  • Treatment of obesity with folk remedies

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    Read in the article:
    • What is obesity: causes, symptoms, types
    • Treatment of obesity at home: folk recipes
    • Prevention and helpful tips how to prevent the development of obesity

    Home obesity treatment: recipes and tips.

    Obesity can bring to its owner a lot of inconveniences and problems.

    Treatment of this pathological process should consist of a cardinal revision of the daily diet, exercise, the use of traditional medicine and, if necessary, drug therapy.

    What is obesity: causes, symptoms, types ^

    Under obesity is understood a serious disease, which is characterized by excessive weight gain due to fat deposits. Clinical manifestations of this process are as follows:

    • Adipose tissue deposition in the buttocks, thighs, back of the neck, abdomen, mammary glands and other parts of the body;
    • Rapid fatigue, drowsiness, sweating, shortness of breath, increased appetite.

    The most common reasons for obesity are:

    • Hereditary factor;
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    • Uncontrolled eating( bulimia);
    • Diseases of the kidney, endocrine or nervous system and digestive system;
    • Psychogenic overeating;
    • Reception of psychotropic or hormonal preparations.

    Obesity can also be exposed to internal organs - liver, heart, pancreas, etc. The main forms of the disease include - 1,2,3,4 degrees, abdominal( upper), femur - gluteal or lower, intermediate, primary, secondary, endocrine and cerebral.

    Traditional treatment of obesity suggests using as a medicine products of plant origin, which are aimed at increased calorie burning, excretion of slag from the body, dulling hunger, improving metabolic processes, diuretic and diuretic action. For this folk medicine is used to use the following available folk remedies for obesity:

    • Healing herbs - alfalfa, burdock, dandelion, flax, hawthorn, senna leaves, parsley, buckthorn, etc.;
    • Food - garlic, pumpkin, lemons, beets;
    • Berries - mountain ash, raspberry, viburnum.

    These funds are directed not only to internal use in the form of teas or decoctions for weight loss, but also to external effects in the form of relaxing restorative baths.

    Treatment of obesity in children

    Therapy of childhood obesity is a very long process, as it is accompanied by increased motor activity, dietary nutrition without fasting and overeating.

    The goal of the curative diet for obesity is to stop the processes by formation and further deposition of adipose tissue in the subcutaneous tissue and internal organs.

    If the deposition of fats contributes to the disease, then it is advisable to add medication to physical activity with diet therapy.

    Treatment of obesity in adolescents

    Adolescents are exposed to this disease for two reasons - overeating or the presence of concomitant diseases. This process is undesirable for adolescents, because they have not only psychological problems, but also the development of intractable diseases.

    Treatment of obesity by household means presupposes the presence of dietary nutrition, the use of vitamin and mineral complexes and the intake of medicines that suppress appetite.

    The treatment course must be accompanied by physical activity - aerobic exercise, swimming, athletics, etc.

    Treatment of obesity at home: folk recipes ^

    Folk obesity treatment: home recipes.

    Treatment of obesity of 1 degree

    • Fruits of gooseberries in dry form, pour water( st.l./200 ml), boil for 10 minutes, then drink during the day before eating for four meals.
    • Collected in equal parts of the collection - fruits of mountain ash, leaves of cranberries with black currant, chamomile, peppermint, take 10 gr., Put them in a thermos with 350 ml of boiling water for three hours. After insisting, drain the decoction, take half the glass before meals for four meals a day.

    Treatment of obesity of 2 degrees

    Excellent to improve the metabolism will help the following healing tea:

    • Prepare a mixture of their leaves of birch, walnut, strawberry, burdock roots, licorice, verbena, hop cones, string, glitter and elderberry.
    • Art. Spoon a mixture of brew in a glass of boiling water and eat like tea between meals.

    Treatment of obesity 3 degrees

    • Take st.l.herbs from the prepared collection, consisting of the infusion of buckthorn( 2 tablespoons) and st.l.parsley, peppermint and dandelion roots,
    • brew it in a glass of boiling water, then take in fresh 400 ml each morning.

    Treatment of abdominal obesity

    • Take 20 gr.leaf senna, dandelion, nettle, parsley with 10 gr.dill and mint, then mix.
    • Two tbsp.collection to fall asleep in a liter jar, pour boiling water, and then wrap it for two hours.
    • You need to drink a decoction in the first half of the day by two glasses.

    Treatment of morbid obesity

    • Before taking a bath add to the water a decoction of thyme, birch leaves, marigold and poplar, and then take it for 20 minutes.
    • From the collection consisting of blackberry, birch leaves, mother-and-stepmother, take st.l, put in a glass of boiling water for an hour, then take it in the morning and cook fresh before dinner.

    Treatment of obesity liver

    • Medium ripe pumpkin, rinse, top off, remove flesh with seeds, pour inside fresh May honey, then cover with cut part and remove pumpkin in a dark place for 10 days. Ready mixture pour into a jar, place in the refrigerator. Use the medicinal composition is necessary by st.l.thrice every day.
    • Collect the petals of flowering rose hips, dry, grind and in the amount of st.l.blend petals with ch.l.honey, then take in the evening with chamomile tea.

    Treatment of pancreatic obesity

    • Prepare a decoction of corn stigmas( tbsp for a glass) and consume during the day in two divided doses.
    • Extract of corn stigmas take before meals in the amount of 25 drops.

    Treatment of obesity by leeches

    Hirudotherapy is an excellent method of cleansing the body and normalizing its functions. Thanks to leeches, a person suffering from obesity, reduces cholesterol, blood is diluted and fats are split.

    Use leeches with a qualified technician.

    Treatment of obesity with water

    • Before occurrence of an acute desire to have a snack, take mineral non-carbonated water 1 glass, add 1 tablespoon to it.lemon juice and use.

    Treatment of obesity with honey

    • Put the patient on a flat surface, grease with honey the places of accumulation of fat and within 15 minutes produce jerky, sharp movements with the palms.
    • After massage, wrap the area with food film, leave for half an hour, then wash off honey.

    Treatment of obesity with herbs

    • Prepare a collection - mint leaves, lime blossom, fennel fruits, chamomile flowers, black elderberry.
    • Three tablespoonsherbs brew in 600 ml of boiling water and take in three meals during the day.
    We also recommend that you read the article Treatment of dyspnea with folk remedies.

    Prevention and useful tips how to prevent the development of obesity ^

    The basis of the fight against obesity is diet therapy, consisting of low-calorie useful products of plant origin and fiber. During this period, consumption of salt, liquid, animal fats and carbohydrates is limited.

    Fiber, contained in plant foods, is considered the "sanitar" of the intestine, since it is able to perfectly clean it, normalize and improve digestion.

    The second important healing technique is therapeutic gymnastics, the benefits of which are as follows:

    • Increases the tone of the nervous system;
    • Stimulated metabolism;
    • Fabrics are saturated with oxygen;
    • Normalized carbohydrate and fat metabolism;
    • Cardiovascular system is improving;
    • Decreased body weight.

    The main preventive measures to avoid obesity include:

    • Adherence to rational, balanced and healthy nutrition;
    • Exception from the food regime of harmful products - chips, carbonated drinks, sandwiches, etc.;
    • Presence of regular physical activity;
    • Weight control.