  • Treatment of radiculitis folk remedies

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    Read in the article:
    • What is radiculitis: causes, symptoms, types
    • Treatment of radiculitis in the home: folk recipes
    • Prevention and useful advice how to avoid exacerbations of sciatica

    How to treat sciatica at home: folk remedies.

    Patient with traditional medicine radiculitis is assigned bed rest, physiotherapy, therapeutic gymnastics and massage, taking anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.

    However, in addition to medical procedures, this disease is successfully treated with a variety of folk remedies available in the medicine cabinet.

    What is radiculitis: causes, symptoms, types ^

    Radiculitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the spinal cord roots( nerve fibers).

    Symptoms that are typical for the appearance of radiculitis are as follows:

    • The onset of pain( persistent, dull, sharp, acute or intermittent) in the foci of root inflammation;
    • Motion limitation;
    • Decreased muscle strength;
    • Numbness.

    The occurrence of this process is accompanied by the following factors:

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    • Osteochondrosis, rheumatism, intervertebral hernia, salt deposition;
    • Overcooling¸ stress, lifting heavy objects and loading on the spine;
    • Disturbance of metabolic processes or infectious diseases.

    Depending on the location of damage to the spinal roots or nerves, the radiculitis is divided into the following clinical types - cervical, cervical, thoracic, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and lumbosacral.

    The danger of the disease consists in its transition from the acute form to the chronic form, which is characterized by regular exacerbations. Severe effects of radiculitis are numbness of the limbs, paralysis or disruption of the pelvic organs.

    Traditional treatment of radiculitis uses for natural healing techniques natural substances and products, combining which can effectively remove inflammation and provide a rapid analgesic effect. However, for folk medicine, it is necessary to produce radiculitis treatment at home, the conditions of which allow preparing the necessary prescription.

    In folk remedies for the treatment of sciatica most often include:

    • Bee products, incl.bees;
    • Medicinal plants - chamomile, burdock, sage, horse chestnut fruit, birch leaves, etc.;
    • Kerosene, turpentine, mustard powder or mustard plasters;
    • Oils - olive, cream, fir, camphor.

    The garlic, horseradish, radish, salt, potatoes, badger fat and red pepper are still the most popular, with the help of which the popular treatment of radiculitis is successfully carried out with home remedies.

    Home treatment for radiculitis uses these products to prepare local warming, analgesics and anti-inflammatory compresses, applications, ointments and baths.

    Treatment of radiculitis in the home: folk recipes ^

    Treating radiculitis with home remedies: recipes.

    Treatment of acute sciatica

    • In a container of dark glass, pour a bottle of cologne "Triple", two small bubbles of iodine 3%, two small vials of valerian and add two large chopped pods of bitter red pepper.
    • After connecting all components, the container must be closed, shaken well and placed in a dark place for a day.
    • With this infusion, lubricate the affected area and wrap it with a warm cloth. The procedure should be carried out at night.

    Treatment of chronic radiculitis

    • Powdered bodyfish( part) mixed with olive oil( 25 parts), apply the mixture on the inflamed area, wrap and stand for 40 minutes;
    • Two-liter jar filled with ramson, compact, pour grass with medical alcohol and insist in a dark place for 30 days. After straining the tincture, place it in the refrigerator. Use the finished product as daily rubbing.

    Treatment of cervical sciatica

    • Freshly put the burdock leaf in cold water, place the inner side on the neck and fasten it;
    • Dry sage to grind to a powder and in an amount of 7 tbsp.place in 500 ml of boiling vegetable oil, then remove from heat. Stir the mixture, put it on a water bath for half an hour, then wrap it in for three hours. The strained mixture is applied to the neck area several times daily.

    Treatment of thoracic radiculitis

    • Green fresh leaves of horseradish or spring birch, sprinkle with boiled water, lay on the chest area with a thick layer, place thick paper or polyethylene on top and wrap it with a warm cloth.

    Treatment of lumbar sciatica

    • Put the patient on his stomach, lubricate the loin area with honey, put a layer of toilet paper on top.
    • Put the mustard in the water over the top of the paper, put the cellophane on top and wrap it with a woolen cloth.
    • The duration of the heat compress is 1-1.5 hours.

    Treatment of sacral radiculitis

    • Pour a couple of peppers of hot red pepper with ammonium alcohol( 300 ml) and place in a dark place for 14 days, regularly shaking.
    • With the mixture obtained, the area of ​​the sacrum should be triturated in a circular motion.

    Treatment of lumbosacral radiculitis

    • About one kg of pine young shoots boil 10 minutes in three liters of water, then insist 4 hours and strain. Ready-made broth should be added to bath water at a rate of 13 liters of water per liter.
    • After taking a bath( bath), the sore spot is smeared with fir oil.

    Treatment of radiculitis with exacerbation

    • Mix the mashed radish( glass) with the head of porridge, place the mixture on gauze and apply for 10 minutes to the inflamed foci;
    • Prepare a hot infusion of chamomile, St. John's wort, black elderberry, thyme, and then moisten the multilayered tissue in it and attach it to the diseased area.

    Treatment of radiculitis with

    • salt. Heat the salt in a pan, then pour it into a pouch and apply to a sore spot until it completely cools;
    • Two tablespoons of dry mustard and a bundle of salt is heated in 30 ml of water, after which add the powdered crackers until thick. Then, the diseased area should be lubricated with the mixture obtained, place polyethylene and a blanket on top. After cooling, the mixture is removed with the help of warm water.

    Treatment of radiculitis with garlic

    • Three big heads of garlic are boiled in a half liter of water and rubbed through a sieve.
    • The resulting gruel is spread on gauze, placed on the affected area with cellophane and a warm scarf.
    • Garlic compress can be applied in the daytime or at night.

    Treatment radiculitis radish

    • Apply to the sore spot impregnated with linen cloth, then put on it a grated black radish and cover the applique on top with cellophane;
    • In the middle of a fresh radish place honey, stand for three hours, after which the resulting mixture rub twice a day painful places, not forgetting to wrap.

    Treatment of radiculitis with bees

    Apitherapy is desirable for people who are not allergic to bee products and bee stings.

    • Treatment of this disease consists in forcing the bee to bite by forcibly applying it to the sore spots.
    • The bee, stinging, saturates the diseased area with bee venom, contributing to the reduction of inflammatory processes.

    Treatment of radiculitis with ointments

    • Of three to four st.l.badger fat and 300 gr.flour rye cook ointment, rub it with a sore area, leave it for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.
    • The procedure must be performed twice a day.
    We also advise you to familiarize yourself with the article. Treatment of fat wizards with folk remedies.

    Prevention and useful advice how to avoid exacerbations of sciatica ^

    As a first aid in acute attacks of sciatica is to ensure complete rest, a pain with anesthetizing ointments and taking analgesics. Further treatment should be performed after consultation with the attending physician.

    Additional therapeutic methods during the rehabilitation period will be therapeutic gymnastics, the exercises of which are developed individually for each department affected by radiculitis. Its main tasks include strengthening the muscular corset, improving blood circulation and stimulating the regeneration of nerve impulses.

    Preventive measures for this disease are as follows:

    • Restriction of excessive physical exertion;
    • Elimination of possible hypothermia and stress;
    • Regular thermal procedures( saunas, baths, warm baths);
    • Strengthening the body's defenses;
    • Providing comfortable conditions for sleep - a bed or sofa with moderate stiffness, orthopedic pillow;
    • Observance of correct posture.