  • Sweating in children: photos, symptoms and treatment

    Children's skin is very delicate, it is especially susceptible to adverse effects of external factors, and the skin of babies for up to a year can not cope with profuse sweating. This is why children often have a fever.

    Sweating is a rash of red that can occur in different areas of the baby's skin, and sometimes it is accompanied by the appearance of whitish vesicles.

    If the time to take medical measures, the rash does not pose a serious threat to the child. But often, sweating causes itching, because of which the child can comb the affected areas, which will increase the risk of infection.

    Causes of sweating in children

    As already mentioned, sweating occurs in children as a result of adverse effects of external factors. These external factors include: wearing tight clothes, wearing synthetic clothes, using diapers, using poor hygiene products, etc.

    Very often, children's sweating arises when parents are dishonest about the child's hygiene, that is,do not bathe it if necessary, do not use special hygienic means, do not arrange air bathing to the child, so that his skin is saturated with air, and generally do not follow the skin condition of the baby.
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    In addition, the child's sweating can arise from too caring parents who overly wrap up the child and dress him not in the weather. The skin of the baby in this case can not cope with excessive heat, so sweat is released. The sebaceous glands are clogged and a sweating with characteristic vesicles appears.

    Sometimes the sweating occurs in full toddlers. Especially often in the fold area, on the folds of hands, feet or neck. In addition, a rash can occur when the child is sick and his condition is accompanied by fever. High body temperature increases sweating, which leads to the appearance of a rash.

    Thus, it is possible to single out the prerequisites for the occurrence of sweating in children, that is, risk factors:

    • wearing close clothing from synthetic fabrics;
    • use of diapers;
    • disease;
    • temperature mode;
    • excess weight of the child.
    Read also how to treat diathesis in children.

    Symptoms of sweating in children

    In children, the symptoms of sweating vary depending on its type. Thus, the chalk:

    • is crystallized;
    • red;
    • deep.
    Crystalline sweating in children is distinguished by the appearance on the skin of a child of small, diameter of only 1-2 millimeters, bubbles filled with a clear liquid. They are prone to bonding, which can lead to quite large bubbles. Usually such a sweating does not bring the child unpleasant sensations and quickly passes.

    Red sweets are characterized by the appearance of nodules or vesicles, the bases of which become inflamed, which gives the rash a red color. The rash is often homogeneous and not prone to fusion, but, unfortunately, often accompanied by itching and unpleasant sensations, which can worsen the child's well-being.

    Deep sweating usually occurs in places where a red sweating has previously appeared. It is characterized by the formation of flesh-colored vesicles with a red base. Such inflammation can have the form of a spot. A deep sweating usually arises abruptly, but also disappears sharply. Sometimes it does not even require treatment.

    The localization of the rash can be any, depending on the place affected by the damaging factor. Thus, it is possible to allocate such places of occurrence of sweating in children, such as: neck, face, natural folds, buttocks, inguinal region, back, inner surface of hands and feet.

    Sweating can appear immediately on several areas of the skin, which in most cases indicates a non-observance of a comfortable temperature for the child in the room.

    Look also, as it looks like a hot potato in adults.

    Treatment of sweating in children

    In most cases, sweating in children does not require specific treatment. To get rid of the rash as soon as possible at home, you must follow simple rules.

    1. 1) First, it is necessary to understand the cause of the perspiration and eliminate the negative impact. For example, to put the child in clothes exclusively from natural fabrics or to use diapers of other brand.
    2. 2) Secondly, it is necessary to adjust the temperature of the air in the room so that the child does not sweat. This also implies frequent airing, since fresh air helps to heal the rash.
    3. 3) Thirdly, for the treatment of sweating, moderate use of zinc ointment, talc or special cream is possible. These products will dry the skin, which is especially necessary in the case of all types of sweating.
    4. 4) Fourthly, they are very good at bathing sweating with the addition of decoction of chamomile, turn and other herbs into the water, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it is possible to add manganese to the water, but in small volumes, since the manganese solution has an annoying effect. You can not make baths with a solution of potassium permanganate often, the frequency will be optimal every other day until the rash disappears or decreases.
    5. 5) Fifth, it is necessary to arrange baby baths, which have a beneficial effect on the regenerative processes of the skin.
    All of the above measures will help to cope with such a frequent problem of children, like sweating.

    But it is worth noting that if the rash lasts longer than three days, with ulcers appearing on the skin and the child's condition worsening, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    In addition, the chalk can be confused with manifestations of serious diseases, for example:

    • food allergy;
    • hives;
    • with chicken pox;
    • exudative diathesis;
    • rubella;
    • measles.
    Therefore, to confirm or establish the correct diagnosis, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

    Doctor Komarovsky: a child's sweating

    A well-known pediatrician Komarovsky will tell in detail how to treat this problem in a child, depending on age.


    A perspiration always occurs for certain reasons. To avoid the appearance of sweating in children, you should perform actions that will reduce the likelihood of rash.

    Therefore, the following preventive measures should be adhered to:

    1. 1) Children should buy clothes in size and natural materials. Do not forget about the quality of bed linen, which should be pleasant to the touch and made of natural materials.
    2. 2) Diapers should "breathe" and consist of soft materials.
    3. 3) Do not overdo the child in warm clothes. This can cause severe sweating.
    4. 4) It is necessary to control the temperature in the room and to ventilate the rooms more often.
    5. 5) It is necessary to adhere to the general rules of child hygiene, which involves frequent diaper changes, daily bathing and wearing clean clothes.
    6. 6) It is better to choose water based cosmetics that do not "overload" the baby's skin and do not clog pores.
    The above measures will provide comfortable conditions for the child, which will avoid such a frequent problem of all babies, like sweating.

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