
Shortened working day for pregnant women: rules for its execution and legal video tips

  • Shortened working day for pregnant women: rules for its execution and legal video tips

    Does a pregnant woman have the right to a shorter working day? What documents are needed to ensure that such a working day is given to her? Similar questions worry many pregnant women. The answers to them can be found in the Labor Legislation of Russia.

    Part-time or working week

    A pregnant woman is sometimes difficult to work full-time, so she can make a request and it is required for her to establish a part-time or work week( Article 93 of the LC RF).

    Part-time work - you reduce daily working time, leaving the number of working days in the week the same.

    Part-time work week - you reduce the number of working days in a week, leaving the same working day.

    A reduced working day for pregnant women is the norm of the Labor Code, and if it is hard for you to work full time, you can safely ask for a reduction.

    What you need to do

    If you want to use your right for a shorter working day for the period of pregnancy, then:

    - write an application addressed to the employer. It is better to write at once in two copies and keep one with a note of delivery;

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    - specify the period for which you want to set a shorter working time;

    - specify what you want to reduce: a working day or a working week, and how much.

    In case of an employer's refusal, do not cut your work day on your own, it can be considered as a violation of labor discipline. Solve disputes through the court.

    Please note that you will receive the salary according to the hours worked, that is, your salary will decrease. However, the duration of leave, the calculation of seniority is not affected.

    In addition to the right to a reduced working day, remember that for work overtime, at night, on holidays and weekends, a pregnant woman can not be attracted.

    If you need to undergo a health check-up, you must warn your employer in writing about this in advance so that your absence is not regarded as absenteeism.

    Video materials on

    article Advocate's advice:

    Rights of pregnant women:

    Labor relations between pregnant woman and employer:

    Answering lawyer: