure, brain activity, heart rate, depth and frequency of respiration, the frequency of hormone and enzyme production, the activity of the immune system.
    Mother Nature took care of us: she tells us when it is necessary for our body to eat, and when it's time to go to bed, when to work, and when to take a break. It's not always that only a person listens to these clues, and hence various chronic diseases occur. And listen is worth it, for nature does not hurt. We all often go to bed long after midnight, do not get enough sleep in the morning, eat on time. We constantly intervene in a well-established mechanism called the organism. And the time comes when the system crashes. The person feels weakness, fatigue, is easily excited and breaks down on associates. Constant violations lead first to depression, stress, functional disorders, which subsequently lead to heart attacks and strokes, angina pectoris, hypertension and other diseases.
    At the moment, we can speak only about several types of biorhythms: diurnal( or circadian), lunar( directly in dependence on the phases of the Moon), solar( depending on the activity of the Sun) and periodic( rhythms that occur at special intervals at specific intervalstime, but until now their direct dependence on any natural phenomena is not clear).
    The most important biorhythm is daily. The daily biorhythm is the periods of physiological activity and decay of functional systems and organs that occur during the day.
    During the day, a person has five periods of physiological activity: from 5.00 to 8.00;from 11.00 to 12.00;from 4 pm to 5 pm;from 20.00 to 21.00;from 24.00 to 1.00.
    And five periods of decline in physiological activity: from 2.00 to 3.00;from 9.00 to 10.00;from 14.00 to 15.00;from 18.00 to 19.00;from 22.00 to 23.00.
    So, after sleeping about eight hours, you wake up with the first screams of the cock.
    The time on the clock is 5.00.At this time, the body temperature is minimal, the kidneys are completely released. The pressure is still low, but it is already starting to rise. The bone marrow activity is maximal. Awakening from a dream is cheerful and cheerful. Men - it's time to do morning sex, because at this time, the maximum production of the male hormone testosterone( so men often wake up in the morning, feeling a strong sexual arousal).
    The time is now 6:00 pm. By this time, the first feeling of hunger. The pressure rises, the heart begins to contract more often. The lungs are at the peak of maximum functional activity. By this time, the lowest rate of erythrocyte sedimentation( ESR) is determined. Immunological protection of the body is especially strong. At this time, advise to take some medications, such as beta-blockers, cancer drugs, immunosuppressors and others, since the activity of these drugs at this time is maximum.
    Very carefully at this time should behave emotionally, mentally unstable people, for emotional failures can have for them deplorable consequences. Alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, various physiological stimulants at this time will bring in 1.5 - 2 times more harm than usual. Save your health better. Optimal for such a time is taking a shower, light jogging, swimming in a lake or a river, trekking for mushrooms and berries.
    Between 6.00 and 7.00 - the best time for breakfast. At this time, the intestinal peristalsis is activated, the secretion of gastric juice increases. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates at this time are maximally split and processed into energy, so that lovers of a tasty meal can not worry for their excess weight. However, already closer to 7.00 - 8.00 the activity of the stomach decreases, but at this time the maximum activity of the large intestine is determined( it's time to go to the toilet).At this time, such a drug as aspirin - as a prophylactic against thrombosis - has the most powerful effect on the body.
    The time on the clock is 8.00.The first period of physiological activity is over. A very dangerous time for those who suffer from heart diseases, such as angina, because at this time are very frequent heart attacks. Therefore, the cores by this time must take vasodilator drugs, not only for the purpose of treatment, but also for the purpose of prevention.
    At 9.00 - the first physiological decline in the body. The liver by this time completely freed our body of poisonous substances, so at this time it is very harmful to enter the body of alcohol, as the liver rests. The adrenaline starts to rise in the blood. Increased mental activity, irritability, decreased sensitivity to pain. Favorite time for surgeons for minimal invasive interventions. Successfully, nurses do inoculations and injections at this time. Blood pressure decreases, the heart works at full power.
    At 10.00 the working capacity begins to rise, the peak of which is 11 hours( at this time the person is most active).The maximum amount of sugar is determined in the blood, therefore people suffering from diabetes should remember this and take medications in advance. It is convenient at this time to hold business meetings and negotiate. The person at this time is the most collected, ready to immediately respond to the changing situation and is able to adequately perceive any suggestions.
    At 11.00 - the peak of physical and spiritual activity rights. The best time of the day when a person can go in for sports, learn the necessary teaching material. It is especially good to take exams at this time. By the end of the hour there is a slight feeling of hunger. The heart works rhythmically. The period of maximum activity of the pancreas and spleen begins. The liver rests, and a small amount of glycogen enters the bloodstream.
    By 12.00 there is a slight feeling of fatigue, so it's worth doing a little break in work. Activity of the brain decreases, attention and concentration are getting worse. According to statistics, between 12.00 and 13.00, the greatest number of road accidents occurs. It was at this time that a large number of errors were noted in people of intellectual work, among students. Therefore, from 12.00 to 13.00, exams should not be taken, it's better to wait 1.5-2 hours. The maximum feeling of hunger arises, but it's worth to postpone lunch for an hour later.
    At 13.00 it's time for lunch. At this time, the working capacity of the circulatory system is sharply reduced. Fatigue is felt, the level of hormones and blood pressure decrease. It is necessary to relieve tension, so you can afford 30 - 50 minutes of sleep or just walk on fresh air. At this time, the gall bladder has maximum activity, so that 13 hours is the most suitable period for the treatment of gallbladder diseases.
    At 14.00 the second physiological decline in the human body. At this time, the person is the weakest. The most effective at this time are painkillers.
    15.00.Forces return, the brain activates its work. The best time to learn the lessons, to repeat the material you have passed. Long-term memory works best. From the 15th the maximum activity of the small intestine begins.
    16.00.The third day of peak performance. It's time to finish what we started doing in the morning. A good period for sports. No wonder competitions in athletics are held at this time. The sense organs are sharpened to the limit, especially the sense of smell and taste. At this time, the maximum amount of nitrogenous bases in the blood - is dangerous for those who suffer from chronic kidney failure. The level of sugar in the blood rises, but after the initial revival, a recession begins. During these hours it is recommended to take, for example, drugs that reduce blood pressure and acidity of the stomach, since at this time they are most effective.
    By 17.00 the working day ends, there is fatigue, fatigue appears. There comes a bad time for allergy sufferers, there may be an increase in attacks of bronchial asthma. It would be nice for people suffering from allergic reactions to take the necessary drugs. The feeling of hunger is increasing: it is necessary at least a little snack to support the diminishing forces. Mental stability at zero. Quarrel can arise from a trifle from scratch. The second peak of traffic accidents, so be careful while driving.
    18.00.The body temperature is maximal. Sweating is intensified. The hemoglobin content in the blood is the highest.
    From 18.00 to 19.00 - the maximum daily activity of the bladder. The maximum number of heartbeats. A lot of adrenaline in the blood. Mental cheerfulness gradually decreases. The feeling of physical pain is reduced. The best time for a massage. The optimal period for friendly gatherings begins, - the liver starts to activate and becomes capable of quickly decomposing alcohol.
    19.00.The pressure rises. The kidneys are most active. There may be severe headaches, so it is advisable that the headache pills are at your fingertips. At this time, the lymph nodes and spleen reach a peak of physiological activity.
    20.00.The minimum amount of nitrogen in the blood. At this hour your weight reaches a maximum. The reactions are surprisingly fast. There is a feeling of hunger - the best time for dinner. The mental state is optimal, memory is especially aggravated - it would be good to repeat in the morning what was taught today. The body starts to remove the slag, so you should definitely go to the bath.
    21.00.The brain begins to produce a sleep hormone - melatonin. There is a sharp decline in the efficiency of the circulatory system, the activity of the heart muscle decreases. The body temperature decreases, the pulse becomes rare and weak. It is at this time that it is preferable to go to bed. In no case should you dine after 21.00, as the digestive organs are already resting and food, eaten late in the evening, will not be fully digested until the morning.
    22.00.There is a physiological decline - the restructuring of the work of the body's systems to sleep begins. At this time, it is desirable to take medications for allergy and bronchial asthma, because at night the body produces a minimum amount of cortisol - a hormone that suppresses allergic reactions.
    23.00.The metabolism slows down. Attention, memory is reduced. It is not necessary at this time to prepare for the exams. Better go to bed, there will be more.
    24.00.Peak false productivity in people of the evening type - "owls."At the same time, they feel hungry.
    1.00.Maximum activity of the bladder. From this time begins the period of maximum activity of the gallbladder and liver( up to 4.00), ie, there is a "big washing" of the body.
    2.00.Blood pressure and respiratory rate are minimal. The body rests, physically we are completely exhausted and are especially sensitive to pain. In these hours, myocardial infarctions, strokes are especially frequent.
    3.00.The minimum amount of sugar in the blood, the body works at the lowest speed, but the hearing becomes aggravated and reacts very sensitively to any noise.
    4.00.The hour of death is the time when people die most often. Pulse at this time is minimal. The brain is supplied with a small amount of blood, so at this time it is most vulnerable.

