
Treatment of uterine myoma with folk remedies without surgery

  • Treatment of uterine myoma with folk remedies without surgery

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    Read in the article:
    • What is uterine fibroids: symptoms, signs, types
    • Uterine fibroids: treatment without surgery folk remedies
    • Prevention and useful tips how to prevent the formation of uterine fibroids

    Home treatment of uterine fibroids: folk recipes

    Myoma of the uterus is a kind of gynecologicaldiseases that occur in women of childbearing age.

    In the early stages, this tumor can be eliminated with the help of medicinal pharmacological drugs prescribed by a doctor and various popular techniques available in the traditional medicine.

    However, if there is a rapid growth of uterine fibroids, severe bleeding and other undesirable complications, surgical intervention is required.

    What is uterine fibroids: symptoms, signs, types ^

    Myoma of the uterus( leiomyoma, fibromyoma) is considered a single or multiple benign tumor localized in the myometrium or uterine muscle layer. The main causes that accompany the formation of uterine fibroids include:

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    • Hormonal disorders;
    • Mechanical influence - traumatic births, frequent abortions, diagnostic curettage;
    • Late or early sexual activity.

    The appearance of fibroids is usually indicated by the following symptoms:

    • Abundant discharge( whites);
    • Abundant, painful and prolonged menstruation;
    • Pain in the lower back and lower abdomen;
    • Obstructed urination, regular constipation.

    Depending on the site of localization in the uterine region, the myoma is divided into the following species: subserous, submucous, intraligamentary, interstitial( intermuscular), myoma of the cervix and fibroids.

    Treatment of uterine myoma with folk remedies is very effective with the regular use of decoctions and infusions of herbs. Phytotherapy is one of the safest methods of treating myomas, which allows you to get rid of these tumors. Of particular popularity in folk medicine use the following popular means for home treatment of uterine fibroids:

    • Honey, propolis;
    • Medicinal plants - aloe, celandine, boron uterus, burdock, red brush, raspberry, nettle, yarrow, chaga and comfrey;
    • Berries - a viburnum, a mountain ash, a dogrose;
    • Oils - fir, sea buckthorn and others.

    When diagnosing this disease, the treatment of uterine fibroids at home should be accompanied by a certain diet, which should be composed of plant foods rich in fiber and protein foods.

    In addition, in the presence of fibroids in the uterus, thermal procedures are strictly excluded - baths, saunas, hot baths and prolonged exposure to the sun. Effective, simple and affordable folk methods of treating uterine fibroids will help to reduce the tumor, restore the work of the affected organ and normalize the hormonal background without resorting to surgery.

    Uterine fibroids: treatment without surgery with folk remedies ^

    Folk treatment of uterine fibroids: home recipes

    Submucous myoma: treatment

    • Place in a glass container 200 g.fresh honey, 100 ml of medical alcohol, 100 gr.chopped fresh herb celandine, shake well and remove for five days.
    • After the tincture is ready, it should be taken before eating one dessert spoon, washing it with tsp.of linseed oil.

    Sub-serous fibroids: treatment

    • Remove the leaves of the three-year-old aloe, put it in a blender, grind it, then mix the aloe vera from the glass with 450 ml of Cahors and 1.5 cups of fresh honey.
    • Place the mixture in a glass container and put it in a dark place for five days. Ready curative tincture( along with the contents) should be consumed by ch.l.before meals three times daily.

    Interstitial myoma: treatment of

    • Prepare a collection - equal parts of the bilberry bark, blueberry leaves, plantain, calendula, spores, fruits of mountain ash, milk thistle.
    • Two tbsp.mixed herbs, put together with two glasses of water in a saucepan, boil for three minutes and remove from heat.
    • Hot broth to pour into the thermos, insist an hour, then take during the day in small portions.
    • This procedure should be performed between menstruation.

    Intraligamentary myoma: treatment

    • Place in the thermos 5 gr. Roots of burdock and two glasses of boiling water for 12 hours.
    • The herbal infusion obtained should be consumed at least 4 times a day for 100 ml.
    • The duration of the procedure is a month, after which 10 days break.

    Treatment of cervical fibroids

    • Place in l.red brush with st.l.sporish, pour the grass with boiling water, wrap it and insist for three hours.
    • Infusion should be divided into two and take it for two days three meals a day before meals.

    Fibromyoma( fibroma) of the uterus: treatment with folk remedies

    • Three parts of the viburnum bark pour in a dark bottle 30 parts of vodka and insist a week. The resulting tincture should be consumed 30 drops before meals three times each day.
    • Every day, instead of the usual tea, brew tea from the leaves and flowers of the wild strawberry. In tea it is desirable to add hips, raspberry or honey.

    Treatment of uterine myoma with propolis

    • Wet the gauze swab in propolis oil and inject it into the vagina for 10 days.
    • Propolis tincture 20% diluted in a glass of warm water in an amount of 20 drops and take before meals. The number of daily procedures is three.

    Treatment of uterine fibroids with celandine

    • Clean the bowl well, grind it in a meat grinder or blender, then squeeze out the juice.
    • To half a glass of juice add half a glass of alcohol and a glass of honey liquid, mix everything and insist for a week in a dark place.
    • The finished product is taken by st.l.before meals about two months.

    Treatment of fibroids with a borax uterus

    • Three tablespoonsBoletus uterus placed in a liter of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes.
    • The resulting broth must be divided into three doses and consumed during the day.

    Treatment of myoma of the uterus with herbs

    • By st.l.sage, raspberry leaves, nettle, yarrow and sponges put in a jar, pour boiling water and insist for two hours.
    • A strained infusion should be consumed three times a day for 100 ml, and at night they should do the douching procedure.
    We also recommend that you read the article Treatment of ovarian cysts with folk remedies.

    Prevention and useful advice on how to prevent the formation of uterine fibroids ^

    The main preventive measures that are necessary to prevent the formation of uterine fibroids in women are as follows:

    • Regular visit to a gynecologist;
    • Compliance with a healthy and correct lifestyle;
    • No frequent abortions;
    • Breastfeeding a child;
    • Balanced nutrition and intake of vitamins;
    • Harmonious and regular sex life.