  • Treatment of meningitis with folk remedies

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    Read the article:
    • What is meningitis: symptoms, causes, types
    • Treatment of meningitis with folk remedies: home prescriptions
    • Prevention and helpful tips on how to avoid a meningitis disease

    Home treatment for meningitis: folk remedies

    Meningitis is an extremely dangerous disease that is on10th among causes of death from infectious ailments.

    According to the statistics of our country, the peak of diseases of meningitis is in the cold season, that is, late autumn, winter and early spring.

    What is meningitis: symptoms, causes, types ^

    Meningitis is an inflammatory process in the membranes of the brain and spinal cord. The causative agents of the disease are viruses and bacteria.

    Most often this disease affects children and elderly people due to unformed or weakened immunity. It is important to remember that curing meningitis at home is strictly prohibited, because wrong or untimely therapy can cause very serious complications.

    Types of meningitis:

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    • depending on the nature of the inflammation( serous, purulent);
    • , depending on the cause of inflammation( bacterial, viral, fungal);
    • depending on the course of the disease( reactive, acute, subacute and chronic).

    Causes of the disease:

    • viruses or bacteria that affect the soft shells of the brain;
    • enteroviruses that enter the body with food, dirt;
    • infection with streptococcus neonates at the time of delivery;
    • complications after mumps, rubella, otitis, sinusitis, etc.;
    • head injury;
    • bites of insects or infected rodents;
    • contact with people who are sick with nasopharyngitis or meningococcemia.

    Symptoms of meningitis

    • Initial signs of the disease often resemble those of a common cold or flu. In patients, the body temperature rises, there is weakness and pain in the muscles. After a while, the symptoms characteristic of the disease appear. These include:
    • Strong pain in the head. With this, the pain spreads all over the head, grows at such a speed that it becomes unbearable. It is accompanied by strong vomiting and is greatly strengthened if the patient changes the position of the body.
    • If a person is struck by meningococcus, a rash appears on his body. It can be in the form of small rashes, if the shape is light, and in the form of large cherry-colored spots, if the shape is heavy.
    • Confused Consciousness.
    • Lesion of cranial nerves causing strabismus.
    • Muscle tension in the nape.
    • In infants up to the year, the disease manifests itself in the form of seizures, diarrhea, vomiting, a raspberry ripple, severe anxiety and refusal to eat.

    Treatment of meningitis with folk remedies: home remedies ^

    Folk treatment of meningitis: home recipes

    Treatment of meningitis by folk methods is possible only if home recipes will complement traditional therapy. In any case, all actions should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

    Treatment of viral meningitis

    Viral meningitis, as a rule, manifests itself against such infectious diseases as rubella or chicken pox. Lime decoction is used as an adjunct to drug therapy. This medicine has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. In addition, it effectively increases immunity.

    • To make lime tea, brew ¼ cup lime-colored liters of boiling water.
    • After the medicine is consumed for 10-15 minutes, it can be consumed.
    • The recommended dose is ½ cup three times a day.

    Treatment of bacterial meningitis

    Bacterial meningitis is caused by the penetration into the body of bacteria such as meningococcus, pneumococcus, hemophilic rod. Symptoms of this form of the disease are very severe.

    To relieve the condition of a person having the bacterial form of meningitis, it is possible with the help of a lavender-colored infusion:

    • It is necessary to add 3 spoons of dried lavender in 400 ml of boiling water.
    • To use infusion recommended one glass in the morning and before going to bed.

    Treatment of reactive meningitis

    Reactive meningitis is sometimes called fulminant, as it can become fatal for a patient in a matter of hours. Therefore, his therapy should be started immediately.

    Auxiliary and anticonvulsant potion is easy to prepare:

    • Should be mixed in a spoonful of lavender, valerian root, primrose, mint leaves and rosemary.
    • Spoon the spoon with a glass of boiling water, insist and after 5 hours strain.
    • Take ¼ cup before each meal.

    Treatment of serous meningitis

    It is possible to relieve the patient's condition with serous meningitis with mint. This medicine is an effective supplement to drug therapy.

    • Mix 20 grams of mint leaves, lemon balm, coriander fruits and pour diluted alcohol( 200 ml of alcohol dilute 250 grams of water).
    • Stir the mixture for two days, after which make compresses, applying a gauze soaked with medicine to the temples and the back of the head.

    Treatment of encephalitic meningitis

    • To reduce pain during the disease, it is necessary to prepare infusion of fir needles.
    • Pine needles are also used for making soothing baths.

    It is worth remembering that the application of this folk method is possible only after consulting a specialist.

    Treatment of tuberculous meningitis

    In folk medicine to reduce pain during meningitis use decoctions of wormwood.

    • To make it, you should pour 2 tablespoons of herbs with 50 ml of boiling water.
    • The resulting mixture must be insisted for 2 hours and strain.
    • It is recommended to take a drug 50 ml 4 times a day.

    Treatment of meningitis with poppy seeds

    As it is known, it is possible to get rid of meningitis only with the help of in-patient treatment, which will be carried out under the close supervision of a specialist. As additional therapy it is recommended to use poppy tincture:

    • For its preparation, carefully grate the poppy seeds in a mortar or pass them through a meat grinder.
    • For every two teaspoons of poppy, you need to take a glass of hot milk.
    • Next, the ingredients should be mixed and placed in a thermos, insist all night.
    • Take the medicine on a tablespoon three times a day for an hour before a meal.

    Treatment of meningitis with cranberries

    Cranberries are a berry that alleviates pain and effectively reduces heat. Even in ancient times, this product was given to the sick in order to defeat the fever.

    Preparation of cranberry infusion is very simple:

    • It is necessary to break down a tablespoon of berries and pour them 200 ml of boiling water.
    • Then put in a thermos and insist 4-5 hours, then strain with gauze.
    • The prepared preparation is given to the patient on 75 ml three times a day.

    Treatment of meningitis by dog ​​rose

    For the treatment of meningitis, it is recommended to take a decoction of rose hips. He will relieve a severe headache, improve the general condition of the body, overcome weakness and apathy.

    The broth is prepared this way:

    • 1 tbsp.a spoonful of wild rose berries brewed with two glasses of boiled water, once again brought to a boil, insisted for a day, then filtered.
    • Take medicine is recommended 2 times a day for 100 ml.

    Treatment of meningitis with herbs

    • An excellent folk remedy that helps reduce pain and soothe a sick person - a decoction of chamomile. It is recommended to use it for the preparation of relaxing baths or for brewing tea.
    • This patient's disease is troubled by an unbearable headache. To eliminate it, you need to drink mint broth. It is only necessary to brew a tablespoon of leaves with a glass of boiling water, insist a few hours and strain.
    We also recommend that you read the article Treatment of scarlet fever folk remedies in children and adults.

    Prevention and useful advice on how to avoid the disease of meningitis ^

    Prevention of the disease includes the following activities:

    • Vaccination.
    • Restriction of contact with people who have meningitis.
    • Wash hands with soap after talking to a sick person.
    • Use of protective equipment when forced to be in the same room as the sick.
    • Correct and timely treatment of viral diseases.
    • Measures to improve immunity.

    We should add that one should take the disease very seriously, at the first signs, go to a medical institution.