    When should I go to bed and wake up?
    The most favorable time to go to bed is between 21.00 and 22.00.Since at 22.00 - 23.00 one of the peaks of physiological decline occurs. And if a person for some reason does not manage to fall asleep by 24.00, then after midnight it is already possible with difficulty. But to wake up is at 5.00 - 6.00, because for this period, the most significant physiological rise and the highest capacity for work in humans. Unfortunately, modern man is waking up this time.
    How to properly eat in accordance with biorhythms?
    Observations of biorhythms revealed intrasupuncture rhythm of nutrition with periods about 4.00 - 6.00, when feelings of hunger usually occur at certain hours: at 5.00 - 6.00, 11.00 - 12.00, 16.00 - 17.00, 20.00 - 21.00, and those who work in late hours, also at 24.00 - 1.00.
    When are the most likely painful attacks and heart attacks in people with heart disease?
    There are several such periods: at 9.00, at 17.00 - 18.00 and at 2.00.Therefore, we would recommend "cores" to start work after 9.00, and finish until 5.00.
    In addition to the daily allowances, there are annual rhythms, which downs and downs a person experiences during the year?
    There are annual biorhythms with the same functional ups and downs. Thus, the most serious recessions are observed in the 2nd and 12th months after the date of birth. It is during these periods that all chronic diseases become aggravated, and various accidents often occur. But in the 1st and 9th months in men and the 1st and 10th months after the date of birth in women - the time of greatest resilience.
    It should also be said that during the year there are several more cycles that can affect human health. This is the physiological cycle, the emotional cycle and the intellectual cycle.
    So, the physiological cycle lasts 23 days. It regulates the processes occurring in the body, the renewal of the tissues of the body and determines the state of the person at the moment. Strength, endurance, well-being, resistance to diseases also have their downs and downs in this cycle. The emotional cycle is 28 days. He is responsible for the psychological mood and emotional state.
    There is also an intellectual cycle, which has a duration of 33 days and regulates thinking, memory and receptivity to knowledge.
    How correctly to be treated with the help of biorhythms?
    The doctor determines the correctness of the treatment and the appointment of medications, those that are suitable for you individually. But the biorhythms help you to correctly determine when the best time and the maximum benefit of taking this or that medicine for various diseases.
    How to teach lessons to children in high school in accordance with daily biorhythms?
    Time for studying complex material should be at 11.00 or 15.00, at the same time it is advisable to perform homework. At 20.00 it is recommended to repeat the material studied. Do not sit until night, teach lectures or notes, as many students do, because the effectiveness of this study is very small, and in the morning for the exam go tired and not slept, which will reduce attention and concentration in the future.
    How often should I eat?
    Advocates of alternative medicine advocate for one-two meals a day. Modern science, both Russian and foreign, recommends for healthy people four meals a day with 4 - 5-hour intervals. Studies have shown that such nutrition favors the mental and physical performance of the majority, though not all, of people.
    Between small meals such as a light breakfast or an afternoon snack the intervals can be 2 to 3 hours. Take food earlier than 2 hours after a previous meal, it is inappropriate, since the gastrointestinal tract is not yet ready for its reception.

    Fractional food
    The fractional food in the West, widely known and widely used in Russian dietology, has been called grazing( from the English "graze" - graze) and is widely advertised as a new highly effective slimming remedy. Indeed, special studies have shown that if you "graze" at least 6 times a day, or better every 2 hours, then the energy value of the food you eat will be 10 - 15% less than with three meals a day without snacks. And without the slightest inconvenience and with a feeling of full saturation.
    At the same time, switching to a fractional diet contributes to improving the state of the cardiovascular system, reducing the effect of a crowded stomach on the heart, as well as digestive and nervous systems, including brain work( "well fed belly to teach deaf").For snacks between 3 - 4 main meals are recommended sour milk drinks, cottage cheese, cereals and bran bakery products( including breads, croutons), various flakes, muesli.

    Treatment regimen
    The dietary regime is especially important for sick people, changing depending on the nature of the disease and the type of treatment procedures. Shestirazovoe nutrition is used for exacerbation of peptic ulcer or cholecystitis, myocardial infarction, circulatory insufficiency, condition after resection( removal) of the stomach and some other diseases.
    With frequent, fractional nutrition, a more even distribution of the energy value of the ration between breakfast, lunch and dinner is needed. With five meals a second dinner or a mid-afternoon snack is included in the second dinner, with six meals - both these meals.
    Some patients can have a snack with light food and at night, for example, with "hungry" night pains, typical for exacerbation of peptic ulcer. Patients who have increased body temperature in the evening and feel unwell, should eat more in the morning and afternoon hours, leaving light food for supper.
    It is extremely important to adhere to the diet for diabetic patients receiving insulin injections.

    High quality food
    Quality food, beautifully decorated, with a pleasant taste, odor and color, the optimal temperature has a favorable effect on the appetite. The attractiveness of food contributes to the intensive production of digestive juices, the improvement of digestion and the assimilation of its components. No wonder they say that at the sight of a delicious, mouth-watering dish "drooling".At the same time, one of the reasons for alcoholism is considered "boring", from day to day the same food, which eventually gets so bored that without a glass in your mouth does not climb.
    Proper use and preparation of foods and dishes allows not only to preserve their biological value, but sometimes also to increase it due to a competent combination of individual products( carrots with sour cream or vegetable oil, cereals with milk, meat with vegetables, etc.).
    For cooking high quality, you need to use special dishes with non-stick coatings, various pressure cookers, steamers, etc. This allows you to reduce or completely eliminate the use of fat when cooking.
    To preserve in dishes vitamins and other biologically active substances allow gentle methods of processing and preparation:
    - maximum use of raw vegetables, fruits and berries( freshness) for preparing individual dishes and for enriching ready meals;
    - preliminary soaking of cereals and legumes followed by minimal temperature treatment;
    - stage-by-stage laying of products in a pan taking into account the time of their completion to readiness - firstly long-boiling products such as beets, peas, etc., then potatoes, carrots and only at the very end for 15-20 seconds before being removed from the fire, vitamins are planted(dill, parsley, nettle, etc.);
    - reduction of cooking time( reduces the loss of useful substances);
    - cooking small amounts of food and using it immediately after preparation, as when storing dishes, even in the refrigerator, and even more so when they re-warm up, the amount of biologically active substances is significantly reduced, the structure and properties of proteins, fats and carbohydrates are disrupted;the danger of multiplying pathogens in such dishes increases.

    Favorable food intake conditions
    You can not sit at a table shortly after nervous stress or heavy physical exertion that significantly inhibits the digestive system. It is necessary to calm down, rest and only after the appearance of an appetite sit at the table. It is not allowed to watch TV, read, stormy discussions and other, distractions from eating, factors. Especially dangerous are the educational conversations for food, which many parents often commit to their children, as well as wives against husbands.
    The place of food intake should be clean, well-ventilated, with a clean tablecloth and beautiful tableware.
    Inadmissibility rush when eating: for breakfast and dinner should spend at least 20 minutes, and for dinner - at least 30 minutes. It is necessary to chew the food well, which promotes its better digestion and assimilation, preventing disturbances on the part of the digestive organs.
    There is a new "disease" - an obsessive complex of healthy nutrition, called orthorhysis( "ortho" - "right"), developing in people who are eager to eat right and right, and sometimes, this idea to complete absurdity, obsession. Orthorectics - a real disaster for others, especially for loved ones. They can not talk about anything other than environmentally friendly products, lipids, carbohydrates, enzymes and vitamins. Moreover, orthorhysis is characteristic not only of young, insecure girls( like anorexia), but also for adults, including men who, after reading the works of science experts far from nutrition or interviewing with stars, invent their own, veryexotic rules of nutrition, the observance of which spend more and more time.
    As a result, very often, not only products containing dyes and preservatives, but also meat, dairy products, sugar, salt, coffee, wheat, yeast, soybeans, corn are completely excluded from the diet. Similar restrictions, as well as following unreasonable fashionable diets, leads to deficiency of irreplaceable substances in the body, beriberi and other disorders.

    We buy with the benefit of
    Human health is largely determined by the quality of nutrition. Properly organized food provides not only normal physical and mental development, but also helps prevent many diseases, and first of all, anemia, allergies, digestive disorders, obesity and many others.
    On the contrary, eating disorders can lead to the most adverse consequences. And these violations begin already in the stores, when we buy products that are completely unsuitable for a healthy diet.
    How do we fill a cart not just with foodstuffs when traveling on a supermarket, but buying exactly what will be and is useful, and tasty, and qualitatively?
    Do not buy foods that contain a large amount of fat, as well as poorly digestible proteins( fatty pork, lamb, goose, duck, meat of old animals and birds).From the diet, it is necessary to exclude or sharply limit fried, smoked, canned with salt, spicy foods and dishes, sausages.
