
Treatment of polyps of the uterus with folk remedies

  • Treatment of polyps of the uterus with folk remedies

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    Read the article:
    • What is a uterine polyp: symptoms, causes formation
    • Treatment of uterine polyps folk remedies: homemade recipes
    • Prevention and useful tips on how to prevent the formation of uterine polyps

    Home treatment of uterine polyps: folk recipes

    polyps - benign growths that are formedin the inner shell of the uterus. The main method used by traditional medicine is to remove them.

    To avoid surgical intervention, it is possible to get rid of tumors with the help of traditional medicine, the means of which are absolutely safe, effective and have no side effects.

    What is uterine polyp: symptoms, causes formation ^

    polyp - a benign seal the uterine cavity, referred to as endometrial polyp in the uterus or in the uterine canal - cervical polyp cervical canal.

    Polyp in the uterus: symptoms

    • Irregular menstruation;
    • Copious bleeding during menstruation;
    • Mucous white discharge from the vagina;
    • Bloody discharge after sexual intercourse due to irritation of the polyp;
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    • Spotting blood between menstruation;
    • Pain in the lower abdomen - with neoplasms of large size.

    Factors contributing to the formation of polyps in the uterus - abortion, mechanical impact, hormonal failure, ovarian inflammation, genital diseases, weak immunity, stress, and nervous breakdown.

    The dangers that carry the endometrial polyp and the polyp on the cervix are:

    • Spontaneous miscarriages and infertility;
    • Rebirth into a cancerous tumor;
    • Bleeding.

    Depending on the tissues forming polyp, they are classified into the following types - glandular, fibrous, glandular - fibrosa, adenomatous, or preneoplastic and placenta.

    The question "can I get pregnant with a polyp in the uterus", there are two options for answers. In the event that the seal is small and asymptomatic, pregnancy is possible. However, with a strong growth and a pronounced concomitant symptomatology, the conception of the child is completely excluded. Treatment of uterine polyps

    national agents: home recipes ^

    Folk treatment of uterine polyp: home recipes

    Folk remedies used to treat uterine polyps only effective enough when diagnosing an early stage of the disease. In the presence of large and large polyps, the only method of treatment is surgical removal.

    Treatment of glandular polyps in the uterus

    • Five tablespoonsdry chopped borage uterus put in a bottle, pour 0.5 liters of quality vodka and place for two weeks in a dark place, periodically shaking it.
    • Finished medicine should be consumed three times daily before meals, 40 drops each.

    Treatment of glandular - fibrous polyps in the uterus

    • buckthorn oil Soak cotton - gauze, put it into the vagina at bedtime. Number of procedures - 14.
    • Root the burdock and dandelion on a teaspoon in a glass of boiling water for an hour, after which to use during the day.

    Treatment of adenomatous polyps in the uterus

    • Prepare a collection of two parts of rose hips with nettles and three parts of cowberry.
    • The resulting composition of 8 tbsp.brew 500 ml of boiling water for 4 hours.
    • Ready infusion should be divided twice and consumed throughout the day.

    Treatment of polyps in the uterus of the calendula

    • Combine three tablespoons.calendula with st.l. St. John's wort and celandine.
    • The resulting mixture should be placed in a jar and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water for six hours.
    • Ready infusion should be filtered and used twice daily for douching.

    Treatment of polyps in the uterus mummy

    • Mumie should be taken on an empty stomach on a single tablet, washed down with a glass of warm milk.
    • Duration of the course of treatment - 20 days, then a break for a month, after which the procedure must be repeated.

    Treatment of polyps in the uterus with onion

    • Whole peeled onion bake in the oven, then grind in a blender.
    • Put the mixture on a bandage, form a swab and insert before going to bed deep into the vagina.

    Treatment of polyps in the uterus celandine

    • . To fill the Lithuanian jar with fresh celandine, pour it with boiling water, warm it and insist 3-4 hours.
    • Use this infusion three times daily for 1 tsp, gradually increasing the norm to 100 ml by the end of the week.

    Treatment of polyps in the uterus of the nettle

    • Six tsp.nettle with four teaspoons.cranberries and two ch.hips.
    • After the collection has been crushed and mixed, take 4 tbsp.ready mix, brew them 200 ml of boiling water and insist for 5 hours.
    • Healing infusion should be taken twice a day in a glass.

    Treatment of polyps in the uterus with a golden mustache

    • Take 35 joints of a golden mustache, pour 500 ml of natural vodka for 10 days.
    • Take this infusion should be twice a day before meals of 20 drops, diluted in 100 ml of water.
    • Duration of consumption of infusion - a month.

    Treatment of polyps in the uterus of garlic

    • Tooth clamp of large garlic, lay on a double-layered gauze, form a tampon( garlic inside), thread its ends and insert it into the vagina for the night.
    • Number of procedures - 10.
    • Treatment of erosion of polyps in the uterus with propolis
    • 5 gr.crushed propolis pour 100 ml of boiling water, wait a few minutes.
    • After this, moisten the tampon in the resulting solution and gently enter overnight into the vagina.

    Treatment of polyps in the uterus with herbs

    Assemble the herbs:

    • Five tablespoonsknotweed;
    • Ст.л.chamomile;
    • Two tbsp.oak bark;
    • Three tablespoonsnettle.
    • All components must be crushed and mixed thoroughly.
    • Then put three tablespoons into a pan.collect, pour it with water, boil for 5 minutes, then cool.
    • Use a carefully filtered decoction for douches.
    We also recommend that you read the article Treatment of cervical erosion with folk remedies.

    Prevention and useful advice how to prevent the formation of uterine polyps ^

    Preventive measures that can prevent the formation of uterine polyps are as follows:

    • The use of protective contraception;
    • Careful pregnancy planning;
    • Regular examination with a gynecologist;
    • Minimizing stressful situations;
    • Detection of infectious diseases of genital organs at early stages.

    In addition to these recommendations, special attention should be given to enhancing the immune system, which is an important barrier to various diseases. For this, you can use not only fortified herbal preparations, berries( raspberries, sea buckthorn, cowberry, viburnum), sour-milk products, fresh fruits, vegetables, but also to lead a healthy full-fledged lifestyle, resort to hardening, exclude stress and take mineral-vitamin preparations.