
Can pregnant women treat their teeth and use pain medication

  • Can pregnant women treat their teeth and use pain medication

    Everyone in his life even once turned to dentists for help in dental treatment. One lucky less and have to visit a doctor from childhood, others more, their first visits begin with a mature age. Is it possible for pregnant women to treat their teeth? Sometimes it happens that a woman just does not have time to cure her teeth before pregnancy or just does not think about it.

    During pregnancy, there is a risk of infection through the affected surface of the tooth. The ideal option is when the woman cures the oral cavity while planning.

    Can I treat my teeth with anesthesia during pregnancy? After all, most are afraid of pain and try to get rid of it in every way. Do not forget that during pregnancy the woman also answers for the life of her future baby, and anesthesia, whatever it is, has a negative impact on the mother and her baby.

    In the centers of antenatal care there are dental offices where a woman is checked for caries and undertakes all sorts of actions in order to eliminate it.

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    Is it possible to put crowns on pregnant women? Naturally, pregnancy is not the best time to insert dental implants, as this process is accompanied by pain that not everyone can withstand. Therefore, it is better to do this before pregnancy or after the end of feeding.

    Dental treatment during pregnancy should be taken as an emergency measure, that is, if you have tooth decay, then it is necessary to cure it, and it is better to do it without anesthesia.

    In the case of a flux during pregnancy, the dentist may use pain medication "for pregnant women", but they require carefully selected doses, so do not go to work at home, but rather go to dentistry. Since you during anesthesia are undesirable during pregnancy, the doctor will prescribe a rinse with herbs.

    When should I go to the dentist?

    When is it worth talking to a doctor? Most often, expectant mothers have tooth decay and gum disease. Caries at an early stage is determined even by eye( carefully look through the usual mirror your teeth).Black small holes and specks - this is the caries.

    If the tooth began to respond to sour, sweet, cold, hot - this also indicates the presence of tooth decay and is a reason to call a doctor.

    If you have started to gum up - also it will not hurt to go to dentistry and purchase special therapeutic and preventive toothpastes. By the way, gums can be grafted because of a lack of ascorbic acid( vitamin C).

    Let's draw a conclusion: dental treatment should be performed long before pregnancy, and for 9 months, dentistry should be used only in emergency situations.

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