Halotherapy( speleotherapy) - treatment with salt caves
Halotherapy: what diseases are treated in salt caves
For a variety of diseases, non-pharmacological treatment is very popular - halotherapy,which allows you to strengthen the immune system and forget about illness for a long time.
Halotherapy and speleotherapy: what is it?
Halotherapy( speleotherapy) is a non-medicamental treatment technique that creates an artificial microclimate that is as close as possible to the conditions of the salt clinics located under the ground.
This method began to be used 2,500 years ago in Asia, when the underground temple of the god Askelia was built, but now many people prefer it to additional therapeutic treatment.
Speleotherapy and halotherapy: what is the difference and benefit of
The main difference between the procedure of halotherapy and speleotherapy is that it creates artificial salt rooms( halochambers), while speleotherapy uses natural caves. According to the effect on human health, doctors do not see any difference, becausein both cases there are no microbes in the room, and special salt aerosols act on the body.
In general, the entire difference between two almost identical methods is as follows:
- The halotherapy apparatus sprays salt preparations, and for speleotherapy it is sufficient to finish the walls with mineral salts;
- For speleotherapy in nature, you do not need to recreate the cave microclimate, while in the halocameras special aerosols are used.
Speleotherapy: the pros and cons
In most cities the most popular is halotherapy, but it has almost the same advantages as speleotherapy:
- Does not give side effects;
- Do not become a cause of allergy;
- Favorably affects the bronchi and lungs, as well as all systems;
- The ions contained in the air destroy pathogens in the body;
- After treatment, remission in diseases increases.
What are the disadvantages of speleotherapy:
- If there are no services for chamber speleotherapy in the city, you will have to go to the cave - not everyone has such an opportunity;
- The method has not been sufficiently studied yet, and there is no official confirmation of its usefulness;
- In severe diseases, the effect may be mild.
Is it possible to have speleotherapy at home?
Halotherapy at home: benefit and effect
Speleotherapy: why is
used? For speleotargy and halotherapy, indications and contraindications are identical, becausethey successfully fight with many diseases:
- Weakened immunity;
- Frequent respiratory infections;
- Hyperhidrosis;
- Allergy to food and medicine;
- Problems with the cardiovascular system;
- Hypertension or hypotension;
- Rhinitis, adenoiditis, tonsillitis;
- Dermatospiratory syndrome.
Despite all harmless treatment of patients in salt caves( mines), mines, it is contraindicated in the following cases:
- FLU and ARVI;
- Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- Nasal bleeding;
- Bronchial asthma( for halotherapy);
- Acute form of infectious diseases.
Speleotherapy is especially useful during pregnancy: it improves mood and well-being, and also increases immunity, however, before the procedures it is necessary to consult a doctor.
As for speleotherapy with bronchial asthma, it is often used to prevent seizures, becausesalts eliminate edema and reduce bronchial hyperactivity.
How to conduct halotherapy at home
If there is no possibility to attend halotherapy sessions in the salon or clinic, you can do it at home by purchasing a special lamp made from salt crystals. Of course, this option will be less effective than a chamber or caveman, but to strengthen the immune system is still very useful. What should be the room for halotherapy:
- Area - minimum 3 sq. Km.m per person;
- Room - dry and heated.
The treatment itself starts with 2 hours a day, but in the future it is recommended to add daily for one hour before reaching 8 hours. The course ends with a gradual reduction in the duration of the session to 5 hours.
Treatment with speleotherapy: doctors' reviews and results ^
Many doctors recommend that patients suffering from chronic diseases in the stage of remission visit halochambers and caves, or conduct sessions at home in order to increase the protective functions of the immune system, because it depends on her well-being of each person.
Despite the unproved benefit of halotherapy, this technique is very popular in many cities thanks to "word of mouth": as a rule, people who passed it hasten to share positive emotions with their acquaintances.
Halotherapy in a salt cave and at home:
reviews Tatiana, 34 years old:
"I used to get sick very often, but after having undergone halotherapy, my cough and runny nose stopped worrying me every month, as it was before. Let and treatment cost me a little expensive, but now I'm completely healthy. "
Maria, 38 years old:
" The whole family decided to attend halotherapy simply to strengthen immunity,usually sick every winter. This time everything worked out, and for 3 months there were not even easy symptoms of a cold! »
Lyudmila, 48 years old:
« I do not have the opportunity to go to clinics, but I still found the finance because I had a lamp;I was very praised by her friend. I switched it on for several hours for two weeks to get rid of the pressure jumps, and I was able to normalize it more or less »