    To provide the body with proteins and fats, you need to buy: milk and dairy products( cottage cheese, yogurt, cream, sour cream, butter, unsalted varieties of cheese);by-products( liver, heart, tongue);veal, rabbit, chicken, beef, low-fat pork;lean fish, better in the form of fillets.
    The main sources of carbohydrates in healthy nutrition are: cereals;bread;vegetables.
    It is preferable to use easily assimilated cereals( manna, buckwheat, oatmeal and rice, corn and pearl).It is desirable to limit the amount of sugar to 30 - 40 g per day and it is better that it should be included in products such as jam or honey, and not in its pure form.
    In bread and bakery products now also began to add a huge number of different food additives, so it's best to bake bread yourself - for this there are many types of breadmakers. And if you buy bakery products, then as simple as possible - flour, salt, butter, yeast. The same applies to juices - it's better to do it yourself, although it's possible to recommend juices for baby food, which are made using environmentally friendly products, and they are forbidden to add preservatives.
    It should not be forgotten that the body requires the intake of biologically active components - vitamins and minerals, which are best obtained with appropriate food products( vegetables, especially greens, fruits, berries, grains, etc.).Therefore it is necessary to buy fresh or freshly frozen vegetable products, natural juices, etc.
    There is a number of food products that are relatively harmless when used once. But if they are regularly - they are just dangerous to health. Regiments with them must be bypassed. These include the following products:
    1. Sausage products and canned meat made with the use of glutamates. The addition of glutamates that mimic the taste of meat indicates that there is very little meat as such in the product, and instead of meat there soy, pork skin, fat, interior fat and other little edible ingredients.
    2. Sausage products made with the use of nitrites. Nitrite is used for preserving and giving a pink color. They are able to cause anemia( anemia) and other disorders. In some Western countries, sausages and sausages of gray color( the color of boiled meat without nitrites) are available for sale with a short shelf life - a maximum of 2 to 3 days.
    3. Most fast food products: noodles and numerous soluble soups, mashed potatoes, which contain a huge amount of flavor enhancers, table salt and various preservatives.
    4. Crab simulators( sticks, meat, etc.), also containing glutamate.
    5. Soluble juices stuffed with dyes and sugar.
    6. Chewing sweets, pastil in bright packaging, "chupa-chups", etc. with a huge amount of sugar and dyes, the same applies to sweet fizzy drinks.
    7. Potato chips, which are an explosive mixture of carbohydrates, fat, dyes and flavor enhancers.
    8. Yoghurts and other sour-milk drinks with artificial colors and preservatives with a shelf life of one month or more.
    The optimal use of natural food and food from them:
    - fresh meat of animals and birds;
    - fresh fish;
    - pasteurized milk and sour milk drinks with a shelf life of no more than 2 weeks.
    If you still decide to buy sausage or sausages, then after a careful study of their composition, select those in which there are no glutamates( flavor enhancers), with a minimum, or better the total absence of other additives - such sausages are few, but they are. In particular, the more pink( red) the color of the sausage product, the more nitrites there, so choose sausages of a gray-white hue.
    The very low price of sausages or sausages, along with a wide range of ingredients in them, most often indicates the almost complete absence of meat.
    After we outlined some general trends in the choice of foods for healthy eating, it is necessary to understand the issue in more detail, such as assessing their quality, so as not to buy poor-quality or spoiled products.

    Evaluation of product quality
    Preliminary evaluation of any food product should begin with a study of the timing of its production and shelf life. Search for this information is not on the store labels with the price, weight and name of the goods, but on the factory ones. Especially it is necessary to pay attention to expensive sausages, cheeses and cream cakes - labels of these perishable goods are glued more often. In addition, it is necessary to take from the shelves the most fresh products that "implementers" often push inward into the rack, exposing outside the products with an expiring date of sale( this applies to dairy, sausage, bakery and some other perishable products).
    The next important step is the so-called sensory evaluation of the selected food, that is, the assessment of its appearance, color and odor. So, for example, if a label can be exchanged or repacked on supermarket sausages, then smell, mold, mild sensation and other changes are much harder to hide. Therefore, we should not hesitate to examine and taste the products we are buying, and also to know the quality indicators described below.
    Sour cream. Sour cream benign - white or slightly yellowish, with a light sour-milk taste, without grains and lumps.
    Inferior sour cream - sour or rancid, has acetic, moldy smell, foamy and curd texture.
    Curd. Curd benign has a fermented smell and taste.
    Poor quality cottage cheese - moldy, musty or sour smell, excessively sour or yeast flavor;can be his swelling, mucus, molding.
    Cheese. Cheese benign has taste without bitterness, its consistency is elastic, homogeneous, crust without cracks, slime and mold( except for special types of cheese).
    Poor quality cheese has a musty or sour smell;form blurred, swollen, crust with cracks, mold, mucus.
    Meat. On the cut of fresh meat there is almost no liquid, it is slightly moist, but not sticky, pleasant in color - from light pink to dark red, depending on the species, age and degree of bleeding of the animal. When pressure is applied to benign meat, the fossa formed quickly disappears.
    Unhealthy meat has a blackish crust, a wet, sticky, slimy surface, the consistency is flabby - the depression is not leveled or pressed slowly when pressed. On the cut meat is grayish or greenish, it sticks to the fingers.
    You should also carefully examine the fat of the animal, as soaking the meat in the manganese solution gives the decayed meat a fresh pink color and discourages the odor, but the fat of the meat( must be yellowish-white) stains pink. Blurred edges of any meat - a sign that he was soaked in a solution of vinegar.
    Regarding frozen meat, you should pay attention to the ice crystals: if they are pink, it means that the product is frozen repeatedly and it is better not to buy it.
    Fish. As for fresh fish, its abdomen should not be swollen, and scales should be adjacent to the body, the eyes - convex and transparent, and the gills bright red.
    In poor-quality fish gills are brown, grayish-red, eyes sunken, reddened, scales easily sloughing, the meat along the spine is reddish( "tan"), can be putrid smell.
    Eggs. If you look at a chicken egg for light, preferably through a tube made from paper, it should be transparent to a pale orange color. The presence of dark spots indicates that the product is spoiled and can not be used in nutrition.
    Groats. Cereals should be dry, clean, without foreign inclusions, browned, darkened cores, spoiled due to decay, molding or charring. The taste of fresh cereals is slightly sweet. In oat groats a slight taste of bitterness is allowed. Stale, low-quality cereals have a bitter, sourish and other unpleasant aftertaste, musty and moldy smells, the presence of sand.
    Flour. Wheat flour of the highest quality is benign - dry to the touch, without lumps, white-cream color, sweet taste, pleasant, fresh smell. Flour of poor quality has a moldy, musty or other foreign smell( determined when the flour is warmed by breath), bitter, sour or other flavor.
    Vegetables. Vegetables should be chosen, orienting both on appearance, and palpating. For example, green areas on potatoes indicate the presence in it of a poisonous substance - solanine, which can cause serious poisoning. Vegetables should be dry, dense, without the smell of mold, rot and other uncharacteristic for fresh vegetables of this type of signs.

    Many mothers still ask questions about how to properly feed children under 1 year old, whether breastfeeding is necessary, how to properly introduce lures, etc.
    It is known that the energy value of a child's food should cover the energy expenditure of the body, which consists of energy expenditureto cover basic metabolism, losses with excreta, specific dynamic effects of food, growth and development, deposition of tissue substances, performance of work, motor activity and crying.
    The most important criterion for the correctness of a child's nutrition is not the amount and composition of food, but the correct physical and psychomotor development appropriate to his age: clean, pink, velvety skin without signs of hypovitaminosis;normal thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer, muscle tone;age-appropriate development of the skeleton, absence of signs of rickets;age-appropriate psychomotor development, positive emotional tone;good appetite and normal work of all organs;good resistance to infections;body weight, height.
    It is very important that the baby is on natural feeding. This is determined not only by the chemical and biological properties of milk, but also by some other factors. In particular, they point out the importance of mental contact between mother and child when breastfeeding for the development of his psyche, motor skills. Many studies have established not only the earlier psychomotor, but also the higher intellectual and richer emotional development of schoolchildren and even adults breast-fed, compared with the first month of life transferred to artificial feeding. French pediatricians even diagnose "illness of the absence of the mother's breast."
    There are four main aspects of the importance of breastfeeding for the growth and development of a child:
    - nutritional value( this role is most well studied and partly artificially simulated in artificial mixtures for feeding children of the first year of life);
    - immunological defense( this property is provided by a number of factors - antibodies, lymphocytes, macrophages that are transmitted with the mother's milk);
    is a regulatory function( there is reason to believe that mother's milk, because of its hormones, enzymes, is a biologically active product that controls growth, development and tissue differentiation);
    is an emotional and behavioral factor( this is partly due to the biological activity of the milk itself, but the rhythm of feeding, the speed of milk intake, its individual taste at the moment, appetite, smile, mother's voice-psychological contact with the mother) influence the rhythm of feeding.
