  • A bag, let me in!

    ( GAME OPTION NV Koroleva)

    Features of the game and its educational value. This game is aimed at expanding and clarifying the active vocabulary of children and the exercise in correctly pronouncing sounds that many kids still badly pronounce. In addition, in the game, children learn to listen carefully to their peers' responses and boldly, loudly and clearly pronounce the words at all. They are also trained to come to the aid of each other in cases of difficulties and observe the rules of communication.

    Each child in turn solves the problem individually, independently focusing on several requirements. This expands the scope of attention and helps to prepare the child for training. At the same time, this game contains the task that the baby decides in front of everyone. The solution of this task acquires a special significance for the child - it is important for him to receive peer recognition. This recognition helps to overcome!uncertainty, shyness, and in some cases, passivity. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this for the upbringing of the child's personality.

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    Play stuff. A variety of miniature toys depicting household items, vehicles and animals. It can be toy dishes: a teapot, a cup, a glass, a saucer, a plate, a tray, a bowl, a saucepan, a frying pan, a ladle, a fork, a knife, a mug. You can use some items of the doll wardrobe: a coat, a dress, an apron, panties, a shirt, a jacket, a blouse, a skirt, a sarafan, and trousers. From the toy transport you can take a truck, a boat, a car, a boat, a car.

    When selecting toys, you need to take into account the sound characteristics of the name, so that children can practice in the correct soundproofing of difficult words for them.

    There should be as many toys as there are children in the group, preferably with a small margin. This will make it possible to recall those pupils who most need such exercises, as well as those who could not cope without the help and was disappointed by their failure.

    For the game you need a beautiful, spacious bag of opaque cloth, assembled on top of a tight elastic band. It is also desirable to have a new toy for children, such as a bunny, a bear, parsley, etc.

    All this material should be stored in a special box with toy compartments and a bag.

    Description of the game and its techniques. The game involved all the children of the group. While they are sitting down, the teacher puts a big table close to them and invites everyone to play a new game. He puts a box of game material on the table, opens it and takes out one after another the toys, shows them to the children and puts them on the table in rows.(Toys are some distance apart.) Taking out a bag from the box, the caretaker suddenly finds a toy bunny underneath."And how did you get here?" - he jokingly turns to the toy.

    The scene is played out, as if the bunny realizes that he really wanted to visit the kids, and when the tutor left the room, he jumped into the box and hid under the sack. He very much asks to forgive him and take in the general game."Well, shall we take the bunny into the game?" - the teacher addresses the children.

    Causing a playful scene of lively interest and sympathy for the bunny, the tutor places him beside himself on the edge of the table and asks to sit quietly and watch so that no one interferes with playing. The teacher takes a bag in his hands and introduces children and a rabbit with his device and the rules of the game: "Look, what a beautiful bag. Like? He also came to play with you. He knows how to open and let in a toy, like this. "The adult shows how the elastic band gathered on it stretches and how the bag passes the toy. Then he beckons the child and suggests that he take a toy from the table, which lies from the very edge, in the first row.

    "Tell me, what did you get? The educator asks.- What it is? What do you think, what is it for( together with the rest of the children helps him to clarify the purpose of the subject).And now go to the bag, say: "Bag, bag, please let it in!" - and name what you have in your hands. "

    If the child correctly names the subject, the bag in the hands of the tutor stretches the elastic, and the bunny nods approvingly and praises the kid: "Well done! Correctly named and well said. "If the child makes a mistake in the name of the toy or pronounces the words vaguely, too quietly, the bag shrinks and does not let the toy in, and the teacher suggests that the child repeat the words or correct his mistake and name the subject correctly, loudly and distinctly. If this does not work for him, the teacher asks the rest of the participants who want to help him, and now two children together say the right words, expressing the intonation of asking for a toy. The bag opens and lets it in.

    In cases where children do not know what the subject is called, a bunny can help them. The educator instructs him to show by paw, who is well prepared and who can be called to choose a toy. The child leaves. The adult offers him to stand face to the other participants of the game, so that everyone can see which toy he is taking and letting her bag in. Managing the bag, the teacher evaluates the child's actions on behalf of the bunny and sends it to the place. Another child is invited, and everything repeats.

    Calling the children in turn, the caretaker tries all the time to maintain a close relationship with the rest of the game participants. He asks them to assess the correctness of what has been said and to help those who find it difficult or timid to not act and speak independently.

    Gradually the table is freed from toys, and each child solves the proposed teaching task and receives approval from peers, tutor and bunny.

    Rules of the game.

    1. To take from the table you need only that toy that lies on the edge of the table and is the first in a row.

    2. Calls the toy only, the one who took it, ie, whom the tutor called.

    3. You can not interfere with the called child and suggest the name of the toy. Those who do not comply with this rule, the teacher and the bunny will not call for a long time to the bag.

    Tips for the educator. At the beginning of the game, call self-confident and courageous children who can give an illustrative example to the rest. But in the future it is necessary to invite all participants of the game in turn, and timid and passive, especially those who failed, must be called again.

    When naming a toy, pay special attention not only to the correct pronunciation of words and clarification of the names of objects, but also to the intonation of the request, when the children turn to the bag. This will help to eliminate the lack of speech that is observed in many children - its monotony and inexpressiveness.

    Using as a game character a figurative toy( bunny) will help to activate the imagination of children, serve as an emotional discharge.

    Do not forget during the game to encourage children for organized behavior, willingness to help each other and the proper naming of toys.