The role of the thyroid gland in the body
Thyroid gland diseases require timely diagnosis and treatment of
Thyroid gland is for a reason called a small conductor of a large orchestra, emphasizing this that for small dimensionsnorm about 15-20 grams), it plays a crucial role, masterfully managing the work of such a complex education as the human body.
The role of the thyroid gland in the human body ^
The thyroid gland is an important part of the complex endocrine system of man, along with the pituitary, adrenal, pancreas, thymus and sex glands. The main role of the endocrine glands lies in the fact that they produce biologically active substances - hormones.
These glands produce and release about 50 kinds of hormones into the blood. The thyroid gland produces only two types of hormones, thyroxine( T4) and triiodothyronine( T3), but which!
With their help, it regulates the metabolism in the body, the work of the cardiovascular and central nervous system, and also controls psycho-emotional and sexual activity.
It is from the work of the thyroid gland that the psychoemotional state of a person depends, that is, whether he is irritable, aggressive, quick-tempered and ready at any moment to lose his composure or, conversely, apathetic, passive and indifferent to everything.
These two hormones determine body temperature, heart rate, calorie burning rate and much more. In a healthy body these hormones are produced exactly as much as necessary for its normal work. But, if the thyroid gland fails, the necessary hormones begin to be produced more or less than normal, which is equally bad.
Causes and Symptoms of Hypothyroidism ^
Causes of hypothyroidism is a diminished function of the thyroid gland, in which the production of hormones becomes insufficient, which is manifested by lethargy, apathy, drowsiness, chilliness, fast fatigue, decreased immunity and slowed metabolism.
The main symptoms of hypothyroidism, which should be closely watched:
- appetite is reduced, but the weight grows,
- worsens bowel work, constipation appears,
- nails become thinner, they show grooves and thickenings.
Hypothyroidism begins imperceptibly, and all these symptoms, you see, we are usually easily explained by stress, fatigue and fatigue. Instead of testing your thyroid gland on the level of hormones and normalizing the metabolism, we sit down on diets, the result of which will not be, and the harm by the unbalanced diet that is typical of almost all diets, we add.
The main causes of hypothyroidism, according to doctors:
- inflammation of the thyroid tissue,
- congenital thyroid abnormalities,
- thyroid injury,
- radioactive irradiation,
- deficient function of pituitary hormones,
- various transferred operations,
- deficiency in iodine.
Doctors advise you to adjust your diet so that iodine-containing foods such as sea kale, sea fish, citrus fruits, beets, potatoes, tomatoes are always on the table.
Most of all iodine is found in sea kale and fish, in other products it is relatively small. But, it is worth noting that everything is good in moderation, and food products containing iodine, too, do not need to be abused.
For example, a dish of Japanese cuisine such as rolls, so popular now, contains too much iodine, because it uses algae that can negatively affect the thyroid gland. According to dieticians, one roll contains up to 92 micrograms of iodine, while its daily intake rate is only 150 micrograms. Therefore, doctors advise to use no more than 2-3 rolls per week.
Causes and symptoms of hyperthyroidism ^
Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism: the symptoms are opposite
Symptoms and causes of hyperthyroidism are the opposite of hypothyroidism, since with this disease the thyroid gland begins to produce hormones over the norm and its function rises.
The main symptoms of hyperthyroidism:
- , the person sharply grows thin,
- experiences a constant feeling of hunger,
- often diarrhea,
- becomes irritable and aggressive,
- his fingers and eyelids tremble,
- the most frequent symptoms of hypertension appear - palpitations and high blood pressure.
In addition, hyperthyroidism often becomes the main cause of insomnia and dangerous complications during pregnancy. Pregnancy in hyperthyroidism requires compulsory compensation of the disease, because excess hormones affect the fetus extremely toxic and can cause its death and various deformities.
Also in patients with hyperthyroidism often there is a so-called "pop-eyed", which creates additional problems of a cosmetic nature and often complexes. Such patients often address complaints to cardiologists, treat the heart and blood vessels, and they just need to normalize the function of their thyroid gland to stop problems with the heart and pressure.
According to the famous physician and scientist SP Botkin, the main causes of hyperthyroidism:
- neuropsychiatric disorders,
- depression,
- emotional breakdowns that disrupt the function of the thyroid gland.
Hyperthyroidism is often called a "professional" disease of singers and artists, because the work makes them all the time "on the fence", in a tense state. In many patients, the primary cause of the disease was a trauma, along with adverse heredity.
It's not for nothing that many doctors ask you to make ultrasound thyroid glands and give blood to hormones before you make a diagnosis, because the root of many diseases lies in abnormalities in the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are equally dangerous and require treatment to the doctor, because, in the absence of treatment, the listed symptoms not only do not disappear, but increase with time.
If you notice any iodine scratches when you notice iodine traces disappearing quickly( for example, when there is no residue in the evening, there are no traces left), then, most likely, iodine in your body is not enough. And if you, besides this, notice the signs of thyroid diseases listed in this article, then be sure to give blood at the first opportunity to hormones, primarily TSH( thyroid-stimulating hormone).This analysis will show one hundred percent if you have any thyroid diseases.
If there are any deviations in the tests, do not panic, do not be afraid to contact your doctor. Believe me, thyroid diseases are not terrible, their consequences are terrible, when people are not treated. Do not be afraid of the "terrible" word hormones, having heard the horrors of incompetent people. The hormone thyroxine, which is prescribed for drinking with insufficient thyroid function, consists of only 4 atoms of iodine - as you can see, there is nothing terrible in it, it is completely harmless.
Endocrinologists also argue that the more and more people are nervous, the more strained his thyroid gland. Therefore, do not bring your health to a critical state, all you need is to protect your nerves and the nerves of your loved ones and regularly undergo medical examinations, thereby preserving your health.