    To the mentioned properties can be added the formation of rational eating behavior and metabolic stereotype, anti-anemic, anti-cancer, anti-allergic and other effects of natural feeding. Later, naturally breast-fed children reliably develop neuropsychic diseases, atherosclerosis, leukemia, dental-jaw system disorders, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
    Children who are on natural feeding are 1.5 - 2.5 times less likely to have various infectious diseases than children on artificial feeding, 3 times less often - intestinal infections.
    In the early 1990s, a team of experts from WHO and UNICEF formulated the following "10 principles for successful breastfeeding".
    1. Strictly adhere to the established rules of breastfeeding and regularly bring these rules to the attention of parturient women.
    2. Train medical staff and mothers with the necessary skills to implement the rules of breastfeeding.
    3. Inform all pregnant women about the benefits and technology of breastfeeding.
    4. To help mothers initiate breastfeeding within the first half hour after birth.
    5. Show mothers how to breastfeed and how to maintain lactation, even if they are temporarily separated from their children.
    6. Do not give newborns any other food or drink other than breast milk, except in cases caused by medical conditions.
    7. To practice the mother and newborn around the clock, in one ward.
    8. Encourage breastfeeding for infant, not schedule.
    9. Do not give newborns who are breastfeeding, no soothing agents and devices that mimic the mother's breast( nipples, etc.).
    10. Encourage the organization of breastfeeding support groups and refer mothers to these groups after discharge from the maternity hospital or hospital.
    Professor IM Vorontsov made the following additions to these principles.
    1. Breastfeeding determines the properties of health development both for the period of childhood and for subsequent periods of life.
    2. The optimal form of breastfeeding for children of the first months of life should be considered exclusively breastfeeding, carried out by applying the baby to the mother's breast.
    3. Contraindications for the use of high-grade female milk for feeding a child should be considered such diseases as galactosemia and with a lesser degree of categorical judgment-phenylketonuria and the disease "urine with the smell of maple syrup."
    4. The delayed type of recovery of the body weight of a newborn is not a basis for supplementing food with glucose solutions, sweet tea or artificial feeding formulas.
    5. A chair with a frequency of up to 6 to 8 times a day, with a good general condition of the child exclusively breastfed, can not be considered an indicator for stopping breastfeeding, pasteurizing milk, and carrying out bacteriological examinations of milk and stools.
    6. Inflammatory diseases of the mammary gland of a mother before the appearance of indications for their surgical treatment are not an indication for stopping the application of the baby or pasteurization of milk.
    7. Questions of the adequacy or inadequacy of breastfeeding can not be resolved on the basis of a simple calculation based on recommended daily norms for the consumption of chemicals and energy.
    8. The only criteria for sufficiency( adequacy) of breastfeeding are the health, activity and positive emotional state of the child with an increasing weight curve and satisfaction with the act of sucking.
    9. Qualitative correction of breastfeeding is acceptable for both group and individual indications for vitamin K in conditions of maternity hospital, vitamin D, fluoride salts and iron in the following weeks, months of life.
    10. It is necessary to give advice to the nursing mother on her diet and, if necessary, to insist on changing this diet. In this case, the main object of control should be sources of vitamins and salts. Vegetarianism of a nursing mother is compatible with successful feeding.
    11. The trends of breastfeeding observed during breastfeeding should always be corrected by changing the application technique, by a significant increase in the frequency of application, by the psychological support of the lactating woman and in some cases by increased maternal nutrition.
    12. It seems desirable to extend the period of pure or exclusive breastfeeding to 4-6 or more months. At a high family risk of allergic diseases and very bright success of feeding this period can be prolonged and for the second year of life.
    13. When monitoring feeding, do not seek to create supplemental food rations in order to obtain the highest growth rates or weight gain.
    The tactics of introducing supplementary food and the choice of meals should be targeted at the time of complete weaning of about 1 to 1.5 years and maintaining the maximum emotional contact of the mother and the child during the feeding hours.
    The first application of healthy full-term newborns to the breast, therefore, should be carried out in the first half hour after birth.
    Early application to the breast is a stimulus for faster lactation in the mother, contributes to better and more rapid adaptation of newborns to conditions of extrauterine life, in particular, earlier colonization of the intestine and skin with bifidum-flora and a decrease in the duration of the phase of transient intestinal dysbiosis. It is also believed that the early bodily contact of the child with the mother( "skin on the skin" within 30-60 minutes after birth) helps to strengthen the sense of motherhood, stimulates the development of the child's psyche and the establishment of a mental contact with the mother increases the number of children breastfed until 4 months. If the state of the mother and the child allows, it is optimal to put the completely stripped child on the belly of the naked mother and after a while the newborn will reach the mother's breast( will creep up), "suck" to the nipple. There are ardent supporters of the presence at this time and the father of the child. It should be noted that such attachment to the breast contributes to a quicker maternal calm and the disappearance of the stress hormonal background( labor - the strongest physiological stress), better postpartum involution of the uterus, a reduction in the probability of infectious morbidity in both the mother and the child, longer preservation of lactationthe mother.
    The first application to the breast, the contact "skin to skin" should be made after the separation of the child from the mother and the bandaging of the umbilical cord, the treatment of the umbilical cord.
    The duration of the first feeding should be about 20 minutes, for there is either no milk at that time or very little.
    Attachment technology. On the 1st day after birth, the mother feeds the child lying in bed. Before feeding, she washes her hands with soap, puts on a kerchief, processes the nipple and areola area with a sterile swab moistened with a solution of furacilin or potassium permanganate( 1: 5000-8000).Do not treat the nipples with a solution of boric acid. The child is placed on a sterile diaper so that it is convenient for him to grasp the nipple with his mouth. The mother holds the breast with her 2 nd and 3 rd fingers and draws her somewhat, so that the baby's breathing is not hampered by a strong contraction of the breast. The nipple, located between the fingers, the mother puts the child in such a way that he would grab the okolosos circle( areola).The head of the child should not be thrown back too much. The first drops of milk before the beginning of feeding it is better to express. At the end of feeding, the breasts should be washed with running water, thoroughly dried with a sterile diaper( given before each feeding), lubricate the nipple and the circumference of it with petroleum jelly and cover the nipple with a piece of sterile gauze, guarding against gross mechanical irritation with linen.
    Follow-up feeding. From the 3rd-4th day on, the mother feeds the baby, while sitting or standing. In the first days, when there is not enough milk in the breast, the feeding time should be prolonged to 20 - 30 minutes, but in the second half of the 1st week of life, a healthy child is not recommended to feed, because prolonged leaving it at the breast promotes the appearancecracks in the nipples. After feeding, the mother must carefully dissolve the remaining milk. At each feeding the child can be applied to both mammary glands.
    In the conditions of joint stay of mother and child it is considered rational to feed the child in the first days of life if he has anxiety, being guided by the interval between the feedings of 3 hours, i.e. 7 times a day. Deviations in the intervals between feedings are completely permissible, but random feeding is still undesirable.
    If, according to the indications from either the mother or the child, it is fed with expressed breast milk, then the desired number of feedings is 7 with a 6-hour night interval. Once again, we emphasize that swaddling a child from the first day is desirable without fixing hands.
    Admissible weight loss in the first days of life,( not more than 3% per day), calm behavior of the child between feedings, presence of milk in the breast of the mother after the end of feeding - the criteria for adequacy of the baby's nutrition and the indicator that there is no need to weigh it before and after eachapplying to the breast and the sufficiency of a single determination per day of body weight( in the morning).
    The anxiety of the child between the feedings, more than normal, the loss of the initial body weight( totaling more than 10%) makes it necessary to carry out control weights before and after each feeding with supplementary feeding to the norm with donor milk. When milk is insufficient for a mother, supplementation to healthy newborns is best not to be prescribed until 4 days( if weight loss is not so great), because early introduction of supplementary feeding reduces the activity of sucking and, accordingly, the volume of lactation.
    Gemini is applied to the breast in turn, beginning with a more restless child, the second is applied to the same mammary gland for its more complete emptying and only then the other is fed.
    The next feeding should begin with the breast from which the second child was fed. Children must be weighed before and after feeding, and the amount of milk that is missing before the norm is given from a bottle( donor milk or adapted mixtures) from the 3rd to the 4th day of life.
    A child up to 3 months of age should receive a daily dose of 125 kcal / kg body weight, 3 to 6 months.- 110 kcal / kg, and over 6 months - up to a year - 95 - 100 kcal / kg. Approximately 3.5 months.a full-fledged, properly developing child should receive 1 liter per day.milk.
    Soldering. Is it necessary for a child who is breast-feeding to give additional liquid to milk and, if so, what kind? Newborn children in normal climatic( temperature) conditions do not need to do this, because the activity of suckling will decrease. Dopaivanie is acceptable only at high( above 25 ° C) ambient temperature and the presence of even mild signs of dehydration in a healthy child( dry mucous membranes, etc.).At the same time, guided by the daily requirements of the liquid and the estimated amount of milk, it is easy to verify that the first value exceeds the second.
