  • Vitiligo: symptoms and treatment, photos, causes

    The term "vitiligo" refers to the disappearance of melanin, which stains their pigment from separate areas of the skin, as a result of which they become discolored, standing out against the background of healthy integuments with patches of milky white color.

    The peak of the manifestation of the symptoms of this skin pathology occurs at a young age.

    The exact cause of the disease is unknown, but there may be quite a few start-up factors;It is also possible to transfer the predisposition to vitiligo by inheritance.

    The causes of vitiligo

    Why this disease develops, is still unknown. Isolate only a few factors, the occurrence of which in humans can serve as a trigger for the appearance on the skin of depigmentation. They are as follows:

    • liver disease.
    • disorders of the pituitary, thyroid, sex glands( testicles or ovaries), adrenal glands.
    • strong stress.
    • autoimmune diseases.
    • hereditary predisposition.
    • presence in the body of worms, which cause a deficiency of copper in the human body.
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    • vegetative-vascular dystonia.
    • sunburn.
    • mechanical injuries of some skin areas with clothing, bandages, gypsum and so on.

    Symptoms of Vitiligo

    With the development of the first symptoms of vitiligo, no subjective sensations appear in patients. At some point a person notices that one or more white or ivory spots appear on the skin, which could initially have a pink tinge.

    In the initial stage they have such signs:

    • is localized on unchanged skin;
    • are at the same level as the healthy skin;
    • pigment as it were washed out to the periphery of the stain of vitiligo;
    • have a tendency to merge;
    • is characterized by the symmetry of the appearance of spots;
    • hair on the patch with vitiligo grows gray;
    • most frequent( but not "favorite") localization - brushes, face, neck, elbows, knees, large folds;
    • Vitiligo never develops on mucous membranes, soles and palms;
    • on the surface of vitiligo, there are neither scales, nor any other elements of the rash;
    • flow and salinity in places of vitiligo change in the direction of their deterioration;
    • vitiligo does not change color when the person is in the sun.
    The course of the disease is chronic. Only occasionally the spots spontaneously disappear, more often the opposite picture is noted - the appearance of new depigmented sites. They are either "added" to the old, or occur in places where the skin is most easily traumatized. In rare cases, large areas are depigmented.

    Vitiligo: photo the initial stage of

    To understand what vitiligo looks like, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the photos in the initial stage and not only.


    In order to make this diagnosis, you need to contact a dermatologist. He, on the basis of examination and some laboratory tests, will be able to diagnose a person with the presence of vitiligo.

    Typically depigmented sites are so characteristic that it seems that the diagnosis is fairly simple. Nevertheless, there are a number of similar pathologies: leprosy, syphilitic leukoderma, multi-colored lichen. Only qualified specialists can distinguish them from vitiligo.

    Treatment of vitiligo

    The disease is very difficult to treat. Complex therapy is designed, basically, only to stop the pathological process. Removing depigmented areas is a very difficult task.

    First you need to identify the cause of the disease and conduct its treatment. Usually it is a hidden or obvious pathology of the liver and / or gallbladder, bile ducts. Then the therapy will include such drugs as Essentiale, Gepabene, and Kholagum.

    If lamblias are detected in the gallbladder( usually antibodies are diagnosed for this purpose), sorbent therapy( "Atoxil", "Polysorb", "Smecta") and special antiparasitic drugs( Metronidazole, Ornidazole) is performed.

    In case of thyroid dysfunction, diagnosis is performed and appropriate treatment is prescribed( with increased function - "Mercazolil" or other drugs, with reduced - hormone replacement therapy).

    If it is found that the patient has irritable bowel syndrome or some other abnormality of the gastrointestinal tract, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

    1) PUVA-therapy .This irradiation of the skin with ultraviolet rays of spectrum A( ie, long wave), which was either pre-treated with special herbal preparations, or they were introduced into the systemic bloodstream. These drugs are called psoralens. They are isolated from the fruits of parsnip, large amni seeds, fig leaves, and they increase the sensitivity of the skin to this type of radiation. As a result, in some cells of the epidermis DNA synthesis is selectively suppressed, while the function of the cells themselves is not inhibited.

    This therapy has a good effect, but has a fairly extensive list of contraindications:

    • is an allergy to the constituents of psoralen substances;
    • disease, in which the sensitivity of the body to light increases: porphyria, lupus erythematosus;
    • pregnancy;
    • cardiovascular disease;
    • for children and the elderly;
    • melanoma.
    With care, PUVA-therapy is used in light-skinned people, those who work with ionizing radiation, patients with cataracts, renal insufficiency;at oppression of immunity of the patient.

    2) Reception of psoralens in combination with irradiation with helium-neon laser. At this stage, such treatment is a good alternative to PUVA therapy:

    • is more effective;
    • is easier to dose;
    • a shorter duration of treatment;
    • fewer contraindications;
    • of side effects is practically not fixed.
    3) Preparations of copper.

    4) Vitamin C.

    5) Vitamin therapy according to the scheme: alternation of injections of vitamin B1 and nicotinic acid, while the person takes vitamin A, ascorbic acid and riboflavin inside.

    6) Drugs that stimulate immunity: T-activin, tincture of Eleutherococcus, Immunal.

    7) Locally used folk remedies: tincture of parsnip fruit, juice from leaves and fig fruits, red pepper extract is rubbed into the foci of vitiligo.

    In some foreign countries, the popular method for treating vitiligo is surgical. In this case, the pre-treated PUVA areas of the donor skin are transplanted.

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