  • Treatment of snoring at home

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    Read in the article:
    • What is the snoring: the causes and mechanism of occurrence of
    • Treatment of snoring at home: folk recipes
    • Prevention and useful tips on how to deal with snoring

    People's treatment of snoring: tips and recipes

    Every person at least once in his life came acrosswith such a phenomenon as snoring. In addition to the fact that this process has a very negative impact on heart health, it can also cause conflict in the family.

    Rare snoring happens to almost every person. This may be due to uncomfortable position of the neck, nasal congestion or other problems.

    Constant and loud snoring indicates excessive relaxation of the muscles of the tongue, pharynx, palate. Such relaxation leads to their strong vibration during breathing.

    What is snoring: the causes and mechanism of occurrence ^

    Snoring is the guttural and nasal enough loud sounds that arise during sleep. Such noisy breathing is more characteristic of men. Scientists explain this by the features of the structure of the sky. Also, snoring is characteristic of certain diseases, with a sedentary lifestyle, a special anatomy or age-related changes.

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    Snoring delivers an inconvenience to others, especially when the snoring is in the cabin of an airplane or other public place. But extremely unpleasant sounds are not the only drawback of snoring.

    The fact is that a snoring person in a dream often stops breathing. If snoring happens rarely, then there is no danger. But, if a person constantly experiences breathing problems, oxygen starvation begins. And after him other health problems are stretching: cardiac arrhythmia, hypertension, chronic obesity, impotence.

    The snoring person has a much higher risk of dying in sleep than those who sleep quietly. Frequent snoring does not allow a person to fully rest, sleep, mostly, superficial, anxious. That's why you can not treat snoring as just an unpleasant phenomenon. Timely treatment is necessary.

    Snoring in children

    Nasal congestion or other diseases can give sustained snoring in children. If the child is outwardly healthy, and nocturnal noisy breathing remains, you should consult an otolaryngologist.

    Usually the cause of children's snoring are polyps, adenoids, curvature of the nasal septum. Any treatment for snoring in children should be under the supervision of a doctor.

    Snoring and Pregnancy

    Quite often, pregnant women who have never faced such a problem before, suddenly find out that they are snoring. Many are afraid that this unpleasant phenomenon will remain with them forever. But do not worry.

    Pregnancy imposes its imprint on the future mother's body. Deterioration of blood circulation, a general decrease in tone and weight gain often lead to this process. After giving birth, the body will return to normal and snoring will disappear.

    Treatment of snoring during pregnancy is carried out only in exceptional cases, when breathing is excessively difficult and a woman can not fully rest. In other cases, it is better to just try to sleep in a comfortable position, to ventilate the room before going to bed, to avoid colds.

    Treatment of snoring at home: folk recipes ^

    Treatment of snoring folk remedies: home recipes

    Snoring is not a sentence at all and it can be cured or at least reduced by folk remedies.

    Treatment of snoring with fasting

    This is not about prolonged hunger, but in fact about the unloading day.

    • Once a week you need to give up any food.
    • Drink only clean water.

    This unloading of the body helps to remove mucus from the nasopharynx, frontal and maxillary sinuses. Which, in turn, will help to facilitate breathing.

    Treatment of snoring cabbage

    This recipe will need one glass of cabbage juice. To the juice is added a teaspoon of honey. Stir well and drink before bedtime. For a good effect, you should drink this drink every evening for a month.

    Treatment of snoring carrots

    Very simple and effective way.

    • Before going to bed, you must eat one carrot, baked in the oven.
    • You can make a puree from it with the addition of vegetable oil.

    Treatment of snoring with sea salt

    It is useful to wash the nose with saline solution before going to bed.

    • To a glass of warm clean water, add a teaspoon of sea salt, stir and rinse the nose thoroughly. This is a very effective method with nasal congestion.

    Treatment of snoring with distilled water

    The essence of the method is to simply drink distilled water. Such water is an ideal solvent. She "binds" to herself the mucus and removes it from the nasopharynx.

    • It is recommended to drink purified water for a month, combining with weekly fasting.

    Treatment of snoring with sea buckthorn oil

    Sea buckthorn oil helps to cope with shortness of nasal breathing.

    • It is simple enough to drip one drop into each nostril before going to bed. True, the effect does not come immediately, but only after 2-3 weeks.

    Treatment of snoring with herbs

    Mint, thyme, eucalyptus is good with snoring. But to use these herbs in pure form is not recommended. It is much more effective to use essential oils of these plants.

    • Place a piece of cotton wool next to the pillow with a pair of mint drops, thyme or eucalyptus, this will help to facilitate breathing in the dream.

    Treatment of snoring with special exercises

    Exercises to eliminate snoring are done very easily and simply.

    • It is enough to strain the lower jaw and with effort to pronounce the long letter "AND".Repetition of this exercise several times a day for at least one month guarantees a significant reduction in snoring.
    • It's also quite effective simply to "clink" the language. Internal muscles come into tonus during exercise, strengthened and do not "sag" during sleep.
    We also advise you to read the article Unpleasant odor of urine: causes, treatment with folk remedies.

    Prevention and useful advice on how to deal with snoring ^

    Snoring can signal problems that occur in the body. Timely removal of these problems allows you to get rid of snoring almost forever. The main preventive measures include:

    • Refusal from bad habits. A lot has been said about the dangers of smoking and alcohol. One can only add that metabolic disorders caused by bad habits lead to prolonged and severe snoring.
    • Overweight is one of the main causes of snoring. Almost 100% of obese people suffer from this disease. Watch your weight, this is an excellent prevention of snoring.
    • Colds and malnutrition are making their "mite" into an unpleasant and dangerous process. Any "colds", viral infections should be treated in a timely manner.
    • Zakalivanie will help to improve the body, protect against any respiratory diseases.
    • You should also pay attention to your diet. Food should be full, varied and maximally useful.