    For example, a 6-month-old child, having a body weight of 8.2 kg, has a fluid requirement of 140 ml / kg on average, i.e. per day 1148, whereas the food volume should not exceed 1 liter. Than dopaivat? Boiled water. Replacing water with vegetable broths or infusions should not be, because this can lead to salt overload, water retention, pastoznosti. In children older than 6 months. You should not prescribe too much fruit juice for the same reason. How much water? Depending on the weather conditions from 50 to 200 ml per day.
    Based on energy requirements in food ingredients, as well as the average values ​​of weight gain in the first months of life and the composition of human milk, it is easy to conclude that 1 liter of milk of the mother( namely, the maximum allowable amount at this time in view of anatomical features of the stomach and functionalpossibilities of the gastrointestinal tract) can meet these needs of the baby only up to 4.0 - 4.5 months, a maximum of 5 months. It is at this time that there is a need to introduce products more rich in minerals, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins than women's milk - cereals, vegetables, meat, eggs, etc. This is important, and in connection with the need to gradually accustom the child to dense food( inin particular, for the correct development of the articulation of speech), the new components of food - polysaccharides( cellulose).
    The lure is introduced to healthy termless children from 4.5 to 6 months. Earlier introduction of complementary foods is recommended for large, fast growing children, boys( in comparison with girls), with anemia, rickets, and hypotrophy. On the other hand, during the hot season, as well as acute diseases of the child, especially with intestinal disorders, lure is prescribed at a later date( 5.5 - 6.0 months).
    Indications for the introduction of thick food can be the behavior of the child - the appearance of seemingly unreasonable anxiety, a quickening of screaming, repeated awakenings at night with a hungry cry, animated movements of hands and feet with one kind of food, etc., which is regarded as a sign of starvation.
    In addition, take on the collection and sharp decrease in the intensity of weight gain. Readiness of the child for chewing movements when entering the mouth of nipples or other objects. Current or current teething. Confident sitting and owning the head to express an emotional attitude towards food or satiety.
    It is not always possible to clearly identify all the characteristics of a child's readiness for introducing complementary foods, and therefore they recommend starting with a "training" supplement - giving a small amount( about 5 grams) of grated apple or fruit puree( without sugar) from the tip of a teaspoon inserted into the middlelanguage of the child. It is advisable to do this in the second feeding, after he sucked a small amount of mother's milk, but did not lose the feeling of hunger. With good swallowing, positive reaction of the child and good tolerance, the amount of grated apple or fruit puree increases to 20 - 30.
    Recommended rules for introducing complementary foods in the first year:
    - to start feeding only to a healthy child, at the extreme in the recovery period, but with a stablestool;
    - it is not possible to assign complementary foods when changing the child's living conditions( moving to a dacha, entering a nursery, etc.) or in the next 1 to 2 weeks. After preventive vaccinations;
    - the first lure is best given in the morning, in the second feeding;
    - it is always necessary to observe the gradualness, starting with small doses, especially with a tendency to an unstable chair( approximately on the 1st day of the introduction of thick complementary foods, 1 tablespoon is given, the next - 2 tablespoons, etc., and about 10the child gets 150 - 160 ml of complementary feeding for feeding), which appeared after the introduction of complementary foods;
    - complementary feeding is given before breastfeeding, as new food often provokes a child's protest, so it is more profitable to give it under the most severe food arousal;
    - the lure is given from a spoon in a warm, but not hot kind;
    - each subsequent lure is introduced after the child has adapted to the previous one;
    - you can not enter two new complementary foods at the same time;
    - the amount of complementary foods for one feeding( puree, porridge, jelly) is set depending on the rhythm of feeding and the age of the child;
    - the consistency of the complementary foods should be homogeneous and not cause difficulties when swallowing, with age, you should move to a thicker, and later to a dense diet, perhaps earlier, accustoming the child to eat from a spoon and chewing.
    The number of feedings for one week before the introduction of complementary foods is reduced to 5 times a day. By the end of the first year, some well-developed children can be transferred to a 4-time feeding. The daily volume of food in children older than 6 months.can reach up to 1100 - 1200 ml, although it usually does not exceed 1000 ml.
    Until the 70s of the century, porridge was recommended as the first food. But in the future, with the development of the industrial production of homogenized fruit and vegetable purees, preference was given to them as the first food, especially in children with exudative diathesis, anemia, rickets. At the same time, children, not actively adding weight to the body, as a first complementary food is better to give porridge. They also believe that it is better to give wheat cereals at the first mealtime.
    Vegetable puree is currently considered to be preferred for first-time complementary foods in healthy children. When cooking vegetable mashed potatoes should not be more than half of the dish, since it contains a lot of starch, is poor in calcium. Very useful for children are carrots, turnips, beets, cabbage, rutabaga, pumpkin, zucchini, tomatoes. Carrots are supplied with carotene, potassium salts;in cabbage there is a lot of calcium, magnesium, ascorbic acid;cauliflower contains iron, cobalt, zinc;beets - cobalt;tomatoes are rich in carotene, ascorbic acid, salts of iron, copper, cobalt, manganese. In pumpkin, cabbage, zucchini contains relatively less carbohydrates than in other vegetables, which is important to consider when feeding children with excessive body weight. Cottage cheese is usually added to puree, but yolk, and later - meat can also be added.
    Introduction of complementary foods begin with 2 to 3 teaspoons of spoons( 1 tablespoon), and if the stool remains normal, the next day the amount of vegetable puree is already increased to 2 tablespoons.spoons, etc. Usually within 1 week.- 10 days the second morning feeding is completely replaced by complementary feeding, increasing the amount of mashed potatoes up to 150 g and bringing the amount of feeding to 200 ml at first with breast milk and then grated apple or juice.
    Porridge( rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, later semolina) is introduced as a lure a month after the introduction of vegetables( ie, from 5.5 to 6 months) in the 4th feeding( evening).First, prepare 5% porridge on half milk and after 2 weeks.(after the amount of porridge reached 150 ml) is replaced by 8 - 10% already on whole milk. Rice and semolina porridge are less useful than buckwheat or oatmeal( Hercules), but children of the first year of life better tolerate rice, starch, then starch from wheat( semolina porridge), somewhat worse from other groats. Cereals are rich in minerals, B vitamins, vegetable protein. For the preparation of cereals, a mixture of different cereals can be used, which increases the nutritional value of the dish, but increases the risk of allergic reactions.
    When preparing milk porridges for the purpose of preserving vitamins and reducing the denaturation of milk protein, the rump is first boiled in a small amount of water, and then whole milk is added and the porridge is cooked until ready. According to the testimony( rickets, allergies to cow's milk), porridges are cooked on vegetable broth. It is useful to prepare a combination of vegetables from vegetables and cereals, for example, "pink porridge" with the addition of stewed or mashed carrots or pumpkin. It is useful to add egg yolk to the porridge, bringing the amount of feeding to 200 ml( porridge as well as vegetable puree, give no more than 150 g) jelly, vegetable or fruit juices.
    Meat broth( from low-fat meat - beef, chicken, without cereals and vegetables - as a separate complementary meal given once a day from 7 months in small amounts( 10-20 g, not more than 30 ml) as a good gastric irritant andPreparation for introduction of minced meat in the diet, 1 - 1.5 weeks to the broth add a cracker( 2-3 grams) in a crushed form, thus forming a lunch - meat broth, minced meat, vegetable puree, mashed fresh apple.a week from 5 to 20 grams, and by the end of the year the child is given 70 grams of meat or liver, fish a day
    TThus, from 6.5 to 7 months the child receives 2 complementary foods: one - porridge( in the second feeding), the other - vegetable puree( in the 4th feeding). Then 7.5 - 8 months in the third feeding is introduced a vegetablesoup, then broth and minced meat, that is, they form a dinner, Weaning the baby from the breast at 11 to 12 months, canceling the morning feeding, and then the last evening feeding
    About 6 to 7 months, the baby is givenhand cookie or cracker. This leads to stimulation of the development of motility of the gastrointestinal tract of the child, improves trophism of the gums, contributing to teething. Depending on the number of teeth per year, the consistency of food becomes thicker-meatballs, steam cutlets and, finally, in the second year of life-pieces of potatoes and vegetables.
    Fruit, berry and vegetable juices are administered to children from 5 to 6 months.life. In order not to have an acute digestive disorder, juices start to be given from small amounts: on the first day give 2 to 3 drops, diluted in 0.5 teaspoon boiled water, in the second - 5 to 6 drops. Gradually the amount of juice is increased to 50 ml and 80 - 100 ml by the year( the daily amount of juice is given in 2 - 3 doses).It is more beneficial to give different juices during the day. The first is usually introduced apple juice, then blackberry, cherry, infusion of hips, dried apricots, later you can give cranberry, pomegranate, apricot, carrot, beet, plum, raspberry, strawberry, strawberry, citrus( lemon, orange, grapefruit, tangerine),peach, blueberry, cowberry, cabbage, tomato.
