
Buckwheat diet for 7 days, menu, slimming features on buckwheat and yogurt

  • Buckwheat diet for 7 days, menu, slimming features on buckwheat and yogurt

    Buckwheat diet for 7 days: a menu for a week and tips on how to vary your buckwheat ration

    Buckwheat is very nutritious, but at the same time it is considered a dietary product. It contains a large number of important trace elements, as well as rich in fiber and various nutrients. It is these properties that made this product popular in the field of weight loss. Buckwheat is included in different diets.


    To really reduce your weight on buckwheat porridge, you need to lose not less than a week. The fact is that the process of burning fat does not begin on the first or second day. Therefore buckwheat diet for 7 days is more effective than any other weight loss on this crop. Do not get up on the scales every day, you can feel the result and see it at the end of the week.

    It is possible that the tasteless porridge from buckwheat will become boring for some day. Therefore, you can slightly diversify your meager diet with a spoonful of soy sauce or a handful of dried fruits. Harm from these additional products will not be, but the mood of the slimming person will definitely rise. The main thing is not to get carried away, otherwise the effect of the diet will be worse than planned.

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    Menu for the week

    The buckwheat diet looks very simple: buckwheat groats and water. Ready porridge can not be seasoned with sugar or salt, or any aromatic additives.

    There are up to 6 times during the day, it all depends on the portions eaten. But it's better not to overeat. To not feel weakness during weight loss, it is recommended to take a number of multivitamins.

    The buckwheat diet menu for the week looks like this:

    • buckwheat, cooked in any quantity, by pouring with boiling water;
    • not less than 1,5 - 2 liters of liquid - mineral water without gas, pure water or phytotea.

    The basic rules of buckwheat weight loss

    How to lose weight in a buckwheat for a week? To this question no longer flashed in my head, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with several important nuances of the diet in Greek:

    1. It is necessary to remove all flavoring additives from the weekly diet.
    2. Buckwheat does not need to be cooked.
    3. Never add oil.
    4. Drink at least a liter of clean water during the day.
    5. Do not eat later than 6pm.
    6. You can not overexert.

    Exit from the

    diet For a week the human body gets used to new food, so it's necessary to leave the diet carefully. It is recommended to get used to a normal diet for at least one week. The main thing here is not to break and not eat everything that you so badly want. Every day you need to increase the consumption of calories gradually, without forgetting sometimes to eat buckwheat with the addition of oil and salt.

    During the adaptation period, you need to consume as much fruit and vegetables as possible.

    A buckwheat diet should not be performed more than once every 2 months to avoid vitamin depletion.


    Despite some hardness of the buckwheat diet, such food is also sparing. The peculiarity of the diet lies in the disproportionate amount of food eaten, and also in the absence of a time frame for eating. On the first day, it is advisable to eat not more than 700 grams of finished porridge to avoid overeating.

    Many monotonous buckwheat food can get boring, for such people there is a buckwheat-kefir diet 7 days. Kefir in this case it is recommended to drink for a while before eating or after eating. And you can just wash down buckwheat porridge.

    Some prefer to improve the taste by mixing steamed buckwheat with low-fat kefir. This mess and drink it is not necessary. Like any other, a diet with yogurt and buckwheat assumes a plentiful drink( a day to a half liters of still fresh warm water).It is due to the large inflow of fluid into the body that fat cells are cleaved at an accelerated rate.

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