
Signs of a stiff pregnancy - frozen pregnancy

  • Signs of a stiff pregnancy - frozen pregnancy

    Frozen pregnancy is a difficult test for any family, and it does not matter when it happened: early or late. This is a great grief that can be avoided if one knows the possible causes of this phenomenon.

    From the very beginning it is necessary to understand what a frozen pregnancy is, and how to recognize it, and also what you need to do to never face this painful, and sometimes quite dangerous phenomenon.

    If the fetus stopped developing and died on the 28th week, this is a frozen pregnancy. Causes can be both genetic disorders in the embryo, and mother's bad habits. More in detail, hardly below, and now it would be desirable to talk about signs of the stopped pregnancy.

    So, the first signs of a frozen pregnancy. In a short time, usually, the frozen pregnancy is not manifested in any way and, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to calculate it. But a little later, there may be pains that are similar to contractions, and also discharge as at the end of menstruation: bloody and smearing. At this point, the detachment of the fetal egg begins, resulting in miscarriage.

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    Ultrasound with a stiff pregnancy

    To minor signs of a stagnant pregnancy for a short period of time:

    • termination of toxicosis and soreness of the breast( in those, of course, who it was);
    • decrease in basal temperature;
    • lack of movement in the fetus( late).

    It can not be left without attention, and if you start to notice something suspicious, you should immediately go to the doctor. In this case, it is better to be safe. As at all signs can be different or in general there is no.

    What signs of a dead pregnancy are considered the most accurate?

    You can take a blood test for hCG( chorionic gonadotropin) - a human hormone that is produced by the placenta during pregnancy. If the level of HCV is lower than it should be at the rate, this indicates a frozen pregnancy.

    Another option: to do an ultrasound( ultrasound) - it will show the absence of a fetal heartbeat. Or, you can go to a gynecologist, where the doctor will determine the compliance of the size of the uterus with the period of pregnancy. With a dead pregnancy, the uterus is usually less than necessary.

    Causes of frozen pregnancy

    There are several reasons for the risk of a frozen pregnancy:
    1. The very first thing that can cause such a terrible phenomenon is what every future mother knows, but, unfortunately, does not always attach importance to it. I would like to remind once again that smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages is not recommended not only during pregnancy, but also when planning a baby;
    2. Do not take any medications not prescribed by your doctor. In each of them there is an abstract, which must be read before use, and if there is a contraindication for pregnant women, then, naturally, it is not worth using. Of course, there is such a situation that the expectant mother does not know that she is pregnant and takes any medications. At an early date of up to two weeks, nothing terrible will happen, but the doctor must definitely say;
    3. Infection in pregnancy Infections are a terrible enemy of pregnancy. And not so terrible infections are chronic, as acquired during pregnancy. And such "childhood sores" like rubella or chicken pox can lead to fetal development anomaly;
    4. Another reason is the insufficiency of such a pregnancy hormone as progesterone. Signs of this can be persistent delays in menstruation( irregular cycle), increased hair growth on the face, breast, nipples;
    5. The cause may be a negative Rh factor in a future mother;
    6. If the body of a future mother lacks the hormone of the chorionic gonadotropin, which protects the fetus from the immune system of the mother, then the body gets a command to get rid of the "alien object", which it actually does, leading to a stiff pregnancy or miscarriage;
    7. Genetic abnormalities in the fetus are probably the most common cause of a dead pregnancy. Nature is smarter than us and does not allow us to develop an unhealthy embryo.

    Normal course of pregnancy

    What to do to make pregnancy proceed normally?

    1. Undergo a hormonal examination, take tests for all kinds of infections and, possibly, undergo a course of treatment if there is a need for it;
    2. Make analysis for compatibility of partners;
    3. Make an ultrasound scan;
    4. If the future mother is at the risk of infection( working with children and in childhood did not tolerate such diseases as rubella or chickenpox), then it is worth to vaccinate somewhere 3-4 months before the planning of pregnancy. If there are sexually transmitted infections, you should initially take care of the treatment. If it happened that pregnancy became a surprise, a gynecologist can prescribe antiviral drugs, but only under his supervision;
    5. To be engaged in strengthening immunity. To drink vitamins for pregnant women, fully to eat;
    6. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and regularly visit a gynecologist.
    Recovery after abortion

    If a still frozen pregnancy has occurred, it is solved by vacuum aspiration in the early stages and "cleaned" at later stages. Sometimes, with the help of medications, only under the supervision of a doctor.

    After a frozen pregnancy it is recommended to wait at least half a year or a year before the new one to restore the body morally and physically, undergo a course of examinations, take tests, and receive medical treatment.

    And although the standard treatment is not provided in this case and it all depends on the reasons that caused this state of pregnancy, all the same it is necessary to work out all the directions so that the frozen pregnancy does not happen again.

    It happens that the treatment may not be necessary, if the tests show a good result, and all the indicators are normal. This may mean that a genetic malfunction has occurred, and this will not happen again. Well, if the frozen pregnancy occurred not for the first time, then in any case it will be necessary to be treated.