    Sour and tart juices are brewed with boiled water and slightly sweetened. Grape juice for young children is not recommended because of the high content of sugar in it, which enhances the processes of fermentation in the intestine. With care, you need to give orange, tangerine, grapefruit, strawberry( strawberry) juices, as they often provoke the manifestation of exudative diathesis. Long-term use of an excess amount of carrot juice( more than 40 ml) can cause jaundice( carotenic jaundice).
    Juices should always be prepared immediately before use. The exception is blackcurrant and sea buckthorn juice, which can be harvested for future use. It is not recommended to mix cabbage, apple and carrot juices containing an enzyme that destroys ascorbic acid - ascorbinase, with other juices.
    From 4,5 - 6 months.you can start to introduce into the diet a special homogenized fruit puree, on the labels of which there is an inscription "For baby food".Use fruit and other juices, on the labels of which there is no corresponding inscription, should not. Juices are rich not only with vitamins, but also with minerals, pectins, which affect the motility of the gastrointestinal tract. With a tendency to frequent stools, diarrheas are advisable to give lemon, pomegranate, blueberry, blackcurrant, cherry juice, while with a tendency to constipation - plum, carrot, and orange. Juices should be given after the main meal.
    Grated apple or homogenized puree from bananas, apricots, other fruits, as well as fruit and vegetable and fruit and berry canned food for baby food, starting from 2 - 3 and gradually increasing to 50 g, begin to give as a "training" complementary foodsfrom 4.5 to 5 months.
    Egg yolk of hard-boiled eggs is included in food from the moment of the introduction of the first complementary food. Begin to give with small portions, increasing after 2 weeks.up to 0.5 yolks per day. Yolk is a source of iron, lipids, amino acids.
    Cottage cheese as a source of high-grade protein and some essential amino acids, calcium and phosphorus salts is prescribed to children after the introduction of vegetable lure, at the same feeding for protein enrichment. The quantity of cottage cheese is 20-30.
    At the end of the first year of life( usually from 11 months) a new direction of complementary feeding is growing - a "piece-wise" diet, in addition to crackers and biscuits, to stimulate biting and chewing( from 7 to 7.5 months).meatballs, steamed meat, vegetables( not mashed potatoes), sliced ​​fruit, etc.
    When carrying out mixed and artificial feeding, the following basic rules should be followed:
    - in each case, it is necessary to take into account how much breast milk a child receives from the mother, and the missing quantityfood insuppl formula milk;
    - even with a small amount of breast milk from the mother, it should be kept as long as possible;
    - in contrast to food supplements introduced to correct nutrition with natural feeding, supplementation is prescribed after breastfeeding;
    - if supplementing by volume is small, it should be given a teaspoon, as the easy flow of milk through the nipple promotes the child's abandonment of the mother's breast, resulting in rapid extinction of lactation;
    - with mixed feeding it is necessary to leave at least three breastfeeding, as with a more rare application to the breast, lactation quickly fades;
    - the rule for mixed and artificial feeding should be the use of adapted mixtures - the total number of milk formulas and the number of feedings per day are determined by the same rules as with natural feeding. Given that mixtures of cow's milk stay longer in the stomach for longer than women's milk, newborns should be fed 6 times when fed on artificial feeding( at natural - 6 or 7);
    - with artificial feeding in the first half of life, the need for protein, calories increases somewhat. The ratio between proteins, fats and carbohydrates with artificial feeding in the first half of life is 1: 1.5 - 2.0: 4( at natural 1: 3: 6);
    - when carrying out artificial feeding it is important to feed children with an appetite. Therefore, the amount of the mixture poured into the bottle should be 20 to 30 ml more than that which the child is supposed to suck;
    - taking into account the importance of mental contact between mother and child during feeding, it is advisable that only the mother feeds the child;
    - Milk mixture before feeding should be warmed up to a temperature of 35 - 40 ° С( a bottle with a mixture, before giving to the child, for 5 - 6 minutes is placed in a vessel with hot water).The hole in the nipple is important to make it so that the mixture flows out when the bottle capsizes with drops, not a trickle. The bottle during feeding should be kept so that its neck was completely filled with milk, because otherwise the child will suck in the air when feeding. After feeding the child a few minutes are held vertically, which contributes to the separation from the eructation of accidentally swallowed air. And pacifier and bottle after washing, wash and boil 10 - 15 minutes;
    - when carrying out artificial feeding, one should not change how often to mix, but stick too long to one of them, although the child on it adds weight to the body well;
    - it is necessary to take into account the individual reaction of the child to the mixture. For example, a child may have anxiety, upset of a stool while trying to feed the adapted mixtures and good assimilation of milk and kefir, although using adapted mixtures for artificial feeding is more advisable than diluting milk and kefir.
    The stated principles are a scheme, the variation of which depends on the individual characteristics of the child, the environmental conditions, the state of his health. Children who are breastfed are especially interested in fresh air walks, rational day regimen, massage and gymnastics, and hardening.

    Nutrition of children of preschool and school age is one of the most important factors in the development of the child's body. From proper nutrition depends not only physical health, but also the ability to learn well, to develop physically. It is at this age that an intensive development and growth of the organism is taking place, and a failure in this process in the future can bring a whole bouquet of various diseases. Inadequate or, conversely, excessive nutrition can have a significant impact on the child's physical development and intelligence, contribute to the development of chronic diseases, reduce resistance to various unfavorable factors. The peculiarity of nutrition of children of preschool and school age is determined by many biological and social factors. Physiological features of the body of children of this age - the ongoing intensive metabolism, the process of growth and increase in body weight, the formation of the skeleton and musculature. Moreover, the younger the child, the more pronounced these processes are and the greater the expenditure of energy and nutrients they are accompanied. During puberty, along with intensive growth processes, profound changes occur in the function of different organs and systems, especially the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular.
    Normal growth and development of various organs and systems, the formation of protective forces of the body, strengthening of health, improving the performance of schoolchildren largely depend on a properly organized diet. To this end, recommended norms for the consumption of energy and nutrients for school-age children of different age groups should be used.
    With age, there is an increase in total energy consumption, respectively, increasing energy consumption and nutrients.
    The qualitative and quantitative composition of the correct nutrition of children is determined by the characteristics of the child's body. Thus, the need of the children's organism in the protein decreases gradually with age: if at the age of 1 to 3 years it reaches 4 g per 1 kg of body weight, at the age of 4-6, 3.5-4 grams. At the same time, proteins of animal originIn the first three years there should be 75% and at the age of 6 years - 65%.The need of the child's body for fat is the same as the need for protein. In this case, the proportion of vegetable fat in the diet should be 5 - 10% of the total amount of fat. The need for the child's body in carbohydrates increases with age. In general, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet of children older than 1 year should be 1: 1: 4.
    The norms of consumption of proteins, fats, carbohydrates are respectively:
    for children 6 years - 68 g;68 g;272 g;
    for children 7 - 10 years - 79 g;79 g;315 g;
    for boys 11 - 13 years - 93 g;93 g;370 g;
    for girls 11 - 13 years - 85 g;85 g;340 g,
    for girls 14 - 17 years - 90 g, 90 g and 360 g;
    for boys 14 - 17 years - 100 g;100 g;400 g.
    The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates is the same as in adults, about 1: 1: 4, which is optimal for maximum assimilation of them in the children's body. First and foremost, there must be a need for proteins of animal origin containing essential amino acids, which are especially necessary for a growing organism. The quantity of proteins of animal origin, in contrast to that consumed by adults, should be at least 60%, and for 6-year-olds - at least 65% of the total amount of protein in the diet. During puberty in the body, resistance to digestible carbohydrates decreases, so sweets should not be more than 20% of the total amount of carbohydrates in the diet.
    Mineral substances( macro and microelements) are of great importance for a growing organism. The need for them( with the exception of sodium) is met with the right set of food. Water-soluble vitamins children should receive daily, because they are not deposited in the body. The need for fat-soluble vitamins, which are deposited in the body, can change by periodically assigning the appropriate drugs. It should be borne in mind that in children with an unreasonable set of products( especially when restricting fresh vegetables and fruits or using refined products), hypovitaminoses easily occur.
    Daily consumption of liquid by the body in a child is 10 - 15% of its body weight. Therefore, the diet of children of the first five years of life should contain a relatively larger volume of water than recommended for adults. The frequency of food intake depends on age. Children under the age of 1.5 need 5 meals a day( first and second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner), and older than this age - 4 meals a day( breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner).
    Food for children from 1 to 1.5 years should be puree;meat - in the form of steam cutlets. Products for children from 1.5 to 3 years, incl.vegetables and fruits, grind, give cutlets, meat stew, goulash. From 3 years, chopped, shredded, stewed or even lightly roasted( for example, casserole) products are shown. Not recommended are spicy dishes, natural coffee, mustard, vinegar.
    For cooking food for children 5 - 6 years and older, almost the same products are used as for adults. From the diet, only fatty beef, pork, geese and ducks, fatty fish are excluded. A variety of vegetables and fruits are recommended( except for those that cause allergic reactions in children).Do not over and unilateral food. If the family has diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to limit the intake of easily digestible carbohydrates( sugar, sweets, confectionery) to children to avoid early overload of the pancreas.
