
The test is negative, and there are pregnancies: the reasons when the test shows the wrong result

  • The test is negative, and there are pregnancies: the reasons when the test shows the wrong result

    More and more girls are asking about the fact that pregnancy tests show the wrong result. There are cases when the test is negative, and there is pregnancy, or the situation may be reversed - a non-pregnant girl can see a positive result. Why is this happening? There may be several reasons.

    To begin with, before doing the test, carefully read the instructions for use and only then do it, since most cases of untrue results are hidden in the incorrect application of the pregnancy test.

    The choice of a test for checking for pregnancy is also important.

    There are several types of tests: inkjet, flatbed, electronic, test strips. All of them unequivocally show the result with a confidence of at least 95%.The highest result depends on how it is used, and also in what conditions it was stored.

    The reason that the test shows the wrong result may be a low level of the hormone HCG, which is responsible for maintaining the pregnancy in the first weeks. Probably, the term is very short and therefore the reagent on the test does not react to the changes.

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    In order to make sure of the result, you need to do a second test in a week or check with a more sensitive test.

    Each woman should be tested by a gynecologist at least once a half a year, so handling the question of the incomprehensible test result to the gynecologist should not embarrass you. If you have doubts, donate blood to HCG, this procedure gives a 100% result even on a small period.

    Another method is possible: go to ultrasound, this study will help you understand the correctness of the result( only at a time not earlier than 4 weeks).

    Do not want too much of a certain result, because disappointment can be overwhelming. Make several checks to be sure of the result, and only after that draw a conclusion.

    There are a number of other cases where the test shows a negative result during pregnancy.

    Incorrect use of the

    test To obtain a reliable result, you must carefully read the instructions and perform the test strictly according to the instructions. Otherwise, you can get the wrong result. In addition, a false pregnancy test can be and if it was incorrectly stored, the expiration date has expired, or the test is substandard or defective.

    Taking medication

    A negative result in pregnancy can also be if you used diuretics or a medicine before testing. Diluted urine contains less hCG, so early in the test it is better to conduct the test in the morning. In addition, if you drank too much liquid in the evening, the pregnancy test may be negative even in the morning.

    Pathological processes in a woman's body

    If a pregnant woman has various diseases of the internal organs, in particular, the kidneys, then the test can also show a false negative result. This is due to the fact that in renal diseases hCG in the analysis of urine remains at a low level.

    Pathology of development of pregnancy

    There are cases when pregnancy continues on a monthly basis, and the test shows a negative result. This is most often an ectopic pregnancy.

    Also a false-negative result can be observed with an abnormality of fetal development, frozen pregnancy, placental fetal insufficiency or the threat of miscarriage. Therefore, if you suspect that conception has occurred, but you see 1 strip on the pregnancy test - contact the gynecologist immediately.

    There are a lot of cases when the test gives the wrong result, but this does not mean that it is in your case that there will be an error. However, most of the women in this way find out that they are in a "position", and go to the waiting status of the baby.

    Video materials on the topic of the article

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