  • Treatment of arthrosis folk remedies

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    Read the article:
    • Causes and symptoms of arthrosis of joints
    • Effective treatment of arthrosis at home: folk recipes
    • Prevention and useful tips on how to relieve arthrosis joint pain

    Treatment of arthrosis at home: prescriptions.

    The treatment of arthrosis should be approached in a comprehensive way, combining medicamentous therapy with folk medicine.

    Only a timely and comprehensive impact on the affected joints will prevent the progression of the disease from starting, preventing possible surgical intervention.

    Causes and Symptoms of Joint Arthrosis ^

    Arthrosis of the joints, or osteoarthritis is a disease that damages the joint and slowly destroys the cartilage inside it.

    The reasons for this rather painful process are:

    • Disrupted metabolism;
    • Injuries;
    • Excessive or unnormal load exerted on the joints;
    • Elderly age;
    • Heredity.

    The most common types of arthrosis:

    • Coxarthrosis, or arthrosis of the hip joint;
    • Gonarthrosis - arthrosis of the knee joint;
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    • Deforming arthrosis;
    • Rheumatoid arthrosis;
    • Osteoarthritis of proximal or distal interphalangeal joints;
    • Spondylosis - arthrosis of the vertebral column;
    • Polyarthrosis - covering several joints.

    Regardless of the type, arthrosis is characterized by the following symptoms:

    • Pain occurring in the affected joint during movement;
    • Crunch;
    • Reduction of joint mobility and its deformation, i.e.growth of bony outgrowths and a change in its appearance.

    Folk treatment of arthrosis offers affordable and diverse methods - the imposition on the affected area of ​​compresses or applications, rubbing, wrapping, baths, massages or the use of a certain amount of alcohol tinctures.

    Using such simple folk remedies for the treatment of arthrosis, like honey, propolis, decoctions, alcohol tinctures, various herbs, plants, vegetables and oils, it is possible to successfully stop further destruction inside the joints. However, home treatment of arthrosis must necessarily be accompanied by dietary nutrition, limiting salt, sweet, flour, fatty and spicy dishes.

    Effective treatment of arthrosis in the home: folk recipes ^

    Treatment of arthrosis folk remedies: recipes.

    To ensure that the treatment of arthrosis with home remedies was the most effective, it is recommended to combine it with physiotherapeutic and therapeutic methods. Treatment of arthrosis at home is an additional therapy aimed at reducing pain, inflammation and improving metabolic processes.

    Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint( gonarthrosis)

    Healing night compress:

    • Grind white chalk( school) and pour it with kefir;
    • Apply the mixture on a knee, cover with a plastic wrap and cover with a cloth on top.

    Gelatin infusion:

    • Gelatin( tsp) pour warm water( 100 ml) and leave overnight;
    • In the morning add 150 ml of hot water with a spoonful of honey to the swollen gelatin, stir and use on an empty stomach.

    Treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint( coxarthrosis)

    Garlic tincture:

    • Mix the garlic juice( 1) with olive oil( 10) and take it with ch.l.before breakfast;


    • Take in equal parts iodine, glycerin, medical alcohol, fresh honey, mix well and insist for 3 hours;
    • Ready ointment to rub in a sore spot from top to bottom.

    Treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint

    • 3 g. Mummy soften in a spoonful of hot water and mix with 80 gr.honey. Ready ointment should be rubbed into the shoulder region at night;
    • In a thermos to fall asleep on 2 items of l.flowers of calendula, nettle, birch leaves and pour steep boiling water overnight. Infusion take a month for 0.5 cup four times daily.

    Treatment of arthrosis of the elbow joint

    Birch Ointment:

    • Birch buds and butter in the same parts are laid in layers in a jar;
    • Bank tightly closed and placed in the oven for half an hour;
    • The mixture is then cooled, wrung out and combined with camphor alcohol;
    • The elbow joint is rubbed with ointment and warmed with a cloth.

    Treatment of arthrosis of the ankle

    • Before going to sleep fresh cabbage juice is wetted with a woolen cloth, applied to the inflamed area and fixed with bandage;
    • Mix 0.5 liters of vodka, tsp.salt, st.l.honey and 250 ml of radish juice. The resulting mass should be placed in a dark cool place for 15 days. Infusion is used as a grinder twice a day( morning, evening).

    Treatment of arthrosis of foot

    • Leaves of burdock, smeared with honey, attach to the foot and fasten. Top with woolen socks and leave for the night.
    • Mix three tablespoons.mint with Ledum and pour 5 tbsp.boiling water for 4 hours. Use the decoction as a twenty minute hot foot bath before compresses or fritters.

    Treatment of arthrosis of fingers and hands

    • Squeeze out fresh fern leaves three tablespoons.juice and mix with 2-3 gr.melted propolis. This mixture is rubbed soft massage movements into the hands and fingers;
    • As a fifteen-minute hot bath for hands, infusion of hay dries is used: the trash is poured with boiling water and is infused for about an hour.

    Treatment of arthrosis of the spine

    • Necessary amount of propolis to melt in a water bath and mix with olive oil. The mixture is cooled and rubbed overnight into the area of ​​the diseased vertebrae. As a daily grind, you can use fir oil;
    • Mix the root of burdock, nettle, heather, ledum and leaves of cranberries and brew with boiling water. The resulting infusion in any amount should be added to the bath water.
    We also recommend that you read the article Arthritis treatment with folk remedies.

    Prevention and helpful advice on how to relieve joint pain with arthrosis ^

    When severe and acute pains occur in the affected areas, traditional medicine provides assistance in the form of physiotherapy, magnetotherapy, acupuncture or the administration of anti-inflammatory drugs with analgesics. However, the spectrum of health-improving techniques consists not only of medical treatment and folk remedies, but also includes a special diet with therapeutic physical training.

    Dietary nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of osteoarthritis. There are no strict restrictions on the diet for arthrosis, but it requires following the rules of nutrition:

    • It is necessary to exclude from the diet of smoked meat, fatty meat, spicy foods, alcoholic beverages and canned food;
    • Minimize the consumption of salt, spices, sweet products;
    • Introduce in the menu fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy products, lean meat, cereals and products;
    • Daily bring the amount of liquid drunk to 2 liters.

    Therapeutic physical training is necessarily chosen by the attending physician depending on the stage and type of the disease. These can be simple gymnastic exercises, swimming or the use of certain sports equipment.

    Prevention of arthrosis:

    • Exclude excessive or prolonged physical exertion on the joints;
    • Adhere to proper nutrition;
    • Avoid excessive weight gain;
    • Try to move more - walking, morning gymnastics or playing sports;
    • Avoid possible traumatic situations.