    In daily life, in addition to the analysis of the daily diet, weight gain and growth, child development, blood test results( hemoglobin, erythrocyte, color index), urine, and morbidity are monitored in order to assess nutritional status. This information is enough to make a decision about the necessary correction of power. In more complex cases, they resort to biochemical studies of blood and final products of metabolism that are excreted in the urine.
    In the diet of children should be sure to include vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, because they are the source of many substances necessary for the body, as well as rich in fiber, which contributes to the normal activity of the intestine. Green vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs also contain organic acids, biologically active substances, pectins. The latter adsorb exchange products, various microorganisms, salts of heavy metals, radionuclides that enter the intestine. The greatest amount of pectin substances is available in table beet, apples, black currant, plum. In addition, vegetables contain alkaline radicals essential for the body. An obligatory component of the child's diet is vitamins and minerals.
    The nutrition of children from 7 to 16 years is one of the biggest problems in the education of schoolchildren. First, during this period there is an intensive growth of a person, and the lack of some nutrient components can lead to serious chronic diseases. Secondly, during the school years there is a personal formation of a person, there are turning points, there is some kind of independence, negativism and contradictions. Thirdly, the regime of modern studies, heavy workloads, the tension of mental and physical forces does not allow us to often maintain the necessary diet. Fourth, in the body of young people, a significant hormonal restructuring begins, which ultimately affects the figure of a person, especially girls( for example, fat deposition on the hips, buttocks, stomach).
    Age features of digestion of school-age children require appropriate culinary and technological processing of food. It is advisable to use stewed, boiled, baked dishes and as little as possible fried. In the diet of schoolchildren 6 - 10 years of fried food is better not to use. Be sure to include in the diet of hot food, which stimulates the secretion of digestive juices, promotes better digestion and more complete use of the body, creates a sense of satiety.
    An important requirement of a balanced diet is regularity, which includes not only a certain time of eating and the intervals between them, but also the quantitative and qualitative distribution of food throughout the day. For school-age children, a meal more frequent than adults is recommended( 4 to 5 times).The most rational distribution of the energy value of a daily diet with five meals a day for children who visit groups of extended days.

    Healthy food is called that provides the body with all the nutrients necessary to maintain health, mental and physical performance. It should be diverse in terms of product range, rich in vegetables, fruits, berries, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products.
    A healthy diet provides for the restriction of consumption of saturated fats, sugar and table salt. This nutrition should meet the body's energy needs, allowing to maintain a normal weight, and, along with all of the above, it should be like.
    At the same time, a healthy diet is also needed to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers, diabetes and a number of other diseases of our highly civilized age.
    Russian scientists from the Research Center for Preventive Medicine offer the following rules for healthy eating.
    1. Eat less saturated fat;for this, buy low-fat meat, remove visible fat from the meat and remove the skin from the chicken, and also eat less cakes and other confectionery.
    2. Use cooking oil for cooking, and for sandwiches soft, mainly vegetable, margarines.
    3. Choose milk and dairy products that are low in fat and defatted.
    4. Regularly, at least once a week, eat fatty marine fish( herring, mackerel, sardines, tuna, etc.).
    5. Eat a day at least 5 servings of fruits, berries and vegetables.
    6. Regularly eat dishes containing starch and food fiber products - cereals, pasta, potatoes, etc.
    7. Choose bread and other flour products from wholemeal.
    8. Eat less sugar without giving up the sweet at all;choose beverages without sugar and use, if you want, its substitutes;9. Avoid excessive consumption of salty foods( smoked meats, sausages, cheese, salty snacks, etc.) and reduce the amount of salt added to food when cooking and at the table, so that the total salt intake does not exceed 6-8 grams per day. Try to consume iodized table salt. Replace salt, where possible, with spicy vegetables and spices, so that the food does not seem tasteless.
    10. Try to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day. You can increase the consumption of water or tea( green or black), but you also need to drink juices( mostly freshly squeezed), low-fat sour-milk drinks and other sources of free liquid.
    11. Use alcoholic beverages moderately: no more than 15 g for women and 25 g for men per day in terms of pure alcohol( ethyl alcohol)( in some domestic recommendations on healthy nutrition it is suggested "to avoid drinking alcohol").
    12. Control weight by body mass index( BMI), which is easy to calculate by formula.
    BMI = M / P2, where M is the mass in kilograms, P is the growth in meters. That is, your body weight in kg divided by height in meters, squared.
    BMI below 18.5 kg / m2 - you should gain a few kilograms.
    BMI from 20 to 25 kg / m2 - you have a normal weight.
    BMI from 25 to 30 kg / m2 - it is advisable to lose a few kilograms.
    BMI 30 kg / m2 and more - you need to lose weight due to diet and increased physical activity.

    In the beginning, let's define the basic terms - older people around the world generally consider people older than 60 years( although in Russia, the average life expectancy of men is about 56 - 57 years).Therefore, some people under the age of 60 should listen to our advice.
    Principles of proper nutrition for the elderly are as follows:
    - strict compliance of the energy value of consumed food with actual energy consumption;
    - use of products that have easy digestibility and moderately strengthen the secretory and motor function of the digestive system;
    - antiatherosclerotic orientation of nutrition;
    - a variety of food ration due to the product set to provide the body with all essential nutritional factors;
    - strict adherence to the diet with a more even distribution of food by methods;
    - individualization of nutrition of the elderly in accordance with their diseases and metabolic disorders.
    The energy need of older people is reduced by limiting their physical activity and reducing the intensity of metabolic processes. Elderly people usually do not reduce the amount of food consumed and its energy value, so they quickly grow fat. Completeness, decrease in physical activity and changes in metabolic processes lead to heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.
    The energy value of nutrition is limited primarily by sugars, confectionery, fatty meat products. A neat policy for elderly people in nutrition should be introduced with proteins: on the one hand, inadequate protein intake leads to protein deficiency, reduced immunity and the development of a number of diseases; on the other hand, excessive intake of proteins leads to increased stress on the liver and kidneys and leads to the development of atherosclerosis. Therefore, the truth lies in the golden middle - 69 g protein for elderly men and 63 g for elderly women. Among fats, animals( especially refractory) are restricted by fats and fats contained in raw sausage sausages. Do not forget that in the diet of the elderly people need to include fiber, in order to stimulate the motor activity of the intestine. In addition, it is very useful for everyone in the morning immediately after lifting to drink a glass of cold clean water, to run the so-called bow thruster.
    The carbohydrate content can range from 242 to 335 grams per day. The need to reduce the proportion of simple carbohydrates, in particular sugar, to 30 grams per day, increasing the content of dietary fiber( 20-25 g per day) is obvious. Reduce the energy intensity of food is advisable gradually as the body ages, in total 1/3 in the period from 30 to 70 years. If the recommended energy value of the daily ration at the age of 25 to 30 years is taken as 100%, then in 41-50 years it must be reduced to 94%, in 51 to 60 years - to 86%, in 61 to 70 years - to 79%in 71 years and older - up to 69%.Consumption of fats should be limited, while the content of vegetable fats should be at least 1/3 of the daily requirement for fats.
    In old age, it is possible both a glut of some mineral substances, and a lack of them in the body. So, for example, calcium can be deposited in the walls of blood vessels, in the joints of some people and excreted out of the body in other people, thus causing osteoporosis and fractures of bones. Recommended doses of calcium for the elderly - 0.8 g, phosphorus - 1.2 g, magnesium - 0.5 - 0.6 g per day, iron - up to 15 mg. The amount of salt should be limited to 9 - 10 g per day.
    Due to inefficient nutrition and insufficiency of material resources to ensure a rational necessary diet, usually a part of the elderly people suffer from vitamin deficiency, so in the spring-winter period and the first month of spring it is recommended to use multivitamin preparations.
    In the diet mode, the most rational is 4 meals a day: 1st breakfast - 25% of the daily energy value of the ration;2nd breakfast - 15 - 20%;lunch - 30 - 35%;dinner - 20 - 25%.At night, it is desirable to use sour-milk products and fruits.
    Recommended products for the elderly:
    Bread and flour products: wheat and rye bread, bread with bran, with soy flour.
    Soups: vegetarian, vegetable( cabbage soup, borsch), fruit, cereals. Low-fat meat and fish broths are not more often 2 - 3 times a week.
    Meat, poultry, fish: low-fat varieties, mostly in boiled form. Not fish seafood - squid, mussels.
    Dairy products: all kinds are widely recommended, but preferably low in fat content. Limit cream, sour cream, fatty cottage cheese, salted and fatty cheeses.
    Eggs: 2 - 4 pieces per week. Limit the egg yolks.
    Cereals: any, but limit rice, beans.
    Vegetables: various in raw and cooked form. Spinach and sorrel should be restricted.
    Appetizers: low-fat types of boiled sausages, sausages, ham, low-fat and inconsolable cheese, lightly salted herring, seafood, vegetable salads and vinaigrettes.
