  • Plantar wart: causes and treatment of warts on the foot

    Plantar warts( or spines) arise from the penetration of the plantar papilloma virus under the foot of the foot.

    The source of infection are baths, common showers, pools, dirty sand on the beaches.

    The wart on the sole( spike) has a corneous form of a wart horny with papillate growths dislocating under horny masses.

    The papilloma virus settles under the skin of the feet and ripens up to six months. The papillomavirus penetrates through cracks, wounds in the sole. With a decrease in immunity, it immediately manifests itself in the form of a wart.

    People who are sloppy at the age of 20-30, old people and children suffer most from plantar warts.

    Causes of plantar warts

    The main causes of plantar warts are the following factors that can occur in each person:

    • active stage of the papilloma virus with reduced immunity;
    • excessive sweating of the feet;
    • tight and uncomfortable shoes;
    • poor skin care stop.
    Warts on the foot are formed in places of constant pressure, friction and stress: on the heels and pads of the bones of the metatarsals, therefore they are characterized by:
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    • discomfort and sensation of persistent baking pain;
    • overgrowth and protrusion over the rest of the skin of the foot;
    • self-infection and reproduction.
    Sensations of baking pain cause a person to change their gait, wear loose shoes, which leads to deformation of the foot and the appearance of watery and dry calluses( see how to treat dry calluses), which also hurts, rubs and becomes infected.

    A spike can infect others, lending slippers to guests. A plantar wart can be infected by walking barefooted foot in the room where a patient with a papillomovirus is living.

    Plantar warts can grow from a couple of millimeters to the size of a chicken egg. With reduced immunity, chronic and colds, mental trauma, daughter rashes from a large maternal spike actively grow.

    Permanent mechanical injuries( mismanagement of warts, long standing on the legs), use of artificial detergents( soaps) contribute to the regeneration of the mother spine in a malignant tumor.

    See also what to do if there is a wart on the face or a wart on your hands.

    Treatment of plantar warts

    Early stages of plantar wart development already provide a basis for contacting a dermatologist. Do not wait for the growth of the maternal wart and its reproduction, since the formation on the sole may not be a heath, but a tumor. The diagnosis is clarified by examining the tissue of the wart and determining the nature of the cells. A malignant tumor can be confirmed or disproved by histological examination.

    Wet environment with excessive sweating of the feet promotes instantaneous reproduction of warts. In the process involved areas of healthy skin, so you need to take measures to eliminate excessive sweating.

    For the treatment of plantar warts apply:

    • surgical operation;
    • laser, electric current, nitrogen;
    • ointments and folk remedies.
    First of all, remove the mother - the largest wart. The others disappear on their own or delete them without surgery.

    See also how to get rid of warts at home.

    A small sized spike can not cause cosmetic discomfort, so surgeons recommend not to injure the sole: remove or burn the plantar wart, as it is removed with a scalpel, leaving significant scars. There is no certainty that the papilloma virus has been completely removed from the skin, and the wart does not begin to grow again.

    The wart body is not only corneal, but also a large number of papillary growths, surrounded by horny cells. The difficulty of removal consists in the presence of a funnel at the center of its mass. When removing its central part, the papillary surface is exposed. Soon several more callous warts can form.

    Electrocoagulation (high frequency currents) completely remove the deep wart difficult, but you can burn a small log with the surrounding tissue. The wart is removed bloodlessly, while the wound is disinfected and access to healthy tissue is blocked.

    When treating with low temperatures - cryotherapy ( exposure to liquid nitrogen on the wart) apply a course of procedures for the gradual withering of the wart. This procedure is recommended for children, because it does not leave scarring and does not cause painful sensations.

    Ointments relieve warts on the soles for a longer time - 30-45 days. Ointment should contain salicylic acid, the effect of which aggravates the life of the wart, so it disappears.

    It is good to remove the stinker Imiquinod, because it stimulates the immune system and treats infectious diseases of the skin, that is, it destroys the papillomavirus. However, the drug should be treated with care due to side effects: general and local.

    In the presence of diabetes it is important to choose the right treatment and not to infect the wound or scar that formed after treatment. With aggressive methods of treatment with drugs, you can cause allergic dermatitis, so you have to treat two diseases.

    Treatment of plantar warts at home

    Dermatologists recommend the use of effective folk remedies for the treatment of small plantar warts and preventing their proliferation.

    The following methods can be used without any problems at home:

    1. 1) Pharmacy preparation "Super Purity", cauterizing the wart according to the instructions. It should blacken and fall off on its own.
    2. 2) Pharmacy Werucacid for lubricating the spike, pre-lubricating the skin around it with baby cream.
    3. 3) Juice celandine: squeeze the juice into a small bottle for 3/4 of the volume and close the cork. Allow to stand for 7-8 days, releasing every day from the bottle of gas. After fermentation with this juice, you can burn any warts, even in the face area. Juice celandine can suppress the growth of cells damaged by the virus.
    4. 4) Rubbing the cement. The wart will fall off if you steam your feet every day, wipe dry and wipe cement warts. In the dried layer rub the cement 2-3 times more.
    5. 5) Compresses made from bitter wormwood - from flat warts on the sole. Grinded grass( 3 tablespoons) is steamed with boiling water( 1 tbsp.) And allowed to steep for 2 hours under the lid. Can be applied together with grass.
    6. 6) Lotion of mushrooms of ashberry or western thuia leaves every other day, leaves of Kalanchoe.
    7. 7) Compresses from a mess with crushed garlic( 1: 1), after wiping the wart with a sour apple - on the first day. On the second - rub in a wart powder from a chalk. Within 2 weeks, the procedure should be alternated.


    Prevention is reduced to the hygiene of feet: the use of trays with the addition of sea salt, essential oils: tea tree, thai, onion, lemon to eliminate excessive sweating and suppression of papillomovirus.

    It is useful to lubricate the sole with onion juice, dandelion and wormwood, celandine and lenton-like( lodging) sow. It is recommended to lubricate the soleplate with vaseline, rub it thoroughly and then wipe the foot dry.

    Between the fingers - sprinkle talcum powder and sprinkle a little powder in a stocking or sock to get rid of increased sweating of the foot and keeping the stocking.

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