Guess it!
Features of the game and its educational value. The game is aimed at developing holistic views of children about surrounding objects. In the previously described games, children learned to selectively outline the distinctive features of objects( color, shape, size), and then their purpose and practical actions with them. By accustoming to distinguish objects by their qualities and denote these signs by word, children acquired the experience that is necessary for creating a holistic image of the object. However, they have not yet learned to build a holistic, conscious view of the object, synthesizing and generalizing their still fragmented experience. Meanwhile, the ability to build a holistic view of an object, as a collection of not only external features, but also a more significant feature-purpose, is a necessary condition for the development of the child's thinking, a condition for a more complete and distinct reflection of the surrounding world in his consciousness. This game is aimed at forming such representations.
The child's activity, his attitude towards the solution of the proposed task are provided by two important conditions. First, the learning task is a riddle in which there is an element of surprise, surprise, which always attracts children. Secondly, the mental efforts that accompany the solving of the puzzle, in cases of success, bring the child the recognition of the other participants in the game. This gives him satisfaction.
In addition, the game material itself( colorful subject pictures) attracts children, causes a desire to play with it. If the problem is solved correctly, the picture is given to the child as a prize and serves as a proof of his personal achievements.
The game is played with the whole group. Participation in it requires organization, observance of rules that are mandatory for all, which is of no small importance for the formation of strong-willed qualities of the child's personality.
Game material. Subject pictures depicting objects familiar to children - both living and non-living. It can be vegetables( cucumber, tomato, radish, etc.), fruits( apple, lemon, cherry), toys( dolls, balls), animals( goat, horse, cow, pig, dog, crow), household itemsglass, kettle, clock, bed), etc.
The pictures are selected in accordance with the living conditions of children and depend on the objects with which the kids meet every day. For the game should be selected ten - twelve pictures from the available stock.
Description of the game and the techniques of its conduct. The educator offers children to play a new, very interesting game. He shows them a box of pictures and asks to sit on their chairs more comfortable. The teacher informs the pupils that in the box are collected as familiar to them pictures, and unfamiliar. He puts the pictures on the table in rows, looking down. Then he calls some of the children and appoints him as his assistant - he will help to make guesses.
The assistant takes any picture, shows it only to the educator and together with it tells about it, listing the characteristic features of the depicted object( color, shape, size) and revealing its purpose( possible actions with the object).The name of the subject itself is not given. For example: this object is yellow, round, sour, it is cut and put in tea;this object is round, red, small, children play it. The riddle is addressed to all participants of the game, and they must name the described object. After the essential signs of the subject are named, the teacher and his assistant say the following text, which acts as a signal: "Whoever guessed the riddle and called the picture, he will take it for himself."
The child who was the first( after the text) to guess the puzzle gets the picture;if two kids guessed at the same time, both get the picture.
Calling each time a new assistant, the teacher tells him on the ear various signs of the subject. The kid makes a guess, and the rest of the children guess it. The winners receive pictures with images of the unraveled objects.
Rules of the game.
1. The assistant is chosen by the teacher. He is allowed to take any picture of lying on the table, but it is forbidden to show it to children. The assistant shows the picture only to the tutor.
2. We need to carefully listen to the riddle all the way to the end and do not rush to talk the clue. The answer is given only after the poetic text. Whoever violates this rule will not get a picture, even if he managed to solve the riddle.
3. The one who in time will call the clue, gets the picture. If there are two of these children, they both get a picture.
Tips for the educator. In this game, the selection of pictures for guessing is very important. They should be interesting enough for children and accessible in content. The signs of the objects depicted must be amenable to a verbal description. The designation of certain features can also be carried out with the use of onomatopoeia and movement, in particular, this refers to images of living objects. This will bring into play a variety and will serve as an emotional discharge.
Special attention should be paid to contacts with the child-helper. At the beginning of the game, it is recommended to select more active and intelligent children for this role. First, it is necessary that the assistant accurately repeat behind the educator the words denoting the signs of the object. Repeating these words, the child himself begins to realize their meaning. Guess the riddle slowly, each time telling the assistant one of the attributes of the subject, making small pauses. Begin with external distinctive features - shape, size, color. The last name is the purpose( that is, what this item needs people for).As children learn with the game, involve them in a more active compilation of the puzzle, that is, in the independent isolation of the features of the object and their verbal designation.
Special attention should be paid to observing the rules of the game that require strong-willed efforts to keep from premature response. Many kids try to guess a riddle, not having listened to it to the end, having heard only the first signs of an object. For them, a new rule is unusual - to solve the clue only after the text has ended, even if it has already managed to guess the riddle before everyone else. Observance of the rules requires conscious voluntary efforts and develops the capacity for such efforts. Since the role of the assistant is the most attractive, give it only to those children who try to comply with this rule.
In order not to bore the kids, it's important to finish the game in time. Therefore, when first conducting it, make no more than five or seven riddles. When the game is repeated, the contents of the pictures( and, accordingly, the puzzles) should change, but not completely, but only partially, since not all the children have learned it.
Pictures for the game can be selected from various board games( different types of lotto).