    Fruits and sweet dishes: various fruits in any form. Dessert dishes are semisweet or on xylitol. Limit sugar, confectionery, especially cream, chocolate, cream ice cream.
    Sauces and spices: dairy, fruit, tomato. Limit horseradish, mayonnaise, exclude fish, meat, mushroom sauce, mustard.
    Beverages: soft coffee, tea, vegetable and fruit juices. Limit kvass and carbonated drinks.
    Fats: different kinds of cow's butter - limited( 3 - 5 g per serving) for sandwiches and filling of hot dishes. Widely use vegetable oils. Limit lard, margarine. Exclude lamb, beef and cooking fats.
    With age, the putrefactive microflora begins to predominate in the intestine, which is dangerous for the organism due to the toxicity of the products of its vital activity. I.I.Mechnikov attached special importance to the intestinal microflora in the aging process. In the digestive tract, aging reduces the number of aerobic forms of bacteria, especially lactic acid and bifidobacteria, while increasing the number of anaerobes, coliforms, fungi. For the normalization of the intestinal microflora, it is necessary to consume fiber, fermented milk products, which create favorable conditions for the growth of lactic acid bacteria. In addition, the very microflora of these products displaces putrefactive. Potentially alkalizing substances include vegetables and fruits containing many organic acids and their salts( beets, carrots, apples, grapes).Organic acids in the process of metabolism are oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. In this form they are removed from the body, contributing to the preservation of alkaline equivalents in it, which is extremely useful for the body of an elderly person.
    It is necessary to remember one more feature of nutrition of elderly people - this close interrelation with the basic diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly adjust their diet with these diseases, for this it is necessary to consult with your doctor about the proper therapeutic nutrition.

    Some scientific studies have shown that many products can affect sexuality, enhance and improve the functioning of the glands of the reproductive system. Therefore, properly eating, you can not only increase your sexual energy, but also cure many diseases that create disharmony in your personal life.
    On average, any man in his life "shoots" about a trillion spermatozoa. But how many of them are completely healthy? How many of this amount are not capable of normal fertilization? How does a woman keep her attractiveness for a man throughout her life? But a huge role in this is food.
    Proper nutrition can be divided into two large groups:
    1. Products that enhance sexual desire for a certain time.
    2. Products required for the proper functioning of the reproductive system.
    General recommendations of
    - limit consumption of red meat( beef, lamb and pork), eat better chicks and fish;
    - limit the use of seasonings to salads( especially fatty mayonnaises);
    - cook food for a couple, bake, cook, but never fry;
    - eat more fresh fruits and herbs( parsley, tarragon, etc.);
    - limit consumption of sugar and salt, strong alcoholic beverages, caffeine( ie strong tea and coffee), eggs and hard cheeses;
    - take food better 5 - 6 times a day in small portions;
    - try not to drink at least half an hour after eating;
    - quit smoking;
    - try to drink as much as possible fermented milk products;
    - try not to consume canned foods, fried or salted nuts, chocolate, ice cream and other confectionery products.
    We note some features of sexual dysfunctions in young people of the current generation:
    - constant stresses, increased emotionality, work that requires a great deal of energy, nervousness.
    - increased body weight or obesity.
    - injuries in childhood and adolescence.
    - the openness of this topic in the media, on television and the early entry of adolescents into a close relationship.
    Now about the products. Perhaps, many of them will be familiar to you, but you hardly knew about these properties.
    Phosphorus. It is necessary for a number of different metabolic reactions in cell division. Most of the popular in Europe means for stimulating libido. It is also used in the products of erotic cuisine of Asian countries. So, for example, in China soup is prepared - "swallow's nest".This soup is one of the most famous stimulants. For its preparation use a nest of the sea swallow( salangans), which is constructed from edible seaweed, connected by fish caviar. This soup is extremely rich in phosphorus and cures various dysfunctions in a remarkable way. It is worth paying attention to such products as carrie( in Asia they say that "carry through the stomach fires passion in the genitals"), truffles( "make a woman more amiable, and men are more amorous"), fish and caviar.
    Zinc. It is necessary for the activation and synthesis of one of the male hormones - testosterone. If zinc in the body of a healthy man is not enough, then this young man will not experience sexual attraction, will not be able to withhold an erection. It should be remembered that smoking, alcohol, stress reduce the amount of zinc in your body. Therefore, for the benefit of your body and for the benefit of your future children and grandchildren, eat as many fresh oysters, ginger root, pecans, wheat, rye, oats.
    Vitamin E has a beneficial effect on the production of sex hormones;The lack of this vitamin in the diet leads to irreversible degeneration of the germ cells. The lack of it in the diet leads to miscarriages in pregnant women.
    In addition to vitamin E, vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin A, B vitamins play a big role.
    Plants and foods that enhance sexual desire: parsley, ginseng, echinacea, ginger, sundew, sage, papaya, vanilla pods, green tea, shrimp, celery.
    1. Mix in a small vessel of shrimp( 1/4 part), celery( 1 tablespoon), green onions( 1 tablespoon), lemon juice( 1/5 tsp), celery powder( 1/ 4 teaspoons).Then cut the papaya in half, take out the bones and fill the two halves with a salad.
    2. Take coconut flakes( 3/4 cups), orange juice( 1/3 cup), 1 ripe banana, mashed potatoes, 2 bananas, cut into circles, 1 ripe diced papaya, chopped almonds( 1/4 cup), canned pineapple( 1/2 pieces) without juice, then fill this mixture with low-fat yoghurt.

    Proper nutrition of during pregnancy is one of the main rules that a woman must observe in order to ensure a normal full development of the child. Rational nutrition is one of the important conditions for the favorable course and outcome of pregnancy, childbirth, fetus and newborn development, the formation of lactation function, the duration of lactation and the optimization of the composition of breast milk.
    Basic principles of power supply:
    1. Compliance with the power mode.
    2. Variety in nutrition.
    3. Necessary energy value of food.
    4. Easily assimilated foods and balanced nutrition.
    5. Use only freshly prepared food.
    6. Restriction of consumed liquid, sharp, fried, fatty foods.
    7. Refusal to accept alcoholic beverages, canned products.
    8. The use of sufficient amounts of vitamins, microelements for the development of the child.
    The nutrition of a woman in the first half of pregnancy does not differ significantly from her nutrition before pregnancy, it must be full and contain a sufficient number of all nutrients. In the second half of pregnancy the need for proteins and other nutrients increases. Accordingly, the diet should increase the protein, fat and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. During the period of breastfeeding, the body's need for food substances is even greater.
    During pregnancy, tastes and favorite foods can change. So, some women are drawn to chalk( perhaps lack of iron or calcium in the body), others want a lot of chocolate, the third - a salty cucumber. Every organism demands its own. Listen to the body, but do not go on about it. Sometimes women due to toxicosis can not take the necessary amount of food, try to replace the usual food with at least fruits( apples, tangerines) or ice cream( a very high-calorie product).
    It is important to comply with the diet. In the first half of pregnancy the most physiologically four meals a day: the first breakfast( 8-9 hours) should be about 30% of the caloric content of the daily ration, the second breakfast( 11-12 hours) - 15%;lunch( 14 - 15 hours) - 40%;dinner( 18 - 19 hours) - 10%;at 21 h you can drink a glass of kefir( 5% of calories).After eating, do not lie down. The last meal should be 2 to 3 hours before bedtime. In the second half of pregnancy five or six meals are recommended: an afternoon snack is added, consisting of vegetables, fruits, juices. You should distribute the products in such a way that meat, fish, cereals enter breakfast and lunch. Supper should include mainly milk and vegetable food. It is necessary to refrain from those foods and dishes that have ever caused allergic reactions. If the weight gain of the pregnant woman exceeds the average values ​​(300-350 g per week), you need to change the food composition and diet. With bed rest, the caloric content of the diet is reduced by 20-40%.
    In the period of breastfeeding it is advisable to take food 5 to 6 times a day for 30-40 minutes before feeding the baby, which promotes better milk secretion. From the diet exclude strong coffee, alcoholic beverages, spicy seasonings and foods that can cause allergies to the mother and child( chocolate, cocoa, smoked products, strawberries, tomatoes, honey, nuts in excess).
    The amount of free liquid per day in the form of water, tea, milk, compotes, juices, soups for a pregnant woman is 1 - 1.2 liters, by the end of pregnancy with edema decreases to 700 - 800 ml per day. In the daily ration of the nursing mother should be at least 2 liters of fluid.
    It can not be forgotten that a growing organism needs a few more vitamins and minerals than the mother's body. In the food you eat, you do not always contain all the substances necessary for the development of the body, so you can advise, use multivitamin preparations.
    Remember, if your child does not have enough "building materials", then he will take them away from his mother, only then he will have to pay you with diseases of teeth and bones, blood, etc. Special attention should be given to such mineral substances as calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, iodine and vitamins of group B, vitamins C, A, D, E.
    In case of intractable problems - seek advice from a women's consultation, where they will tell you how to keep your own and your child's health.