
Tides in women: how to cope with them, treatment options

  • Tides in women: how to cope with them, treatment options

    Tides in women are the most common signs of an advancing menopause. They give the woman a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. Therefore, do not tolerate these attacks, it is necessary to see a doctor.

    What are tides? This is a sudden rolling feeling of heat that appears in the upper part of the body. Until recently everything was normal, but then suddenly you begin to feel that somehow it became hot abruptly. On a skin there are "prickles" it seems that now zakipite. This is the tide in its beauty. Fighting this is unrealistic. You can only survive this hormonal reconstruction.

    Often the tides are accompanied by the appearance of spots and redness that cover the chest, neck and face. This increases heart rate, increases the overall body temperature and increases sweating. The duration of such tides can be from a few minutes to half an hour.

    Each woman has her own individual characteristics of the body, so these conditions in women can last from one year to one and a half years. But some suffer from hot flashes for about five years, and there are cases when they accompany women to the end of their lives.

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    Treatment of hot flashes

    Tides are caused by changes in the hormonal area. The level of the hormone estrogen falls due to the withering of the function of procreation. His contribution is also pituitary, regulating the yield of eggs remaining in the ovaries. A woman prepares to meet old age, the breeding season is over and the hormones required for fetal development are no longer needed.

    Note the factors that can provoke tides. Among them smoking, psychological stress, stress, alcohol, which dilates blood vessels. For the same reason, the use of excessive amounts of hot drinks. Food can also provoke such tides, this refers to spicy, salty foods and excessive consumption of spices.

    For effective treatment it is necessary to analyze the lifestyle and adjust it. It is advisable to give up harmful habits, use vitamins, including C and E. But always consult with a specialist. It is necessary to control the period of exposure to the sun and avoid temperature fluctuations.

    Gynecologists say that the correct treatment allows almost completely to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon.

    Video advices for doctors

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