
How to cause childbirth independently at home

  • How to cause childbirth independently at home

    Childbirth can be safely called a sacrament, led by nature itself. However, there are moments in life that require human intervention in this process. People want to know how to induce birth for several reasons.

    6 reasons why it is necessary to provoke childbirth

    First, it is a pregnant pregnancy. Usually the deadline for a normal pregnancy is 42 weeks, if the condition of the fetus requires the initiation of labor, then this is done.

    Secondly, the presence of Rh-conflict. If the antibody titer increases despite treatment, then in order to avoid a threat to the life of the child, birth can occur.

    Third, the preparatory period for labor is difficult and pathological.

    Fourth, placental abruption.

    Fifth, late gestosis.

    Sixth, the absence of labor in the presence of over-amniotic fluid.

    Ways how to accelerate the onset of labor

    We will not consider medical methods, as they are conducted by specialists in medical institutions. Among the most famous methods is making love. At the same time, copulation should be very gentle, excessive activity can harm the fetus.

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    However, there are also contra-indications here. This is the lack of confidence in the partner's infection. And also a low location or placenta previa.

    Exercise can help trigger the birth of . At a moderate pace, you can do cleaning with washing floors, climb and descend the stairs, crouch. It is better to make long walks, visit the pool, do dancing and yoga.

    Folk methods

    The basis of the methods is eating food with parsley and beets. In addition, you can make an enema with a solution of salt with water( per liter of tablespoon of salt) and drink castors about 50 grams. In general, an enema can cause the appearance of uterine contractions.

    The contraction of the muscles of the uterus is affected by the hormone oxytocin, which is produced by irritating the nipples. But stimulate and knead the breast intensively, and at the same time, gently. It is important not to damage the nipples, healing is a painful process, especially during the period of feeding.

    Video advices for medics

    40th week - how to cause childbirth:

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    How to cause labor contractions at home:

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